blob: 0ab022222089cd0b94a2fb52ee863254d9f9d90e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/method_type.h"
#include "pw_rpc/raw/server_reader_writer.h"
#include "pw_rpc/service.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::rpc::internal {
// A RawMethod is a method invoker which does not perform any automatic protobuf
// serialization or deserialization. The implementer is given the raw binary
// payload of incoming requests, and is responsible for encoding responses to a
// provided buffer. This is intended for use in methods which would have large
// protobuf data structure overhead to lower stack usage, or in methods packing
// responses up to a channel's MTU.
class RawMethod : public Method {
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr bool matches() {
return std::is_same_v<MethodImplementation<kMethod>, RawMethod>;
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr RawMethod SynchronousUnary(uint32_t id) {
static_assert(sizeof(kMethod) != sizeof(kMethod),
"Raw synchronous unary methods are not supported. "
"Use an asynchronous unary method instead: "
"void MethodName(pw::ConstByteSpan request, "
"pw::rpc::RawUnaryResponder& responder)");
return {id, InvalidInvoker, {}};
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr RawMethod AsynchronousUnary(uint32_t id) {
constexpr AsynchronousUnaryFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, ConstByteSpan req, RawUnaryResponder& responder) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(service, req, responder);
return RawMethod(
id, AsynchronousUnaryInvoker, Function{.asynchronous_unary = wrapper});
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr RawMethod ServerStreaming(uint32_t id) {
constexpr ServerStreamingFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, ConstByteSpan request, RawServerWriter& writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(service, request, writer);
return RawMethod(
id, ServerStreamingInvoker, Function{.server_streaming = wrapper});
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr RawMethod ClientStreaming(uint32_t id) {
constexpr StreamRequestFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, RawServerReaderWriter& reader) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
service, static_cast<RawServerReader&>(reader));
return RawMethod(
id, ClientStreamingInvoker, Function{.stream_request = wrapper});
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr RawMethod BidirectionalStreaming(uint32_t id) {
constexpr StreamRequestFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, RawServerReaderWriter& reader_writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(service, reader_writer);
return RawMethod(
id, BidirectionalStreamingInvoker, Function{.stream_request = wrapper});
// Represents an invalid method. Used to reduce error message verbosity.
static constexpr RawMethod Invalid() { return {0, InvalidInvoker, {}}; }
// Wraps the user-defined functions.
using SynchronousUnaryFunction = StatusWithSize (*)(Service&,
using AsynchronousUnaryFunction = void (*)(Service&,
using ServerStreamingFunction = void (*)(Service&,
using StreamRequestFunction = void (*)(Service&, RawServerReaderWriter&);
union Function {
SynchronousUnaryFunction synchronous_unary;
AsynchronousUnaryFunction asynchronous_unary;
ServerStreamingFunction server_streaming;
StreamRequestFunction stream_request;
constexpr RawMethod(uint32_t id, Invoker invoker, Function function)
: Method(id, invoker), function_(function) {}
static void SynchronousUnaryInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
static void AsynchronousUnaryInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
static void ServerStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
static void ClientStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context, const Packet&)
static void BidirectionalStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet&)
// Stores the user-defined RPC.
Function function_;
// Expected function signatures for user-implemented RPC functions.
using RawSynchronousUnary = StatusWithSize(ConstByteSpan, ByteSpan);
using RawAsynchronousUnary = void(ConstByteSpan, RawUnaryResponder&);
using RawServerStreaming = void(ConstByteSpan, RawServerWriter&);
using RawClientStreaming = void(RawServerReader&);
using RawBidirectionalStreaming = void(RawServerReaderWriter&);
// MethodTraits specialization for a static synchronous raw unary method.
template <>
struct MethodTraits<RawSynchronousUnary*> {
using Implementation = RawMethod;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kUnary;
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = true;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = false;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a synchronous raw unary method.
template <typename T>
struct MethodTraits<RawSynchronousUnary(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<RawSynchronousUnary*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static asynchronous raw unary method.
template <>
struct MethodTraits<RawAsynchronousUnary*>
: MethodTraits<RawSynchronousUnary*> {
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for an asynchronous raw unary method.
template <typename T>
struct MethodTraits<RawAsynchronousUnary(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<RawSynchronousUnary(T::*)> {
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static raw server streaming method.
template <>
struct MethodTraits<RawServerStreaming*> {
using Implementation = RawMethod;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kServerStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = true;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a raw server streaming method.
template <typename T>
struct MethodTraits<RawServerStreaming(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<RawServerStreaming*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static raw client streaming method.
template <>
struct MethodTraits<RawClientStreaming*> {
using Implementation = RawMethod;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kClientStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = false;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = true;
// MethodTraits specialization for a raw client streaming method.
template <typename T>
struct MethodTraits<RawClientStreaming(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<RawClientStreaming*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static raw bidirectional streaming method.
template <>
struct MethodTraits<RawBidirectionalStreaming*> {
using Implementation = RawMethod;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kBidirectionalStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = true;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = true;
// MethodTraits specialization for a raw bidirectional streaming method.
template <typename T>
struct MethodTraits<RawBidirectionalStreaming(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<RawBidirectionalStreaming*> {
using Service = T;
} // namespace pw::rpc::internal