blob: fca027b5d5b181feaf29bd5fc771df57aae935df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
#include "pw_preprocessor/arguments.h"
#include "pw_rpc/channel.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/hash.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method_lookup.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/packet.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/test_method_context.h"
#include "pw_rpc/raw/fake_channel_output.h"
#include "pw_rpc/raw/internal/method.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
// Declares a context object that may be used to invoke an RPC. The context is
// declared with the name of the implemented service and the method to invoke.
// The RPC can then be invoked with the call method.
// For a unary RPC, returns the status, and the response
// struct can be accessed via context.response().
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(my::CoolService, TheMethod) context;
// EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(),;
// std::memcmp(encoded_response,
// context.response().data(),
// sizeof(encoded_response)));
// For a server streaming RPC, invokes the method. As in a
// normal RPC, the method completes when the ServerWriter's Finish method is
// called (or it goes out of scope).
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(my::CoolService, TheStreamingMethod) context;
// EXPECT_TRUE(context.done()); // Check that the RPC completed
// EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), context.status()); // Check the status
// EXPECT_EQ(3u, context.responses().size());
// ByteSpan& response = context.responses()[0]; // check individual responses
// for (ByteSpan& response : context.responses()) {
// // iterate over the responses
// }
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT forwards its constructor arguments to the
// underlying service. For example:
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(MyService, Go) context(service, args);
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT takes one optional arguments:
// size_t kMaxPackets: maximum packets to store
// Example:
// PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(MyService, BestMethod, 3, 256) context;
// ASSERT_EQ(3u, context.responses().max_size());
#define PW_RAW_TEST_METHOD_CONTEXT(service, method, ...) \
::pw::rpc::RawTestMethodContext<service, \
&service::method, \
::pw::rpc::internal::Hash(#method) \
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets = 6>
class RawTestMethodContext;
// Internal classes that implement RawTestMethodContext.
namespace internal::test::raw {
inline constexpr size_t kPayloadsBufferSizeBytes = 256;
// Collects everything needed to invoke a particular RPC.
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
class RawInvocationContext
: public InvocationContext<
RawFakeChannelOutput<kMaxPackets, kPayloadsBufferSizeBytes>,
kMethodId> {
// Gives access to the RPC's most recent response.
const ConstByteSpan& response() const { return Base::responses().back(); }
template <typename... Args>
RawInvocationContext(Args&&... args)
: Base(MethodLookup::GetRawMethod<Service, kMethodId>(),
std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
using Base = InvocationContext<
RawFakeChannelOutput<kMaxPackets, kPayloadsBufferSizeBytes>,
// Method invocation context for a unary RPC. Returns the status in call() and
// provides the response through the response() method.
template <typename Service, auto kMethod, uint32_t kMethodId>
class UnaryContext
: public RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, 1> {
using Base = RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, 1>;
template <typename... Args>
UnaryContext(Args&&... args) : Base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
// Invokes the RPC with the provided request. Returns RPC's StatusWithSize.
template <size_t kSynchronousResponseBufferSizeBytes = 64>
auto call(ConstByteSpan request) {
if constexpr (MethodTraits<decltype(kMethod)>::kSynchronous) {
auto responder = Base::template GetResponder<RawUnaryResponder>();
std::byte response[kSynchronousResponseBufferSizeBytes] = {};
auto sws = CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
Base::service(), request, span(response));
PW_ASSERT(responder.Finish(span(response).first(sws.size()), sws.status())
return sws;
} else {
Base::template call<kMethod, RawUnaryResponder>(request);
// Method invocation context for a server streaming RPC.
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
class ServerStreamingContext
: public RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets> {
using Base = RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>;
template <typename... Args>
ServerStreamingContext(Args&&... args) : Base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
// Invokes the RPC with the provided request.
void call(ConstByteSpan request) {
Base::template call<kMethod, RawServerWriter>(request);
// Returns a server writer which writes responses into the context's buffer.
// This should not be called alongside call(); use one or the other.
RawServerWriter writer() {
return Base::template GetResponder<RawServerWriter>();
// Method invocation context for a client streaming RPC.
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
class ClientStreamingContext
: public RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets> {
using Base = RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>;
template <typename... Args>
ClientStreamingContext(Args&&... args) : Base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
// Invokes the RPC.
void call() { Base::template call<kMethod, RawServerReader>(); }
// Returns a reader/writer which writes responses into the context's buffer.
// This should not be called alongside call(); use one or the other.
RawServerReader reader() {
return Base::template GetResponder<RawServerReader>();
// Allow sending client streaming packets.
using Base::SendClientStream;
using Base::SendClientStreamEnd;
// Method invocation context for a bidirectional streaming RPC.
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
class BidirectionalStreamingContext
: public RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets> {
using Base = RawInvocationContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>;
template <typename... Args>
BidirectionalStreamingContext(Args&&... args)
: Base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
// Invokes the RPC.
void call() { Base::template call<kMethod, RawServerReaderWriter>(); }
// Returns a reader/writer which writes responses into the context's buffer.
// This should not be called alongside call(); use one or the other.
RawServerReaderWriter reader_writer() {
return Base::template GetResponder<RawServerReaderWriter>();
// Allow sending client streaming packets.
using Base::SendClientStream;
using Base::SendClientStreamEnd;
// Alias to select the type of the context object to use based on which type of
// RPC it is for.
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
using Context = std::tuple_element_t<
std::tuple<UnaryContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId>,
ServerStreamingContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>,
ClientStreamingContext<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>,
} // namespace internal::test::raw
template <typename Service,
auto kMethod,
uint32_t kMethodId,
size_t kMaxPackets>
class RawTestMethodContext
: public internal::test::raw::
Context<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets> {
// Forwards constructor arguments to the service class.
template <typename... ServiceArgs>
RawTestMethodContext(ServiceArgs&&... service_args)
: internal::test::raw::Context<Service, kMethod, kMethodId, kMaxPackets>(
std::forward<ServiceArgs>(service_args)...) {}
} // namespace pw::rpc