blob: ff5b245015611373a5e09b894a6e30277bc51cba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bluetooth/vendor.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw::bluetooth {
// The Controller class is a shim for communication between the Host and the
// Controller.
class Controller {
// The lifetime of the span is only guaranteed for the lifetime of the
// function call.
using DataFunction = Function<void(span<const std::byte>)>;
// Bitmask of features the controller supports.
enum class FeaturesBits : uint32_t {
// Indicates support for transferring Synchronous Connection-Oriented link
// data over the HCI. Offloaded SCO links may still be supported even if HCI
// SCO isn't.
kHciSco = (1 << 0),
// Indicates support for the Set Acl Priority command.
kSetAclPriorityCommand = (1 << 1),
// Indicates support for the `LE_Get_Vendor_Capabilities` command documented
// at
kAndroidVendorExtensions = (1 << 2),
// Indicates support for Isochronous channels over HCI.
kHciIso = (1 << 3),
// Bits 4-31 reserved.
enum class ScoCodingFormat : uint8_t {
enum class ScoEncoding : uint8_t {
enum class ScoSampleRate : uint8_t {
// Closes the controller. `Close` should be called first to safely clean up
// state (which may be an asynchronous process).
virtual ~Controller() = default;
// Sets a function that will be called with HCI event packets received from
// the controller. This should be called before `Initialize` or else incoming
// packets will be dropped. The lifetime of data passed to `func` is only
// guaranteed for the lifetime of the function call.
virtual void SetEventFunction(DataFunction func) = 0;
// Sets a function that will be called with ACL data packets received from the
// controller. This should be called before `Initialize` or else incoming
// packets will be dropped. The lifetime of data passed to `func` is only
// guaranteed for the lifetime of the function call.
virtual void SetReceiveAclFunction(DataFunction func) = 0;
// Sets a function that will be called with SCO packets received from the
// controller. On Classic and Dual Mode stacks, this should be called before
// `Initialize` or else incoming packets will be dropped. The lifetime of data
// passed to `func` is only guaranteed for the lifetime of the function call.
virtual void SetReceiveScoFunction(DataFunction func) = 0;
// Sets a function that will be called with ISO packets received from the
// controller. This should be called before an ISO data path is setup or else
// incoming packets may be dropped. The lifetime of data passed to `func` is
// only guaranteed for the lifetime of the function call.
virtual void SetReceiveIsoFunction(DataFunction /*func*/) {}
// Initializes the controller interface and starts processing packets.
// `complete_callback` will be called with the result of initialization.
// `error_callback` will be called for fatal errors that occur after
// initialization. After a fatal error, this object is invalid. `Close` should
// be called to ensure a safe clean up.
virtual void Initialize(Callback<void(Status)> complete_callback,
Callback<void(Status)> error_callback) = 0;
// Closes the controller interface, resetting all state. `callback` will be
// called when closure is complete. After this method is called, this object
// should be considered invalid and no other methods should be called
// (including `Initialize`).
// `callback` will be called with:
// OK - the controller interface was successfully closed, or is already closed
// INTERNAL - the controller interface could not be closed
virtual void Close(Callback<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Sends an HCI command packet to the controller.
virtual void SendCommand(span<const std::byte> command) = 0;
// Sends an ACL data packet to the controller.
virtual void SendAclData(span<const std::byte> data) = 0;
// Sends a SCO data packet to the controller.
virtual void SendScoData(span<const std::byte> data) = 0;
// Sends an ISO data packet to the controller.
virtual void SendIsoData(span<const std::byte> /*data*/) {}
// Configure the HCI for a SCO connection with the indicated parameters.
// `SetReceiveScoFunction` must be called before calling this method.
// `callback will be called with:
// OK - success, packets can be sent/received.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - the implementation/controller does not support SCO over HCI
// ALREADY_EXISTS - a SCO connection is already configured
// INTERNAL - an internal error occurred
virtual void ConfigureSco(ScoCodingFormat coding_format,
ScoEncoding encoding,
ScoSampleRate sample_rate,
Callback<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Releases the resources held by an active SCO connection. This should be
// called when a SCO connection is closed. `ConfigureSco` must be called
// before calling this method.
// `callback will be called with:
// OK - success, the SCO configuration was reset.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - the implementation/controller does not support SCO over HCI
// INTERNAL - an internal error occurred
virtual void ResetSco(Callback<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Calls `callback` with a bitmask of features supported by the controller.
virtual void GetFeatures(Callback<void(FeaturesBits)> callback) = 0;
// Encodes the vendor command indicated by `parameters`.
// `callback` will be called with the result of the encoding request.
// The lifetime of data passed to `callback` is only guaranteed for the
// lifetime of the function call.
virtual void EncodeVendorCommand(
VendorCommandParameters parameters,
Callback<void(Result<span<const std::byte>>)> callback) = 0;
inline constexpr bool operator&(Controller::FeaturesBits left,
Controller::FeaturesBits right) {
return static_cast<bool>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Controller::FeaturesBits>>(left) &
inline constexpr Controller::FeaturesBits operator|(
Controller::FeaturesBits left, Controller::FeaturesBits right) {
return static_cast<Controller::FeaturesBits>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Controller::FeaturesBits>>(left) |
inline constexpr Controller::FeaturesBits& operator|=(
Controller::FeaturesBits& left, Controller::FeaturesBits right) {
return left = left | right;
} // namespace pw::bluetooth