blob: bffafa1622bb5c3e33d03404784ac1a4197dc2b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <span>
#include "pw_kvs/checksum.h"
#include "pw_kvs/flash_memory.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
namespace pw::blob_store {
// BlobStore is a storage container for a single blob of data. BlobStore is a
// FlashPartition-backed persistent storage system with integrated data
// integrity checking that serves as a lightweight alternative to a file
// system.
// Write and read are only done using the BlobWriter and BlobReader classes.
// Once a blob write is closed, reopening followed by a Discard(), Write(), or
// Erase() will discard the previous blob.
// Write blob:
// 0) Create BlobWriter instance
// 1) BlobWriter::Open().
// 2) Add data using BlobWriter::Write().
// 3) BlobWriter::Close().
// Read blob:
// 0) Create BlobReader instance
// 1) BlobReader::Open().
// 2) Read data using BlobReader::Read() or
// BlobReader::GetMemoryMappedBlob().
// 3) BlobReader::Close().
class BlobStore {
// Implement the stream::Writer and erase interface for a BlobStore. If not
// already erased, the Write will do any needed erase.
class BlobWriter final : public stream::Writer {
constexpr BlobWriter(BlobStore& store) : store_(store) {}
BlobWriter(const BlobWriter&) = delete;
BlobWriter& operator=(const BlobWriter&) = delete;
~BlobWriter() { Close(); }
// Open a blob for writing/erasing. Returns:
// OK - success.
// UNAVAILABLE - Unable to open, already open.
Status Open() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Finalize a blob write. Flush all remaining buffered data to storage and
// store blob metadata. Returns:
// OK - success.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - blob is not open.
Status Close() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Erase the partition and reset state for a new blob. Returns:
// OK - success.
// UNAVAILABLE - Unable to erase, already open.
// [error status] - flash erase failed.
Status Erase() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Discard blob (in-progress or valid stored). Any written bytes are
// considered invalid. Returns:
// OK - success.
Status Discard() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Probable (not guaranteed) minimum number of bytes at this time that can
// be written. Returns zero if, in the current state, Write would return
// status other than OK. See stream.h for additional details.
size_t ConservativeWriteLimit() const override {
return store_.MaxDataSizeBytes() - store_.ReadableDataBytes();
Status DoWrite(ConstByteSpan data) override { return store_.Write(data); }
BlobStore& store_;
// Implement stream::Reader interface for BlobStore.
class BlobReader final : public stream::Reader {
constexpr BlobReader(BlobStore& store, size_t offset)
: store_(store), offset_(offset) {}
BlobReader(const BlobReader&) = delete;
BlobReader& operator=(const BlobReader&) = delete;
~BlobReader() { Close(); }
// Open to do a blob read. Currently only a single reader at a time is
// supported. Returns:
// OK - success.
// UNAVAILABLE - Unable to open, already open.
Status Open() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Finish reading a blob. Returns:
// OK - success.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - blob is not open.
Status Close() { return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED; }
// Probable (not guaranteed) minimum number of bytes at this time that can
// be read. Returns zero if, in the current state, Read would return status
// other than OK. See stream.h for additional details.
size_t ConservativeReadLimit() const override {
return store_.ReadableDataBytes() - offset_;
// Get a span with the MCU pointer and size of the data. Returns:
// OK with span - Valid span respresenting the blob data
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Reader not open.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - Memory mapped access not supported for this blob.
Result<ByteSpan> GetMemoryMappedBlob() {
return store_.GetMemoryMappedBlob();
StatusWithSize DoRead(ByteSpan dest) override {
return store_.Read(offset_, dest);
BlobStore& store_;
size_t offset_;
BlobStore(kvs::FlashPartition* partition,
kvs::ChecksumAlgorithm* checksum_algo,
ByteSpan write_buffer)
: partition_(*partition),
flush_address_(0) {}
BlobStore(const BlobStore&) = delete;
BlobStore& operator=(const BlobStore&) = delete;
// Initialize the blob instance. Checks if storage is erased or has any stored
// blob data. Returns:
// OK - success.
Status Init();
// Maximum number of data bytes this BlobStore is able to store.
size_t MaxDataSizeBytes() const;
enum class OpenType {
// Open for doing read operations.
// Open for Write operations.
// Is the blob erased and ready to write.
bool erased() const { return state_ == State::kErased; }
bool IsOpen();
// Open to do a blob read or write. Returns:
// OK - success.
// UNAVAILABLE - Unable to open, already open.
Status Open(BlobStore::OpenType type);
// Finalize a blob write. Flush all remaining buffered data to storage and
// store blob metadata. Returns:
// OK - success.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - blob is not open.
Status Close();
// Write/append data to the in-progress blob write. Data is written
// sequentially, with each append added directly after the previous. Data is
// not guaranteed to be fully written out to storage on Write return. Returns:
// OK - successful write/enqueue of data.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - blob is not in an open (in-progress) write state.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - unable to write all of requested data at this time. No
// data written.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Writer has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No data written,
// no more will be written.
Status Write(ConstByteSpan data);
// Read valid data. Attempts to read the lesser of output.size_bytes() or
// available bytes worth of data. Returns:
// OK with span of bytes read - success, between 1 and dest.size_bytes() were
// read.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - offset is invalid.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Reader unable/not in state to read data.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - unable to read any bytes at this time. No bytes read.
// Try again once bytes become available.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Reader has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No bytes read, no
// more will be read.
StatusWithSize Read(size_t offset, ByteSpan dest);
// Get a span with the MCU pointer and size of the data. Returns:
// OK with span - Valid span respresenting the blob data
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Blob not in a state to read data
// UNIMPLEMENTED - Memory mapped access not supported for this blob.
Result<ByteSpan> GetMemoryMappedBlob();
// Current size of blob/readable data, in bytes. For a completed write this is
// the size of the data blob. For all other cases this is zero bytes.
size_t ReadableDataBytes() const;
Status EraseInternal();
Status InvalidateInternal();
kvs::FlashPartition& partition_;
kvs::ChecksumAlgorithm* const checksum_algo_;
ByteSpan write_buffer_;
State state_;
kvs::FlashPartition::Address write_address_;
kvs::FlashPartition::Address flush_address_;
} // namespace pw::blob_store