blob: 7d2cf577dfcb35cf7617309bfadec02a94493f77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <span>
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/wire_format.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw::protobuf {
// Varints can be encoded as an unsigned type, a signed type with normal
// encoding, or a signed type with zigzag encoding.
enum class VarintType {
kUnsigned = 0,
kNormal = 1,
kZigZag = 2,
// Represents a field in a code generated message struct that can be the target
// for decoding or source of encoding.
// An instance of this class exists for every field in every protobuf in the
// binary, thus it is size critical to ensure efficiency while retaining enough
// information to describe the layout of the generated message struct.
// Limitations imposed:
// - Element size of a repeated fields must be no larger than 15 bytes.
// (8 byte int64/fixed64/double is the largest supported element).
// - Individual field size (including repeated and nested messages) must be no
// larger than 64 KB. (This is already the maximum size of pw::Vector).
// A complete codegen struct is represented by a std::span<MessageField>,
// holding a pointer to the MessageField members themselves, and the number of
// fields in the struct. These spans are global data, one span per protobuf
// message (including the size), and one MessageField per field in the message.
// Nested messages are handled with a pointer from the MessageField in the
// parent to a pointer to the (global data) span. Since the size of the nested
// message is stored as part of the global span, the cost of a nested message
// is only the size of a pointer to that span.
class MessageField {
static constexpr unsigned int kMaxFieldSize = (1u << 16) - 1;
constexpr MessageField(
uint32_t field_number,
WireType wire_type,
size_t elem_size,
VarintType varint_type,
bool is_fixed_size,
bool is_repeated,
bool is_optional,
bool use_callback,
size_t field_offset,
size_t field_size,
const std::span<const MessageField>* nested_message_fields)
: field_number_(field_number),
static_cast<unsigned int>(wire_type) << kWireTypeShift |
elem_size << kElemSizeShift |
static_cast<unsigned int>(varint_type) << kVarintTypeShift |
is_fixed_size << kIsFixedSizeShift |
is_repeated << kIsRepeatedShift | is_optional << kIsOptionalShift |
use_callback << kUseCallbackShift | field_size << kFieldSizeShift),
nested_message_fields_(nested_message_fields) {}
constexpr uint32_t field_number() const { return field_number_; }
constexpr WireType wire_type() const {
return static_cast<WireType>((field_info_ >> kWireTypeShift) &
constexpr size_t elem_size() const {
return (field_info_ >> kElemSizeShift) & kElemSizeMask;
constexpr VarintType varint_type() const {
return static_cast<VarintType>((field_info_ >> kVarintTypeShift) &
constexpr bool is_fixed_size() const {
return (field_info_ >> kIsFixedSizeShift) & 1;
constexpr bool is_repeated() const {
return (field_info_ >> kIsRepeatedShift) & 1;
constexpr bool is_optional() const {
return (field_info_ >> kIsOptionalShift) & 1;
constexpr bool use_callback() const {
return (field_info_ >> kUseCallbackShift) & 1;
constexpr size_t field_offset() const { return field_offset_; }
constexpr size_t field_size() const {
return (field_info_ >> kFieldSizeShift) & kFieldSizeMask;
constexpr const std::span<const MessageField>* nested_message_fields() const {
return nested_message_fields_;
constexpr bool operator==(uint32_t field_number) const {
return field_number == field_number_;
// field_info_ packs multiple fields into a single word as follows:
// wire_type : 3
// varint_type : 2
// is_fixed_size : 1
// is_repeated : 1
// use_callback : 1
// -
// elem_size : 4
// is_optional : 1
// [unused space] : 3
// -
// field_size : 16
static constexpr unsigned int kWireTypeShift = 29u;
static constexpr unsigned int kWireTypeMask = (1u << 3) - 1;
static constexpr unsigned int kVarintTypeShift = 27u;
static constexpr unsigned int kVarintTypeMask = (1u << 2) - 1;
static constexpr unsigned int kIsFixedSizeShift = 26u;
static constexpr unsigned int kIsRepeatedShift = 25u;
static constexpr unsigned int kUseCallbackShift = 24u;
static constexpr unsigned int kElemSizeShift = 20u;
static constexpr unsigned int kElemSizeMask = (1u << 4) - 1;
static constexpr unsigned int kIsOptionalShift = 16u;
static constexpr unsigned int kFieldSizeShift = 0u;
static constexpr unsigned int kFieldSizeMask = kMaxFieldSize;
uint32_t field_number_;
uint32_t field_info_;
size_t field_offset_;
// TODO(pwbug/649): Could be replaced by a class MessageDescriptor*
const std::span<const MessageField>* nested_message_fields_;
static_assert(sizeof(MessageField) <= sizeof(size_t) * 4,
"MessageField should be four words or less");
// Callback for a structure member that cannot be represented by a data type.
// Holds either a callback for encoding a field, or a callback for decoding
// a field.
template <typename StreamEncoder, typename StreamDecoder>
union Callback {
constexpr Callback() : encode_() {}
~Callback() { encode_ = nullptr; }
// Set the encoder callback.
void SetEncoder(Function<Status(StreamEncoder& encoder)>&& encode) {
encode_ = std::move(encode);
// Set the decoder callback.
void SetDecoder(Function<Status(StreamDecoder& decoder)>&& decode) {
decode_ = std::move(decode);
// Allow moving of callbacks by moving the member.
constexpr Callback(Callback&& other) = default;
constexpr Callback& operator=(Callback&& other) = default;
// Copying a callback does not copy the functions.
constexpr Callback(const Callback&) : encode_() {}
constexpr Callback& operator=(const Callback&) {
encode_ = nullptr;
return *this;
friend StreamDecoder;
friend StreamEncoder;
// Called by StreamEncoder to encode the structure member.
// Returns OkStatus() if this has not been set by the caller, the default
// behavior of a field without an encoder is the same as default-initialized
// field.
Status Encode(StreamEncoder& encoder) const {
if (encode_) {
return encode_(encoder);
return OkStatus();
// Called by StreamDecoder to decode the structure member when the field
// is present. Returns DataLoss() if this has not been set by the caller.
Status Decode(StreamDecoder& decoder) const {
if (decode_) {
return decode_(decoder);
return Status::DataLoss();
Function<Status(StreamEncoder& encoder)> encode_;
Function<Status(StreamDecoder& decoder)> decode_;
} // namespace pw::protobuf