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.. _module-pw_web:
Pigweed provides an NPM package with modules to build web apps for Pigweed
Also included is a basic React app that demonstrates using the npm package.
Getting Started
If you have a bundler set up, you can install ``pigweedjs`` in your web application by:
.. code-block:: bash
$ npm install --save pigweedjs
After installing, you can import modules from ``pigweedjs`` in this way:
.. code-block:: javascript
import { pw_rpc, pw_tokenizer, Device, WebSerial } from 'pigweedjs';
Import Directly in HTML
If you don't want to set up a bundler, you can also load Pigweed directly in
your HTML page by:
.. code-block:: html
<script src=""></script>
const { pw_rpc, pw_hdlc, Device, WebSerial } from Pigweed;
Getting Started
Easiest way to get started is to build pw_system demo and run it on a STM32F429I
Discovery board. Discovery board is Pigweed's primary target for development.
Refer to :ref:`target documentation<target-stm32f429i-disc1-stm32cube>` for
instructions on how to build the demo and try things out.
``pigweedjs`` provides a ``Device`` API which simplifies common tasks. Here is
an example to connect to device and call ``EchoService.Echo`` RPC service.
.. code-block:: html
<h1>Hello Pigweed</h1>
<button onclick="connect()">Connect</button>
<button onclick="echo()">Echo RPC</button>
<br /><br />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { Device } = Pigweed;
const { ProtoCollection } = PigweedProtoCollection;
const device = new Device(new ProtoCollection());
async function connect(){
await device.connect();
async function echo(){
const [status, response] = await"Hello");
document.querySelector('code').innerText = "Response: " + response;
pw_system demo uses ``pw_log_rpc``; an RPC-based logging solution. pw_system
also uses pw_tokenizer to tokenize strings and save device space. Below is an
example that streams logs using the ``Device`` API.
.. code-block:: html
<h1>Hello Pigweed</h1>
<button onclick="connect()">Connect</button>
<br /><br />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { Device, pw_tokenizer } = Pigweed;
const { ProtoCollection } = PigweedProtoCollection;
const tokenDBCsv = `...` // Load token database here
const device = new Device(new ProtoCollection());
const detokenizer = new pw_tokenizer.Detokenizer(tokenDBCsv);
async function connect(){
await device.connect();
const call = => {
msg.getEntriesList().forEach((entry) => {
const frame = entry.getMessage();
const detokenized = detokenizer.detokenizeUint8Array(frame);
document.querySelector('code').innerHTML += detokenized + "<br/>";
The above example requires a token database in CSV format. You can generate one
from the pw_system's ``.elf`` file by running:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/ create \
--database db.csv out/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube.size_optimized/obj/pw_system/bin/system_example.elf
You can then load this CSV in JavaScript using ``fetch()`` or by just copying
the contents into the ``tokenDBCsv`` variable in the above example.
Device class is a helper API to connect to a device over serial and call RPCs
To initialize device, it needs a ``ProtoCollection`` instance. ``pigweedjs``
includes a default one which you can use to get started, you can also generate
one from your own ``.proto`` files using ``pw_proto_compiler``.
``Device`` goes through all RPC methods in the provided ProtoCollection. For
each RPC, it reads all the fields in ``Request`` proto and generates a
JavaScript function that accepts all the fields as it's arguments. It then makes
this function available under ``rpcs.*`` namespaced by its package name.
Device has following public API:
- ``constructor(ProtoCollection, WebSerialTransport <optional>, rpcAddress <optional>)``
- ``connect()`` - Shows browser's WebSerial connection dialog and let's user
make device selection
- ``rpcs.*`` - Device API enumerates all RPC services and methods present in the
provided proto collection and makes them available as callable functions under
``rpcs``. Example: If provided proto collection includes Pigweed's Echo
service ie. ``pw.rpc.EchoService.Echo``, it can be triggered by calling
``"some message")``. The functions return
a ``Promise`` that resolves an array with status and response.
To help with connecting to WebSerial and listening for serial data, a helper
class is also included under ``WebSerial.WebSerialTransport``. Here is an
example usage:
.. code-block:: javascript
import { WebSerial, pw_hdlc } from 'pigweedjs';
const transport = new WebSerial.WebSerialTransport();
const decoder = new pw_hdlc.Decoder();
// Present device selection prompt to user
await transport.connect();
// Or connect to an existing `SerialPort`
// await transport.connectPort(port);
// Listen and decode HDLC frames
transport.chunks.subscribe((item) => {
const decoded = decoder.process(item);
for (const frame of decoded) {
if (frame.address === 1) {
const decodedLine = new TextDecoder().decode(;
// Later, close all streams and close the port.
Individual Modules
Following Pigweed modules are included in the NPM package:
- `pw_hdlc <>`_
- `pw_rpc <>`_
- `pw_tokenizer <>`_
- `pw_transfer <>`_
Web Console
Pigweed includes a web console that demonstrates `pigweedjs` usage in a
React-based web app. Web console includes a log viewer and a REPL that supports
autocomplete. Here's how to run the web console locally:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd pw_web/webconsole
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Log viewer component
The NPM package also includes a log viewer component that can be embedded in any
webapp. The component works with Pigweed's RPC stack out-of-the-box but also
supports defining your own log source.
The component is composed of the component itself and a log source. Here is a
simple example app that uses a mock log source:
.. code-block:: html
<div id="log-viewer-container"></div>
<script src=""></script>
const { createLogViewer, MockLogSource } = PigweedLogging;
const logSource = new MockLogSource();
const containerEl = document.querySelector(
let unsubscribe = createLogViewer(logSource, containerEl);
logSource.start(); // Start producing mock logs
The code above will render a working log viewer that just streams mock
log entries.
It also comes with an RPC log source with support for detokenization. Here is an
example app using that:
.. code-block:: html
<div id="log-viewer-container"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { Device, pw_tokenizer } = Pigweed;
const { ProtoCollection } = PigweedProtoCollection;
const { createLogViewer, PigweedRPCLogSource } = PigweedLogging;
const device = new Device(new ProtoCollection());
const logSource = new PigweedRPCLogSource(device, "CSV TOKEN DB HERE");
const containerEl = document.querySelector(
let unsubscribe = createLogViewer(logSource, containerEl);
Custom Log Source
You can define a custom log source that works with the log viewer component by
just extending the abstract `LogSource` class and emitting the `logEntry` events
like this:
.. code-block:: typescript
import { LogSource, LogEntry, Severity } from 'pigweedjs/logging';
export class MockLogSource extends LogSource {
// Do any initializations here
// ...
// Then emit logs
const log1: LogEntry = {
this.emitEvent('logEntry', {
severity: Severity.INFO,
timestamp: new Date(),
fields: [
{ key: 'severity', value: severity }
{ key: 'timestamp', value: new Date().toISOString() },
{ key: 'source', value: "LEFT SHOE" },
{ key: 'message', value: "Running mode activated." }
After this, you just need to pass your custom log source object
to `createLogViewer()`. See implementation of
`PigweedRPCLogSource <>`_
for reference.
Color Scheme
The log viewer web component provides the ability to set the color scheme manually, overriding any default or system preferences.
To set the color scheme, first obtain a reference to the ``log-viewer`` element in the DOM. A common way to do this is by using ``querySelector()``:
.. code-block:: javascript
const logViewer = document.querySelector('log-viewer');
You can then set the color scheme dynamically by updating the component's `colorScheme` property or by setting a value for the `colorscheme` HTML attribute.
.. code-block:: javascript
logViewer.colorScheme = 'dark';
.. code-block:: javascript
logViewer.setAttribute('colorscheme', 'dark');
The color scheme can be set to ``'dark'``, ``'light'``, or the default ``'auto'`` which allows the component to adapt to the preferences in the operating system settings.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1