blob: 81d207f767cdad7e1b20590adffc26e45cd009d1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _docs-pw-style:
Style Guide
- :ref:`cpp-style`
- :ref:`owners-style`
- :ref:`python-style`
- :ref:`documentation-style`
- :ref:`commit-style`
.. tip::
Pigweed runs ``pw format`` as part of ``pw presubmit`` to perform some code
formatting checks. To speed up the review process, consider adding ``pw
presubmit`` as a git push hook using the following command:
``pw presubmit --install``
.. _cpp-style:
C++ style
The Pigweed C++ style guide is closely based on Google's external C++ Style
Guide, which is found on the web at The Google C++ Style Guide
applies to Pigweed except as described in this document.
The Pigweed style guide only applies to Pigweed itself. It does not apply to
projects that use Pigweed or to the third-party code included with Pigweed.
Non-Pigweed code is free to use features restricted by Pigweed, such as dynamic
memory allocation and the entirety of the C++ Standard Library.
Recommendations in the :doc:`embedded_cpp_guide` are considered part of the
Pigweed style guide, but are separated out since it covers more general
embedded development beyond just C++ style.
C++ standard
All Pigweed C++ code must compile with ``-std=c++17`` in Clang and GCC. C++20
features may be used as long as the code still compiles unmodified with C++17.
See ``pw_polyfill/language_feature_macros.h`` for macros that provide C++20
features when supported.
Compiler extensions should not be used unless wrapped in a macro or properly
guarded in the preprocessor. See ``pw_processor/compiler.h`` for macros that
wrap compiler-specific features.
Automatic formatting
Pigweed uses `clang-format <>`_ to
automatically format Pigweed source code. A ``.clang-format`` configuration is
provided with the Pigweed repository.
Automatic formatting is essential to facilitate large-scale, automated changes
in Pigweed. Therefore, all code in Pigweed is expected to be formatted with
``clang-format`` prior to submission. Existing code may be reformatted at any
If ``clang-format`` formats code in an undesirable or incorrect way, it can be
disabled for the affected lines by adding ``// clang-format off``.
``clang-format`` must then be re-enabled with a ``// clang-format on`` comment.
.. code-block:: cpp
// clang-format off
constexpr int kMyMatrix[] = {
100, 23, 0,
0, 542, 38,
1, 2, 201,
// clang-format on
C Standard Library
In C++ headers, always use the C++ versions of C Standard Library headers (e.g.
``<cstdlib>`` instead of ``<stdlib.h>``). If the header is used by both C and
C++ code, only the C header should be used.
In C++ code, it is preferred to use C functions from the ``std`` namespace. For
example, use ``std::memcpy`` instead of ``memcpy``. The C++ standard does not
require the global namespace versions of the functions to be provided. Using
``std::`` is more consistent with the C++ Standard Library and makes it easier
to distinguish Pigweed functions from library functions.
Within core Pigweed, do not use C standard library functions that allocate
memory, such as ``std::malloc``. There are exceptions to this for when dynamic
allocation is enabled for a system; Pigweed modules are allowed to add extra
functionality when a heap is present; but this must be optional.
C++ Standard Library
Much of the C++ Standard Library is not a good fit for embedded software. Many
of the classes and functions were not designed with the RAM, flash, and
performance constraints of a microcontroller in mind. For example, simply
adding the line ``#include <iostream>`` can increase the binary size by 150 KB!
This is larger than many microcontrollers' entire internal storage.
However, with appropriate caution, a limited set of standard C++ libraries can
be used to great effect. Developers can leverage familiar, well-tested
abstractions instead of writing their own. C++ library algorithms and classes
can give equivalent or better performance than hand-written C code.
A limited subset of the C++ Standard Library is permitted in Pigweed. To keep
Pigweed small, flexible, and portable, functions that allocate dynamic memory
must be avoided. Care must be exercised when using multiple instantiations of a
template function, which can lead to code bloat.
Permitted Headers
.. admonition:: The following C++ Standard Library headers are always permitted:
:class: checkmark
* ``<array>``
* ``<complex>``
* ``<initializer_list>``
* ``<iterator>``
* ``<limits>``
* ``<optional>``
* ``<random>``
* ``<ratio>``
* ``<string_view>``
* ``<tuple>``
* ``<type_traits>``
* ``<utility>``
* ``<variant>``
* C Standard Library headers (``<c*>``)
.. admonition:: With caution, parts of the following headers can be used:
:class: warning
* ``<algorithm>`` -- be wary of potential memory allocation
* ``<atomic>`` -- not all MCUs natively support atomic operations
* ``<bitset>`` -- conversions to or from strings are disallowed
* ``<functional>`` -- do **not** use ``std::function``; use
* ``<mutex>`` -- can use ``std::lock_guard``, use :ref:`module-pw_sync` for
* ``<new>`` -- for placement new
* ``<numeric>`` -- be wary of code size with multiple template instantiations
.. admonition:: Never use any of these headers:
:class: error
* Dynamic containers (``<list>``, ``<map>``, ``<set>``, ``<vector>``, etc.)
* Streams (``<iostream>``, ``<ostream>``, ``<fstream>``, ``<sstream>`` etc.)
-- in some cases :ref:`module-pw_stream` can work instead
* ``<span>`` -- use :ref:`module-pw_span` instead. Downstream projects may
want to directly use ``std::span`` if it is available, but upstream must
use the ``pw::span`` version for compatability
* ``<string>`` -- can use :ref:`module-pw_string`
* ``<thread>`` -- can use :ref:`module-pw_thread`
* ``<future>`` -- eventually :ref:`module-pw_async` will offer this
* ``<exception>``, ``<stdexcept>`` -- no exceptions
* ``<memory>``, ``<scoped_allocator>`` -- no allocations
* ``<regex>``
* ``<valarray>``
Headers not listed here should be carefully evaluated before they are used.
These restrictions do not apply to third party code or to projects that use
Combining C and C++
Prefer to write C++ code over C code, using ``extern "C"`` for symbols that must
have C linkage. ``extern "C"`` functions should be defined within C++
namespaces to simplify referring to other code.
C++ functions with no parameters do not include ``void`` in the parameter list.
C functions with no parameters must include ``void``.
.. code-block:: cpp
namespace pw {
bool ThisIsACppFunction() { return true; }
extern "C" int pw_ThisIsACFunction(void) { return -1; }
extern "C" {
int pw_ThisIsAlsoACFunction(void) {
return ThisIsACppFunction() ? 100 : 0;
} // extern "C"
} // namespace pw
Prefer C++-style (``//``) comments over C-style comments (``/* */``). C-style
comments should only be used for inline comments.
.. code-block:: cpp
// Use C++-style comments, except where C-style comments are necessary.
// This returns a random number using an algorithm I found on the internet.
#define RANDOM_NUMBER() [] { \
return 4; /* chosen by fair dice roll */ \
Indent code in comments with two additional spaces, making a total of three
spaces after the ``//``. All code blocks must begin and end with an empty
comment line, even if the blank comment line is the last line in the block.
.. code-block:: cpp
// Here is an example of code in comments.
// int indentation_spaces = 2;
// int total_spaces = 3;
// engine_1.thrust = RANDOM_NUMBER() * indentation_spaces + total_spaces;
bool SomeFunction();
Control statements
Loops and conditionals
All loops and conditional statements must use braces, and be on their own line.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Always use braces for line conditionals and loops:
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: cpp
while (SomeCondition()) {
x += 2;
if (OtherCondition()) {
.. admonition:: **No**: Missing braces
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
while (SomeCondition())
x += 2;
if (OtherCondition())
.. admonition:: **No**: Statement on same line as condition
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
while (SomeCondition()) { x += 2; }
if (OtherCondition()) { DoTheThing(); }
The syntax ``while (true)`` is preferred over ``for (;;)`` for infinite loops.
.. admonition:: **Yes**:
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: cpp
while (true) {
.. admonition:: **No**:
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
for (;;) {
Prefer early exit with ``return`` and ``continue``
Prefer to exit early from functions and loops to simplify code. This is the
same same conventions as `LLVM
We find this approach is superior to the "one return per function" style for a
multitude of reasons:
* **Visually**, the code is easier to follow, and takes less horizontal screen
* It makes it clear what part of the code is the **"main business" versus "edge
case handling"**.
* For **functions**, parameter checking is in its own section at the top of the
function, rather than scattered around in the fuction body.
* For **loops**, element checking is in its own section at the top of the loop,
rather than scattered around in the loop body.
* Commit **deltas are simpler to follow** in code reviews; since adding a new
parameter check or loop element condition doesn't cause an indentation change
in the rest of the function.
The guidance applies in two cases:
* **Function early exit** - Early exits are for function parameter checking
and edge case checking at the top. The main functionality follows.
* **Loop early exit** - Early exits in loops are for skipping an iteration
due to some edge case with an item getting iterated over. Loops may also
contain function exits, which should be structured the same way (see example
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Exit early from functions; keeping the main handling
at the bottom and de-dentend.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: cpp
Status DoSomething(Parameter parameter) {
// Parameter validation first; detecting incoming use errors.
PW_CHECK_INT_EQ(, 3, "Programmer error: frobnitz");
// Error case: Not in correct state.
if (parameter.other() == MyEnum::kBrokenState) {
LOG_ERROR("Device in strange state: %s", parametr.state_str());
return Status::InvalidPrecondition();
// Error case: Not in low power mode; shouldn't do anything.
if (parameter.power() != MyEnum::kLowPower) {
LOG_ERROR("Not in low power mode");
return Status::InvalidPrecondition();
// Main business for the function here.
.. admonition:: **No**: Main body of function is buried and right creeping.
Even though this is shorter than the version preferred by Pigweed due to
factoring the return statement, the logical structure is less obvious. A
function in Pigweed containing **nested conditionals indicates that
something complicated is happening with the flow**; otherwise it would have
the early bail structure; so pay close attention.
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
Status DoSomething(Parameter parameter) {
// Parameter validation first; detecting incoming use errors.
PW_CHECK_INT_EQ(, 3, "Programmer error: frobnitz");
// Error case: Not in correct state.
if (parameter.other() != MyEnum::kBrokenState) {
// Error case: Not in low power mode; shouldn't do anything.
if (parameter.power() == MyEnum::kLowPower) {
// Main business for the function here.
} else {
LOG_ERROR("Not in low power mode");
} else {
LOG_ERROR("Device in strange state: %s", parametr.state_str());
return Status::InvalidPrecondition();
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Bail early from loops; keeping the main handling at
the bottom and de-dentend.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: cpp
for (int i = 0; i < LoopSize(); ++i) {
// Early skip of item based on edge condition.
if (!CommonCase()) {
// Early exit of function based on error case.
int my_measurement = GetSomeMeasurement();
if (my_measurement < 10) {
LOG_ERROR("Found something strange; bailing");
return Status::Unknown();
// Main body of the loop.
ProcessItem(my_items[i], my_measurement);
ProcessItemMore(my_items[i], my_measurement, other_details);
.. admonition:: **No**: Right-creeping code with the main body buried inside
some nested conditional. This makes it harder to understand what is the
main purpose of the loop versus what is edge case handling.
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
for (int i = 0; i < LoopSize(); ++i) {
if (CommonCase()) {
int my_measurement = GetSomeMeasurement();
if (my_measurement >= 10) {
// Main body of the loop.
ProcessItem(my_items[i], my_measurement);
ProcessItemMore(my_items[i], my_measurement, other_details);
} else {
LOG_ERROR("Found something strange; bailing");
return Status::Unknown();
There are cases where this structure doesn't work, and in those cases, it is
fine to structure the code differently.
No ``else`` after ``return`` or ``continue``
Do not put unnecessary ``} else {`` blocks after blocks that terminate with a
return, since this causes unnecessary rightward indentation creep. This
guidance pairs with the preference for early exits to reduce code duplication
and standardize loop/function structure.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: No else after return or continue
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: cpp
// Note lack of else block due to return.
if (Failure()) {
return Status::ResourceExausted();
// Note lack of else block due to continue.
while (MyCondition()) {
if (SomeEarlyBail()) {
// Main handling of item
return OkStatus();
.. admonition:: **No**: Else after return needlessly creeps right
:class: error
.. code-block:: cpp
if (Failure()) {
return Status::ResourceExausted();
} else {
while (MyCondition()) {
if (SomeEarlyBail()) {
} else {
// Main handling of item
return OkStatus();
Include guards
The first non-comment line of every header file must be ``#pragma once``. Do
not use traditional macro include guards. The ``#pragma once`` should come
directly after the Pigweed copyright block, with no blank line, followed by a
blank, like this:
.. code-block:: cpp
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
// Header file-level comment goes here...
Memory allocation
Dynamic memory allocation can be problematic. Heap allocations and deallocations
occupy valuable CPU cycles. Memory usage becomes nondeterministic, which can
result in a system crashing without a clear culprit.
To keep Pigweed portable, core Pigweed code is not permitted to dynamically
(heap) allocate memory, such as with ``malloc`` or ``new``. All memory should be
allocated with automatic (stack) or static (global) storage duration. Pigweed
must not use C++ libraries that use dynamic allocation.
Projects that use Pigweed are free to use dynamic allocation, provided they
have selected a target that enables the heap.
Entities shall be named according to the `Google style guide
<>`_, with the following
additional requirements.
C++ code
* All Pigweed C++ code must be in the ``pw`` namespace. Namespaces for modules
should be nested under ``pw``. For example, ``pw::string::Format()``.
* Whenever possible, private code should be in a source (.cc) file and placed in
anonymous namespace nested under ``pw``.
* If private code must be exposed in a header file, it must be in a namespace
nested under ``pw``. The namespace may be named for its subsystem or use a
name that designates it as private, such as ``internal``.
* Template arguments for non-type names (e.g. ``template <int kFooBar>``) should
follow the constexpr and const variable Google naming convention, which means
k prefixed camel case (e.g. ``kCamelCase``). This matches the Google C++
style for variable naming, however the wording in the official style guide
isn't explicit for template arguments and could be interpreted to use
``foo_bar`` style naming. For consistency with other variables whose value is
always fixed for the duration of the program, the naming convention is
``kCamelCase``, and so that is the style we use in Pigweed.
* Trivial membor accessors should be named with ``snake_case()``. The Google
C++ style allows either ``snake_case()`` or ``CapsCase()``, but Pigweed
always uses ``snake_case()``.
* Abstract base classes should be named generically, with derived types named
specifically. For example, ``Stream`` is an abstract base, and
``SocketStream`` and ``StdioStream`` are an implementations of that
interface. Any prefix or postfix indicating whether something is abstract or
concrete is not permitted; for example, ``IStream`` or ``SocketStreamImpl``
are both not permitted. These pre-/post-fixes add additional visual noise and
are irrelevant to consumers of these interfaces.
C code
In general, C symbols should be prefixed with the module name. If the symbol is
not associated with a module, use just ``pw`` as the module name. Facade
backends may chose to prefix symbols with the facade's name to help reduce the
length of the prefix.
* Public names used by C code must be prefixed with the module name (e.g.
* If private code must be exposed in a header, private names used by C code must
be prefixed with an underscore followed by the module name (e.g.
* Avoid writing C source (.c) files in Pigweed. Prefer to write C++ code with C
linkage using ``extern "C"``. Within C source, private C functions and
variables must be named with the ``_pw_my_module_*`` prefix and should be
declared ``static`` whenever possible; for example,
* The C prefix rules apply to
* C functions (``int pw_foo_FunctionName(void);``),
* variables used by C code (``int pw_foo_variable_name;``),
* constant variables used by C code (``const int pw_foo_kConstantName;``),
* structs used by C code (``typedef struct {} pw_foo_StructName;``), and
* all of the above for ``extern "C"`` names in C++ code.
The prefix does not apply to struct members, which use normal Google style.
Preprocessor macros
* Public Pigweed macros must be prefixed with the module name (e.g.
* Private Pigweed macros must be prefixed with an underscore followed by the
module name (e.g. ``_PW_MY_MODULE_*``). (This style may change, see
`b/234886184 <>`_).
.. code-block:: cpp
namespace pw::my_module {
namespace nested_namespace {
// C++ names (types, variables, functions) must be in the pw namespace.
// They are named according to the Google style guide.
constexpr int kGlobalConstant = 123;
// Prefer using functions over extern global variables.
extern int global_variable;
class Class {};
void Function();
extern "C" {
// Public Pigweed code used from C must be prefixed with pw_.
extern const int pw_my_module_kGlobalConstant;
extern int pw_my_module_global_variable;
void pw_my_module_Function(void);
typedef struct {
int member_variable;
} pw_my_module_Struct;
// Private Pigweed code used from C must be prefixed with _pw_.
extern const int _pw_my_module_kPrivateGlobalConstant;
extern int _pw_my_module_private_global_variable;
void _pw_my_module_PrivateFunction(void);
typedef struct {
int member_variable;
} _pw_my_module_PrivateStruct;
} // extern "C"
// Public macros must be prefixed with PW_.
#define PW_MY_MODULE_PUBLIC_MACRO(arg) arg
// Private macros must be prefixed with _PW_.
#define _PW_MY_MODULE_PRIVATE_MACRO(arg) arg
} // namespace nested_namespace
} // namespace pw::my_module
See :ref:`docs-pw-style-macros` for details about macro usage.
Namespace scope formatting
All non-indented blocks (namespaces, ``extern "C"`` blocks, and preprocessor
conditionals) must have a comment on their closing line with the
contents of the starting line.
All nested namespaces should be declared together with no blank lines between
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "some/header.h"
namespace pw::nested {
namespace {
constexpr int kAnonConstantGoesHere = 0;
} // namespace
namespace other {
const char* SomeClass::yes = "no";
bool ThisIsAFunction() {
return true;
return false;
#endif // PW_CONFIG_IS_SET
extern "C" {
const int pw_kSomeConstant = 10;
int pw_some_global_variable = 600;
void pw_CFunction() { ... }
} // extern "C"
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::nested
Using directives for literals
<>`_ (e.g.
``using namespace ...``) are permitted in implementation files only for the
purposes of importing literals such as ``std::chrono_literals`` or
``pw::bytes::unit_literals``. Namespaces that contain any symbols other than
literals are not permitted in a using-directive. This guidance also has no
impact on `using-declarations
(e.g. ``using foo::Bar;``).
Rationale: Literals improve code readability, making units clearer at the point
of definition.
.. code-block:: cpp
using namespace std::chrono; // Not allowed
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; // Allowed
constexpr std::chrono::duration delay = 250ms;
Pointers and references
For pointer and reference types, place the asterisk or ampersand next to the
.. code-block:: cpp
int* const number = &that_thing;
constexpr const char* kString = "theory!"
bool FindTheOneRing(const Region& where_to_look) { ... }
Prefer storing references over storing pointers. Pointers are required when the
pointer can change its target or may be ``nullptr``. Otherwise, a reference or
const reference should be used.
.. _docs-pw-style-macros:
Preprocessor macros
Macros should only be used when they significantly improve upon the C++ code
they replace. Macros should make code more readable, robust, and safe, or
provide features not possible with standard C++, such as stringification, line
number capturing, or conditional compilation. When possible, use C++ constructs
like constexpr variables in place of macros. Never use macros as constants,
except when a string literal is needed or the value must be used by C code.
When macros are needed, the macros should be accompanied with extensive tests
to ensure the macros are hard to use wrong.
Stand-alone statement macros
Macros that are standalone statements must require the caller to terminate the
macro invocation with a semicolon (see `Swalling the Semicolon
<>`_). For
example, the following does *not* conform to Pigweed's macro style:
.. code-block:: cpp
// BAD! Definition has built-in semicolon.
#define PW_LOG_IF_BAD(mj) \
// BAD! Compiles without error; semicolon is missing.
Here's how to do this instead:
.. code-block:: cpp
// GOOD; requires semicolon to compile.
#define PW_LOG_IF_BAD(mj) \
// GOOD; fails to compile due to lacking semicolon.
For macros in function scope that do not already require a semicolon, the
contents can be placed in a ``do { ... } while (0)`` loop.
.. code-block:: cpp
#define PW_LOG_IF_BAD(mj) \
do { \
if (mj.Bad()) { \
Log(#mj " is bad") \
} \
} while (0)
Standalone macros at global scope that do not already require a semicolon can
add a ``static_assert`` declaration statement as their last line.
.. code-block:: cpp
#define PW_NEAT_THING(thing) \
bool IsNeat_##thing() { return true; } \
static_assert(true, "Macros must be terminated with a semicolon")
Private macros in public headers
Private macros in public headers must be prefixed with ``_PW_``, even if they
are undefined after use; this prevents collisions with downstream users. For
.. code-block:: cpp
#define _PW_MY_SPECIAL_MACRO(op) ...
// Code that uses _PW_MY_SPECIAL_MACRO()
Macros in private implementation files (.cc)
Macros within .cc files that should only be used within one file should be
undefined after their last use; for example:
.. code-block:: cpp
#define DEFINE_OPERATOR(op) \
T operator ## op(T x, T y) { return x op y; } \
static_assert(true, "Macros must be terminated with a semicolon") \
Preprocessor conditional statements
When using macros for conditional compilation, prefer to use ``#if`` over
``#ifdef``. This checks the value of the macro rather than whether it exists.
* ``#if`` handles undefined macros equivalently to ``#ifdef``. Undefined
macros expand to 0 in preprocessor conditional statements.
* ``#if`` evaluates false for macros defined as 0, while ``#ifdef`` evaluates
* Macros defined using compiler flags have a default value of 1 in GCC and
Clang, so they work equivalently for ``#if`` and ``#ifdef``.
* Macros defined to an empty statement cause compile-time errors in ``#if``
statements, which avoids ambiguity about how the macro should be used.
All ``#endif`` statements should be commented with the expression from their
corresponding ``#if``. Do not indent within preprocessor conditional statements.
.. code-block:: cpp
using Word = uint64_t;
using Word = uint32_t;
#endif // USE_64_BIT_WORD
Unsigned integers
Unsigned integers are permitted in Pigweed. Aim for consistency with existing
code and the C++ Standard Library. Be very careful mixing signed and unsigned
Features not in the C++ standard
Avoid features not available in standard C++. This includes compiler extensions
and features from other standards like POSIX.
For example, use ``ptrdiff_t`` instead of POSIX's ``ssize_t``, unless
interacting with a POSIX API in intentionally non-portable code. Never use
POSIX functions with suitable standard or Pigweed alternatives, such as
``strnlen`` (use ``pw::string::NullTerminatedLength`` instead).
.. _owners-style:
Code Owners (OWNERS)
If you use Gerrit for source code hosting and have the
`code-owners <>`__
plug-in enabled Pigweed can help you enforce consistent styling on those files
and also detects some errors.
The styling follows these rules.
#. Content is grouped by type of line (Access grant, include, etc).
#. Each grouping is sorted alphabetically.
#. Groups are placed the following order with a blank line separating each
* "set noparent" line
* "include" lines
* "file:" lines
* user grants (some examples: "*", "")
* "per-file:" lines
This plugin will, by default, act upon any file named "OWNERS".
.. _python-style:
Python style
Pigweed uses the standard Python style: PEP8, which is available on the web at All Pigweed Python code should pass
``pw format``, which invokes ``black`` with a couple options.
Python versions
Pigweed officially supports :ref:`a few Python versions
<docs-concepts-python-version>`. Upstream Pigweed code must support those Python
versions. The only exception is :ref:`module-pw_env_setup`, which must also
support Python 2 and 3.6.
Build files: GN
Each Pigweed source module requires a GN build file named This
encapsulates the build targets and specifies their sources and dependencies.
GN build files use a format similar to `Bazel's BUILD files
(see the `Bazel style guide
C/C++ build targets include a list of fields. The primary fields are:
* ``<public>`` -- public header files
* ``<sources>`` -- source files and private header files
* ``<public_configs>`` -- public build configuration
* ``<configs>`` -- private build configuration
* ``<public_deps>`` -- public dependencies
* ``<deps>`` -- private dependencies
Assets within each field must be listed in alphabetical order.
.. code-block:: cpp
# Here is a brief example of a GN build file.
config("public_include_path") {
include_dirs = [ "public" ]
visibility = [":*"]
pw_source_set("pw_sample_module") {
public = [ "public/pw_sample_module/sample_module.h" ]
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ]
public_deps = [ dir_pw_status ]
deps = [ dir_pw_varint ]
pw_test_group("tests") {
tests = [ ":sample_module_test" ]
pw_test("sample_module_test") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ ":sample_module" ]
pw_doc_group("docs") {
sources = [ "docs.rst" ]
Build files: Bazel
Build files for the Bazel build system must be named ``BUILD.bazel``. Bazel can
interpret files named just ``BUILD``, but Pigweed uses ``BUILD.bazel`` to avoid
ambiguity with other build systems or tooling.
Pigweed's Bazel files follow the `Bazel style guide
.. _documentation-style:
.. note::
Pigweed's documentation style guide came after much of the documentation was
written, so Pigweed's docs don't yet 100% conform to this style guide. When
updating docs, please update them to match the style guide.
Pigweed documentation is written using the `reStructuredText
<>`_ markup language and processed by
`Sphinx`_. We use the `Furo theme <>`_ along
with the `sphinx-design <>`_
Syntax Reference Links
.. admonition:: See also
:class: seealso
- `reStructuredText Primer`_
- `reStructuredText Directives <>`_
- `Furo Reference <>`_
- `Sphinx-design Reference <>`_
ReST is flexible, supporting formatting the same logical document in a few ways
(for example headings, blank lines). Pigweed has the following restrictions to
make our documentation consistent.
Use headings according to the following hierarchy, with the shown characters
for the ReST heading syntax.
.. code-block:: rst
Document Title: Two Bars of Equals
Document titles use equals ("====="), above and below. Capitalize the words
in the title, except for 'a', 'of', and 'the'.
Major Sections Within a Doc
Major sections use hyphens ("----"), above and below. Capitalize the words in
the title, except for 'a', 'of', and 'the'.
Heading 1 - For Sections Within a Doc
These should be title cased. Use a single equals bar ("====").
Heading 2 - for subsections
Subsections use hyphens ("----"). In many cases, these headings may be
sentence-like. In those cases, only the first letter should be capitalized.
For example, FAQ subsections would have a title with "Why does the X do the
Y?"; note the sentence capitalization (but not title capitalization).
Heading 3 - for subsubsections
Use the caret symbol ("^^^^") for subsubsections.
Note: Generally don't go beyond heading 3.
Heading 4 - for subsubsubsections
Don't use this heading level, but if you must, use period characters
("....") for the heading.
Do not put blank lines after headings.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: No blank after heading
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: rst
Here is a heading
Note that there is no blank line after the heading separator!
.. admonition:: **No**: Unnecessary blank line
:class: error
.. code-block:: rst
Here is a heading
There is a totally unnecessary blank line above this one. Don't do this.
Do not put multiple blank lines before a heading.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Just one blank after section content before the next heading
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: rst
There is some text here in the section before the next. It's just here to
illustrate the spacing standard. Note that there is just one blank line
after this paragraph.
Just one blank!
There is just one blank line before the heading.
.. admonition:: **No**: Extra blank lines
:class: error
.. code-block:: rst
There is some text here in the section before the next. It's just here to
illustrate the spacing standard. Note that there are too many blank lines
after this paragraph; there should be just one.
Too many blanks
There are too many blanks before the heading for this section.
Indent directives 3 spaces; and put a blank line between the directive and the
content. This aligns the directive content with the directive name.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Three space indent for directives; and nested
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
Here is a paragraph that has some content. After this content is a
.. my_directive::
Note that this line's start aligns with the "m" above. The 3-space
alignment accounts for the ".. " prefix for directives, to vertically
align the directive name with the content.
This indentation must continue for nested directives.
.. nested_directive::
Here is some nested directive content.
.. admonition:: **No**: One space, two spaces, four spaces, or other indents
for directives
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
Here is a paragraph with some content.
.. my_directive::
The indentation here is incorrect! It's one space short; doesn't align
with the directive name above.
.. nested_directive::
This isn't indented correctly either; it's too much (4 spaces).
.. admonition:: **No**: Missing blank between directive and content.
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
Here is a paragraph with some content.
.. my_directive::
Note the lack of blank line above here.
Consider using ``.. list-table::`` syntax, which is more maintainable and
easier to edit for complex tables (`details
Code Snippets
Use code blocks from actual source code files wherever possible. This helps keep
documentation fresh and removes duplicate code examples. There are a few ways to
do this with Sphinx.
The `literalinclude`_ directive creates a code blocks from source files. Entire
files can be included or a just a subsection. The best way to do this is with
the ``:start-after:`` and ``:end-before:`` options.
.. card::
Documentation Source (``.rst`` file)
.. code-block:: rst
.. literalinclude::
:start-after: [doxygen-environment-variables]
:end-before: [doxygen-environment-variables]
.. card::
Source File
.. code-block::
# DOCSTAG: [doxygen-environment-variables]
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PW_DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] = str(output_dir.resolve())
env['PW_DOXYGEN_INPUT'] = ' '.join(pw_module_list)
env['PW_DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'Pigweed'
# DOCSTAG: [doxygen-environment-variables]
.. card::
Rendered Output
.. code-block::
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PW_DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] = str(output_dir.resolve())
env['PW_DOXYGEN_INPUT'] = ' '.join(pw_module_list)
env['PW_DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'Pigweed'
Generating API documentation from source
Whenever possible, document APIs in the source code and use Sphinx to generate
documentation for them. This keeps the documentation in sync with the code and
reduces duplication.
Include Python API documentation from docstrings with `autodoc directives`_.
.. code-block:: rst
.. automodule:: pw_cli.log
.. automodule:: pw_console.embed
:members: PwConsoleEmbed
.. autoclass:: pw_console.log_store.LogStore
:members: __init__
Include argparse command line help with the `argparse
directive. Example:
.. code-block:: rst
.. argparse::
:func: get_parser
:prog: pw watch
.. _documentation-style-doxygen:
Doxygen comments in C, C++, and Java are surfaced in Sphinx using `Breathe
.. note::
Sources with doxygen comment blocks must be added to the
``_doxygen_input_files`` list in ``//docs/`` to be processed.
Breathe provides various `directives
<>`_ for bringing
Doxygen comments into Sphinx. These include the following:
- `doxygenfile
<>`_ --
Documents a source file. May limit to specific types of symbols with
.. code-block:: rst
.. doxygenfile:: pw_rpc/internal/config.h
:sections: define, func
- `doxygenclass
<>`_ --
Documents a class and optionally its members.
.. code-block:: rst
.. doxygenclass:: pw::sync::BinarySemaphore
- `doxygentypedef
<>`_ --
Documents an alias (``typedef`` or ``using`` statement).
.. code-block:: rst
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::Function
- `doxygenfunction
<>`_ --
Documents a source file. Can be filtered to limit to specific types of
.. code-block:: rst
.. doxygenfunction:: pw::tokenizer::EncodeArgs
- `doxygendefine
<>`_ --
Documents a preprocessor macro.
.. code-block:: rst
.. doxygendefine:: PW_TOKENIZE_STRING
.. admonition:: See also
`All Breathe directives for use in RST files <>`_
Example Doxygen Comment Block
Start a Doxygen comment block using ``///`` (three forward slashes).
.. code-block:: cpp
/// This is the documentation comment for the `PW_LOCK_RETURNED()` macro. It
/// describes how to use the macro.
/// Doxygen comments can refer to other symbols using Sphinx cross
/// references. For example, @cpp_class{pw::InlineBasicString}, which is
/// shorthand for @crossref{cpp,class,pw::InlineBasicString}, links to a C++
/// class. @crossref{py,func,pw_tokenizer.proto.detokenize_fields} links to a
/// Python function.
/// @param[out] dest The memory area to copy to.
/// @param[in] src The memory area to copy from.
/// @param[in] n The number of bytes to copy
/// @retval OK KVS successfully initialized.
/// @retval DATA_LOSS KVS initialized and is usable, but contains corrupt data.
/// @retval UNKNOWN Unknown error. KVS is not initialized.
/// @rst
/// The ``@rst`` and ``@endrst`` commands form a block block of
/// reStructuredText that is rendered in Sphinx.
/// .. warning::
/// this is a warning admonition
/// .. code-block:: cpp
/// void release(ptrdiff_t update = 1);
/// @endrst
/// Example code block using Doxygen markup below. To override the language
/// use `@code{.cpp}`
/// @code
/// class Foo {
/// public:
/// Mutex* mu() PW_LOCK_RETURNED(mu) { return &mu; }
/// private:
/// Mutex mu;
/// };
/// @endcode
/// @b The first word in this sentence is bold (The).
#define PW_LOCK_RETURNED(x) __attribute__((lock_returned(x)))
Doxygen Syntax
Pigweed prefers to use RST wherever possible, but there are a few Doxygen
syntatic elements that may be needed.
Common Doxygen commands for use within a comment block:
- ``@rst`` To start a reStructuredText block. This is a custom alias for
``\verbatim embed:rst:leading-asterisk``. This must be paired with
- `@code <>`_ Start a code
block. This must be paired with ``@endcode``.
- `@param <>`_ Document
parameters, this may be repeated.
- `@pre <>`_ Starts a
paragraph where the precondition of an entity can be described.
- `@post <>`_ Starts a
paragraph where the postcondition of an entity can be described.
- `@return <>`_ Single
paragraph to describe return value(s).
- `@retval <>`_ Document
return values by name. This is rendered as a definition list.
- `@note <>`_ Add a note
admonition to the end of documentation.
- `@b <>`_ To bold one word.
.. tip:
Did you add Doxygen comments and now your build is failing because Doxygen
says it can't find the class you decorated? Make sure your ``@code`` blocks
are paired with ``@endcode`` blocks and your ``@rst`` blocks are paired
with ``@endrst`` blocks!
Doxygen provides `structural commands
<>`_ that associate a
comment block with a particular symbol. Example of these include ``@class``,
``@struct``, ``@def``, ``@fn``, and ``@file``. Do not use these unless
necessary, since they are redundant with the declarations themselves.
One case where structural commands are necessary is when a single comment block
describes multiple symbols. To group multiple symbols into a single comment
block, include a structural commands for each symbol on its own line. For
example, the following comment documents two macros:
.. code-block:: cpp
/// Documents functions that dynamically check to see if a lock is held, and
/// fail if it is not held.
.. seealso:: `All Doxygen commands <>`_
Pigweed provides Doxygen aliases for creating Sphinx cross references within
Doxygen comments. These should be used when referring to other symbols, such as
functions, classes, or macros.
.. inclusive-language: disable
The basic alias is ``@crossref``, which supports any `Sphinx domain
For readability, aliases for commonnly used types are provided.
.. inclusive-language: enable
- ``@crossref{domain,type,identifier}`` Inserts a cross reference of any type in
any Sphinx domain. For example, ``@crossref{c,func,foo}`` is equivalent to
``:c:func:`foo``` and links to the documentation for the C function ``foo``,
if it exists.
- ``@c_macro{identifier}`` Equivalent to ``:c:macro:`identifier```.
- ``@cpp_func{identifier}`` Equivalent to ``:cpp:func:`identifier```.
- ``@cpp_class{identifier}`` Equivalent to ``:cpp:class:`identifier```.
- ``@cpp_type{identifier}`` Equivalent to ``:cpp:type:`identifier```.
.. note::
Use the `@` aliases described above for all cross references. Doxygen
provides other methods for cross references, but Sphinx cross references
offer several advantages:
- Sphinx cross references work for all identifiers known to Sphinx, including
those documented with e.g. ``.. cpp:class::`` or extracted from Python.
Doxygen references can only refer to identifiers known to Doxygen.
- Sphinx cross references always use consistent formatting. Doxygen cross
references sometimes render as plain text instead of code-style monospace,
or include ``()`` in macros that shouldn't have them.
- Sphinx cross references can refer to symbols that have not yet been
documented. They will be formatted correctly and become links once the
symbols are documented.
- Using Sphinx cross references in Doxygen comments makes cross reference
syntax more consistent within Doxygen comments and between RST and
Create cross reference links elsewhere in the document to symbols documented
with Doxygen using standard Sphinx cross references, such as ``:cpp:class:`` and
.. code-block:: rst
- :cpp:class:`pw::sync::BinarySemaphore::BinarySemaphore`
- :cpp:func:`pw::sync::BinarySemaphore::try_acquire`
.. seealso::
- `C++ cross reference link syntax`_
- `C cross reference link syntax`_
- `Python cross reference link syntax`_
.. _Sphinx:
.. inclusive-language: disable
.. _reStructuredText Primer:
.. _literalinclude:
.. _C++ cross reference link syntax:
.. _C cross reference link syntax:
.. _Python cross reference link syntax:
.. _autodoc directives:
.. inclusive-language: enable
Status codes in Doxygen comments
Use the following syntax when referring to ``pw_status`` codes in Doxygen
.. code-block::
Replace ``YOUR_STATUS_CODE_HERE`` with a valid ``pw_status`` code.
This syntax ensures that Doxygen links back to the status code's
reference documentation in :ref:`module-pw_status`.
.. note::
The guidance in this section only applies to Doxygen comments in C++ header
Customize the depth of a page's table of contents
Put ``:tocdepth: X`` on the first line of the page, where ``X`` equals how many
levels of section heading you want to show in the page's table of contents. See
``//docs/changelog.rst`` for an example.
This section explains how we update the changelog.
#. On the Friday before Pigweed Live, use
`changelog <>`_ to generate a first
draft of the changelog.
#. Copy-paste the reStructuredText output from the changelog tool to the top
of ``//docs/changelog.rst``.
#. Delete these lines from the previous update in ``changelog.rst``
(which is no longer the latest update):
* ``.. _docs-changelog-latest:``
* ``.. changelog_highlights_start``
* ``.. changelog_highlights_end``
#. Polish up the auto-generated first draft into something more readable:
* Don't change the section headings. The text in each section heading
should map to one of the categories that we allow in our commit
messages, such as ``bazel``, ``docs``, ``pw_base64``, and so on.
* Add a 1-paragraph summary to each section.
* Focus on features, important bug fixes, and breaking changes. Delete
internal commits that Pigweed customers won't care about.
#. Push your change up to Gerrit and kick off a dry run. After a few minutes
the docs will get staged.
#. Copy the rendered content from the staging site into the Pigweed Live
Google Doc.
#. Make sure to land the changelog updates the same week as Pigweed Live.
There is no need to update ``//docs/index.rst``. The ``What's new in Pigweed``
content on the homepage is pulled from the changelog (that's what the
``docs-changelog-latest``, ``changelog_highlights_start``, and
``changelog_highlights_end`` labels are for).
Why "changelog" and not "release notes"?
Because Pigweed doesn't have releases.
Why organize by module / category?
Why is the changelog organized by category / module? Why not the usual
3 top-level sections: features, fixes, breaking changes?
* Because some Pigweed customers only use a few modules. Organizing by module
helps them filter out all the changes that aren't relevant to them faster.
* If we keep the changelog section heading text fairly structured, we may
be able to present the changelog in other interesting ways. For example,
it should be possible to collect every ``pw_base64`` section in the changelog
and then provide a changelog for only ``pw_base64`` over in the ``pw_base64``
* The changelog tool is easily able to organize by module / category due to
how we annotate our commits. We will not be able to publish changelog updates
every 2 weeks if there is too much manual work involved.
.. _docs-site-scroll:
Site nav scrolling
We have had recurring issues with scrolling on This section
provides context on the issue and fix(es).
The behavior we want:
* The page that you're currently on should be visible in the site nav.
* URLs with deep links (e.g. ````) should
instantly jump to the target section (e.g. ``#size-report``).
* There should be no scrolling animations anywhere on the site. Scrolls should
happen instantly.
.. _furo.js:
A few potential issues at play:
* Our theme (Furo) has non-configurable scrolling logic. See `furo.js`_.
* There seems to be a race condition between Furo's scrolling behavior and our
text-to-diagram tool, Mermaid, which uses JavaScript to render the diagrams
on page load. However, we also saw issues on pages that didn't have any
diagrams, so that can't be the site-wide root cause.
.. _scrollTop:
.. _scrollIntoView:
.. _scroll-behavior:
Our current fix:
* In ``//docs/_static/js/pigweed.js`` we manually scroll the site nav and main
content via `scrollTop`_. Note that we previously tried `scrollIntoView`_
but it was not an acceptable fix because the main content would always scroll
down about 50 pixels, even when a deep link was not present in the URL.
We also manually control when Mermaid renders its diagrams.
* In ``//docs/_static/css/pigweed.css`` we use an aggressive CSS rule
to ensure that `scroll-behavior`_ is set to ``auto`` (i.e. instant scrolling)
for all elements on the site.
* `Tracking issue <>`_
* `First fix <>`_
* `Second fix <>`_
* `Third fix <>`_
* `Fourth fix <>`_
.. _docs-pw-style-cta:
Call-to-action buttons on sales pitch pages (docs.rst)
Use the following directive to put call-to-action buttons on a ``docs.rst``
.. code-block::
.. grid:: 2
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`zap` Get started & guides
:link: <REF>
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-primary
Learn how to integrate <MODULE> into your project and implement
common use cases.
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`info` API reference
:link: <REF>
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
Get detailed reference information about the <MODULE> API.
.. grid:: 2
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`info` CLI reference
:link: <REF>
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
Get usage information about <MODULE> command line utilities.
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`table` Design
:link: <REF>
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
Read up on how <MODULE> is designed.
* Remove cards for content that does not exist. For example, if the module
doesn't have a CLI reference, remove the card for that doc.
* Replace ``<REF>`` and ``<MODULE>``. Don't change anything else. We want
a consistent call-to-action experience across all the modules.
.. _commit-style:
Commit message
Pigweed commit message bodies and summaries are limited to 72 characters wide
to improve readability. Commit summaries should also be prefixed with the name
of the module that the commit is affecting. :ref:`Examples
<docs-contributing-commit-message-examples>` of well and ill-formed commit
messages are provided below.
Consider the following when writing a commit message:
#. **Documentation and comments are better** - Consider whether the commit
message contents would be better expressed in the documentation or code
comments. Docs and code comments are durable and readable later; commit
messages are rarely read after the change lands.
#. **Include why the change is made, not just what the change is** - It is
important to include a "why" component in most commits. Sometimes, why is
evident - for example, reducing memory usage, or optimizing. But it is often
not. Err on the side of over-explaining why, not under-explaining why.
.. _docs-contributing-commit-message-examples:
Pigweed commit messages should conform to the following style:
.. admonition:: **Yes**:
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
pw_some_module: Short capitalized description
Details about the change here. Include a summary of the what, and a clear
description of why the change is needed for future maintainers.
Consider what parts of the commit message are better suited for
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Small number of modules affected; use {} syntax.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
pw_{foo, bar, baz}: Change something in a few places
When changes cross a few modules, include them with the syntax shown
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Targets are effectively modules, even though they're
nested, so they get a ``/`` character.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
targets/xyz123: Tweak support for XYZ's PQR
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Uses imperative style for subject and text.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
pw_something: Add foo and bar functions
This commit correctly uses imperative present-tense style.
.. admonition:: **No**: Uses non-imperative style for subject and text.
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
pw_something: Adds more things
Use present tense imperative style for subjects and commit. The above
subject has a plural "Adds" which is incorrect; should be "Add".
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Use bulleted lists when multiple changes are in a
single CL. Prefer smaller CLs, but larger CLs are a practical reality.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
pw_complicated_module: Pre-work for refactor
Prepare for a bigger refactor by reworking some arguments before the larger
change. This change must land in downstream projects before the refactor to
enable a smooth transition to the new API.
- Add arguments to MyImportantClass::MyFunction
- Update MyImportantClass to handle precondition Y
- Add stub functions to be used during the transition
.. admonition:: **No**: Run on paragraph instead of bulleted list
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
pw_foo: Many things in a giant BWOT
This CL does A, B, and C. The commit message is a Big Wall Of Text
(BWOT), which we try to discourage in Pigweed. Also changes X and Y,
because Z and Q. Furthermore, in some cases, adds a new Foo (with Bar,
because we want to). Also refactors qux and quz.
.. admonition:: **No**: Doesn't capitalize the subject
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
pw_foo: do a thing
Above subject is incorrect, since it is a sentence style subject.
.. admonition:: **Yes**: Doesn't capitalize the subject when subject's first
word is a lowercase identifier.
:class: checkmark
.. code-block:: none
pw_foo: std::unique_lock cleanup
This commit message demonstrates the subject when the subject has an
identifier for the first word. In that case, follow the identifier casing
instead of capitalizing.
However, imperative style subjects often have the identifier elsewhere in
the subject; for example:
.. code-block:: none
pw_foo: Improve use of std::unique_lock
.. admonition:: **No**: Uses a non-standard ``[]`` to indicate module:
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
[pw_foo]: Do a thing
.. admonition:: **No**: Has a period at the end of the subject
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
pw_bar: Do something great.
.. admonition:: **No**: Puts extra stuff after the module which isn't a module.
:class: error
.. code-block:: none
pw_bar/byte_builder: Add more stuff to builder
We support a number of `git footers`_ in the commit message, such as ``Bug:
123`` in the message below:
.. code-block:: none
pw_something: Add foo and bar functions
Bug: 123
You are encouraged to use the following footers when appropriate:
* ``Bug``: Associates this commit with a bug (issue in our `bug tracker`_). The
bug will be automatically updated when the change is submitted. When a change
is relevant to more than one bug, include multiple ``Bug`` lines, like so:
.. code-block:: none
pw_something: Add foo and bar functions
Bug: 123
Bug: 456
* ``Fixed`` or ``Fixes``: Like ``Bug``, but automatically closes the bug when
.. code-block:: none
pw_something: Fix incorrect use of foo
Fixes: 123
In addition, we support all of the `Chromium CQ footers`_, but those are
relatively rarely useful.
.. _bug tracker:
.. _Chromium CQ footers:
.. _git footers:
Copy-to-clipboard feature on code blocks
.. _sphinx-copybutton:
.. _Remove copybuttons using a CSS selector:
The copy-to-clipboard feature on code blocks is powered by `sphinx-copybutton`_.
``sphinx-copybutton`` recognizes ``$`` as an input prompt and automatically
removes it.
There is a workflow for manually removing the copy-to-clipboard button for a
particular code block but it has not been implemented yet. See
`Remove copybuttons using a CSS selector`_.
Grouping related content with tabs
Use the ``tab-set`` directive to group related content together. This feature is
powered by `sphinx-design Tabs
Tabs for code-only content
Use the ``tabs`` and ``code-tab`` directives together. Example:
.. code-block:: rst
.. tab-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// C++ code...
.. code-block:: python
# Python code...
Rendered output:
.. tab-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// C++ code...
.. code-block:: python
# Python code...
Tabs for all other content
Use the ``tabs`` and ``tab-item`` directives together. Example:
.. code-block:: rst
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
Windows instructions...
Rendered output:
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
Windows instructions...
Tab synchronization
Tabs are synchronized in two ways:
1. ``tab-set-code::`` ``code-block`` languages names.
2. ``tab-item::`` ``:sync:`` values.
For Example:
.. code-block:: rst
.. tabs-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// C++ code...
.. code-block:: py
# Python code...
.. tabs-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// More C++ code...
.. code-block:: py
# More Python code...
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
:sync: key1
Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
:sync: key2
Windows instructions...
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
:sync: key1
More Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
:sync: key2
More Windows instructions...
Rendered output:
.. tab-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// C++ code...
.. code-block:: py
# Python code...
.. tab-set-code::
.. code-block:: c++
// More C++ code...
.. code-block:: py
# More Python code...
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
:sync: key1
Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
:sync: key2
Windows instructions...
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Linux
:sync: key1
More Linux instructions...
.. tab-item:: Windows
:sync: key2
More Windows instructions...