blob: b08ce04143d341ab68c75613066754a9098636c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw::dump {
// Size, in bytes, of the resulting string after converting an address to a
// UTF-8 encoded hex representation. This constant depends on the size
// a of a pointer.
// Example (32-bit):
// 0x0000F00D
// Note: the +2 accounts for the "0x" prefix.
constexpr const size_t kHexAddrStringSize = sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2 + 2;
// It is strongly recommended NOT to directly depend on this dump format;
// pw_hex_dump does NOT guarantee stability for the output format, but strives
// to remain xxd compatible.
// Default:
// Offs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Text
// 0000: A4 CC 32 62 9B 46 38 1A 23 1A 2A 7A BC E2 40 A0 ..2b.F8.#.*z..@.
// 0010: FF 33 E5 2B 9E 9F 6B 3C BE 9B 89 3C 7E 4A 7A 48 .3.+..k<...<~JzH
// 0020: 18 .
// Example 1 (32-bit machine, group_every=4, prefix_mode=kAbsolute,
// bytes_per_line = 8):
// Address 0 4 Text
// 0x20000000: A4CC3262 9B46381A ..2b.F8.
// 0x20000008: 231A2A7A BCE240A0 #.*z..@.
// 0x20000010: FF33E52B 9E9F6B3C .3.+..k<
// 0x20000018: BE9B893C 7E4A7A48 ...<~JzH
// 0x20000020: 18 .
// Example 2 (group_every=1, bytes_per_line = 16):
// Offs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
// 0000: A4 CC 32 62 9B 46 38 1A 23 1A 2A 7A BC E2 40 A0
// 0010: FF 33 E5 2B 9E 9F 6B 3C BE 9B 89 3C 7E 4A 7A 48
// 0020: 18
// Example 3 (group_every=0, prefix_mode=kNone, show_header=false,
// show_ascii=false):
// A4CC32629B46381A231A2A7ABCE240A0
// FF33E52B9E9F6B3CBE9B893C7E4A7A48
// 18
class FormattedHexDumper {
enum AddressMode {
kDisabled = 0,
kOffset = 1,
kAbsolute = 2,
struct Flags {
// Sets the number of source data bytes to print in each formatted line.
uint8_t bytes_per_line : 8;
// Inserts a space every N bytes for readability. Note that this is in
// number of bytes converted to characters. Set to zero to disable. I.e. a
// value of 2 results in:
// 0x00000000: 0102 0304 0506 0708
uint8_t group_every : 8;
// Show or hide ascii interpretation of binary data.
bool show_ascii : 1;
// Show descriptive column headers.
bool show_header : 1;
// Prefix each line of the dump with an offset or absolute address.
AddressMode prefix_mode : 2;
Flags flags = {.bytes_per_line = 16,
.group_every = 1,
.show_ascii = true,
.show_header = true,
.prefix_mode = AddressMode::kOffset};
FormattedHexDumper() = default;
FormattedHexDumper(span<char> dest) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(b/242598609): Handle Status properly
FormattedHexDumper(span<char> dest, Flags config_flags)
: flags(config_flags) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(b/242598609): Handle Status properly
// TODO(b/234892215): Add iterator support.
// Set the destination buffer that the hex dumper will write to line-by-line.
// Returns:
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - The buffer was set, but is too small to fit the
// current formatting configuration.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - The destination buffer is invalid (nullptr or zero-
// length).
Status SetLineBuffer(span<char> dest);
// Begin dumping the provided data. Does NOT populate the line buffer with
// a string, simply resets the statefulness to track this buffer.
// Returns:
// OK - Ready to begin dump.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - The source data starts at null, but has been set.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Line buffer too small to hold current formatting
// settings.
Status BeginDump(ConstByteSpan data);
// Dumps a single line to the line buffer.
// Example usage:
// std::array<char, 80> temp;
// FormattedHexDumper hex_dumper(temp);
// hex_dumper.BeginDump(my_data);
// while(hex_dumper.DumpLine().ok()) {
// LOG_INFO("%s",;
// }
// Returns:
// OK - A line has been written to the line buffer.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - All the data has been dumped.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Destination line buffer is too small to fit current
// formatting configuration.
Status DumpLine();
Status ValidateBufferSize();
Status PrintFormatHeader();
size_t current_offset_;
span<char> dest_;
ConstByteSpan source_data_;
// Dumps a uintptr_t to a character buffer as a hex address. This may be useful
// to print out an address in a generalized way when %z and %p aren't supported
// by a standard library implementation. The destination buffer MUST be large
// enough to hold kHexAddrStringSize + 1 (null terminator) bytes.
// Example (64-bit):
// 0x000000000022b698
// Example (32-bit):
// 0x70000000
// Returns:
// OK - Address has been written to the buffer.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - The destination buffer is invalid (nullptr).
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - The destination buffer is too small. No data written.
Status DumpAddr(span<char> dest, uintptr_t addr);
inline Status DumpAddr(span<char> dest, const void* ptr) {
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
return DumpAddr(dest, addr);
} // namespace pw::dump