blob: 3d16db9faf501ad8dc84e5dff3e8493f42457eea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_allocator/bucket_block_allocator.h"
#include "pw_allocator/allocator.h"
#include "pw_allocator/block_allocator_testing.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework.h"
namespace {
// Test fixtures.
constexpr size_t kMinChunkSize = 64;
constexpr size_t kNumBuckets = 4;
using ::pw::allocator::Layout;
using ::pw::allocator::test::Preallocation;
using BucketBlockAllocator =
::pw::allocator::BucketBlockAllocator<uint16_t, kMinChunkSize, kNumBuckets>;
using BlockAllocatorTest =
class BucketBlockAllocatorTest : public BlockAllocatorTest {
BucketBlockAllocatorTest() : BlockAllocatorTest(allocator_) {}
BucketBlockAllocator allocator_;
// Unit tests.
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, CanAutomaticallyInit) {
BucketBlockAllocator allocator(GetBytes());
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, CanExplicitlyInit) {
BucketBlockAllocator allocator;
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, GetCapacity) { GetCapacity(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, AllocateLarge) { AllocateLarge(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, AllocateSmall) { AllocateSmall(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, AllocateLargeAlignment) {
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, AllocateAlignmentFailure) {
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, AllocatesFromCompatibleBucket) {
// Bucket sizes are: [ 64, 128, 256 ]
// Start with everything allocated in order to recycle blocks into buckets.
auto& allocator = GetAllocator({
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{63 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{128 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{255 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{257 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, Preallocation::kUsed},
// Deallocate to fill buckets.
void* bucket0_ptr = Fetch(1);
Store(1, nullptr);
void* bucket1_ptr = Fetch(3);
Store(3, nullptr);
void* bucket2_ptr = Fetch(5);
Store(5, nullptr);
// Bucket 3 is the implicit, unbounded bucket.
void* bucket3_ptr = Fetch(7);
Store(7, nullptr);
// Allocate in a different order. The correct bucket should be picked for each
// allocation
// The allocation from bucket 2 splits a trailing block off the chunk.
Store(5, allocator.Allocate(Layout(129, 1)));
auto* block2 = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(bucket2_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(Fetch(5), block2->Next()->UsableSpace());
// This allocation exactly matches the chunk size of bucket 1.
Store(3, allocator.Allocate(Layout(128, 1)));
EXPECT_EQ(Fetch(3), bucket1_ptr);
// 129 should start with bucket 2, then use bucket 3 since 2 is empty.
// The allocation from bucket 3 splits a trailing block off the chunk.
auto* block3 = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(bucket3_ptr);
Store(7, allocator.Allocate(Layout(129, 1)));
EXPECT_EQ(Fetch(7), block3->Next()->UsableSpace());
// The allocation from bucket 0 splits a trailing block off the chunk.
auto* block0 = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(bucket0_ptr);
Store(1, allocator.Allocate(Layout(32, 1)));
EXPECT_EQ(Fetch(1), block0->Next()->UsableSpace());
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, UnusedPortionIsRecycled) {
auto& allocator = GetAllocator({
{128 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, Preallocation::kUsed},
// Deallocate to fill buckets.
Store(0, nullptr);
Store(2, allocator.Allocate(Layout(65, 1)));
ASSERT_NE(Fetch(2), nullptr);
// The remainder should be recycled to a smaller bucket.
Store(3, allocator.Allocate(Layout(32, 1)));
ASSERT_NE(Fetch(3), nullptr);
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ExhaustBucket) {
auto& allocator = GetAllocator({
{128 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{128 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kUsed},
{128 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, Preallocation::kUsed},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, Preallocation::kUsed},
// Deallocate to fill buckets.
Store(0, nullptr);
Store(2, nullptr);
Store(4, nullptr);
void* ptr0 = allocator.Allocate(Layout(65, 1));
EXPECT_NE(ptr0, nullptr);
Store(0, ptr0);
void* ptr2 = allocator.Allocate(Layout(65, 1));
EXPECT_NE(ptr2, nullptr);
Store(2, ptr2);
void* ptr4 = allocator.Allocate(Layout(65, 1));
EXPECT_NE(ptr4, nullptr);
Store(4, ptr4);
EXPECT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(Layout(65, 1)), nullptr);
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, DeallocateNull) { DeallocateNull(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, DeallocateShuffled) { DeallocateShuffled(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, IterateOverBlocks) { IterateOverBlocks(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeNull) { ResizeNull(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeSame) { ResizeLargeSame(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeSmaller) { ResizeLargeSmaller(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeLarger) { ResizeLargeLarger(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeLargerFailure) {
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallSame) { ResizeSmallSame(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallSmaller) { ResizeSmallSmaller(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallLarger) { ResizeSmallLarger(); }
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallLargerFailure) {
TEST_F(BucketBlockAllocatorTest, CanMeasureFragmentation) {
} // namespace