blob: 0e0920ab06d576397b5117a84510b4a536c519d7 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_allocator-size-reports:
Code size analysis
.. pigweed-module-subpage::
:name: pw_allocator
This module provides the :ref:`module-pw_allocator-api-allocator` interface, as
well as several implementations of it. The tables below shows the
relative code size for the interface and each of these implementations. The
measurement includes a call to each method.
Allocator interface
The following shows the code size incurred by the
:ref:`module-pw_allocator-api-allocator` interface itself. A call to each method
of the interface is measured using an empty implementation,
.. include:: allocator_api_size_report
Concrete allocator implementations
The following are code sizes for each of the provided allocator implementations
that directly manage the memory they use to fulfill requests. These are measured
relative to the empty implementation measured above.
.. include:: concrete_allocators_size_report
Forwarding allocators implementations
The following are code sizes for each of the provided "forwarding" allocators as
described by :ref:`module-pw_allocator-design-forwarding`. These are measured
by having the forwarding allocator wrap a
:ref:`module-pw_allocator-api-first_fit_block_allocator`, and are measured
relative to that implementation.
.. include:: forwarding_allocators_size_report