blob: f2c7d12c6329001f9d3031580c137f93a699f610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <concepts>
#include <coroutine>
#include "pw_allocator/allocator.h"
#include "pw_allocator/layout.h"
#include "pw_async2/dispatcher.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
namespace pw::async2 {
// Forward-declare `Coro` so that it can be referenced by the promise type APIs.
template <std::constructible_from<pw::Status> T>
class Coro;
/// Context required for creating and executing coroutines.
class CoroContext {
/// Creates a `CoroContext` which will allocate coroutine state using
/// `alloc`.
explicit CoroContext(pw::allocator::Allocator& alloc) : alloc_(alloc) {}
pw::allocator::Allocator& alloc() const { return alloc_; }
pw::allocator::Allocator& alloc_;
// The internal coroutine API implementation details enabling `Coro<T>`.
// Users of `Coro<T>` need not concern themselves with these details, unless
// they think it sounds like fun ;)
namespace internal {
// A container for a to-be-produced value of type `T`.
// This is designed to allow avoiding the overhead of `std::optional` when
// `T` is default-initializable.
// Values of this type begin as either:
// - a default-initialized `T` if `T` is default-initializable or
// - `std::nullopt`
template <typename T>
class OptionalOrDefault final {
// Create an empty container for a to-be-provided value.
OptionalOrDefault() : value_() {}
// Assign a value.
template <typename U>
OptionalOrDefault& operator=(U&& value) {
value_ = std::forward<U>(value);
return *this;
// Retrieve the inner value.
// This operation will fail if no value was assigned.
T& operator*() {
return *value_;
std::optional<T> value_;
// A specialization of `OptionalOrDefault<T>` for `default_initializable`
// types.
template <std::default_initializable T>
class OptionalOrDefault<T> final {
// Create a container for a to-be-provided value by default-initializing.
OptionalOrDefault() : value_() {}
// Assign a value.
template <typename U>
OptionalOrDefault& operator=(U&& value) {
value_ = std::forward<U>(value);
return *this;
// Retrieve the inner value.
// This operation will return a default-constructed `T` if no value was
// assigned. Typical users should not rely on this, and should instead
// only retrieve values assigned using `operator=`.
T& operator*() { return value_; }
T value_;
// A wrapper for `std::coroutine_handle` that assumes unique ownership of the
// underlying `PromiseType`.
// This type will `destroy()` the underlying promise in its destructor, or
// when `Release()` is called.
template <typename PromiseType>
class OwningCoroutineHandle final {
// Construct a null (`!IsValid()`) handle.
OwningCoroutineHandle(nullptr_t) : promise_handle_(nullptr) {}
/// Take ownership of `promise_handle`.
OwningCoroutineHandle(std::coroutine_handle<PromiseType>&& promise_handle)
: promise_handle_(std::move(promise_handle)) {}
// Empty out `other` and transfers ownership of its `promise_handle`
// to `this`.
OwningCoroutineHandle(OwningCoroutineHandle&& other)
: promise_handle_(std::move(other.promise_handle_)) {
other.promise_handle_ = nullptr;
// Empty out `other` and transfers ownership of its `promise_handle`
// to `this`.
OwningCoroutineHandle& operator=(OwningCoroutineHandle&& other) {
promise_handle_ = std::move(other.promise_handle_);
other.promise_handle_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// `destroy()`s the underlying `promise_handle` if valid.
~OwningCoroutineHandle() { Release(); }
// Return whether or not this value contains a `promise_handle`.
// This will return `false` if this `OwningCoroutineHandle` was
// `nullptr`-initialized, moved from, or if `Release` was invoked.
[[nodiscard]] bool IsValid() const {
return promise_handle_.address() != nullptr;
// Return a reference to the underlying `PromiseType`.
// Precondition: `IsValid()` must be `true`.
[[nodiscard]] PromiseType& promise() const {
return promise_handle_.promise();
// Whether or not the underlying coroutine has completed.
// Precondition: `IsValid()` must be `true`.
[[nodiscard]] bool done() const { return promise_handle_.done(); }
// Resume the underlying coroutine.
// Precondition: `IsValid()` must be `true`, and `done()` must be
// `false`.
void resume() { promise_handle_.resume(); }
// Invokes `destroy()` on the underlying promise and deallocates its
// associated storage.
void Release() {
void* address = promise_handle_.address();
if (address != nullptr) {
pw::allocator::Deallocator& dealloc = promise_handle_.promise().dealloc_;
promise_handle_ = nullptr;
std::coroutine_handle<PromiseType> promise_handle_;
// Forward-declare the wrapper type for values passed to `co_await`.
template <typename Pendable, typename PromiseType>
class Awaitable;
// A container for values passed in and out of the promise.
// The C++20 coroutine `resume()` function cannot accept arguments no return
// values, so instead coroutine inputs and outputs are funneled through this
// type. A pointer to the `InOut` object is stored in the `CoroPromiseType`
// so that the coroutine object can access it.
template <typename T>
struct InOut final {
// The `Context` passed into the coroutine via `Pend`.
Context* input_cx;
// The output assigned to by the coroutine if the coroutine is `done()`.
OptionalOrDefault<T>* output;
// A base class for `Awaitable` instances.
// Each `co_await` statement creates an `Awaitable` object whose `Pend`
// method must be completed before the coroutine's `resume()` function can
// be invoked.
class AwaitableBase {
// Attempt to complete the current pendable value passed to `co_await`,
// storing its return value inside the `Awaitable` object so that it can
// be retrieved by the coroutine.
virtual Poll<> PendFillReturnValue(Context& cx) = 0;
// A protected destructor ensures that child classes are never destroyed
// through a base pointer, so no virtual destructor is needed.
~AwaitableBase() {}
// The `promise_type` of `Coro<T>`.
// To understand this type, it may be necessary to refer to the reference
// documentation for the C++20 coroutine API.
template <typename T>
class CoroPromiseType final {
// Construct the `CoroPromiseType` using the arguments passed to a
// function returning `Coro<T>`.
// The first argument *must* be a `CoroContext`. The other
// arguments are unused, but must be accepted in order for this to compile.
template <typename... Args>
CoroPromiseType(CoroContext& cx, const Args&...)
: dealloc_(cx.alloc()), current_awaitable_(nullptr), in_out_(nullptr) {}
// Get the `Coro<T>` after successfully allocating the coroutine space
// and constructing `this`.
Coro<T> get_return_object();
// Do not begin executing the `Coro<T>` until `resume()` has been invoked
// for the first time.
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }
// Unconditionally suspend to prevent `destroy()` being invoked.
// The caller of `resume()` needs to first observe `done()` before the
// state can be destroyed.
// Setting this to suspend means that the caller is responsible for invoking
// `destroy()`.
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
// Store the `co_return` argument in the `InOut<T>` object provided by
// the `Pend` wrapper.
template <std::convertible_to<T> From>
void return_value(From&& value) {
*in_out_->output = std::forward<From>(value);
// Ignore exceptions in coroutines.
// Pigweed is not designed to be used with exceptions: `Result` or a
// similar type should be used to propagate errors.
void unhandled_exception() { PW_ASSERT(false); }
// Create an invalid (nullptr) `Coro<T>` if `operator new` below fails.
static Coro<T> get_return_object_on_allocation_failure();
// Allocate the space for both this `CoroPromiseType<T>` and the coroutine
// state.
template <typename... Args>
static void* operator new(std::size_t n,
CoroContext& coro_cx,
const Args&...) noexcept {
return coro_cx.alloc().Allocate(pw::allocator::Layout(n));
// Deallocate the space for both this `CoroPromiseType<T>` and the
// coroutine state.
// In reality, we do nothing here!!!
// Coroutines do not support `destroying_delete`, so we can't access
// `dealloc_` here, and therefore have no way to deallocate.
// Instead, deallocation is handled by `OwningCoroutineHandle<T>::Release`.
static void operator delete(void*) {}
// Handle a `co_await` call by accepting a type with a
// `Poll<U> Pend(Context&)` method, returning an `Awaitable` which will
// yield a `U` once complete.
template <typename Pendable>
Awaitable<Pendable, CoroPromiseType> await_transform(Pendable&& pendable) {
return pendable;
// Returns a reference to the `Context` passed in.
Context& cx() { return *in_out_->input_cx; }
pw::allocator::Deallocator& dealloc_;
AwaitableBase* current_awaitable_;
InOut<T>* in_out_;
// The object created by invoking `co_await` in a `Coro<T>` function.
// This wraps a `Pendable` type and implements the awaitable interface
// expected by the standard coroutine API.
template <typename Pendable, typename PromiseType>
class Awaitable final : AwaitableBase {
// The `OutputType` in `Poll<OutputType> Pendable::Pend(Context&)`.
using OutputType =
Awaitable(Pendable&& pendable)
: pendable_(std::forward<Pendable>(pendable)) {}
// Confirms that `await_suspend` must be invoked.
bool await_ready() { return false; }
// Returns whether or not the current coroutine should be suspended.
// This is invoked once as part of every `co_await` call after
// `await_ready` returns `false`.
// In the process, this method attempts to complete the inner `Pendable`
// before suspending this coroutine.
bool await_suspend(const std::coroutine_handle<PromiseType>& promise) {
Context& cx = promise.promise().cx();
if (PendFillReturnValue(cx).IsPending()) {
/// The coroutine should suspend since the await-ed thing is pending.
promise.promise().current_awaitable_ = this;
return true;
return false;
// Returns `return_value`.
// This is automatically invoked by the language runtime when the promise's
// `resume()` method is called.
OutputType&& await_resume() { return std::move(*return_value_); }
// Attempts to complete the `Pendable` value, storing its return value
// upon completion.
// This method must return `Ready()` before the coroutine can be safely
// resumed, as otherwise the return value will not be available when
// `await_resume` is called to produce the result of `co_await`.
Poll<> PendFillReturnValue(Context& cx) final {
Poll<OutputType> poll_res = pendable_.Pend(cx);
if (poll_res.IsPending()) {
return Pending();
return_value_ = std::move(*poll_res);
return Ready();
Pendable pendable_;
OptionalOrDefault<OutputType> return_value_;
} // namespace internal
/// An asynchronous coroutine which implements the C++20 coroutine API.
/// # Why coroutines?
/// Coroutines allow a series of asynchronous operations to be written as
/// straight line code. Rather than manually writing a state machine, users can
/// `co_await` any Pigweed asynchronous value (types with a
/// `Poll<T> Pend(Context&)` method).
/// # Allocation
/// Pigweed's `Coro<T>` API supports checked, fallible, heap-free allocation.
/// The first argument to any coroutine function must be a
/// `CoroContext` (or a reference to one). This allows the
/// coroutine to allocate space for asynchronously-held stack variables using
/// the allocator member of the `CoroContext`.
/// Failure to allocate coroutine "stack" space will result in the `Coro<T>`
/// returning `Status::Invalid()`.
/// # Creating a coroutine function
/// To create a coroutine, a function must:
/// - Have an annotated return type of `Coro<T>` where `T` is some type
/// constructible from `pw::Status`, such as `pw::Status` or
/// `pw::Result<U>`.
/// - Use `co_return <value>` rather than `return <value>` for any
/// `return` statements. This also requires the use of `PW_CO_TRY` and
/// `PW_CO_TRY_ASSIGN` rather than `PW_TRY` and `PW_TRY_ASSIGN`.
/// - Accept a value convertible to `pw::allocator::Allocator&` as its first
/// argument. This allocator will be used to allocate storage for coroutine
/// stack variables held across a `co_await` point.
/// # Using `co_await`
/// Inside a coroutine function, `co_await <expr>` can be used on any type
/// with a `Poll<T> Pend(Context&)` method. The result will be a value of
/// type `T`.
/// # Example
/// @rst
/// .. literalinclude:: examples/
/// :language: cpp
/// :linenos:
/// :start-after: [pw_async2-examples-coro-injection]
/// :end-before: [pw_async2-examples-coro-injection]
/// @endrst
template <std::constructible_from<pw::Status> T>
class Coro final {
/// Whether or not this `Coro<T>` is a valid coroutine.
/// This will return `false` if coroutine state allocation failed or if
/// this `Coro<T>::Pend` method previously returned a `Ready` value.
[[nodiscard]] bool IsValid() const { return promise_handle_.IsValid(); }
/// Attempt to complete this coroutine, returning the result if complete.
/// Returns `Status::Internal()` if `!IsValid()`, which may occur if
/// coroutine state allocation fails.
Poll<T> Pend(Context& cx) {
if (!IsValid()) {
// This coroutine failed to allocate its internal state.
// (Or `Pend` is being erroniously invoked after previously completing.)
return Ready(Status::Internal());
// If an `Awaitable` value is currently being processed, it must be
// allowed to complete and store its return value before we can resume
// the coroutine.
if (promise_handle_.promise().current_awaitable_ != nullptr &&
.IsPending()) {
return Pending();
// Create the arguments (and output storage) for the coroutine.
internal::InOut<T> in_out;
internal::OptionalOrDefault<T> return_value;
in_out.input_cx = &cx;
in_out.output = &return_value;
promise_handle_.promise().in_out_ = &in_out;
// Resume the coroutine, triggering `Awaitable::await_resume()` and the
// returning of the resulting value from `co_await`.
if (!promise_handle_.done()) {
return Pending();
// Destroy the coroutine state: it has completed, and further calls to
// `resume` would result in undefined behavior.
// When the coroutine completed in `resume()` above, it stored its
// `co_return` value into `return_value`. This retrieves that value.
return std::move(*return_value);
/// Used by the compiler in order to create a `Coro<T>` from a coroutine
/// function.
using promise_type = ::pw::async2::internal::CoroPromiseType<T>;
// Allow `CoroPromiseType<T>::get_return_object()` and
// `CoroPromiseType<T>::get_retunr_object_on_allocation_failure()` to
// use the private constructor below.
friend promise_type;
/// Create a new `Coro<T>` using a (possibly null) handle.
Coro(internal::OwningCoroutineHandle<promise_type>&& promise_handle)
: promise_handle_(std::move(promise_handle)) {}
internal::OwningCoroutineHandle<promise_type> promise_handle_;
// Implement the remaining internal pieces that require a definition of
// `Coro<T>`.
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
Coro<T> CoroPromiseType<T>::get_return_object() {
return internal::OwningCoroutineHandle<CoroPromiseType<T>>(
template <typename T>
Coro<T> CoroPromiseType<T>::get_return_object_on_allocation_failure() {
return internal::OwningCoroutineHandle<CoroPromiseType<T>>(nullptr);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace pw::async2