blob: bd9c1c4ccd61bf65a33640eb140eea10436a18da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/advertising_data.h"
#include <cpp-string/utf_codecs.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/assert.h"
#include "pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/log.h"
#include "pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/uuid.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
namespace bt {
namespace {
DataType ServiceUuidTypeForUuidSize(UUIDElemSize size, bool complete) {
switch (size) {
case UUIDElemSize::k16Bit:
return complete ? DataType::kComplete16BitServiceUuids
: DataType::kIncomplete16BitServiceUuids;
case UUIDElemSize::k32Bit:
return complete ? DataType::kComplete32BitServiceUuids
: DataType::kIncomplete32BitServiceUuids;
case UUIDElemSize::k128Bit:
return complete ? DataType::kComplete128BitServiceUuids
: DataType::kIncomplete128BitServiceUuids;
"called ServiceUuidTypeForUuidSize with unknown UUIDElemSize %du",
DataType ServiceDataTypeForUuidSize(UUIDElemSize size) {
switch (size) {
case UUIDElemSize::k16Bit:
return DataType::kServiceData16Bit;
case UUIDElemSize::k32Bit:
return DataType::kServiceData32Bit;
case UUIDElemSize::k128Bit:
return DataType::kServiceData128Bit;
"called ServiceDataTypeForUuidSize with unknown UUIDElemSize %du",
size_t EncodedServiceDataSize(const UUID& uuid, const BufferView data) {
return uuid.CompactSize() + data.size();
// clang-format off
const char* kUriSchemes[] = {"aaa:", "aaas:", "about:", "acap:", "acct:", "cap:", "cid:",
"coap:", "coaps:", "crid:", "data:", "dav:", "dict:", "dns:", "file:", "ftp:", "geo:",
"go:", "gopher:", "h323:", "http:", "https:", "iax:", "icap:", "im:", "imap:", "info:",
"ipp:", "ipps:", "iris:", "iris.beep:", "iris.xpc:", "iris.xpcs:", "iris.lwz:", "jabber:",
"ldap:", "mailto:", "mid:", "msrp:", "msrps:", "mtqp:", "mupdate:", "news:", "nfs:", "ni:",
"nih:", "nntp:", "opaquelocktoken:", "pop:", "pres:", "reload:", "rtsp:", "rtsps:", "rtspu:",
"service:", "session:", "shttp:", "sieve:", "sip:", "sips:", "sms:", "snmp:", "soap.beep:",
"soap.beeps:", "stun:", "stuns:", "tag:", "tel:", "telnet:", "tftp:", "thismessage:",
"tn3270:", "tip:", "turn:", "turns:", "tv:", "urn:", "vemmi:", "ws:", "wss:", "xcon:",
"xcon-userid:", "xmlrpc.beep:", "xmlrpc.beeps:", "xmpp:", "z39.50r:", "z39.50s:", "acr:",
"adiumxtra:", "afp:", "afs:", "aim:", "apt:", "attachment:", "aw:", "barion:", "beshare:",
"bitcoin:", "bolo:", "callto:", "chrome:", "chrome-extension:", "com-eventbrite-attendee:",
"content:", "cvs:", "dlna-playsingle:", "dlna-playcontainer:", "dtn:", "dvb:", "ed2k:",
"facetime:", "feed:", "feedready:", "finger:", "fish:", "gg:", "git:", "gizmoproject:",
"gtalk:", "ham:", "hcp:", "icon:", "ipn:", "irc:", "irc6:", "ircs:", "itms:", "jar:",
"jms:", "keyparc:", "lastfm:", "ldaps:", "magnet:", "maps:", "market:", "message:", "mms:",
"ms-help:", "ms-settings-power:", "msnim:", "mumble:", "mvn:", "notes:", "oid:", "palm:",
"paparazzi:", "pkcs11:", "platform:", "proxy:", "psyc:", "query:", "res:", "resource:",
"rmi:", "rsync:", "rtmfp:", "rtmp:", "secondlife:", "sftp:", "sgn:", "skype:", "smb:",
"smtp:", "soldat:", "spotify:", "ssh:", "steam:", "submit:", "svn:", "teamspeak:",
"teliaeid:", "things:", "udp:", "unreal:", "ut2004:", "ventrilo:", "view-source:",
"webcal:", "wtai:", "wyciwyg:", "xfire:", "xri:", "ymsgr:", "example:",
// clang-format on
const size_t kUriSchemesSize = std::extent<decltype(kUriSchemes)>::value;
std::string EncodeUri(const std::string& uri) {
std::string encoded_scheme;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kUriSchemesSize; i++) {
const char* scheme = kUriSchemes[i];
size_t scheme_len = strlen(scheme);
if (std::equal(scheme, scheme + scheme_len, uri.begin())) {
bt_lib_cpp_string::WriteUnicodeCharacter(i + 2, &encoded_scheme);
return encoded_scheme + uri.substr(scheme_len);
// First codepoint (U+0001) is for uncompressed schemes.
bt_lib_cpp_string::WriteUnicodeCharacter(1, &encoded_scheme);
return encoded_scheme + uri;
const char kUndefinedScheme = 0x01;
std::string DecodeUri(const std::string& uri) {
if (uri[0] == kUndefinedScheme) {
return uri.substr(1);
uint32_t code_point = 0;
size_t index = 0;
// NOTE: as we are reading UTF-8 from `uri`, it is possible that `code_point`
// corresponds to > 1 byte of `uri` (even for valid URI encoding schemes, as
// U+00(>7F) encodes to 2 bytes).
if (!bt_lib_cpp_string::ReadUnicodeCharacter(
uri.c_str(), uri.size(), &index, &code_point)) {
"Attempted to decode malformed UTF-8 in AdvertisingData URI");
return "";
// `uri` is not a c-string, so URIs that start with '\0' after c_str
// conversion (i.e. both empty URIs and URIs with leading null bytes '\0') are
// caught by the code_point < 2 check. We check
// "< 2" instead of "== 0" for redundancy (extra safety!) with the
// kUndefinedScheme check above.
if (code_point >= kUriSchemesSize + 2 || code_point < 2) {
"Failed to decode URI - supplied UTF-8 encoding scheme codepoint %u "
"must be in the "
"range 2-kUriSchemesSize + 1 (2-%lu) to correspond to a URI encoding",
kUriSchemesSize + 1);
return "";
return kUriSchemes[code_point - 2] + uri.substr(index + 1);
template <typename T>
inline size_t BufferWrite(MutableByteBuffer* buffer, size_t pos, const T& var) {
buffer->Write((const uint8_t*)(uintptr_t)(&var), sizeof(T), pos);
return sizeof(T);
} // namespace
AdvertisingData::AdvertisingData(AdvertisingData&& other) noexcept {
*this = std::move(other);
AdvertisingData& AdvertisingData::operator=(AdvertisingData&& other) noexcept {
// Reset `other`'s state to that of a fresh, empty AdvertisingData
local_name_ = std::exchange(other.local_name_, {});
tx_power_ = std::exchange(other.tx_power_, {});
appearance_ = std::exchange(other.appearance_, {});
service_uuids_ = std::exchange(other.service_uuids_, kEmptyServiceUuidMap);
manufacturer_data_ = std::exchange(other.manufacturer_data_, {});
service_data_ = std::exchange(other.service_data_, {});
uris_ = std::exchange(other.uris_, {});
flags_ = std::exchange(other.flags_, {});
return *this;
std::string AdvertisingData::ParseErrorToString(ParseError e) {
switch (e) {
case ParseError::kInvalidTlvFormat:
return "provided bytes are not a valid type-length-value container";
case ParseError::kTxPowerLevelMalformed:
return "malformed tx power level";
case ParseError::kLocalNameTooLong:
return "local name exceeds max length (248)";
case ParseError::kUuidsMalformed:
return "malformed service UUIDs list";
case ParseError::kManufacturerSpecificDataTooSmall:
return "manufacturer specific data too small";
case ParseError::kServiceDataTooSmall:
return "service data too small to fit UUIDs";
case ParseError::kServiceDataUuidMalformed:
return "UUIDs associated with service data are malformed";
case ParseError::kAppearanceMalformed:
return "malformed appearance field";
case ParseError::kMissing:
return "data missing";
AdvertisingData::ParseResult AdvertisingData::FromBytes(
const ByteBuffer& data) {
if (data.size() == 0) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kMissing);
SupplementDataReader reader(data);
if (!reader.is_valid()) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kInvalidTlvFormat);
AdvertisingData out_ad;
DataType type;
BufferView field;
while (reader.GetNextField(&type, &field)) {
// While parsing through the advertising data fields, we do not need to
// validate that per-field sizes do not overflow a uint8_t because they, by
// construction, are obtained from a uint8_t.
BT_DEBUG_ASSERT(field.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
switch (type) {
case DataType::kTxPowerLevel: {
if (field.size() != kTxPowerLevelSize) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kTxPowerLevelMalformed);
case DataType::kShortenedLocalName: {
if (field.ToString().size() > kMaxNameLength) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kLocalNameTooLong);
(void)out_ad.SetLocalName(field.ToString(), /*is_complete=*/false);
case DataType::kCompleteLocalName: {
if (field.ToString().size() > kMaxNameLength) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kLocalNameTooLong);
(void)out_ad.SetLocalName(field.ToString(), /*is_complete=*/true);
case DataType::kIncomplete16BitServiceUuids:
case DataType::kComplete16BitServiceUuids:
case DataType::kIncomplete32BitServiceUuids:
case DataType::kComplete32BitServiceUuids:
case DataType::kIncomplete128BitServiceUuids:
case DataType::kComplete128BitServiceUuids: {
// AddServiceUuid fails when the number of N bit UUIDs exceed the
// kMaxNBitUuids bounds. These bounds are based on the number of UUIDs
// that fit in the wire (byte) representation of an AdvertisingData, so
// for valid AdvertisingData packets, the number of N bit service UUIDs
// cannot exceed the bounds limits. However, because invalid packets may
// provide multiple DataType fields for the same UUID (not allowed by
// CSS v9 Part A 1.1.1), this limit may be exceeded, in which case we
// reject the packet.
if (!ParseUuids(
fit::bind_member<&AdvertisingData::AddServiceUuid>(&out_ad))) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kUuidsMalformed);
case DataType::kManufacturerSpecificData: {
if (field.size() < kManufacturerSpecificDataSizeMin) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kManufacturerSpecificDataTooSmall);
uint16_t id = le16toh(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(;
const BufferView manuf_data( + kManufacturerIdSize,
field.size() - kManufacturerIdSize);
BT_ASSERT(out_ad.SetManufacturerData(id, manuf_data));
case DataType::kServiceData16Bit:
case DataType::kServiceData32Bit:
case DataType::kServiceData128Bit: {
UUID uuid;
size_t uuid_size = SizeForType(type);
if (field.size() < uuid_size) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kServiceDataTooSmall);
const BufferView uuid_bytes(, uuid_size);
if (!UUID::FromBytes(uuid_bytes, &uuid)) {
// This is impossible given that uuid_bytes.size() is guaranteed to be
// a valid UUID size, and the current UUID::FromBytes implementation
// only fails if given an invalid size. We leave it in anyway in case
// this implementation changes in the future.
return fit::error(ParseError::kServiceDataUuidMalformed);
const BufferView service_data( + uuid_size,
field.size() - uuid_size);
BT_ASSERT(out_ad.SetServiceData(uuid, service_data));
case DataType::kAppearance: {
// TODO(armansito): Peer should have a function to return the
// device appearance, as it can be obtained either from advertising data
// or via GATT.
if (field.size() != kAppearanceSize) {
return fit::error(ParseError::kAppearanceMalformed);
case DataType::kURI: {
// Assertion is safe as AddUri only fails when field size > uint8_t,
// which is impossible.
case DataType::kFlags: {
// Flags field may be zero or more octets long but we only store the
// first octet.
if (field.size() > 0) {
} else {
"ignored advertising field (type %#.2x)",
static_cast<unsigned int>(type));
return fit::ok(std::move(out_ad));
void AdvertisingData::Copy(AdvertisingData* out) const {
*out = AdvertisingData();
if (local_name_) {
if (tx_power_) {
if (appearance_) {
out->service_uuids_ = service_uuids_;
for (const auto& it : manufacturer_data_) {
BT_ASSERT(out->SetManufacturerData(it.first, it.second.view()));
for (const auto& it : service_data_) {
BT_ASSERT(out->SetServiceData(it.first, it.second.view()));
for (const auto& it : uris_) {
BT_ASSERT_MSG(out->AddUri(it), "Copying invalid AD with too-long URI");
[[nodiscard]] bool AdvertisingData::AddServiceUuid(const UUID& uuid) {
auto iter = service_uuids_.find(uuid.CompactSize());
BT_ASSERT(iter != service_uuids_.end());
BoundedUuids& uuids = iter->second;
return uuids.AddUuid(uuid);
std::unordered_set<UUID> AdvertisingData::service_uuids() const {
std::unordered_set<UUID> out;
for (auto& [_elemsize, uuids] : service_uuids_) {
out.insert(uuids.set().begin(), uuids.set().end());
return out;
[[nodiscard]] bool AdvertisingData::SetServiceData(const UUID& uuid,
const ByteBuffer& data) {
size_t encoded_size = EncodedServiceDataSize(uuid, data.view());
if (encoded_size > kMaxEncodedServiceDataLength) {
"SetServiceData for UUID %s failed: (UUID+data) size %zu > maximum "
"allowed size %du",
return false;
service_data_[uuid] = DynamicByteBuffer(data);
return true;
std::unordered_set<UUID> AdvertisingData::service_data_uuids() const {
std::unordered_set<UUID> uuids;
for (const auto& it : service_data_) {
return uuids;
BufferView AdvertisingData::service_data(const UUID& uuid) const {
auto iter = service_data_.find(uuid);
if (iter == service_data_.end())
return BufferView();
return BufferView(iter->second);
[[nodiscard]] bool AdvertisingData::SetManufacturerData(
const uint16_t company_id, const BufferView& data) {
size_t field_size = data.size();
if (field_size > kMaxManufacturerDataLength) {
"SetManufacturerData for company id %#.4x failed: (UUID+data) size "
"%zu > maximum allowed "
"size %hhu",
return false;
manufacturer_data_[company_id] = DynamicByteBuffer(data);
return true;
std::unordered_set<uint16_t> AdvertisingData::manufacturer_data_ids() const {
std::unordered_set<uint16_t> manuf_ids;
for (const auto& it : manufacturer_data_) {
return manuf_ids;
BufferView AdvertisingData::manufacturer_data(const uint16_t company_id) const {
auto iter = manufacturer_data_.find(company_id);
if (iter == manufacturer_data_.end())
return BufferView();
return BufferView(iter->second);
void AdvertisingData::SetTxPower(int8_t dbm) { tx_power_ = dbm; }
std::optional<int8_t> AdvertisingData::tx_power() const { return tx_power_; }
bool AdvertisingData::SetLocalName(const LocalName& local_name) {
if ( > kMaxNameLength) {
return false;
if (local_name_.has_value() && local_name_->is_complete &&
!local_name.is_complete) {
return false;
local_name_ = local_name;
return true;
std::optional<AdvertisingData::LocalName> AdvertisingData::local_name() const {
return local_name_;
[[nodiscard]] bool AdvertisingData::AddUri(const std::string& uri) {
if (EncodeUri(uri).size() > kMaxEncodedUriLength) {
"not inserting uri %s as it exceeds the max URI size for AD",
return false;
if (uri.empty()) {
bt_log(WARN, "gap-le", "skipping insertion of empty uri to AD");
return true;
return true;
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& AdvertisingData::uris() const {
return uris_;
void AdvertisingData::SetAppearance(uint16_t appearance) {
appearance_ = appearance;
std::optional<uint16_t> AdvertisingData::appearance() const {
return appearance_;
void AdvertisingData::SetFlags(AdvFlags flags) { flags_ = flags; }
std::optional<AdvFlags> AdvertisingData::flags() const { return flags_; }
size_t AdvertisingData::CalculateBlockSize(bool include_flags) const {
size_t len = 0;
if (include_flags) {
len += kTLVFlagsSize;
if (tx_power_) {
len += kTLVTxPowerLevelSize;
if (appearance_) {
len += kTLVAppearanceSize;
if (local_name_) {
len += 2 + local_name_->name.size();
for (const auto& manuf_pair : manufacturer_data_) {
len += 2 + 2 + manuf_pair.second.size();
for (const auto& service_data_pair : service_data_) {
len += 2 + service_data_pair.first.CompactSize() +
for (const auto& uri : uris_) {
len += 2 + EncodeUri(uri).size();
for (const auto& [uuid_size, bounded_uuids] : service_uuids_) {
if (bounded_uuids.set().empty()) {
len += 2; // 1 byte for # of UUIDs and 1 for UUID type
len += uuid_size * bounded_uuids.set().size();
return len;
bool AdvertisingData::WriteBlock(MutableByteBuffer* buffer,
std::optional<AdvFlags> flags) const {
size_t min_buf_size = CalculateBlockSize(flags.has_value());
if (buffer->size() < min_buf_size) {
return false;
size_t pos = 0;
if (flags) {
(*buffer)[pos++] =
kTLVFlagsSize - 1; // size variable includes current field, subtract 1
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(DataType::kFlags);
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(flags.value());
if (tx_power_) {
(*buffer)[pos++] = kTLVTxPowerLevelSize -
1; // size variable includes current field, subtract 1
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(DataType::kTxPowerLevel);
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(tx_power_.value());
if (appearance_) {
(*buffer)[pos++] = kTLVAppearanceSize -
1; // size variable includes current field, subtract 1
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(DataType::kAppearance);
pos += BufferWrite(buffer, pos, appearance_.value());
if (local_name_) {
BT_ASSERT(local_name_->name.size() <= kMaxNameLength);
(*buffer)[pos++] =
static_cast<uint8_t>(local_name_->name.size()) + 1; // 1 for null char
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(DataType::kCompleteLocalName);
buffer->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(local_name_->name.c_str()),
pos += local_name_->name.size();
for (const auto& manuf_pair : manufacturer_data_) {
size_t data_size = manuf_pair.second.size();
BT_ASSERT(data_size <= kMaxManufacturerDataLength);
(*buffer)[pos++] =
1 + 2 +
static_cast<uint8_t>(data_size); // 1 for type, 2 for Manuf. Code
(*buffer)[pos++] =
pos += BufferWrite(buffer, pos, manuf_pair.first);
buffer->Write(manuf_pair.second, pos);
pos += data_size;
for (const auto& service_data_pair : service_data_) {
UUID uuid = service_data_pair.first;
size_t encoded_service_data_size =
EncodedServiceDataSize(uuid, service_data_pair.second.view());
BT_ASSERT(encoded_service_data_size <= kMaxEncodedServiceDataLength);
(*buffer)[pos++] =
1 + static_cast<uint8_t>(encoded_service_data_size); // 1 for type
(*buffer)[pos++] =
auto target = buffer->mutable_view(pos);
pos += service_data_pair.first.ToBytes(&target);
buffer->Write(service_data_pair.second, pos);
pos += service_data_pair.second.size();
for (const auto& uri : uris_) {
std::string s = EncodeUri(uri);
BT_ASSERT(s.size() <= kMaxEncodedUriLength);
(*buffer)[pos++] = 1 + static_cast<uint8_t>(s.size()); // 1 for type
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(DataType::kURI);
buffer->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(s.c_str()), s.length(), pos);
pos += s.size();
for (const auto& [uuid_width, bounded_uuids] : service_uuids_) {
if (bounded_uuids.set().empty()) {
// 1 for type
BT_ASSERT(1 + uuid_width * bounded_uuids.set().size() <=
(*buffer)[pos++] =
1 + uuid_width * static_cast<uint8_t>(bounded_uuids.set().size());
(*buffer)[pos++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(
ServiceUuidTypeForUuidSize(uuid_width, /*complete=*/false));
for (const auto& uuid : bounded_uuids.set()) {
BT_ASSERT_MSG(uuid.CompactSize() == uuid_width,
"UUID: %s - Expected Width: %d",
auto target = buffer->mutable_view(pos);
pos += uuid.ToBytes(&target);
return true;
bool AdvertisingData::operator==(const AdvertisingData& other) const {
if ((local_name_ != other.local_name_) || (tx_power_ != other.tx_power_) ||
(appearance_ != other.appearance_) ||
(service_uuids_ != other.service_uuids_) || (uris_ != other.uris_) ||
(flags_ != other.flags_)) {
return false;
if (manufacturer_data_.size() != other.manufacturer_data_.size()) {
return false;
for (const auto& it : manufacturer_data_) {
auto that = other.manufacturer_data_.find(it.first);
if (that == other.manufacturer_data_.end()) {
return false;
size_t bytes = it.second.size();
if (bytes != that->second.size()) {
return false;
if (std::memcmp(, that->, bytes) != 0) {
return false;
if (service_data_.size() != other.service_data_.size()) {
return false;
for (const auto& it : service_data_) {
auto that = other.service_data_.find(it.first);
if (that == other.service_data_.end()) {
return false;
size_t bytes = it.second.size();
if (bytes != that->second.size()) {
return false;
if (std::memcmp(, that->, bytes) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool AdvertisingData::operator!=(const AdvertisingData& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool AdvertisingData::BoundedUuids::AddUuid(UUID uuid) {
BT_ASSERT(set_.size() <= bound_);
if (set_.size() < bound_) {
if (!set_.insert(uuid).second) {
"Skipping addition of duplicate UUID %s to AD",
return true;
if (set_.find(uuid) != set_.end()) {
"Skipping addition of duplicate UUID %s to AD",
return true;
"Failed to add service UUID %s to AD - no space left",
return false;
} // namespace bt