blob: dbbda4c4bfeff0086c83dd18b39087af1f13b3f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""The envparse module defines an environment variable parser."""
import argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass
import os
from typing import (
class EnvNamespace(
): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Base class for parsed environment variable namespaces."""
T = TypeVar('T')
TypeConversion = Callable[[str], T]
class VariableDescriptor(Generic[T]):
name: str
type: TypeConversion[T]
default: T | None
class EnvironmentValueError(Exception):
"""Exception indicating a bad type conversion on an environment variable.
Stores a reference to the lower-level exception from the type conversion
function through the __cause__ attribute for more detailed information on
the error.
def __init__(self, variable: str, value: str):
self.variable: str = variable
self.value: str = value
f'Bad value for environment variable {variable}: {value}'
class EnvironmentParser:
"""Parser for environment variables.
prefix: If provided, checks that all registered environment variables
start with the specified string.
error_on_unrecognized: If True and prefix is provided, will raise an
exception if the environment contains a variable with the specified
prefix that is not registered on the EnvironmentParser. If None,
checks existence of PW_ENVIRONMENT_NO_ERROR_ON_UNRECOGNIZED (but not
parser = envparse.EnvironmentParser(prefix='PW_')
parser.add_var('PW_LOG_FILE', type=envparse.FileType('w'))
parser.add_var('PW_USE_COLOR', type=envparse.strict_bool, default=False)
env = parser.parse_env()
configure_logging(env.PW_LOG_LEVEL, env.PW_LOG_FILE)
def __init__(
prefix: str | None = None,
error_on_unrecognized: bool | None = None,
) -> None:
self._prefix: str | None = prefix
if error_on_unrecognized is None:
error_on_unrecognized = varname not in os.environ
self._error_on_unrecognized: bool = error_on_unrecognized
self._variables: dict[str, VariableDescriptor] = {}
self._allowed_suffixes: list[str] = []
def add_var(
name: str,
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
type: TypeConversion[T] = str, # type: ignore[assignment]
# pylint: enable=redefined-builtin
default: T | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Registers an environment variable.
name: The environment variable's name.
type: Type conversion for the variable's value.
default: Default value for the variable.
ValueError: If prefix was provided to the constructor and name does
not start with the prefix.
if self._prefix is not None and not name.startswith(self._prefix):
raise ValueError(
f'Variable {name} does not have prefix {self._prefix}'
self._variables[name] = VariableDescriptor(name, type, default)
def add_allowed_suffix(self, suffix: str) -> None:
"""Registers an environment variable name suffix to be allowed."""
def parse_env(self, env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None) -> EnvNamespace:
"""Parses known environment variables into a namespace.
env: dictionary of environment variables. Defaults to os.environ.
EnvironmentValueError: If the type conversion fails.
if env is None:
env = os.environ
namespace = EnvNamespace()
for var, desc in self._variables.items():
if var not in env:
val = desc.default
val = desc.type(env[var]) # type: ignore
except Exception as err:
raise EnvironmentValueError(var, env[var]) from err
setattr(namespace, var, val)
allowed_suffixes = tuple(self._allowed_suffixes)
for var in env:
if (
not hasattr(namespace, var)
and (self._prefix is None or var.startswith(self._prefix))
and var.endswith(allowed_suffixes)
setattr(namespace, var, env[var])
if self._prefix is not None and self._error_on_unrecognized:
for var in env:
if (
and var not in self._variables
and not var.endswith(allowed_suffixes)
raise ValueError(
f'Unrecognized environment variable {var}, please '
'remove it from your environment'
return namespace
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{type(self).__name__}(prefix={self._prefix})'
# List of emoji which are considered to represent "True".
def strict_bool(value: str) -> bool:
return (
value == '1' or value.lower() == 'true' or value in _BOOLEAN_TRUE_EMOJI
OpenMode = Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb']
class FileType:
def __init__(self, mode: OpenMode) -> None:
self._mode: OpenMode = mode
def __call__(self, value: str) -> IO:
return open(value, self._mode)