blob: 5999e87ffa18ecfeeced95111d0c583863d3f36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_clock_tree/clock_tree.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework.h"
namespace examples {
static pw::Status EnableClock() {
// Action to enable clock
return pw::OkStatus();
static pw::Status DisableClock() {
// Action to disable clock
return pw::OkStatus();
static pw::Status EnableClockDivider(uint32_t, uint32_t) {
// Action to enable clock divider
return pw::OkStatus();
static pw::Status SetSelector(uint32_t) {
// Action to set selector
return pw::OkStatus();
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockSourceExampleDef]
/// Class template implementing a clock source.
/// Template argument `ElementType` can be of class `ElementBlocking`,
/// `ElementNonBlockingCannotFail` or
/// `ElementNonBlockingMightFail.`
template <typename ElementType>
class ClockSourceExample : public pw::clock_tree::ClockSource<ElementType> {
pw::Status DoEnable() final { return EnableClock(); }
pw::Status DoDisable() final { return DisableClock(); }
using ClockSourceExampleNonBlocking =
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockSourceExampleDef]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockDividerExampleDef]
/// Class template implementing a clock divider.
/// Template argument `ElementType` can be of class `ElementBlocking`,
/// `ElementNonBlockingCannotFail` or
/// `ElementNonBlockingMightFail.`
template <typename ElementType>
class ClockDividerExample
: public pw::clock_tree::ClockDividerElement<ElementType> {
constexpr ClockDividerExample(ElementType& source,
uint32_t divider_name,
uint32_t divider)
: pw::clock_tree::ClockDividerElement<ElementType>(source, divider),
divider_name_(divider_name) {}
pw::Status DoEnable() final {
return EnableClockDivider(divider_name_, this->divider());
uint32_t divider_name_;
using ClockDividerExampleNonBlocking =
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockDividerExampleDef]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockSelectorExampleDef]
/// Class template implementing a clock selector.
/// Template argument `ElementType` can be of class `ElementBlocking`,
/// `ElementNonBlockingCannotFail` or
/// `ElementNonBlockingMightFail.`
template <typename ElementType>
class ClockSelectorExample
: public pw::clock_tree::DependentElement<ElementType> {
constexpr ClockSelectorExample(ElementType& source,
uint32_t selector,
uint32_t selector_enable,
uint32_t selector_disable)
: pw::clock_tree::DependentElement<ElementType>(source),
selector_disable_(selector_disable) {}
pw::Status SetSource(ElementType& new_source, uint32_t new_selector_enable) {
// Store a copy of the current `selector_enable_` variable in case
// that the update fails, since we need to update `selector_enable_`
// to its new value, since `UpdateSource` might call the `DoEnable`
// member function.
uint32_t old_selector_enable = selector_enable_;
selector_enable_ = new_selector_enable;
const bool kPermitChangeIfInUse = true;
pw::Status status = this->UpdateSource(new_source, kPermitChangeIfInUse);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Restore the old selector value.
selector_enable_ = old_selector_enable;
return status;
pw::Status DoEnable() final { return SetSelector(selector_enable_); }
pw::Status DoDisable() final { return SetSelector(selector_disable_); }
uint32_t selector_;
uint32_t selector_enable_;
uint32_t selector_disable_;
template <typename U>
friend class ClockTreeSetSource;
using ClockSelectorExampleNonBlocking =
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockSelectorExampleDef]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeSetSourcesExampleDef]
/// Class implementing a clock tree that also supports the `UpdateSource`
/// method of the `ClockSelectorExample` class template.
class ClockTreeSetSourceExample : public pw::clock_tree::ClockTree {
/// SetSource could be implemented for the other clock tree element classes
/// as well.
void SetSource(ClockSelectorExampleNonBlocking& element,
pw::clock_tree::ElementNonBlockingCannotFail& new_source,
uint32_t selector_enable) {
std::lock_guard lock(interrupt_spin_lock_);
element.SetSource(new_source, selector_enable).IgnoreError();
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeSetSourcesExampleDef]
TEST(ClockTree, ClockTreeElementExample) {
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeDec]
// Create the clock tree
ClockTreeSetSourceExample clock_tree;
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeDec]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeElementsDec]
// Define the clock tree
ClockSourceExampleNonBlocking clock_a;
ClockSourceExampleNonBlocking clock_b;
const uint32_t kSelectorId = 7;
const uint32_t kSelectorEnable1 = 2;
const uint32_t kSelectorEnable2 = 4;
const uint32_t kSelectorDisable = 7;
// clock_selector_c depends on clock_a.
ClockSelectorExampleNonBlocking clock_selector_c(
clock_a, kSelectorId, kSelectorEnable1, kSelectorDisable);
const uint32_t kDividerId = 12;
const uint32_t kDividerValue1 = 42;
// clock_divider_d depends on clock_b.
ClockDividerExampleNonBlocking clock_divider_d(
clock_b, kDividerId, kDividerValue1);
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ClockTreeElementsDec]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-AcquireClockSelectorC]
// Acquire a reference to clock_selector_c, which will enable clock_selector_c
// and its dependent clock_a.
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-AcquireClockSelectorC]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ChangeClockSelectorCDependentSource]
// Change clock_selector_c to depend on clock_divider_d.
// This enables clock_b and clock_divider_d, and disables clock_a.
clock_tree.SetSource(clock_selector_c, clock_divider_d, kSelectorEnable2);
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ChangeClockSelectorCDependentSource]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-SetClockDividerDValue]
// Change the divider value for clock_divider_d.
const uint32_t kDividerValue2 = 21;
clock_tree.SetDividerValue(clock_divider_d, kDividerValue2);
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-SetClockDividerDValue]
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ReleaseClockSelectorC]
// Release reference to clock_selector_c, which will disable clock_selector_c,
// clock_divider_d, and clock_b.
// All clock tree elements are disabled now.
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-ReleaseClockSelectorC]
static pw::Status USART_RTOS_Init() { return pw::OkStatus(); }
static void USART_RTOS_Deinit() {}
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-IntegrationIntoDeviceDriversClassDef]
#include "pw_clock_tree/clock_tree.h"
class UartStreamMcuxpresso {
pw::Status Init() {
// Acquire reference to clock before initializing device.
pw::Status status = USART_RTOS_Init();
if (!status.ok()) {
// Failed to initialize device, release the acquired clock.
return status;
void Deinit() {
// Deinitialize the device before we can release the reference
// to the clock.
// Device constructor that optionally accepts `clock_tree` and
// `clock_tree_element` to manage clock lifecycle.
constexpr UartStreamMcuxpresso(
pw::clock_tree::ClockTree* clock_tree = nullptr,
pw::clock_tree::ElementNonBlockingCannotFail* clock_tree_element =
: clock_tree_element_controller_(clock_tree, clock_tree_element) {}
pw::clock_tree::ElementController clock_tree_element_controller_;
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-IntegrationIntoDeviceDriversClassDef]
using ClockSourceUart =
pw::Status ClockTreeExample() {
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-IntegrationIntoDeviceDriversUsage]
// Declare the clock tree
pw::clock_tree::ClockTree clock_tree;
// Declare the uart clock source
ClockSourceUart uart_clock_source;
UartStreamMcuxpresso uart(&clock_tree, &uart_clock_source);
// Initialize the uart which enables the uart clock source.
PW_CHECK(uart_clock_source.ref_count() > 0);
// Do something with uart
// Deinitialize the uart which disable the uart clock source.
// DOCSTAG: [pw_clock_tree-examples-IntegrationIntoDeviceDriversUsage]
return pw::OkStatus();
TEST(ClockTree, ClockTreeExample) {
pw::Status status = ClockTreeExample();
EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), PW_STATUS_OK);
} // namespace examples