blob: 4336a4ee71c0a147cf2c55c4b8e3fe2005218b8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include "pw_allocator/allocator.h"
#include "pw_bytes/byte_builder.h"
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_grpc/send_queue.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
#include "pw_string/string.h"
#include "pw_sync/inline_borrowable.h"
#include "pw_thread/thread.h"
#include "pw_thread/thread_core.h"
namespace pw::grpc {
namespace internal {
struct FrameHeader;
enum class Http2Error : uint32_t;
// Parameters of this implementation.
// RFC 9113 §5.1.2
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxConcurrentStreams = 16;
// RFC 9113 §4.2 and §6.5.2
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxFramePayloadSize = 16384;
// Limits on grpc message sizes. The length prefix includes the compressed byte
// and 32-bit length from Length-Prefixed-Message.
// See:
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxGrpcMessageSizeWithLengthPrefix =
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxGrpcMessageSize =
kMaxGrpcMessageSizeWithLengthPrefix - 5;
} // namespace internal
// RFC 9113 §5.1.1: Streams are identified by unsigned 31-bit integers.
using StreamId = uint32_t;
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxMethodNameSize = 127;
// Implements a gRPC over HTTP2 server.
// Basic usage:
// * Provide a Connection::RequestCallbacks implementation that handles RPC
// events.
// * Provide a readable/writeable stream object that will be used like a
// socket over which the HTTP2 frames are read/written. When the underlying
// stream should be closed, the provided connection_close_callback will be
// called.
// * Drive the connection by calling ProcessConnectionPreface then ProcessFrame
// in a loop while status is Ok on one thread.
// * RPC responses can be sent from any thread by calling
// SendResponseMessage/SendResponseComplete. The SendQueue object will
// handle concurrent access.
// One thread should be dedicated to driving reads (ProcessFrame calls), while
// another thread (implemented by SendQueue) handles all writes. Refer to
// the ConnectionThread class for an implementation of this.
// By default, each gRPC message must be entirely contained within a single
// HTTP2 DATA frame, as supporting fragmented messages requires buffering
// up to the maximum message size per stream. To support fragmented messages,
// provide a message_assembly_allocator, which will be used to allocate
// temporary storage for fragmented gRPC messages when required. If no
// allocator is provided, or allocation fails, the stream will be closed.
class Connection {
// Callbacks invoked on requests from the client. Called on same thread as
// ProcessFrame is being called on.
class RequestCallbacks {
virtual ~RequestCallbacks() = default;
// Called on startup of connection.
virtual void OnNewConnection() = 0;
// Called on a new RPC. full_method_name is "<ServiceName>/<MethodName>".
// This is guaranteed to be called before any other method with the same id.
virtual Status OnNew(StreamId id,
InlineString<kMaxMethodNameSize> full_method_name) = 0;
// Called on a new request message for an RPC. The `message` must not be
// accessed after this method returns.
// Return an error status to cause the stream to be closed with RST_STREAM
// frame.
virtual Status OnMessage(StreamId id, ByteSpan message) = 0;
// Called after the client has sent all request messages for an RPC.
virtual void OnHalfClose(StreamId id) = 0;
// Called when an RPC has been canceled.
virtual void OnCancel(StreamId id) = 0;
Connection(stream::ReaderWriter& stream,
SendQueue& send_queue,
RequestCallbacks& callbacks,
allocator::Allocator* message_assembly_allocator = nullptr);
// Reads from stream and processes required connection preface frames. Should
// be called before ProcessFrame(). Return OK if connection preface was found.
Status ProcessConnectionPreface() {
return reader_.ProcessConnectionPreface();
// Reads from stream and processes next frame on connection. Returns OK
// as long as connection is open. Should be called from a single thread.
Status ProcessFrame() { return reader_.ProcessFrame(); }
// Sends a response message for an RPC. The `message` will not be accessed
// after this method returns. Thread safe.
// Errors are:
// * NOT_FOUND if stream_id does not reference an active stream, including
// RPCs that have already completed and IDs that do not refer to any prior
// RPC.
// * RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if the flow control window is not large enough to send
// this RPC immediately. In this case, no response will be send.
// * UNAVAILABLE if the connection is closed.
Status SendResponseMessage(StreamId stream_id, pw::ConstByteSpan message) {
return writer_.SendResponseMessage(stream_id, message);
// Completes an RPC with the given status code. Thread safe. Pigweed status
// codes happen to align exactly with grpc status codes. Compare:
// Errors are:
// * NOT_FOUND if stream_id does not reference an active stream, including
// RPCs that have already completed, or if stream_id does not refer to any
// prior RPC.
// * UNAVAILABLE if the connection is closed.
Status SendResponseComplete(StreamId stream_id, pw::Status response_code) {
return writer_.SendResponseComplete(stream_id, response_code);
// RFC 9113 §6.9.2. Flow control windows are unsigned 31-bit numbers, but
// because of the following requirement from §6.9.2, we track flow control
// windows with signed integers. "A change to SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE can
// cause the available space in a flow-control window to become negative. A
// sender MUST track the negative flow-control window ..."
static inline constexpr int32_t kDefaultInitialWindowSize = 65535;
// From RFC 9113 §5.1, we use only the following states:
// * idle, which have `id > last_stream_id_`
// * open, which are in `streams_` with `half_closed = false`
// * half-closed (remote), which are in `streams_` with `half_closed = true`
// Regarding other states:
// * reserved is ignored because we do not sent PUSH_PROMISE
// * half-closed (local) is merged into close, because once a grpc server has
// sent a response, the RPC is complete
struct Stream {
StreamId id;
bool half_closed;
bool started_response;
int32_t send_window;
// Fragmented gRPC message assembly, nullptr if not assembling a message.
std::byte* assembly_buffer;
union {
struct {
// Buffer for the length-prefix, if fragmented.
std::array<std::byte, 5> prefix_buffer;
// Bytes of the prefix received so far.
uint8_t prefix_received;
struct {
// Total length of the message.
uint32_t message_length;
// Length of the message received so far (during assembly).
uint32_t message_received;
void Reset() {
id = 0;
half_closed = false;
started_response = false;
send_window = 0;
assembly_buffer = nullptr;
message_length = 0;
message_received = 0;
prefix_received = 0;
// Internal state is divided into what is needed for reading/writing/shared to
// both.
struct SharedState {
pw::Result<std::reference_wrapper<Stream>> LookupStream(StreamId id);
// Stream state
std::array<Stream, internal::kMaxConcurrentStreams> streams{};
int32_t connection_send_window = kDefaultInitialWindowSize;
// Allocator for fragmented grpc message reassembly
allocator::Allocator* message_assembly_allocator_;
class Writer {
Writer(Connection& connection) : connection_(connection) {}
Status SendResponseMessage(StreamId stream_id, pw::ConstByteSpan message);
Status SendResponseComplete(StreamId stream_id, pw::Status response_code);
Connection& connection_;
class Reader {
Reader(Connection& connection, RequestCallbacks& callbacks)
: connection_(connection), callbacks_(callbacks) {}
Status ProcessConnectionPreface();
Status ProcessFrame();
pw::Status CreateStream(StreamId id);
void CloseStream(Stream& stream);
Status ProcessDataFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Status ProcessHeadersFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Status ProcessRstStreamFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Status ProcessSettingsFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&, bool send_ack);
Status ProcessPingFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Status ProcessWindowUpdateFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Status ProcessIgnoredFrame(const internal::FrameHeader&);
Result<ByteSpan> ReadFramePayload(const internal::FrameHeader&);
// Send GOAWAY frame and signal connection should be closed.
void SendGoAway(internal::Http2Error code);
Status SendRstStreamAndClose(Stream& stream, internal::Http2Error code);
Connection& connection_;
RequestCallbacks& callbacks_;
int32_t initial_send_window_ = kDefaultInitialWindowSize;
bool received_connection_preface_ = false;
std::array<std::byte, internal::kMaxFramePayloadSize> payload_scratch_{};
StreamId last_stream_id_ = 0;
sync::BorrowedPointer<SharedState> LockState() {
return shared_state_.acquire();
void UnlockState(sync::BorrowedPointer<SharedState>&& state) {
sync::BorrowedPointer<SharedState> moved_state = std::move(state);
// Shared state that is thread-safe.
stream::ReaderWriter& socket_;
SendQueue& send_queue_;
sync::InlineBorrowable<SharedState> shared_state_;
Reader reader_;
Writer writer_;
class ConnectionThread : public Connection, public thread::ThreadCore {
// The ConnectionCloseCallback will be called when this thread is shutting
// down and all data has finished sending. It will be called from this
// ConnectionThread.
using ConnectionCloseCallback = Function<void()>;
ConnectionThread(stream::NonSeekableReaderWriter& stream,
const thread::Options& send_thread_options,
RequestCallbacks& callbacks,
ConnectionCloseCallback&& connection_close_callback,
allocator::Allocator* message_assembly_allocator = nullptr)
: Connection(stream, send_queue_, callbacks, message_assembly_allocator),
connection_close_callback_(std::move(connection_close_callback)) {}
// Process the connection. Does not return until the connection is closed.
void Run() override {
thread::Thread send_thread(send_queue_thread_options_, send_queue_);
Status status = ProcessConnectionPreface();
while (status.ok()) {
status = ProcessFrame();
if (connection_close_callback_) {
SendQueue send_queue_;
const thread::Options& send_queue_thread_options_;
ConnectionCloseCallback connection_close_callback_;
} // namespace pw::grpc