blob: a01dac2a82b141a1d068e58be6bde95e5cbfaaa3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Configure C/C++ IDE support for Pigweed projects.
We support C/C++ code analysis via ``clangd``, or other language servers that
are compatible with the ``clangd`` compilation database format.
While clangd can work well out of the box for typical C++ codebases, some work
is required to coax it to work for embedded projects. In particular, Pigweed
projects use multiple toolchains within a distinct environment, and almost
always define multiple targets. This means compilation units are likely have
multiple compile commands and the toolchain executables are unlikely to be in
your path. ``clangd`` is not equipped to deal with this out of the box. We
handle this by:
- Processing the compilation database produced by the build system into
multiple internally-consistent compilation databases, one for each target
(where a "target" is a particular build for a particular system using a
particular toolchain).
- Creating unambiguous paths to toolchain drivers to ensure the right toolchain
is used and that clangd knows where to find that toolchain's system headers.
- Providing tools for working with several compilation databases that are
spiritually similar to tools like ``pyenv``, ``rbenv``, etc.
In short, we take the probably-broken compilation database that the build system
generates, process it into several not-broken compilation databases in the
``pw_ide`` working directory, and provide a stable symlink that points to the
selected active target's compliation database. If ``clangd`` is configured to
point at the symlink and is set up with the right paths, you'll get code
from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
import functools
import glob
from hashlib import sha1
from io import TextIOBase
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import random
import re
import sys
from typing import (
from pw_cli.env import pigweed_environment
from pw_ide.exceptions import (
from pw_ide.settings import PigweedIdeSettings
from pw_ide.symlinks import set_symlink
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__package__)
env = pigweed_environment()
COMPDB_FILE_NAME = 'compile_commands.json'
_CPP_IDE_FEATURES_DATA_FILE = 'pw_ide_state.json'
_UNSUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_EXECUTABLES = ('_pw_invalid', 'python')
class CppIdeFeaturesTarget:
"""Data pertaining to a C++ code analysis target."""
name: str
compdb_file_path: Path
num_commands: int
is_enabled: bool = True
def __str__(self) -> str:
def serialized(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
'compdb_file_path': str(self.compdb_file_path),
def deserialize(cls, **data) -> CppIdeFeaturesTarget:
return cls(
'compdb_file_path': Path(data['compdb_file_path']),
CppCompilationDatabaseFileHashes = dict[Path, str]
CppCompilationDatabaseFileTargets = dict[Path, list[CppIdeFeaturesTarget]]
class CppIdeFeaturesData:
"""State data about C++ code analysis features."""
targets: dict[str, CppIdeFeaturesTarget] = field(default_factory=dict)
current_target: CppIdeFeaturesTarget | None = None
compdb_hashes: CppCompilationDatabaseFileHashes = field(
compdb_targets: CppCompilationDatabaseFileTargets = field(
def serialized(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
'current_target': self.current_target.serialized()
if self.current_target is not None
else None,
'targets': {
name: target_data.serialized()
for name, target_data in self.targets.items()
'compdb_hashes': {
str(path): hash_str
for path, hash_str in self.compdb_hashes.items()
'compdb_targets': {
str(path): [
target_data.serialized() for target_data in target_data_list
for path, target_data_list in self.compdb_targets.items()
def deserialize(cls, **data) -> CppIdeFeaturesData:
return cls(
if data['current_target'] is not None
else None,
name: CppIdeFeaturesTarget.deserialize(**target_data)
for name, target_data in data['targets'].items()
Path(path_str): hash_str
for path_str, hash_str in data['compdb_hashes'].items()
Path(path_str): [
for target_data in target_data_list
for path_str, target_data_list in data['compdb_targets'].items()
class CppIdeFeaturesState:
"""Container for IDE features state data."""
def __init__(self, pw_ide_settings: PigweedIdeSettings) -> None:
self.settings = pw_ide_settings
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.targets)
def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> CppIdeFeaturesTarget:
return self.targets[index]
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[CppIdeFeaturesTarget, None, None]:
return (target for target in self.targets.values())
def stable_target_link(self) -> Path:
return self.settings.working_dir / STABLE_CLANGD_DIR_NAME
def _file(self) -> Generator[CppIdeFeaturesData, None, None]:
"""A simple key-value store for state data."""
file_path = self.settings.working_dir / _CPP_IDE_FEATURES_DATA_FILE
with open(file_path) as file:
data = CppIdeFeaturesData.deserialize(**json.load(file))
except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
data = CppIdeFeaturesData()
yield data
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(data.serialized(), file, indent=2)
def targets(self) -> dict[str, CppIdeFeaturesTarget]:
with self._file() as state:
exclude_predicate = (
lambda x: x not in self.settings.targets_exclude
if len(self.settings.targets_exclude) > 0
else lambda x: True
include_predicate = (
lambda x: x in self.settings.targets_include
if len(self.settings.targets_include) > 0
else lambda x: True
return {
name: target
for (name, target) in state.targets.items()
if exclude_predicate(name) and include_predicate(name)
def targets(self, new_targets: dict[str, CppIdeFeaturesTarget]) -> None:
with self._file() as state:
state.targets = new_targets
def current_target(self) -> CppIdeFeaturesTarget | None:
with self._file() as state:
return state.current_target
def current_target(
self, new_current_target: str | CppIdeFeaturesTarget | None
) -> None:
with self._file() as state:
if new_current_target is None:
state.current_target = None
if isinstance(new_current_target, CppIdeFeaturesTarget):
name =
new_current_target_inst = new_current_target
name = new_current_target
new_current_target_inst = state.targets[name]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTargetException
if not new_current_target_inst.compdb_file_path.exists():
raise MissingCompDbException
state.current_target = state.targets[name]
def max_commands_target(self) -> CppIdeFeaturesTarget | None:
with self._file() as state:
if len(state.targets) == 0:
return None
max_commands_target_name = sorted(
(name, target.num_commands)
for name, target in state.targets.items()
key=lambda x: x[1],
return state.targets[max_commands_target_name]
def compdb_hashes(self) -> CppCompilationDatabaseFileHashes:
with self._file() as state:
return state.compdb_hashes
def compdb_hashes(
self, new_compdb_hashes: CppCompilationDatabaseFileHashes
) -> None:
with self._file() as state:
state.compdb_hashes = new_compdb_hashes
def compdb_targets(self) -> CppCompilationDatabaseFileTargets:
with self._file() as state:
return state.compdb_targets
def compdb_targets(
self, new_compdb_targets: CppCompilationDatabaseFileTargets
) -> None:
with self._file() as state:
state.compdb_targets = new_compdb_targets
def path_to_executable(
exe: str,
default_path: Path | None = None,
path_globs: list[str] | None = None,
strict: bool = False,
) -> Path | None:
"""Return the path to a compiler executable.
In a ``clang`` compile command, the executable may or may not include a
path. For example:
.. code-block:: none
/usr/bin/clang <- includes a path
../path/to/my/clang <- includes a path
clang <- doesn't include a path
If it includes a path, then ``clangd`` will have no problem finding the
driver, so we can simply return the path. If the executable *doesn't*
include a path, then ``clangd`` will search ``$PATH``, and may not find the
intended driver unless you actually want the default system toolchain or
Pigweed paths have been added to ``$PATH``. So this function provides two
options for resolving those ambiguous paths:
- Provide a default path, and all executables without a path will be
re-written with a path within the default path.
- Provide the a set of globs that will be used to search for the executable,
which will normally be the query driver globs used with clangd.
By default, if neither of these options is chosen, or if the executable
cannot be found within the provided globs, the pathless executable that was
provided will be returned, and clangd will resort to searching $PATH. If you
instead pass ``strict=True``, this will raise an exception if an unambiguous
path cannot be constructed.
This function only tries to ensure that all executables have a path to
eliminate ambiguity. A couple of important things to keep in mind:
- This doesn't guarantee that the path exists or an executable actually
exists at the path. It only ensures that some path is provided to an
- An executable being present at the indicated path doesn't guarantee that
it will work flawlessly for clangd code analysis. The clangd
``--query-driver`` argument needs to include a path to this executable in
order for its bundled headers to be resolved correctly.
This function also filters out invalid or unsupported drivers. For example,
build systems will sometimes naively include build steps for Python or other
languages in the compilation database, which are not usable with clangd.
As a result, this function has four possible end states:
- It returns a path with an executable that can be used as a ``clangd``
- It returns ``None``, meaning the compile command was invalid.
- It returns the same string that was provided (as a ``Path``), if a path
couldn't be resolved and ``strict=False``.
- It raises an ``UnresolvablePathException`` if the executable cannot be
placed in an unambiguous path and ``strict=True``.
maybe_path = Path(exe)
# We were give an empty string, not a path. Not a valid command.
if len( == 0:
_LOG.debug("Invalid executable path. The path was an empty string.")
return None
# Determine if the executable name matches unsupported drivers.
is_supported_driver = True
for unsupported_executable in _UNSUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_EXECUTABLES:
if unsupported_executable in
is_supported_driver = False
if not is_supported_driver:
"Invalid executable path. This is not a supported driver: %s", exe
return None
# Now, ensure the executable has a path.
# This is either a relative or absolute path -- return it.
if len( > 1:
return maybe_path
# If we got here, there's only one "part", so we assume it's an executable
# without a path. This logic doesn't work with a path like `./exe` since
# that also yields only one part. So currently this breaks if you actually
# have your compiler executable in your root build directory, which is
# (hopefully) very rare.
# If we got a default path, use it.
if default_path is not None:
return default_path / maybe_path
# Otherwise, try to find the executable within the query driver globs.
# Note that unlike the previous paths, this path will only succeed if an
# executable actually exists somewhere in the query driver globs.
if path_globs is not None:
for path_glob in path_globs:
for path_str in glob.iglob(path_glob):
path = Path(path_str)
if ==
return path.absolute()
if strict:
raise UnresolvablePathException(
f'Cannot place {exe} in an unambiguous path!'
return maybe_path
def command_parts(command: str) -> tuple[str | None, str, list[str]]:
"""Return the executable string and the rest of the command tokens.
If the command contains a prefixed wrapper like `ccache`, it will be
extracted separately. So the return value contains:
(wrapper, compiler executable, all other tokens)
parts = command.split()
curr = ''
wrapper = None
curr = parts.pop(0)
except IndexError:
return (None, curr, [])
wrapper = curr
while curr := parts.pop(0):
# This is very `ccache`-centric. It will work for other wrappers
# that use KEY=VALUE-style options or no options at all, but will
# not work for other cases.
if re.fullmatch(r'(.*)=(.*)', curr):
wrapper = f'{wrapper} {curr}'
return (wrapper, curr, parts)
# This is a clumsy way to express optional keys, which is not directly
# supported in TypedDicts right now.
# TODO(chadnorvell): Use `NotRequired` when we support Python 3.11.
class BaseCppCompileCommandDict(TypedDict):
file: str
directory: str
output: str | None
class CppCompileCommandDictWithCommand(BaseCppCompileCommandDict):
command: str
class CppCompileCommandDictWithArguments(BaseCppCompileCommandDict):
arguments: list[str]
CppCompileCommandDict = (
CppCompileCommandDictWithCommand | CppCompileCommandDictWithArguments
class CppCompileCommand:
"""A representation of a clang compilation database compile command.
def __init__(
file: str,
directory: str,
command: str | None = None,
arguments: list[str] | None = None,
output: str | None = None,
) -> None:
# Per the spec, either one of these two must be present. clangd seems
# to prefer "arguments" when both are present.
if command is None and arguments is None:
raise TypeError(
'A compile command requires either \'command\' '
'or \'arguments\'.'
if command is None:
raise TypeError(
'Compile commands without \'command\' ' 'are not supported yet.'
self._command = command
self._arguments = arguments
self._file = file
self._directory = directory
_, executable, tokens = command_parts(command)
self._executable_path = Path(executable)
self._inferred_output: str | None = None
# Find the output argument and grab its value.
output_flag_idx = tokens.index('-o')
self._inferred_output = tokens[output_flag_idx + 1]
except ValueError:
# No -o found, probably not a C/C++ compile command.
self._inferred_output = None
except IndexError:
# It has an -o but no argument after it.
raise TypeError(
'Failed to load compile command with no output argument!'
self._provided_output = output str | None = None
def file(self) -> str:
return self._file
def directory(self) -> str:
return self._directory
def command(self) -> str | None:
return self._command
def arguments(self) -> list[str] | None:
return self._arguments
def output(self) -> str | None:
# We're ignoring provided output values for now.
return self._inferred_output
def output_path(self) -> Path | None:
if self.output is None:
return None
return Path( / Path(self.output)
def executable_path(self) -> Path:
return self._executable_path
def executable_name(self) -> str:
def from_dict(
cls, compile_command_dict: dict[str, Any]
) -> CppCompileCommand:
return cls(
# We want to let possible Nones through to raise at runtime.
file=cast(str, compile_command_dict.get('file')),
directory=cast(str, compile_command_dict.get('directory')),
def try_from_dict(
cls, compile_command_dict: dict[str, Any]
) -> CppCompileCommand | None:
return cls.from_dict(compile_command_dict)
except TypeError:
return None
def process(
default_path: Path | None = None,
path_globs: list[str] | None = None,
strict: bool = False,
) -> CppCompileCommand | None:
"""Process a compile command.
At minimum, a compile command from a clang compilation database needs to
be correlated with its target, and this method returns the target name
with the compile command. But it also cleans up other things we need for
reliable code intelligence:
- Some targets may not be valid C/C++ compile commands. For example,
some build systems will naively include build steps for Python or for
linting commands. We want to filter those out.
- Some compile commands don't provide a path to the compiler executable
(referred to by clang as the "driver"). In that case, clangd is very
unlikely to find the executable unless it happens to be in ``$PATH``.
The ``--query-driver`` argument to ``clangd`` allowlists
executables/drivers for use its use, but clangd doesn't use it to
resolve ambiguous paths. We bridge that gap here. Any executable
without a path will be either placed in the provided default path or
searched for in the query driver globs and be replaced with a path to
the executable.
if self.command is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Compile commands without \'command\' ' 'are not supported yet.'
wrapper, executable_str, tokens = command_parts(self.command)
executable_path = path_to_executable(
if executable_path is None:
"Compile command rejected due to bad executable path: %s",
return None
if self.output is None:
"Compile command rejected due to no output property: %s",
return None
# TODO(chadnorvell): Some commands include the executable multiple
# times. It's not clear if that affects clangd.
new_command = f'{str(executable_path)} {" ".join(tokens)}'
if wrapper is not None:
new_command = f'{wrapper} {new_command}'
return self.__class__(
def as_dict(self) -> CppCompileCommandDict:
base_compile_command_dict: BaseCppCompileCommandDict = {
'file': self.file,
'output': self.output,
# TODO(chadnorvell): Support "arguments". The spec requires that a
# We don't support "arguments" at all right now. When we do, we should
# preferentially include "arguments" only, and only include "command"
# when "arguments" is not present.
if self.command is not None:
compile_command_dict: CppCompileCommandDictWithCommand = {
'command': self.command,
# Unfortunately dict spreading doesn't work with mypy.
'file': base_compile_command_dict['file'],
'directory': base_compile_command_dict['directory'],
'output': base_compile_command_dict['output'],
raise NotImplementedError(
'Compile commands without \'command\' ' 'are not supported yet.'
return compile_command_dict
def _path_nearest_parent(path1: Path, path2: Path) -> Path:
"""Get the closest common parent of two paths."""
# This is the Python < 3.9 version of: if path2.is_relative_to(path1)
return path1
except ValueError:
if path1 == path2:
return path1
if len( > len(
return _path_nearest_parent(path1.parent, path2)
if len( < len(
return _path_nearest_parent(path1, path2.parent)
return _path_nearest_parent(path1.parent, path2.parent)
def _infer_target_pos(target_glob: str) -> list[int]:
"""Infer the position of the target in a compilation unit artifact path."""
tokens = Path(target_glob).parts
positions = []
for pos, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token == '?':
elif token == '*':
raise ValueError(f'Invalid target inference token: {token}')
return positions
def infer_target(target_glob: str, root: Path, output_path: Path) -> str | None:
"""Infer a target from a compilation unit artifact path.
See the documentation for ``PigweedIdeSettings.target_inference``."""
target_pos = _infer_target_pos(target_glob)
if len(target_pos) == 0:
return None
# Depending on the build system and project configuration, the target name
# may be in the "directory" or the "output" of the compile command. So we
# need to construct the full path that combines both and use that to search
# for the target.
# The path used for target inference is the path relative to the root
# dir. If this artifact is a direct child of the root, this just
# truncates the root off of its path.
subpath = output_path.relative_to(root)
except ValueError:
# If the output path isn't a child path of the root dir, find the
# closest shared parent dir and use that as the root for truncation.
common_parent = _path_nearest_parent(root, output_path)
subpath = output_path.relative_to(common_parent)
return '_'.join([[pos] for pos in target_pos])
LoadableToCppCompilationDatabase = (
list[dict[str, Any]] | str | TextIOBase | Path
class CppCompilationDatabase:
"""A representation of a clang compilation database.
def __init__(
root_dir: Path | None = None,
file_path: Path | None = None,
source_file_path: Path | None = None,
target_inference: str | None = None,
) -> None:
self._db: list[CppCompileCommand] = []
self.file_path: Path | None = file_path
self.source_file_path: Path | None = source_file_path
self.source_file_hash: str | None = None
if target_inference is None:
self.target_inference = PigweedIdeSettings().target_inference
self.target_inference = target_inference
# Only compilation databases that are loaded will have this, and it
# contains the root directory of the build that the compilation
# database is based on. Processed compilation databases will not have
# a value here.
self._root_dir = root_dir
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._db)
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> CppCompileCommand:
return self._db[index]
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[CppCompileCommand, None, None]:
return (compile_command for compile_command in self._db)
def file_hash(self) -> str:
# If this compilation database did not originate from a file, return a
# hash that is almost certainly not going to match any other hash; these
# sources are not persistent, so they cannot be compared.
if self.file_path is None:
return '%032x' % random.getrandbits(160)
data = self.file_path.read_text().encode('utf-8')
return sha1(data).hexdigest()
def add(self, *commands: CppCompileCommand):
"""Add compile commands to the compilation database."""
def merge(self, other: CppCompilationDatabase) -> None:
"""Merge values from another database into this one.
This will not overwrite a compile command that already exists for a
particular file.
self_dict = {c.file: c for c in self._db}
for compile_command in other:
if compile_command.file not in self_dict:
self_dict[compile_command.file] = compile_command
self._db = list(self_dict.values())
def as_dicts(self) -> list[CppCompileCommandDict]:
return [compile_command.as_dict() for compile_command in self._db]
def to_json(self) -> str:
"""Output the compilation database to a JSON string."""
return json.dumps(self.as_dicts(), indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def to_file(self, path: Path):
"""Write the compilation database to a JSON file."""
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(self.as_dicts(), file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def load(
compdb_to_load: LoadableToCppCompilationDatabase,
root_dir: Path,
target_inference: str | None = None,
) -> CppCompilationDatabase:
"""Load a compilation database.
You can provide a JSON file handle or path, a JSON string, or a native
Python data structure that matches the format (list of dicts).
db_as_dicts: list[dict[str, Any]]
file_path = None
if isinstance(compdb_to_load, list):
# The provided data is already in the format we want it to be in,
# probably, and if it isn't we'll find out when we try to
# instantiate the database.
db_as_dicts = compdb_to_load
if isinstance(compdb_to_load, Path):
# The provided data is a path to a file, presumably JSON.
file_path = compdb_to_load
compdb_data = compdb_to_load.read_text()
except FileNotFoundError:
raise MissingCompDbException()
elif isinstance(compdb_to_load, TextIOBase):
# The provided data is a file handle, presumably JSON.
file_path = Path( # type: ignore
compdb_data =
elif isinstance(compdb_to_load, str):
# The provided data is a a string, presumably JSON.
compdb_data = compdb_to_load
db_as_dicts = json.loads(compdb_data)
compdb = cls(
for compile_command_dict in db_as_dicts
if (
compile_command := CppCompileCommand.try_from_dict(
is not None
except TypeError:
# This will arise if db_as_dicts is not actually a list of dicts
raise BadCompDbException()
return compdb
def process(
settings: PigweedIdeSettings,
default_path: Path | None = None,
path_globs: list[str] | None = None,
strict: bool = False,
always_output_new: bool = False,
) -> CppCompilationDatabasesMap | None:
"""Process a ``clangd`` compilation database file.
Given a clang compilation database that may have commands for multiple
valid or invalid targets/toolchains, keep only the valid compile
commands and store them in target-specific compilation databases.
If this finds that the processed file is functionally identical to the
input file (meaning that the input file did not require processing to
be used successfully with ``clangd``), then it will return ``None``,
indicating that the original file should be used. This behavior can be
overridden by setting ``always_output_new``, which will ensure that a
new compilation database is always written to the working directory and
original compilation databases outside the working directory are never
made available for code intelligence.
if self._root_dir is None:
raise ValueError(
'Can only process a compilation database that '
'contains a root build directory, usually '
'specified when loading the file. Are you '
'trying to process an already-processed '
'compilation database?'
clean_compdbs = CppCompilationDatabasesMap(settings)
# Do processing, segregate processed commands into separate databases
# for each target.
for compile_command in self:
processed_command = compile_command.process(
default_path=default_path, path_globs=path_globs, strict=strict
if (
processed_command is not None
and processed_command.output_path is not None
target = infer_target(
target = cast(str, target) = target
if clean_compdbs[target].source_file_path is None:
clean_compdbs[target].source_file_path = self.file_path
clean_compdbs[target].source_file_hash = self.file_hash
# TODO(chadnorvell): Handle len(clean_compdbs) == 0
# Determine if the processed database is functionally identical to the
# original, unless configured to always output the new databases.
# The criteria for "functionally identical" are:
# - The original file only contained commands for a single target
# - The number of compile commands in the processed database is equal to
# that of the original database.
# This is a little bit crude. For example, it doesn't account for the
# (rare) edge case of multiple databases having commands for the same
# target. However, if you know that you have that kind of situation, you
# should use `always_output_new` and not rely on this.
if (
not always_output_new
and len(clean_compdbs) == 1
and len(clean_compdbs[0]) == len(self)
return None
return clean_compdbs
class CppCompilationDatabasesMap:
"""Container for a map of target name to compilation database."""
def __init__(self, settings: PigweedIdeSettings):
self.settings = settings
self._dbs: dict[str, CppCompilationDatabase] = dict()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._dbs)
def _default(self, key: str | int):
# This is like `defaultdict` except that we can use the provided key
# (i.e. the target name) in the constructor.
if isinstance(key, str) and key not in self._dbs:
file_path = self.settings.working_dir / key / COMPDB_FILE_NAME
self._dbs[key] = CppCompilationDatabase(file_path=file_path)
def __getitem__(self, key: str | int) -> CppCompilationDatabase:
# Support list-based indexing...
if isinstance(key, int):
return list(self._dbs.values())[key]
# ... and key-based indexing.
return self._dbs[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, item: CppCompilationDatabase) -> None:
self._dbs[key] = item
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
for target, _ in self.items():
yield target
def targets(self) -> list[str]:
return list(self._dbs.keys())
def items(
) -> Generator[tuple[str, CppCompilationDatabase], None, None]:
return ((key, value) for (key, value) in self._dbs.items())
def _sort_by_commands(self) -> list[str]:
"""Sort targets by the number of compile commands they have."""
enumerated_targets = sorted(
[(len(db), target) for target, db in self._dbs.items()],
key=lambda x: x[0],
return [target for (_, target) in enumerated_targets]
def _sort_with_target_priority(self, target: str) -> list[str]:
"""Sorted targets, but with the provided target first."""
sorted_targets = self._sort_by_commands()
# This will raise a ValueError if the target is not in the list, but
# we have ensured that that will never happen by the time we get here.
return [target, *sorted_targets]
def _targets_to_write(self, target: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return the list of targets whose comp. commands should be written.
Under most conditions, this will return a list with just the provided
target; essentially it's a no-op. But if ``cascade_targets`` is
enabled, this returns a list of all targets with the provided target
at the head of the list.
if not self.settings.cascade_targets:
return [target]
return self._sort_with_target_priority(target)
def _compdb_to_write(self, target: str) -> CppCompilationDatabase:
"""The compilation database to write to file for this target.
Under most conditions, this will return the compilation database
associated with the provided target. But if ``cascade_targets`` is
enabled, this returns a compilation database with commands from all
targets, ordered per ``_sort_with_target_priority``.
targets = self._targets_to_write(target)
compdb = CppCompilationDatabase()
for iter_target in targets:
return compdb
def test_write(self) -> None:
"""Test writing to file.
This will raise an exception if the file is not JSON-serializable."""
for _, compdb in self.items():
def write(self) -> None:
"""Write compilation databases to target-specific JSON files."""
for target in self:
path = self.settings.working_dir / target / COMPDB_FILE_NAME
def merge(
cls, *db_sets: CppCompilationDatabasesMap
) -> CppCompilationDatabasesMap:
"""Merge several sets of processed compilation databases.
If you process N compilation databases produced by a build system,
you'll end up with N sets of processed compilation databases,
containing databases for one or more targets each. This method
merges them into one set of databases with one database per target.
The expectation is that the vast majority of the time, each of the
raw compilation databases that are processed will contain distinct
targets, meaning that the keys of each ``CppCompilationDatabases``
object that's merged will be unique to each object, and this operation
is nothing more than a shallow merge.
However, this also supports the case where targets may overlap between
``CppCompilationDatabases`` objects. In that case, we prioritize
correctness, ensuring that the resulting compilation databases will
work correctly with clangd. This means not including duplicate compile
commands for the same file in the same target's database. The choice
of which duplicate compile command ends up in the final database is
unspecified and subject to change. Note also that this method expects
the ``settings`` value to be the same between all of the provided
``CppCompilationDatabases`` objects.
if len(db_sets) == 0:
raise ValueError(
'At least one set of compilation databases is required.'
# Shortcut for the most common case.
if len(db_sets) == 1:
return db_sets[0]
merged = cls(db_sets[0].settings)
for dbs in db_sets:
for target, db in dbs.items():
return merged
def find_cipd_installed_exe_path(exe: str) -> Path:
"""Return the path of an executable installed by CIPD.
Search for the executable in the paths pointed by all the defined
`PW_<PROJ_NAME>_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR` environment variables.
if sys.platform.lower() in ("win32", "cygwin"):
exe += ".exe"
env_vars = vars(env)
search_paths: list[str] = []
for env_var_name, env_var in env_vars.items():
if re.fullmatch(r"PW_[A-Z_]+_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR", env_var_name):
search_paths.append(str(Path(env_var) / "bin" / exe))
if (env_var := env_vars.get('PW_PIGWEED_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR')) is not None:
search_paths.append(str(Path(env_var) / "bin" / exe))
path = None
exception = None
path = path_to_executable(
exe, default_path=None, path_globs=search_paths, strict=True
except UnresolvablePathException as e:
exception = e
if path is None or exception:
search_paths_str = ":".join(search_paths)
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Not able to find '{exe}' "
f"among '{search_paths_str}'. Is bootstrap successful?"
return path
def get_clangd_path(settings: PigweedIdeSettings) -> Path:
if settings.clangd_alternate_path is not None:
return settings.clangd_alternate_path
return find_cipd_installed_exe_path('clangd')
class ClangdSettings:
"""Makes system-specific settings for running ``clangd`` with Pigweed."""
def __init__(self, settings: PigweedIdeSettings):
state = CppIdeFeaturesState(settings)
self.clangd_path = get_clangd_path(settings)
compile_commands_dir = env.PW_PROJECT_ROOT
if state.current_target is not None:
compile_commands_dir = str(state.stable_target_link)
host_cc_path = find_cipd_installed_exe_path("clang++")
self.arguments: list[str] = [
def command(self, system: str = platform.system()) -> str:
"""Return the command that runs clangd with Pigweed paths."""
def make_command(line_continuation: str):
arguments = f' {line_continuation}\n'.join(
f' {arg}' for arg in self.arguments
return f'\n{self.clangd_path} {line_continuation}\n{arguments}'
if system.lower() == 'json':
return '\n' + json.dumps(
[str(self.clangd_path), *self.arguments], indent=2
if system.lower() in ['cmd', 'batch']:
return make_command('`')
if system.lower() in ['powershell', 'pwsh']:
return make_command('^')
if system.lower() == 'windows':
return (
f'\nIn PowerShell:\n{make_command("`")}'
f'\n\nIn Command Prompt:\n{make_command("^")}'
# Default case for *sh-like shells.
return make_command('\\')