blob: d7d592deb91b4cd308d96fdf4e9a6409f9cb2fc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""pw_ide settings."""
import enum
from inspect import cleandoc
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast, Literal
import yaml
from pw_cli.env import pigweed_environment
from pw_config_loader.yaml_config_loader_mixin import YamlConfigLoaderMixin
env = pigweed_environment()
env_vars = vars(env)
PW_IDE_DIR_NAME = '.pw_ide'
SupportedEditorName = Literal['vscode']
class SupportedEditor(enum.Enum):
VSCODE = 'vscode'
_DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_EDITORS: dict[SupportedEditorName, bool] = {
'vscode': True,
_DEFAULT_CONFIG: dict[str, Any] = {
'cascade_targets': False,
'clangd_alternate_path': None,
'clangd_additional_query_drivers': [],
'compdb_gen_cmd': None,
'compdb_search_paths': [_DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR_NAME],
'default_target': None,
'sync': ['pw --no-banner ide cpp --process'],
'targets_exclude': [],
'targets_include': [],
'target_inference': _DEFAULT_TARGET_INFERENCE,
'working_dir': PW_IDE_DEFAULT_DIR,
_DEFAULT_USER_FILE = Path('$HOME/.pw_ide.yaml')
def _expand_any_vars(input_path: Path) -> Path:
"""Expand any environment variables in a path.
Python's ``os.path.expandvars`` will only work on an isolated environment
variable name. In shell, you can expand variables within a larger command
or path. We replicate that functionality here.
outputs = []
for token in
expanded_var = os.path.expandvars(token)
if expanded_var == token:
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
return Path(os.path.join(*outputs))
# pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter
def _expand_any_vars_str(input_path: str) -> str:
"""`_expand_any_vars`, except takes and returns a string instead of path."""
return str(_expand_any_vars(Path(input_path)))
def _parse_dir_path(input_path_str: str) -> Path:
if (path := Path(input_path_str)).is_absolute():
return path
return Path.cwd() / path
def _parse_compdb_search_path(
input_data: str | tuple[str, str], default_inference: str
) -> tuple[Path, str]:
if isinstance(input_data, (tuple, list)):
return _parse_dir_path(input_data[0]), input_data[1]
return _parse_dir_path(input_data), default_inference
class PigweedIdeSettings(YamlConfigLoaderMixin):
"""Pigweed IDE features settings storage class."""
def __init__(
project_file: Path | bool = _DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILE,
project_user_file: Path | bool = _DEFAULT_PROJECT_USER_FILE,
user_file: Path | bool = _DEFAULT_USER_FILE,
default_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
if default_config is None
else default_config,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(
key: getattr(self, key)
for key, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(value, property)
def working_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the ``pw_ide`` working directory.
The working directory holds C++ compilation databases and caches, and
other supporting files. This should not be a directory that's regularly
deleted or manipulated by other processes (e.g. the GN ``out``
directory) nor should it be committed to source control.
return Path(
self._config.get('working_dir', PW_IDE_DEFAULT_DIR)
def compdb_gen_cmd(self) -> str | None:
"""The command that should be run to generate a compilation database.
Defining this allows ``pw_ide`` to automatically generate a compilation
database if it suspects one has not been generated yet before a sync.
return self._config.get('compdb_gen_cmd')
def compdb_search_paths(self) -> list[tuple[Path, str]]:
"""Paths to directories to search for compilation databases.
If you're using a build system to generate compilation databases, this
may simply be your build output directory. However, you can add
additional directories to accommodate compilation databases from other
Entries can be just directories, in which case the default target
inference pattern will be used. Or entries can be tuples of a directory
and a target inference pattern. See the documentation for
``target_inference`` for more information.
Finally, the directories can be concrete paths, or they can be globs
that expand to multiple paths.
return [
_parse_compdb_search_path(search_path, self.target_inference)
for search_path in self._config.get(
'compdb_search_paths', [_DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR]
def targets_exclude(self) -> list[str]:
"""The list of targets that should not be enabled for code analysis.
In this case, "target" is analogous to a GN target, i.e., a particular
build configuration. By default, all available targets are enabled. By
adding targets to this list, you can disable/hide targets that should
not be available for code analysis.
Target names need to match the name of the directory that holds the
build system artifacts for the target. For example, GN outputs build
artifacts for the ``pw_strict_host_clang_debug`` target in a directory
with that name in its output directory. So that becomes the canonical
name for the target.
return self._config.get('targets_exclude', list())
def targets_include(self) -> list[str]:
"""The list of targets that should be enabled for code analysis.
In this case, "target" is analogous to a GN target, i.e., a particular
build configuration. By default, all available targets are enabled. By
adding targets to this list, you can constrain the targets that are
enabled for code analysis to a subset of those that are available, which
may be useful if your project has many similar targets that are
redundant from a code analysis perspective.
Target names need to match the name of the directory that holds the
build system artifacts for the target. For example, GN outputs build
artifacts for the ``pw_strict_host_clang_debug`` target in a directory
with that name in its output directory. So that becomes the canonical
name for the target.
return self._config.get('targets_include', list())
def target_inference(self) -> str:
"""A glob-like string for extracting a target name from an output path.
Build systems and projects have varying ways of organizing their build
directory structure. For a given compilation unit, we need to know how
to extract the build's target name from the build artifact path. A
simple example:
.. code-block:: none
clang++ -o host/obj/
The top-level directory ``host`` is the target name we want. The same
compilation unit might be used with another build target:
.. code-block:: none
gcc-arm-none-eabi -o arm_dev_board/obj/
In this case, this compile command is associated with the
``arm_dev_board`` target.
When importing and processing a compilation database, we assume by
default that for each compile command, the corresponding target name is
the name of the top level directory within the build directory root
that contains the build artifact. This is the default behavior for most
build systems. However, if your project is structured differently, you
can provide a glob-like string that indicates how to extract the target
name from build artifact path.
A ``*`` indicates any directory, and ``?`` indicates the directory that
has the name of the target. The path is resolved from the build
directory root, and anything deeper than the target directory is
ignored. For example, a glob indicating that the directory two levels
down from the build directory root has the target name would be
expressed with ``*/*/?``.
Note that the build artifact path is relative to the compilation
database search path that found the file. For example, for a compilation
database search path of ``{project dir}/out``, for the purposes of
target inference, the build artifact path is relative to the ``{project
dir}/out`` directory. Target inference patterns can be defined for each
compilation database search path. See the documentation for
``compdb_search_paths`` for more information.
return self._config.get('target_inference', _DEFAULT_TARGET_INFERENCE)
def default_target(self) -> str | None:
"""The default target to use when calling ``--set-default``.
This target will be selected when ``pw ide cpp --set-default`` is
called. You can define an explicit default target here. If that command
is invoked without a default target definition, ``pw_ide`` will try to
infer the best choice of default target. Currently, it selects the
target with the broadest compilation unit coverage.
return self._config.get('default_target', None)
def sync(self) -> list[str]:
"""A sequence of commands to automate IDE features setup.
``pw ide sync`` should do everything necessary to get the project from
a fresh checkout to a working default IDE experience. This defines the
list of commands that makes that happen, which will be executed
sequentially in subprocesses. These commands should be idempotent, so
that the user can run them at any time to update their IDE features
configuration without the risk of putting those features in a bad or
unexpected state.
return self._config.get('sync', list())
def clangd_alternate_path(self) -> Path | None:
"""An alternate path to ``clangd`` to use instead of Pigweed's.
Pigweed provides the ``clang`` toolchain, including ``clangd``, via
CIPD, and by default, ``pw_ide`` will look for that toolchain in the
CIPD directory at ``$PW_PIGWEED_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR`` *or* in an alternate
CIPD directory specified by ``$PW_{project name}_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR`` if
it exists.
If your project needs to use a ``clangd`` located somewhere else not
covered by the cases described above, you can define the path to that
``clangd`` here.
return self._config.get('clangd_alternate_path', None)
def clangd_additional_query_drivers(self) -> list[str]:
"""Additional query driver paths that clangd should use.
By default, ``pw_ide`` supplies driver paths for the toolchains included
in Pigweed. If you are using toolchains that are not supplied by
Pigweed, you should include path globs to your toolchains here. These
paths will be given higher priority than the Pigweed toolchain paths.
return self._config.get('clangd_additional_query_drivers', list())
def clangd_query_drivers(self, host_clang_cc_path: Path) -> list[str]:
drivers = [
for p in self.clangd_additional_query_drivers
drivers.append(str(host_clang_cc_path.parent / '*'))
if (env_var := env_vars.get('PW_ARM_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR')) is not None:
drivers.append(str(Path(env_var) / 'bin' / '*'))
return drivers
def clangd_query_driver_str(self, host_clang_cc_path: Path) -> str:
return ','.join(self.clangd_query_drivers(host_clang_cc_path))
def editors(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
"""Enable or disable automated support for editors.
Automatic support for some editors is provided by ``pw_ide``, which is
accomplished through generating configuration files in your project
directory. All supported editors are enabled by default, but you can
disable editors by adding an ``'<editor>': false`` entry.
return self._config.get('editors', _DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_EDITORS)
def editor_enabled(self, editor: SupportedEditorName) -> bool:
"""True if the provided editor is enabled in settings.
This module will integrate the project with all supported editors by
default. If the project or user want to disable particular editors,
they can do so in the appropriate settings file.
return self._config.get('editors', {}).get(editor, False)
def cascade_targets(self) -> bool:
"""Mix compile commands for multiple targets to maximize code coverage.
By default (with this set to ``False``), the compilation database for
each target is consistent in the sense that it only contains compile
commands for one build target, so the code intelligence that database
provides is related to a single, known compilation artifact. However,
this means that code intelligence may not be provided for every source
file in a project, because some source files may be relevant to targets
other than the one you have currently set. Those source files won't
have compile commands for the current target, and no code intelligence
will appear in your editor.
If this is set to ``True``, compilation databases will still be
separated by target, but compile commands for *all other targets* will
be appended to the list of compile commands for *that* target. This
will maximize code coverage, ensuring that you have code intelligence
for every file that is built for any target, at the cost of
consistency—the code intelligence for some files may show information
that is incorrect or irrelevant to the currently selected build target.
The currently set target's compile commands will take priority at the
top of the combined file, then all other targets' commands will come
after in order of the number of commands they have (i.e. in the order of
their code coverage). This relies on the fact that ``clangd`` parses the
compilation database from the top down, using the first compile command
it encounters for each compilation unit.
return self._config.get('cascade_targets', False)
def _docstring_set_default(
obj: Any, default: Any, literal: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Add a default value annotation to a docstring.
Formatting isn't allowed in docstrings, so by default we can't inject
variables that we would like to appear in the documentation, like the
default value of a property. But we can use this function to add it
if obj.__doc__ is not None:
default = str(default)
if literal:
lines = default.splitlines()
if len(lines) == 0:
if len(lines) == 1:
default = f'Default: ``{lines[0]}``'
default = 'Default:\n\n.. code-block::\n\n ' + '\n '.join(
doc = cast(str, obj.__doc__)
obj.__doc__ = f'{cleandoc(doc)}\n\n{default}'
PigweedIdeSettings.working_dir, PW_IDE_DIR_NAME, literal=True
PigweedIdeSettings.sync, _DEFAULT_CONFIG['sync'], literal=True