blob: 8568a214f04904a9f8b9ca3380c0aea9d74eda61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_json/builder.h"
#include "pw_string/type_to_string.h"
namespace pw {
namespace json_impl {
constexpr char kArray[2] = {'[', ']'};
constexpr char kObject[2] = {'{', '}'};
constexpr StatusWithSize WriteString(std::string_view value,
char* buffer,
size_t remaining) {
if (value.size() + 1 /* null */ > remaining) {
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
for (char c : value) {
*buffer++ = c;
*buffer = '\0';
return StatusWithSize(value.size());
constexpr char NibbleToHex(uint8_t nibble) {
return nibble + (nibble < 10 ? '0' : ('a' - 10));
// In accordance with RFC 8259, JSON strings must escape control characters,
// quotation marks, and reverse solidus (\). This function copies a string and
// escapes these characters as shown in
// The return value is the number of bytes written to the destination
// buffer or -1 if the string does not fit in the destination buffer. Since
// escaped characters result in two or six bytes in the output, the return value
// won't necessarily equal the number of bytes read from the source buffer.
// The destination buffer is NEVER null-terminated!
// Currently this function ONLY supports ASCII! Bytes ≥128 will be escaped
// individually, rather than treated as multibyte Unicode characters.
constexpr int EscapedStringCopy(char* destination,
int copy_limit,
std::string_view source) {
int destination_index = 0;
for (char source_char : source) {
if (destination_index >= copy_limit) {
return -1;
char escaped_character = '\0';
if (source_char >= '\b' && source_char <= '\r' && source_char != '\v') {
constexpr char kControlChars[] = {'b', 't', 'n', '?', 'f', 'r'};
escaped_character = kControlChars[source_char - '\b'];
} else if (source_char == '"' || source_char == '\\') {
escaped_character = source_char;
} else if (source_char >= ' ' && source_char <= '~') {
// This is a printable character; no escaping is needed.
destination[destination_index++] = source_char;
continue; // Skip the escaping step below.
} else {
// Escape control characters that haven't already been handled. These take
// six bytes to encode (e.g. \u0056).
if (copy_limit - destination_index < 6) {
return -1;
destination[destination_index++] = '\\';
destination[destination_index++] = 'u';
destination[destination_index++] = '0'; // Only handle ASCII for now
destination[destination_index++] = '0';
destination[destination_index++] = NibbleToHex((source_char >> 4) & 0x0f);
destination[destination_index++] = NibbleToHex(source_char & 0x0f);
continue; // Already escaped; skip the single-character escaping step.
// Escape the \b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \", or \\ character, if it fits.
if (copy_limit - destination_index < 2) {
return -1;
destination[destination_index++] = '\\';
destination[destination_index++] = escaped_character;
return destination_index;
// Writes "<value>", escaping special characters; returns true if successful.
// Null terminates ONLY if successful.
constexpr StatusWithSize WriteQuotedString(std::string_view value,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_size) {
constexpr size_t kOverhead = 2 /* quotes */ + 1 /* null */;
if (value.size() + kOverhead > buffer_size) {
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
// If the string might fit, try to copy it. May still run out of room due to
// escaping.
const int written =
EscapedStringCopy(buffer + 1 /* quote */, buffer_size - kOverhead, value);
if (written < 0) {
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
buffer[0] = '"'; // open quote
buffer[written + 1] = '"'; // close quote
buffer[written + 2] = '\0';
return StatusWithSize(written + 2); // characters written excludes \0
constexpr StatusWithSize WriteCharPointer(const char* ptr,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_size) {
if (ptr == nullptr) {
return WriteString("null", buffer, buffer_size);
return WriteQuotedString(ptr, buffer, buffer_size);
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool kIsJson =
std::is_base_of_v<JsonValue, T> || std::is_base_of_v<JsonArray, T> ||
std::is_base_of_v<JsonObject, T>;
template <typename T>
struct InvalidJsonType : std::false_type {};
struct LiteralChars {
const char (&open_close)[2];
template <typename T>
constexpr StatusWithSize SerializeJson(const T& value,
char* buffer,
size_t remaining) {
if constexpr (kIsJson<T>) { // nested JsonBuilder, JsonArray, JsonObject
return WriteString(value, buffer, remaining);
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, LiteralChars>) { // Nested append/add
return WriteString(
std::string_view(value.open_close, 2), buffer, remaining);
} else if constexpr (std::is_null_pointer_v<T> || // nullptr & C strings
std::is_same_v<T, char*> ||
std::is_same_v<T, const char*>) {
return WriteCharPointer(value, buffer, remaining);
} else if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string_view>) { // strings
return WriteQuotedString(value, buffer, remaining);
} else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
return string::FloatAsIntToString(value, {buffer, remaining});
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) { // boolean
return WriteString(value ? "true" : "false", buffer, remaining);
} else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) { // integers
return string::IntToString(value, {buffer, remaining});
} else {
"JSON values may only be numbers, strings, JSON arrays, JSON "
"objects, or null");
return StatusWithSize::Internal();
} // namespace json_impl
// Forward NestedJsonArray, NestedJsonObject, JsonArray, and JsonObject
// function calls to JsonBuilder.
constexpr bool name::IsValue() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->IsValue(); \
} \
constexpr bool name::IsArray() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->IsArray(); \
} \
constexpr bool name::IsObject() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->IsObject(); \
} \
constexpr name::operator std::string_view() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->operator std::string_view(); \
} \
constexpr const char* name::data() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->data(); \
} \
constexpr size_t name::size() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->size(); \
} \
constexpr size_t name::max_size() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->max_size(); \
} \
constexpr bool name::ok() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->ok(); \
} \
constexpr Status name::status() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->status(); \
} \
constexpr Status name::last_status() const { \
return static_cast<const JsonBuilder*>(this)->last_status(); \
} \
constexpr void name::clear() { \
static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->name##Clear(); \
} \
constexpr void name::clear_status() { \
static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->clear_status(); \
} \
template <typename T>
constexpr NestedJsonArray& NestedJsonArray::Append(const T& value) {
json_.builder().NestedJsonArrayAppend(value, json_.nesting());
return *this;
constexpr NestedJsonArray NestedJsonArray::AppendNestedArray() {
return json_.builder().JsonArrayAppendNested(json_impl::kArray,
constexpr NestedJsonObject NestedJsonArray::AppendNestedObject() {
return json_.builder().JsonArrayAppendNested(json_impl::kObject,
constexpr NestedJsonArray NestedJsonObject::AddNestedArray(
std::string_view key) {
return json_.builder().JsonObjectAddNested(
key, json_impl::kArray, json_.nesting());
constexpr NestedJsonObject NestedJsonObject::AddNestedObject(
std::string_view key) {
return json_.builder().JsonObjectAddNested(
key, json_impl::kObject, json_.nesting());
template <typename T>
constexpr NestedJsonObject& NestedJsonObject::Add(std::string_view key,
const T& value) {
json_.builder().NestedJsonObjectAdd(key, value, json_.nesting());
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr Status JsonValue::Set(const T& value) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonValueSet(value);
template <typename T>
constexpr JsonArray& JsonArray::Append(const T& value) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonArrayAppend(value);
constexpr NestedJsonArray JsonArray::AppendNestedArray() {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonArrayAppendNested(
json_impl::kArray, {});
constexpr NestedJsonObject JsonArray::AppendNestedObject() {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonArrayAppendNested(
json_impl::kObject, {});
template <typename Iterable>
constexpr JsonArray& JsonArray::Extend(const Iterable& iterable) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonArrayExtend(std::cbegin(iterable),
template <typename T, size_t kSize>
constexpr JsonArray& JsonArray::Extend(const T (&iterable)[kSize]) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonArrayExtend(std::cbegin(iterable),
template <typename T>
constexpr JsonObject& JsonObject::Add(std::string_view key, const T& value) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonObjectAdd(key, value);
constexpr NestedJsonArray JsonObject::AddNestedArray(std::string_view key) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonObjectAddNested(
key, json_impl::kArray, {});
constexpr NestedJsonObject JsonObject::AddNestedObject(std::string_view key) {
return static_cast<JsonBuilder*>(this)->JsonObjectAddNested(
key, json_impl::kObject, {});
// JsonBuilder function implementations.
template <typename T>
constexpr Status JsonBuilder::SetValue(const T& value) {
return HandleSet(json_impl::SerializeJson(value, buffer_, max_size_ + 1));
constexpr void JsonBuilder::update_status(Status new_status) {
last_status_ = new_status.code();
if (!new_status.ok() && status().ok()) {
status_ = new_status.code();
template <typename T>
constexpr Status JsonBuilder::JsonValueSet(const T& value) {
if constexpr (json_impl::kIsJson<T>) {
PW_ASSERT(this != &value); // Self-nesting is disallowed.
PW_ASSERT(value.IsValue()); // Cannot set JsonValue to an array or object.
return SetValue(value);
template <typename T>
constexpr JsonArray& JsonBuilder::JsonArrayAppend(const T& value) {
if constexpr (json_impl::kIsJson<T>) {
PW_ASSERT(this != &value); // Self-nesting is disallowed.
const size_t starting_size = size();
if (JsonArrayAddElement()) {
// The buffer size is remaining() + 1 bytes, but drop the + 1 to leave room
// for the closing ].
HandleAdd(json_impl::SerializeJson(value, &buffer_[size()], remaining()),
return *this;
template <typename Iterator>
constexpr JsonArray& JsonBuilder::JsonArrayExtend(Iterator begin,
Iterator end) {
const size_t starting_size = size();
for (Iterator cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur) {
const Status status = Append(*cur).last_status();
if (!status.ok()) { // Undo changes if there is an issue.
json_size_ = starting_size;
buffer_[size() - 1] = ']';
buffer_[size()] = '\0';
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr JsonObject& JsonBuilder::JsonObjectAdd(std::string_view key,
const T& value) {
if constexpr (json_impl::kIsJson<T>) {
PW_ASSERT(this != &value); // Self-nesting is disallowed.
const size_t starting_size = size();
if (JsonObjectAddKey(key)) {
// The buffer size is remaining() + 1 bytes, but drop the + 1 to leave room
// for the closing }.
HandleAdd(json_impl::SerializeJson(value, &buffer_[size()], remaining()),
return *this;
constexpr bool JsonBuilder::JsonArrayAddElement() {
PW_ASSERT(IsArray()); // Attempted to append to an object or value
// Needs space for at least 3 new characters (, 1)
if (size() + 3 > max_size()) {
return false;
// If this is the first element, just drop the ]. Otherwise, add a comma.
if (size() == 2) {
json_size_ = 1;
} else {
buffer_[json_size_ - 1] = ',';
buffer_[json_size_++] = ' ';
return true;
constexpr bool JsonBuilder::JsonObjectAddKey(std::string_view key) {
PW_ASSERT(IsObject()); // Attempted add a key-value pair to an array or value
// Each key needs 7 more characters: (, "": ) plus at least 1 for the value.
// The ',' replaces the terminal '}', but a new '}' is placed at the end, so
// the total remains 7. The first key could get away with 5, but oh well.
if (size() + key.size() + 7 > max_size()) {
return false;
// If this is the first key, just drop the }. Otherwise, add a comma.
if (size() == 2) {
json_size_ = 1;
} else {
buffer_[json_size_ - 1] = ','; // change the last } to ,
buffer_[json_size_++] = ' ';
// Buffer size is remaining() + 1, but - 4 for at least ": 0}" after the key.
auto written =
json_impl::WriteQuotedString(key, &buffer_[json_size_], remaining() - 3);
if (!written.ok()) {
return false;
json_size_ += written.size(); // Now have {"key" or {..., "key"
buffer_[json_size_++] = ':';
buffer_[json_size_++] = ' ';
return true;
constexpr json_impl::NestedJson JsonBuilder::JsonArrayAppendNested(
const char (&open_close)[2], const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
json_impl::Nesting::Type nesting_within = type();
JsonArrayAppend(json_impl::LiteralChars{open_close}); // [..., {}]
return json_impl::NestedJson(
? nesting.Nest(NestedJsonOffset(nesting), nesting_within)
: json_impl::Nesting());
constexpr json_impl::NestedJson JsonBuilder::JsonObjectAddNested(
std::string_view key,
const char (&open_close)[2],
const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
json_impl::Nesting::Type nesting_within = type();
JsonObjectAdd(key, json_impl::LiteralChars{open_close}); // {..., "key": {}}
return json_impl::NestedJson(
? nesting.Nest(NestedJsonOffset(nesting), nesting_within)
: json_impl::Nesting());
constexpr void JsonBuilder::AddNestedStart(const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
// A nested structure must be the last thing in the JSON. Back up to where the
// first of the closing ] or } should be, and check from there.
PW_ASSERT( // JSON must not have been cleared since nesting.
json_size_ >= nesting.offset() + nesting.depth() + 2 /* [] or {} */);
PW_ASSERT( // Nested structure must match the expected type
buffer_[json_size_ - nesting.depth() - 1] ==
buffer_[nesting.offset()] + 2 /* convert [ to ] or { to } */);
nesting.CheckNesting(&buffer_[json_size_ - nesting.depth()]);
buffer_ += nesting.offset();
json_size_ -= nesting.offset() + nesting.depth();
max_size_ -= nesting.offset() + nesting.depth();
constexpr void JsonBuilder::AddNestedFinish(const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
buffer_ -= nesting.offset();
max_size_ += nesting.offset() + nesting.depth();
json_size_ += nesting.offset();
json_size_ += nesting.depth();
template <typename T>
constexpr void JsonBuilder::NestedJsonArrayAppend(
const T& value, const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
template <typename T>
constexpr void JsonBuilder::NestedJsonObjectAdd(
std::string_view key, const T& value, const json_impl::Nesting& nesting) {
JsonObjectAdd(key, value);
constexpr Status JsonBuilder::HandleSet(StatusWithSize written) {
if (written.ok()) {
json_size_ = written.size();
} else {
set_statuses(written.status()); // status is always reset when setting value
return last_status();
constexpr void JsonBuilder::HandleAdd(StatusWithSize written,
size_t starting_size,
char terminator) {
update_status(written.status()); // save room for } or ]
if (last_status().ok()) {
json_size_ += written.size();
} else {
json_size_ = starting_size - 1; // make room for closing character
buffer_[json_size_++] = terminator;
buffer_[json_size_] = '\0';
} // namespace pw