blob: 434b98082b6ed78588a1ca1d54e6e52d319b6e8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "pw_containers/intrusive_list.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_rpc/channel.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/call_context.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/lock.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/packet.h"
#include "pw_rpc/method_type.h"
#include "pw_rpc/service.h"
#include "pw_rpc/writer.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_sync/lock_annotations.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
namespace internal {
class Endpoint;
class LockedEndpoint;
class Packet;
// Whether a call object is associated with a server or a client.
enum CallType : bool { kServerCall, kClientCall };
// Whether callbacks that take a proto use the raw data directly or decode it
// to a struct. The RPC lock is held when invoking callbacks that decode to a
// struct.
enum CallbackProtoType : bool { kRawProto, kProtoStruct };
// Immutable properties of a call object. These do not change after an active
// call is initialized.
// Bits
// 0-1: MethodType
// 2: CallType
// 3: Bool for whether callbacks decode to proto structs
class CallProperties {
constexpr CallProperties() : bits_(0u) {}
constexpr CallProperties(MethodType method_type,
CallType call_type,
CallbackProtoType callback_proto_type)
: bits_(static_cast<uint8_t>(
(static_cast<uint8_t>(method_type) << 0) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(call_type) << 2) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(callback_proto_type) << 3))) {}
constexpr CallProperties(const CallProperties&) = default;
constexpr CallProperties& operator=(const CallProperties&) = default;
constexpr MethodType method_type() const {
return static_cast<MethodType>(bits_ & 0b0011u);
constexpr CallType call_type() const {
return static_cast<CallType>((bits_ & 0b0100u) >> 2);
constexpr CallbackProtoType callback_proto_type() const {
return static_cast<CallbackProtoType>((bits_ & 0b1000u) >> 3);
uint8_t bits_;
// Unrequested RPCs always use this call ID. When a subsequent request
// or response is sent with a matching channel + service + method,
// it will match a calls with this ID if one exists.
inline constexpr uint32_t kOpenCallId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// Legacy clients and servers didn't make use of call IDs at all, and will send
// unrequested responses with an "empty" (zero) call ID.
inline constexpr uint32_t kLegacyOpenCallId = 0;
// Internal RPC Call class. The Call is used to respond to any type of RPC.
// Public classes like ServerWriters inherit from it with private inheritance
// and provide a public API for their use case. The Call's public API is used by
// the Server and Client classes.
// Private inheritance is used in place of composition or more complex
// inheritance hierarchy so that these objects all inherit from a common
// IntrusiveList::Item object. Private inheritance also gives the derived class
// full control over their interfaces.
// Subclasses of `Call` must include a destructor which calls
// `DestroyServerCall` or `DestroyClientCall` (as appropriate) if the subclass
// contains any fields which might be referenced by the call's callbacks. This
// ensures that the callbacks do not reference fields which may have already
// been destroyed.
// At the top level, `ServerCall` and `ClientCall` invoke `DestroyServerCall`
// `DestroyClientCall` respectively to perform cleanup in the case where no
// subclass carries additional state.
class Call : public IntrusiveList<Call>::Item, private rpc::Writer {
Call(const Call&) = delete;
// Move support is provided to derived classes through the MoveFrom function.
Call(Call&&) = delete;
Call& operator=(const Call&) = delete;
Call& operator=(Call&&) = delete;
~Call() {
// Ensure that calls have already been closed and unregistered.
// See class IMPLEMENTATION NOTE for further details.
PW_DASSERT((state_ & kHasBeenDestroyed) != 0);
PW_DASSERT(!active_locked() && !CallbacksAreRunning());
// True if the Call is active and ready to send responses.
[[nodiscard]] bool active() const PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return active_locked();
[[nodiscard]] bool active_locked() const
return (state_ & kActive) != 0;
[[nodiscard]] bool awaiting_cleanup() const
return awaiting_cleanup_ != OkStatus().code();
uint32_t id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) { return id_; }
void set_id(uint32_t id) PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) { id_ = id; }
// Public function for accessing the channel ID of this call. Set to 0 when
// the call is closed.
uint32_t channel_id() const PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return channel_id_locked();
uint32_t channel_id_locked() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return channel_id_;
uint32_t service_id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return service_id_;
uint32_t method_id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return method_id_;
// Return whether this is a server or client call.
CallType type() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return properties_.call_type();
// Closes the Call and sends a RESPONSE packet, if it is active. Returns the
// status from sending the packet, or FAILED_PRECONDITION if the Call is not
// active.
Status CloseAndSendResponse(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return CloseAndSendResponseLocked(response, status);
Status CloseAndSendResponseLocked(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::RESPONSE, response, status);
Status CloseAndSendResponse(Status status) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
return CloseAndSendResponse({}, status);
Status CloseAndSendServerErrorLocked(Status error)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::SERVER_ERROR, {}, error);
// Closes the Call and sends a RESPONSE packet, if the RESPONSE packet failed
// to send , keep the call alive and return error. This API allows user to
// resend RESPONSE packet when transmission failed.
Status TryCloseAndSendResponse(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return TryCloseAndSendResponseLocked(response, status);
Status TryCloseAndSendResponseLocked(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
return TryCloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::RESPONSE, response, status);
Status TryCloseAndSendResponse(Status status) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
return TryCloseAndSendResponse({}, status);
Status TryCloseAndSendServerErrorLocked(Status error)
return TryCloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::SERVER_ERROR, {}, error);
// Public function that indicates that the client requests completion of the
// RPC, but is still active and listening to responses. For client streaming
// and bi-directional streaming RPCs, this also closes the client stream. If
// on_client_requested_completion callback is set using the
// set_on_completion_requested_if_enabled, then the callback will be invoked
// on the server side. The server may then take an appropriate action to
// cleanup and stop server streaming.
Status RequestCompletion() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return RequestCompletionLocked();
// Internal function that closes the client stream (if applicable) and sends
// CLIENT_REQUEST_COMPLETION packet to request call completion.
Status RequestCompletionLocked() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return SendPacket(pwpb::PacketType::CLIENT_REQUEST_COMPLETION, {}, {});
// Sends a payload in either a server or client stream packet.
Status Write(ConstByteSpan payload) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return WriteLocked(payload);
Status WriteLocked(ConstByteSpan payload)
// Sends the initial request for a client call. If the request fails, the call
// is closed.
void SendInitialClientRequest(ConstByteSpan payload)
if (const Status status = SendPacket(pwpb::PacketType::REQUEST, payload);
!status.ok()) {
void CloseAndMarkForCleanup(Status error)
// Whenever a payload arrives (in a server/client stream or in a response),
// call the on_next_ callback.
// Precondition: rpc_lock() must be held.
void HandlePayload(ConstByteSpan payload) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock());
// Handles an error condition for the call. This closes the call and calls the
// on_error callback, if set.
void HandleError(Status status) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
// Closes the RPC, but does NOT unregister the call or call on_error. The
// call must be moved to the endpoint's to_cleanup_ list and have its
// CleanUp() method called at a later time. Only for use by the Endpoint.
void CloseAndMarkForCleanupFromEndpoint(Status error)
awaiting_cleanup_ = error.code();
// Clears the awaiting_cleanup_ variable and calls the on_error callback. Only
// for use by the Endpoint, which will unlist the call.
void CleanUpFromEndpoint() PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
const Status status(static_cast<Status::Code>(awaiting_cleanup_));
awaiting_cleanup_ = OkStatus().code();
bool has_client_stream() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return HasClientStream(properties_.method_type());
bool has_server_stream() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return HasServerStream(properties_.method_type());
// Returns true if the client has already requested completion.
bool client_requested_completion() const
return (state_ & kClientRequestedCompletion) != 0;
// Closes a call without doing anything else. Called from the Endpoint
// destructor.
void CloseFromDeletedEndpoint() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
awaiting_cleanup_ = OkStatus().code();
endpoint_ = nullptr;
// Logs detailed info about this call at INFO level. NOT for production use!
void DebugLog() const;
// Creates an inactive Call.
constexpr Call()
: endpoint_{},
properties_{} {}
// Creates an active server-side Call.
Call(const LockedCallContext& context, CallProperties properties)
// Creates an active client-side Call.
Call(LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id,
CallProperties properties) PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// Closes the call and waits for their callbacks to complete so destructors
// can run safely.
void DestroyServerCall() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock());
void DestroyClientCall() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock());
void CallbackStarted() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
callbacks_executing_ += 1;
void CallbackFinished() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
callbacks_executing_ -= 1;
// This call must be in a closed state when this is called.
void MoveFrom(Call& other) PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
Endpoint& endpoint() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return *endpoint_;
// Public function that sets the on_next function in the raw API.
void set_on_next(Function<void(ConstByteSpan)>&& on_next)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
// Internal function that sets on_next.
void set_on_next_locked(Function<void(ConstByteSpan)>&& on_next)
on_next_ = std::move(on_next);
// Public function that sets the on_error callback.
void set_on_error(Function<void(Status)>&& on_error)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
// Internal function that sets on_error.
void set_on_error_locked(Function<void(Status)>&& on_error)
on_error_ = std::move(on_error);
void MarkStreamCompleted() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
state_ |= kClientRequestedCompletion;
// Closes a client call. Sends a CLIENT_REQUEST_COMPLETION for client /
// bidirectional streaming RPCs if not sent yet.
void CloseClientCall() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// Closes a server call.
Status CloseAndSendResponseLocked(Status status)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::RESPONSE, {}, status);
// Cancels an RPC. Public function for client calls only.
Status Cancel() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
RpcLockGuard lock;
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
pwpb::PacketType::CLIENT_ERROR, {}, Status::Cancelled());
// Unregisters the RPC from the endpoint & marks as closed. The call may be
// active or inactive when this is called.
void UnregisterAndMarkClosed() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// Define conversions to the generic server/client RPC writer class.
constexpr Writer& as_writer() { return *this; }
constexpr const Writer& as_writer() const { return *this; }
// Indicates if the on_next and unary on_completed callbacks are internal
// wrappers that decode the raw proto before invoking the user's callback. If
// they are, the lock must be held when they are invoked.
bool hold_lock_while_invoking_callback_with_payload() const
return properties_.callback_proto_type() == kProtoStruct;
// Decodes a raw protobuf into a proto struct (pwpb or Nanopb) and invokes the
// pwpb or Nanopb version of the on_next callback.
// This must ONLY be called from derived classes the wrap the on_next
// callback. These classes MUST indicate that they call calls in their
// constructor.
template <typename Decoder, typename ProtoStruct>
void DecodeToStructAndInvokeOnNext(
ConstByteSpan payload,
const Decoder& decoder,
Function<void(const ProtoStruct&)>& proto_on_next)
if (proto_on_next == nullptr) {
ProtoStruct proto_struct{};
if (!decoder.Decode(payload, proto_struct).ok()) {
const uint32_t original_id = id();
auto proto_on_next_local = std::move(proto_on_next);
// Restore the original callback if the original call is still active and
// the callback has not been replaced.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-use-after-move)
if (active_locked() && id() == original_id && proto_on_next == nullptr) {
proto_on_next = std::move(proto_on_next_local);
// The call is already unregistered and closed.
template <typename Decoder, typename ProtoStruct>
void DecodeToStructAndInvokeOnCompleted(
ConstByteSpan payload,
const Decoder& decoder,
Function<void(const ProtoStruct&, Status)>& proto_on_completed,
Status status) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
// Always move proto_on_completed so it goes out of scope in this function.
auto proto_on_completed_local = std::move(proto_on_completed);
// Move on_error in case an error occurs.
auto on_error_local = std::move(on_error_);
// Release the lock before decoding, since decoder is a global.
if (proto_on_completed_local == nullptr) {
ProtoStruct proto_struct{};
if (decoder.Decode(payload, proto_struct).ok()) {
proto_on_completed_local(proto_struct, status);
} else if (on_error_local != nullptr) {
// An active call cannot be moved if its callbacks are running. This function
// must be called on the call being moved before updating any state.
static void WaitUntilReadyForMove(Call& destination, Call& source)
friend class rpc::Writer;
enum State : uint8_t {
kActive = 0b001,
kClientRequestedCompletion = 0b010,
kHasBeenDestroyed = 0b100,
// Common constructor for server & client calls.
Call(LockedEndpoint& endpoint,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id,
CallProperties properties);
Packet MakePacket(pwpb::PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan payload,
Status status = OkStatus()) const
return Packet(type,
// Marks a call object closed without doing anything else. The call is not
// removed from the calls list and no callbacks are called.
void MarkClosed() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
channel_id_ = Channel::kUnassignedChannelId;
id_ = 0;
state_ = kClientRequestedCompletion;
// Calls the on_error callback without closing the RPC. This is used when the
// call has already completed.
void CallOnError(Status error) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock());
// If required, removes this call from the endpoint's to_cleanup_ list and
// calls CleanUp(). Returns true if cleanup was required, which means the lock
// was released.
bool CleanUpIfRequired() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// Sends a payload with the specified type. The payload may either be in a
// previously acquired buffer or in a standalone buffer.
// Returns FAILED_PRECONDITION if the call is not active().
Status SendPacket(pwpb::PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan payload,
Status status = OkStatus())
Status CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(pwpb::PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan response,
Status status)
Status TryCloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(pwpb::PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan response,
Status status)
bool CallbacksAreRunning() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return callbacks_executing_ != 0u;
// Waits for callbacks to complete so that a call object can be destroyed.
void WaitForCallbacksToComplete() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
Endpoint* endpoint_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t channel_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t service_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t method_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// State of call and client stream.
// bit 0: call is active
// bit 1: client stream is active
// bit 2: call has been destroyed
uint8_t state_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// If non-OK, indicates that the call was closed and needs to have its
// on_error called with this Status code. Uses a uint8_t for compactness.
uint8_t awaiting_cleanup_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// Tracks how many of this call's callbacks are running. Must be 0 for the
// call to be destroyed.
uint8_t callbacks_executing_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
CallProperties properties_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// Called when the RPC is terminated due to an error.
Function<void(Status error)> on_error_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// Called when a request is received. Only used for RPCs with client streams.
// The raw payload buffer is passed to the callback.
Function<void(ConstByteSpan payload)> on_next_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
} // namespace internal
inline bool Writer::active() const {
return static_cast<const internal::Call*>(this)->active();
inline uint32_t Writer::channel_id() const {
return static_cast<const internal::Call*>(this)->channel_id();
inline Status Writer::Write(ConstByteSpan payload) {
return static_cast<internal::Call*>(this)->Write(payload);
} // namespace pw::rpc