blob: 98657a5ade3bfe7b31607f448f9339fcbef3ebcd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# the License.
"""Rules to turn action names into bazel labels."""
load(":providers.bzl", "ActionNameInfo", "ActionNameSetInfo")
def _pw_cc_action_name_impl(ctx):
return [
ActionNameInfo(name = ctx.attr.action_name),
ActionNameSetInfo(actions = depset([ctx.attr.action_name])),
pw_cc_action_name = rule(
implementation = _pw_cc_action_name_impl,
attrs = {
"action_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = """The name of a single type of action.
This rule represents a type-safe definition for an action name.
Listing this in a pw_cc_flag_set or pw_cc_action tells a toolchain which actions
apply to the attached flags or tools.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl", "ACTION_NAMES")
name = "cpp_compile",
action_name = = ACTION_NAMES.cpp_compile,
name = "c++17",
actions = [":cpp_compile"],
flags = ["-std=c++17"],
provides = [ActionNameInfo, ActionNameSetInfo],
def _pw_cc_action_name_set_impl(ctx):
return [ActionNameSetInfo(actions = depset(transitive = [
for attr in ctx.attr.actions
pw_cc_action_name_set = rule(
doc = """A set of action names.
This rule represents a group of one or more pw_cc_action_name rules.
This can be used in place of a pw_cc_action_name for rule attributes that
accept multiple action names.
name = "all_cpp_compiler_actions",
actions = [":cpp_compile", ":cpp_header_parsing"],
name = "c++17",
actions = [":all_cpp_compiler_actions"],
flags = ["-std=c++17"],
implementation = _pw_cc_action_name_set_impl,
attrs = {
"actions": attr.label_list(
providers = [ActionNameSetInfo],
mandatory = True,
doc = "A list of pw_cc_action_name or pw_cc_action_name_set to be combined.",
provides = [ActionNameSetInfo],