blob: 946dd8cb685e2a24d8146d36a8de8e1af7e59663 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_toolchain_bazel-get-started:
Get started with pw_toolchain_bazel
.. pigweed-module-subpage::
:name: pw_toolchain_bazel
Quick start
The fastest way to get started using ``pw_toolchain_bazel`` is to use Pigweed's
upstream toolchains.
1. Enable required features in your project's ``//.bazelrc`` file:
.. code-block:: sh
# Required for new toolchain resolution API.
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
# Do not attempt to configure an autodetected (local) toolchain.
2. Configure ``pw_toolchain_bazel`` in your project's ``//WORKSPACE`` file:
.. code-block:: py
# Add Pigweed itself, as a submodule from `//third_party/pigweed`.
# TODO: b/300695111 - Support depending on Pigweed as a git_repository,
# even if you use pw_toolchain.
name = "pigweed",
path = "third_party/pigweed",
name = "pw_toolchain",
path = "third_party/pigweed/pw_toolchain_bazel",
# Set up CIPD.
# Set up and register Pigweed's toolchains.
And you're done! You should now be able to compile for macOS, Linux, and ARM
Cortex-M devices.
.. _module-pw_toolchain_bazel-get-started-overview:
This guide shows you how to use ``pw_toolchain_bazel`` to assemble a fully
working toolchain. There are three core elements in a C/C++ toolchain in
#. The underlying tools used to perform compile and link actions.
#. Flag declarations that may or may not apply to a given toolchain
#. The final toolchain definition that binds tools and flag declarations
together to produce working C/C++ compile and link commands.
This guide assumes you have a good grasp on writing Bazel build files, and also
assumes you have a working understanding of what flags are typically passed to
various compile and link tool invocations.
Adding Pigweed to your WORKSPACE
Before you can use Pigweed and ``pw_toolchain_bazel`` in your project, you must
register Pigweed in your ``//WORKSPACE`` file:
.. code-block:: py
# Add Pigweed itself, as a submodule from `//third_party/pigweed`.
# TODO: b/300695111 - Support depending on Pigweed as a git_repository,
# even if you use pw_toolchain.
name = "pigweed",
path = "third_party/pigweed",
name = "pw_toolchain",
path = "third_party/pigweed/pw_toolchain_bazel",
.. admonition:: Note
`b/300695111 <>`_\: You must add Pigweed
as a submodule to use Pigweed in a Bazel project. Pigweed does not yet work
when added as a ``http_repository``.
Configure .bazelrc
To use this module's toolchain rules, you must first add a couple
flags that tell Bazel how to find toolchain definitions. Bazel's ``.bazelrc``
lives at the root of your project, and is the source of truth for your
project-specific build flags that control Bazel's behavior.
.. code-block:: sh
# Required for new toolchain resolution API.
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
# Do not attempt to configure an autodetected (local) toolchain. We vendor
# all our toolchains, and CI VMs may not have any local toolchain to detect.
.. _module-pw_toolchain_bazel-assemble-a-tool-suite:
Assemble a tool suite
The fastest way to get started is using a toolchain tool repository template.
``pw_toolchain_bazel`` provides pre-assembled templates for ``clang`` and
``arm-none-eabi-gcc`` toolchains in the
`@pw_toolchain//build_external <>`_
package. These build files can be attached to an external repository in your
``WORKSPACE`` file using the ``build_file`` attribute of ``http_archive``,
``git_repository``, or ``cipd_repository``.
.. code-block:: py
# Declare a toolchain tool suite for Linux.
name = "linux_clang_toolchain",
build_file = "@pw_toolchain//build_external:llvm_clang.BUILD",
sha256 = "884ee67d647d77e58740c1e645649e29ae9e8a6fe87c1376be0f3a30f3cc9ab3",
strip_prefix = "clang+llvm-17.0.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04",
url = "",
Create toolchain definition
To set up a complete toolchain definition, you'll need ``toolchain`` and
``pw_cc_toolchain`` rules that serve as the core of your toolchain.
A simplified example is provided below.
.. code-block:: py
load("@pw_toolchain//cc_toolchain:defs.bzl", "pw_cc_toolchain")
name = "host_toolchain",
action_configs = [
cxx_builtin_include_directories = [
toolchain_identifier = "host-linux-toolchain",
flag_sets = [
name = "host_cc_toolchain_linux",
# This is the list of constraints that must be satisfied for the suite of
# toolchain tools to be determined as runnable on the current machine.
exec_compatible_with = [
# This is the list of constraints that dictates compatibility of the final
# artifacts produced by this toolchain.
target_compatible_with = [
toolchain = ":host_toolchain",
toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type",
The ``toolchain`` rule
The ``toolchain`` rule communicates to Bazel what kind of toolchains are
available, what environments the tools can run on, and what environment the
artifacts are intended for. A quick overview of the critical parts of this
rule are outlined below.
- ``name``: The name of the toolchain rule. This is the label that you
reference when registering a toolchain so Bazel knows it may use this
- ``toolchain_type``: The language this toolchain is designed for. Today,
``pw_toolchain_bazel`` only supports C/C++ toolchains via the
``@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type`` type.
- ``exec_compatible_with``: What constraints must be satisfied for this
toolchain to be compatible with the execution environment. In simpler terms,
if the machine that is currently running the build is a Linux x86_64 machine,
it can only use toolchains designed to run on that OS and architecture.
``exec_compatible_with`` is what prevents a Linux machine from trying to
compile using tools designed for a Windows machine and vice versa.
- ``target_compatible_with``: What constraints must be satisfied for this
toolchain to be compatible with the targeted environment. Rather than
specifying whether the *tools* are compatible, this specifies the
compatibility of the final artifacts produced by this toolchain.
For example, ``target_compatible_with`` is what tells Bazel that a toolchain
is building firmware for a Cortex-M4.
- ``toolchain``: The rule that implements the toolchain behavior. When using
``pw_toolchain_bazel``, this points to a :py:class:`pw_cc_toolchain` rule.
Multiple ``toolchain`` rules can point to the same
:py:class:`pw_cc_toolchain`, which can be useful for creating parameterized
toolchains that have a lot in common.
The ``pw_cc_toolchain`` rule
This is the heart of your C/C++ toolchain configuration, and has two main
configuration surfaces of interest.
- :py:attr:`pw_cc_toolchain.action_configs`\: This is a list of bindings that
map various toolchain actions to the appropriate tools. Typically you'll just
want to list all of the :py:class:`pw_cc_action_config` rules included in your
toolchain repository from
:ref:`module-pw_toolchain_bazel-assemble-a-tool-suite`. If you need to swap
out a particular tool, you can just create a custom
:py:class:`pw_cc_tool` and :py:class:`pw_cc_action_config` and list it here.
- :py:attr:`pw_cc_toolchain.flag_sets`\: This lists all the flags
that are applied when compiling with this toolchain. Each
:py:class:`pw_cc_flag_set` listed here includes at least one flag that applies
to at least one kind of action.
While the other attributes of a :py:class:`pw_cc_toolchain` are still required,
their behaviors are less interesting from a configuration perspective and are
required for correctness and completeness reasons. See the full
API reference for :py:class:`pw_cc_toolchain` for more information.
Register your toolchain
Once you've declared a complete toolchain to your liking, you'll need to
register it in your project's ``WORKSPACE`` file so Bazel knows it can use the
new toolchain. An example for a ``toolchain`` with the name
``host_cc_toolchain_linux`` living in ``//toolchains/BUILD`` is illustrated
.. code-block:: py
At this point, you should have a custom, working toolchain! For more extensive
examples, consider taking a look at Pigweed's
`fully instantiated and supported toolchains <>`_
Customize behavior with flag sets
Now that your toolchain is working, you can customize it by introducing new flag
Configure warnings
Enabling compiler warnings and setting them to be treated as errors is a great
way to prevent unintentional bugs that stem from dubious code.
.. code-block:: py
name = "warnings",
actions = [
flags = [
"-Werror", # Make all warnings errors, except for the exemptions below.
"-Wno-error=cpp", # preprocessor #warning statement
"-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations", # [[deprecated]] attribute
Omit unreferenced symbols
If a function, variable, or data section isn't used anywhere in your binaries,
it can be omitted with the following flag sets.
.. code-block:: py
# Treats symbols representing functions and data as individual sections.
# This is mostly relevant when using `:omit_unused_sections`.
name = "function_and_data_sections",
actions = [
flags = [
name = "omit_unused_sections",
actions = ["@pw_toolchain//actions:all_link_actions"],
# This flag is parameterized by operating system. macOS and iOS require
# a different flag to express this concept.
flags = select({
"@platforms//os:macos": ["-Wl,-dead_strip"],
"@platforms//os:ios": ["-Wl,-dead_strip"],
"//conditions:default": ["-Wl,--gc-sections"],
Set global defines
Toolchains may declare preprocessor defines that are available for all compile
.. code-block:: py
# Specify global defines that should be available to all compile actions.
name = "global_defines",
actions = [
flags = [
"-DPW_LOG_LEVEL=PW_LOG_LEVEL_INFO", # Omit all debug logs.
Bind custom flags to a toolchain
After you've assembled a selection of custom flag sets, you can bind them to
your toolchain definition by listing them in
.. code-block:: py
:emphasize-lines: 12,13,14,15
name = "host_toolchain",
action_configs = [
flag_sets = [
":warnings", # Newly added pw_cc_flag_set from above.
":function_and_data_sections", # Newly added pw_cc_flag_set from above.
":omit_unused_sections", # Newly added pw_cc_flag_set from above.
":global_defines", # Newly added pw_cc_flag_set from above.
.. admonition:: Note
Flags appear in the tool invocations in the order as they are listed
in :py:attr:`pw_cc_toolchain.flag_sets`\, so if you need a flag
to appear earlier in the command-line invocation of the tool just move it to
towards the beginning of the list.
You can use ``pw_cc_flag_set`` rules to add support for new architectures,
enable/disable warnings, add preprocessor defines, enable LTO, and more.