blob: 66582c67053d6c7b971613867e8e5cb579cb3b59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Defines a directory of SEED proposals, generating an RST snippet containing
# information about each of them.
# Args:
# index_file: Base .rst file in which the index will be defined.
# seeds: Nonempty list of `pw_seed` targets defining the SEEDs to include in
# the index. All targets must previously have been defined in the same
# file.
template("pw_seed_index") {
assert(defined(invoker.index_file), "Must provide an index file")
assert(defined(invoker.seeds) && invoker.seeds != [],
"A SEED index must contain SEEDs")
_gen_target = "${target_name}.gen"
_index_rst_output = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}"
_script_args = [
rebase_path(_index_rst_output, root_build_dir),
foreach(_seed_target, invoker.seeds) {
_outputs = []
_outputs = get_target_outputs("${_seed_target}.metadata")
_script_args += [ rebase_path(_outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
pw_python_action(_gen_target) {
script = "$dir_pw_docgen/py/pw_docgen/"
args = _script_args
outputs = [ _index_rst_output ]
deps = invoker.seeds
pw_doc_group(target_name) {
sources = [ invoker.index_file ]
inputs = [ _index_rst_output ]
group_deps = invoker.seeds
other_deps = [ ":$_gen_target" ]
# Defines a SEED document suitable for inclusion in a SEED directory.
# The `target_name` of the SEED target should be its 4-digit number and nothing
# else.
# Args:
# sources (optional): If the SEED docs are already in-tree, list of the RST
# source files.
# inputs (optional): If the SEED docs are already in-tree, list of any
# additional resource files the docs require (images, graphs, etc.).
# changelist (optional): If the SEED has not yet been merged, the number of the
# CL on Gerrit where the SEED is being reviewed.
# title (required): The title of the SEED.
# authors (required): Comma-separated list of SEED authors.
# facilitator (optional): Pigweed team member facilitating the SEED.
# status (required): Status of the SEED. One of:
# Draft, Open for Comments, Last Call, Accepted, Rejected, On Hold,
# Deprecated, Superseded, Meta
# A SEED target must set either `sources` or `changelist` to be valid.
template("pw_seed") {
_has_sources = defined(invoker.sources) && invoker.sources != []
assert(_has_sources || defined(invoker.changelist),
"A SEED must either have in-tree sources or an active CL")
assert(defined(invoker.title), "SEEDs must have a title")
assert(defined(invoker.status), "SEEDs must list their status")
assert(defined(, "SEEDs must list their author(s)")
_metadata_file = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.metadata.json"
_metadata_target = "${target_name}.metadata"
_metadata = {
number = target_name
title = invoker.title
status = invoker.status
author =
if (defined(invoker.facilitator)) {
facilitator = invoker.facilitator
if (_has_sources) {
_sources = invoker.sources
_metadata.rst_file = _sources[0]
} else {
_metadata.changelist = invoker.changelist
generated_file(_metadata_target) {
contents = _metadata
output_conversion = "json"
outputs = [ _metadata_file ]
if (_has_sources) {
pw_doc_group(target_name) {
other_deps = [ ":${_metadata_target}" ]
} else {
group(target_name) {
deps = [ ":${_metadata_target}" ]
not_needed(invoker, [ "*" ])