blob: e0d52c322257857d37073fee38fd5255d77478c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_ring_buffer/prefixed_entry_ring_buffer.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework.h"
using std::byte;
namespace pw {
namespace ring_buffer {
namespace {
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, NoBuffer) {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring(false);
byte buf[32];
size_t count;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(std::span<byte>(nullptr, 10u)),
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(std::span(buf, 0u)), Status::InvalidArgument());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryDataSizeBytes(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PushBack(buf), Status::FailedPrecondition());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PeekFront(buf, &count), Status::FailedPrecondition());
EXPECT_EQ(count, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(buf, &count),
EXPECT_EQ(count, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), Status::FailedPrecondition());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
// Single entry to write/read/pop over and over again.
constexpr byte single_entry_data[] = {byte(1),
constexpr size_t single_entry_total_size = sizeof(single_entry_data) + 1;
constexpr size_t single_entry_test_buffer_size =
(single_entry_total_size * 7) / 2;
// Make sure the single_entry_size is even so single_entry_buffer_Size gets the
// proper wrap/even behavior when getting to the end of the buffer.
static_assert((single_entry_total_size % 2) == 0u);
constexpr size_t kSingleEntryCycles = 300u;
// Repeatedly write the same data, read it, and pop it, done over and over
// again.
void SingleEntryWriteReadTest(bool user_data) {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring(user_data);
byte test_buffer[single_entry_test_buffer_size];
byte read_buffer[single_entry_total_size];
// Set read_size to an unexpected value to make sure result checks don't luck
// out and happen to see a previous value.
size_t read_size = 500U;
uint32_t user_preamble = 0U;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), Status::OutOfRange());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PushBack(std::span(single_entry_data, 0u)),
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
ring.PushBack(std::span(single_entry_data, sizeof(test_buffer) + 5)),
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PeekFront(read_buffer, &read_size), Status::OutOfRange());
EXPECT_EQ(read_size, 0u);
read_size = 500U;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(read_buffer, &read_size),
EXPECT_EQ(read_size, 0u);
size_t user_preamble_bytes = (user_data ? 1 : 0);
size_t data_size = sizeof(single_entry_data) - user_preamble_bytes;
size_t data_offset = single_entry_total_size - data_size;
byte expect_buffer[single_entry_total_size] = {};
expect_buffer[user_preamble_bytes] = byte(data_size);
memcpy(expect_buffer + data_offset, single_entry_data, data_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kSingleEntryCycles; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryDataSizeBytes(), 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(), 0u);
// Limit the value of the preamble to a single byte, to ensure that we
// retain a static `single_entry_buffer_size` during the test. Single
// bytes are varint-encoded to the same value.
uint32_t preamble_byte = i % 128;
ring.PushBack(std::span(single_entry_data, data_size), preamble_byte),
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryDataSizeBytes(), data_size);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(), single_entry_total_size);
read_size = 500U;
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFront(read_buffer, &read_size), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(read_size, data_size);
// ASSERT_THAT(std::span(expect_buffer).last(data_size),
// testing::ElementsAreArray(std::span(read_buffer, data_size)));
read_size = 500U;
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(read_buffer, &read_size), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(read_size, single_entry_total_size);
if (user_data) {
expect_buffer[0] = byte(preamble_byte);
// ASSERT_THAT(std::span(expect_buffer),
// testing::ElementsAreArray(std::span(read_buffer)));
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(expect_buffer, read_buffer, single_entry_total_size), 0);
if (user_data) {
user_preamble = 0U;
ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(read_buffer, user_preamble, read_size),
ASSERT_EQ(read_size, data_size);
ASSERT_EQ(user_preamble, preamble_byte);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), OkStatus());
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, SingleEntryWriteReadNoUserData) {
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, SingleEntryWriteReadYesUserData) {
// TODO(pwbug/196): Increase this to 5000 once we have a way to detect targets
// with more computation and memory oomph.
constexpr size_t kOuterCycles = 50u;
constexpr size_t kCountingUpMaxExpectedEntries =
single_entry_test_buffer_size / single_entry_total_size;
// Write data that is filled with a byte value that increments each write. Write
// many times without read/pop and then check to make sure correct contents are
// in the ring buffer.
template <bool user_data>
void CountingUpWriteReadTest() {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring(user_data);
byte test_buffer[single_entry_test_buffer_size];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), 0u);
constexpr size_t data_size = sizeof(single_entry_data) - (user_data ? 1 : 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kOuterCycles; i++) {
size_t seed = i;
byte write_buffer[data_size];
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < kSingleEntryCycles; j++) {
memset(write_buffer, j + seed, sizeof(write_buffer));
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PushBack(write_buffer), OkStatus());
size_t expected_count = (j < kCountingUpMaxExpectedEntries)
? j + 1
: kCountingUpMaxExpectedEntries;
ASSERT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), expected_count);
size_t final_write_j = j;
size_t fill_val = seed + final_write_j - kCountingUpMaxExpectedEntries;
for (j = 0; j < kCountingUpMaxExpectedEntries; j++) {
byte read_buffer[sizeof(write_buffer)];
size_t read_size;
memset(write_buffer, fill_val + j, sizeof(write_buffer));
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFront(read_buffer, &read_size), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(write_buffer, read_buffer, data_size), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), OkStatus());
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, CountingUpWriteReadNoUserData) {
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, CountingUpWriteReadYesUserData) {
// Create statically to prevent allocating a capture in the lambda below.
static pw::Vector<byte, single_entry_total_size> read_buffer;
// Repeatedly write the same data, read it, and pop it, done over and over
// again.
void SingleEntryWriteReadWithSectionWriterTest(bool user_data) {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring(user_data);
byte test_buffer[single_entry_test_buffer_size];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
auto output = [](std::span<const byte> src) -> Status {
for (byte b : src) {
return OkStatus();
size_t user_preamble_bytes = (user_data ? 1 : 0);
size_t data_size = sizeof(single_entry_data) - user_preamble_bytes;
size_t data_offset = single_entry_total_size - data_size;
byte expect_buffer[single_entry_total_size] = {};
expect_buffer[user_preamble_bytes] = byte(data_size);
memcpy(expect_buffer + data_offset, single_entry_data, data_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kSingleEntryCycles; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryDataSizeBytes(), 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(), 0u);
// Limit the value of the preamble to a single byte, to ensure that we
// retain a static `single_entry_buffer_size` during the test. Single
// bytes are varint-encoded to the same value.
uint32_t preamble_byte = i % 128;
ring.PushBack(std::span(single_entry_data, data_size), preamble_byte),
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryDataSizeBytes(), data_size);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.FrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(), single_entry_total_size);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFront(output), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(read_buffer.size(), data_size);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(output), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(read_buffer.size(), single_entry_total_size);
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), OkStatus());
if (user_data) {
expect_buffer[0] = byte(preamble_byte);
memcmp(expect_buffer,, single_entry_total_size), 0);
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, SingleEntryWriteReadWithSectionWriterNoUserData) {
SingleEntryWriteReadWithSectionWriterYesUserData) {
constexpr size_t kEntrySizeBytes = 8u;
constexpr size_t kTotalEntryCount = 20u;
constexpr size_t kBufferExtraBytes = 5u;
constexpr size_t kTestBufferSize =
(kEntrySizeBytes * kTotalEntryCount) + kBufferExtraBytes;
// Create statically to prevent allocating a capture in the lambda below.
static pw::Vector<byte, kTestBufferSize> actual_result;
void DeringTest(bool preload) {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
// Entry data is entry size - preamble (single byte in this case).
byte single_entry_buffer[kEntrySizeBytes - 1u];
auto entry_data = std::span(single_entry_buffer);
size_t i;
// TODO(pwbug/196): Increase this to 500 once we have a way to detect targets
// with more computation and memory oomph.
size_t loop_goal = preload ? 50 : 1;
for (size_t main_loop_count = 0; main_loop_count < loop_goal;
main_loop_count++) {
if (preload) {
// Prime the ringbuffer with some junk data to get the buffer
// wrapped.
for (i = 0; i < (kTotalEntryCount * (main_loop_count % 64u)); i++) {
memset(single_entry_buffer, i, sizeof(single_entry_buffer));
// Build up the expected buffer and fill the ring buffer with the test data.
pw::Vector<byte, kTestBufferSize> expected_result;
for (i = 0; i < kTotalEntryCount; i++) {
// First component of the entry: the varint size.
static_assert(sizeof(single_entry_buffer) < 127);
// Second component of the entry: the raw data.
memset(single_entry_buffer, 'a' + i, sizeof(single_entry_buffer));
for (byte b : entry_data) {
// The ring buffer internally pushes the varint size byte.
// Check values before doing the dering.
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), kTotalEntryCount);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.size(), ring.TotalUsedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ(ring.Dering(), OkStatus());
// Check values after doing the dering.
EXPECT_EQ(ring.EntryCount(), kTotalEntryCount);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.size(), ring.TotalUsedBytes());
// Read out the entries of the ring buffer.
auto output = [](std::span<const byte> src) -> Status {
for (byte b : src) {
return OkStatus();
while (ring.EntryCount()) {
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PeekFrontWithPreamble(output), OkStatus());
ASSERT_EQ(ring.PopFront(), OkStatus());
// Ensure the actual result out of the ring buffer matches our manually
// computed result.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.size(), actual_result.size());
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(test_buffer,, actual_result.size()),
memcmp(,, actual_result.size()),
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, Dering) { DeringTest(true); }
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, DeringNoPreload) { DeringTest(false); }
template <typename T>
Status PushBack(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti& ring, T element) {
union {
std::array<byte, sizeof(element)> buffer;
T item;
} aliased;
aliased.item = element;
return ring.PushBack(aliased.buffer);
template <typename T>
Status TryPushBack(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti& ring, T element) {
union {
std::array<byte, sizeof(element)> buffer;
T item;
} aliased;
aliased.item = element;
return ring.TryPushBack(aliased.buffer);
template <typename T>
T PeekFront(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader& reader) {
union {
std::array<byte, sizeof(T)> buffer;
T item;
} aliased;
size_t bytes_read = 0;
PW_CHECK_OK(reader.PeekFront(aliased.buffer, &bytes_read));
PW_CHECK_INT_EQ(bytes_read, sizeof(T));
return aliased.item;
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBuffer, TryPushBack) {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer ring;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
// Fill up the ring buffer with a constant.
int total_items = 0;
while (true) {
Status status = TryPushBack<int>(ring, 5);
if (status.ok()) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(status, Status::ResourceExhausted());
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(ring), 5);
// Should be unable to push more items.
for (int i = 0; i < total_items; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(TryPushBack<int>(ring, 100), Status::ResourceExhausted());
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(ring), 5);
// Fill up the ring buffer with a constant.
for (int i = 0; i < total_items; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(PushBack<int>(ring, 100), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(ring), 100);
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti, TryPushBack) {
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader fast_reader;
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader slow_reader;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(fast_reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(slow_reader), OkStatus());
// Fill up the ring buffer with an increasing count.
int total_items = 0;
while (true) {
Status status = TryPushBack<int>(ring, total_items);
if (status.ok()) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(status, Status::ResourceExhausted());
// Run fast reader twice as fast as the slow reader.
for (int i = 0; i < total_items; ++i) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(slow_reader), i / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.PopFront(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(fast_reader), i);
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.PopFront(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.PopFront(), Status::OutOfRange());
// Fill the buffer again, expect that the fast reader
// only sees half the entries as the slow reader.
size_t max_items = total_items;
while (true) {
Status status = TryPushBack<int>(ring, total_items);
if (status.ok()) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(status, Status::ResourceExhausted());
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.EntryCount(), max_items);
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.EntryCount(), total_items - max_items);
for (int i = total_items - max_items; i < total_items; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(slow_reader), i);
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.PopFront(), OkStatus());
if (static_cast<size_t>(i) >= max_items) {
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(fast_reader), i);
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.PopFront(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.PopFront(), Status::OutOfRange());
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.PopFront(), Status::OutOfRange());
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti, PushBack) {
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader fast_reader;
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader slow_reader;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(fast_reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(slow_reader), OkStatus());
// Fill up the ring buffer with an increasing count.
size_t total_items = 0;
while (true) {
Status status = TryPushBack<uint32_t>(ring, total_items);
if (status.ok()) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(status, Status::ResourceExhausted());
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.EntryCount(), total_items);
// The following test:
// - Moves the fast reader forward by one entry.
// - Writes a single entry that is guaranteed to be larger than the size of a
// single entry in the buffer (uint64_t entry > uint32_t entry).
// - Checks to see that both readers were moved forward.
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.PopFront(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(PushBack<uint64_t>(ring, 5u), OkStatus());
// The readers have moved past values 0 and 1.
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<uint32_t>(slow_reader), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<uint32_t>(fast_reader), 2u);
// The readers have lost two entries, but gained an entry.
EXPECT_EQ(slow_reader.EntryCount(), total_items - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(fast_reader.EntryCount(), total_items - 1);
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti, ReaderAddRemove) {
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader reader;
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader transient_reader;
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(reader), OkStatus());
// Fill up the ring buffer with a constant value.
int total_items = 0;
while (true) {
Status status = TryPushBack<int>(ring, 5);
if (status.ok()) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(status, Status::ResourceExhausted());
EXPECT_EQ(reader.EntryCount(), static_cast<size_t>(total_items));
// Add new reader after filling the buffer.
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(transient_reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(transient_reader.EntryCount(), 0u);
// Push a value into the buffer and confirm the transient reader
// sees that value, and only that value.
EXPECT_EQ(PushBack<int>(ring, 1), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(PeekFront<int>(transient_reader), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(transient_reader.EntryCount(), 1u);
// Confirm that detaching and attaching a reader resets its state.
EXPECT_EQ(ring.DetachReader(transient_reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring.AttachReader(transient_reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(transient_reader.EntryCount(), 0u);
TEST(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti, SingleBufferPerReader) {
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring_one;
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring_two;
byte test_buffer[kTestBufferSize];
EXPECT_EQ(ring_one.SetBuffer(test_buffer), OkStatus());
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader reader;
EXPECT_EQ(ring_one.AttachReader(reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring_two.AttachReader(reader), Status::InvalidArgument());
EXPECT_EQ(ring_one.DetachReader(reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring_two.AttachReader(reader), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(ring_one.AttachReader(reader), Status::InvalidArgument());
} // namespace
} // namespace ring_buffer
} // namespace pw