blob: b9f85a0ce6742f8e19664770b48c480ece0144bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include "pw_blob_store/blob_store.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/map_utils.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/message.h"
#include "pw_software_update/bundled_update_backend.h"
#include "pw_software_update/manifest.h"
#include "pw_stream/memory_stream.h"
namespace pw::software_update {
// UpdateBundle is responsible for parsing, verifying and providing
// target payload access of a software update bundle. It takes the following as
// inputs:
// 1. A software update bundle via `BlobStore`.
// 2. A `BundledUpdateBackend`, which implements project-specific update
// operations such as enforcing project update policies and
// verifying/applying target files on device.
// The verification is done according to TUF process. Payload can only be
// accessed after successful verification.
// Exmple of use:
// UpdateBundle bundle(blob,helper);
// auto status = bundle.OpenAndVerify(current_manifest);
// if (!status.ok()) {
// // handle error
// ...
// }
// // Examine and use payload.
// auto exist = bundle.IsTargetPayloadIncluded("audio");
// if (!exist.ok() || !exist.value()) {
// // handle error
// ...
// }
// auto payload_reader = bundle.GetTargetPayload("audio");
// // Process payload
// ...
// // Get bundle's manifest and write it to the given writer.
// status = bundle.WriteManifest(staged_manifest_writer);
// if (!status.ok()) {
// // handle error
// ...
// }
// status = bundle.Close();
// if (!status.ok()) {
// // handle error
// ...
// }
class UpdateBundle {
// UpdateBundle
// update_bundle - The software update bundle data on storage.
// backend - project-specific BundledUpdateBackend
UpdateBundle(blob_store::BlobStore& update_bundle,
BundledUpdateBackend& backend)
: bundle_(update_bundle), backend_(backend), bundle_reader_(bundle_) {}
// Opens and verifies the software update bundle, using the TUF process.
// Returns:
// OK - Bundle was successfully opened and verified.
// TODO(pwbug/456): Add error codes.
Status OpenAndVerify(const Manifest& current_manifest);
// Closes the bundle by invalidating the verification and closing
// the reader to release the read-only lock
// Returns:
// OK - success.
// DATA_LOSS - Error writing data or fail to verify written data.
Status Close();
// Writes the manifest of the staged bundle to the given writer.
// Returns:
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Bundle is not open and verified.
// TODO(pwbug/456): Add other error codes if necessary.
Status WriteManifest(stream::Writer& staged_manifest_writer);
// Is the target payload present in the bundle (not personalized out).
// Returns:
// OK - Whether or not the target_file was included in the UpdateBundle or
// whether it was personalized out.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Bundle is not open and verified.
// TODO(pwbug/456): Add other error codes if necessary.
Result<bool> IsTargetPayloadIncluded(std::string_view target_file);
// Returns a reader for the target file by `target_file` in the update
// bundle.
// Returns:
// A reader instance for the target file.
// TODO(pwbug/456): Figure out a way to propagate error.
stream::IntervalReader GetTargetPayload(std::string_view target_file);
blob_store::BlobStore& bundle_;
BundledUpdateBackend& backend_;
blob_store::BlobStore::BlobReader bundle_reader_;
protobuf::Message decoder_;
} // namespace pw::software_update