blob: 9ca3a437a53e396bd805175698651112b1c4deef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Defines a Python package. GN Python packages contain several GN targets:
# - $name - Provides the Python files in the build, but does not take any
# actions. All subtargets depend on this target.
# - $name.lint - Runs static analyis tools on the Python code. This is a group
# of two subtargets:
# - $name.lint.mypy - Runs mypy.
# - $name.lint.pylint - Runs pylint.
# - $name.tests - Runs all tests for this package.
# - $name.install - Installs the package in a venv.
# - $name.wheel - Builds a Python wheel for the package. (Not implemented.)
# TODO(pwbug/239): Implement installation and wheel building.
# Args:
# setup: List of setup file paths ( or pyproject.toml & setup.cfg),
# which must all be in the same directory.
# sources: Python sources files in the package.
# tests: Test files for this Python package.
# python_deps: Dependencies on other pw_python_packages in the GN build.
# other_deps: Dependencies on GN targets that are not pw_python_packages.
# inputs: Other files to track, such as package_data.
template("pw_python_package") {
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
_all_py_files = invoker.sources
} else {
_all_py_files = []
if (defined(invoker.tests)) {
_test_sources = invoker.tests
} else {
_test_sources = []
_all_py_files += _test_sources
assert(_all_py_files != [], "At least one source or test must be provided")
# pw_python_script uses pw_python_package, but with a limited set of features.
# _pw_standalone signals that this target is actually a pw_python_script.
_is_package = !(defined(invoker._pw_standalone) && invoker._pw_standalone)
if (_is_package) {
assert(defined(invoker.setup) && invoker.setup != [],
"pw_python_package requires 'setup' to point to a file " +
"or pyproject.toml and setup.cfg files")
_all_py_files += invoker.setup
# Get the directories of the setup files. All files must be in the same dir.
_setup_dirs = get_path_info(invoker.setup, "dir")
_setup_dir = _setup_dirs[0]
foreach(dir, _setup_dirs) {
assert(dir == _setup_dir,
"All files in 'setup' must be in the same directory")
# If sources are provided, make sure there is an file.
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
assert(filter_include(invoker.sources, [ "*\" ]) != [],
"Python packages must have at least one file")
_python_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.python_deps)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.python_deps) {
# Use the fully qualified name so the subtarget can be appended as needed.
_python_deps += [ get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
# Declare the main Python package group. This represents the Python files, but
# does not take any actions. GN targets can depend on the package name to run
# when any files in the package change.
pw_input_group(target_name) {
inputs = _all_py_files
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
deps = _python_deps
if (defined(invoker.other_deps)) {
deps += invoker.other_deps
_package_target = ":$target_name"
if (_is_package) {
# Install this Python package and its dependencies in the current Python
# environment.
pw_python_action("$target_name.install") {
module = "pip"
args = [
stamp = true
# Parallel pip installations don't work, so serialize pip invocations.
pool = "$dir_pw_build:pip_pool"
deps = [ _package_target ]
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.install" ]
# TODO(pwbug/239): Add support for building groups of wheels. The code below
# is incomplete and untested.
pw_python_action("$target_name.wheel") {
script = "$dir_pw_build/py/pw_build/"
args = [
args += rebase_path(_all_py_files)
deps = [ _package_target ]
stamp = true
} else {
# If this is not a package, install or build wheels for its deps only.
group("$target_name.install") {
deps = []
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.install" ]
group("$target_name.wheel") {
deps = []
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.wheel" ]
# Define the static analysis targets for this package.
group("$target_name.lint") {
deps = [
pw_python_action("$target_name.lint.mypy") {
module = "mypy"
args = [
if (_is_package) {
args += [ rebase_path(_setup_dir) ]
} else {
args += rebase_path(_all_py_files)
# Use this environment variable to force mypy to colorize output.
# See
environment = [ "MYPY_FORCE_COLOR=1" ]
stamp = true
deps = [ _package_target ]
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.lint.mypy" ]
pw_python_action_foreach("$target_name.lint.pylint") {
module = "pylint"
args = [
if (host_os == "win") {
# Allow CRLF on Windows, in case Git is set to switch line endings.
args += [ "--disable=unexpected-line-ending-format" ]
sources = _all_py_files
stamp = "$target_gen_dir/{{source_target_relative}}.pylint.pw_pystamp"
# Run pylint from the source root so that pylint detects rcfiles (.pylintrc)
# in the source tree.
directory = rebase_path("//")
deps = [ _package_target ]
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.lint.pylint" ]
# Create a target for each test file.
_test_targets = []
foreach(test, _test_sources) {
_test_name = string_replace(test, "/", "_")
_test_target = "$target_name.tests.$_test_name"
pw_python_action(_test_target) {
script = test
stamp = true
deps = [ _package_target ]
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
deps += [ "$dep.tests" ]
_test_targets += [ ":$_test_target" ]
group("$target_name.tests") {
deps = _test_targets
# Declares a group of Python packages or other Python groups. pw_python_groups
# expose the same set of subtargets as pw_python_package (e.g.
# "$group_name.lint" and "$group_name.tests"), but these apply to all packages
# in deps and their dependencies.
template("pw_python_group") {
if (defined(invoker.python_deps)) {
_python_deps = invoker.python_deps
} else {
_python_deps = []
group(target_name) {
deps = _python_deps
_subtargets = [
foreach(subtarget, _subtargets) {
group("$target_name.$subtarget") {
deps = []
foreach(dep, _python_deps) {
# Split out the toolchain to support deps with a toolchain specified.
_target = get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain")
_toolchain = get_label_info(dep, "toolchain")
deps += [ "$_target.$subtarget($_toolchain)" ]
# Declares Python scripts or tests that are not part of a Python package.
# Similar to pw_python_package, but only supports a subset of its features.
# pw_python_script accepts the same arguments as pw_python_package, except
# `setup` cannot be provided.
# pw_python_script provides the same subtargets as pw_python_package, but
# $target_name.install and $target_name.wheel only affect the python_deps of
# this GN target, not the target itself.
template("pw_python_script") {
_supported_variables = [
pw_python_package(target_name) {
_pw_standalone = true
forward_variables_from(invoker, _supported_variables)