blob: 02db727786c23ef6da8294e7906fcd021121e454 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_transfer/internal/protocol.h"
#include "pw_transfer/transfer.pwpb.h"
namespace pw::transfer::internal {
class Chunk {
using Type = transfer::pwpb::Chunk::Type;
// Constructs a new chunk with the given transfer protocol version. All fields
// are initialized to their zero values.
constexpr Chunk(ProtocolVersion version, Type type)
: Chunk(version, std::optional<Type>(type)) {}
// Parses a chunk from a serialized protobuf message.
static Result<Chunk> Parse(ConstByteSpan message);
// Partially decodes a transfer chunk to find its transfer context identifier.
// Depending on the protocol version and type of chunk, this may be one of
// several proto fields.
static Result<uint32_t> ExtractIdentifier(ConstByteSpan message);
// Creates a terminating status chunk within a transfer.
static Chunk Final(ProtocolVersion version,
uint32_t session_id,
Status status) {
return Chunk(version, Type::kCompletion)
// Encodes the chunk to the specified buffer, returning a span of the
// serialized data on success.
Result<ConstByteSpan> Encode(ByteSpan buffer) const;
// Returns the size of the serialized chunk based on the fields currently set
// within the chunk object.
size_t EncodedSize() const;
constexpr Chunk& set_session_id(uint32_t session_id) {
session_id_ = session_id;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_resource_id(uint32_t resource_id) {
resource_id_ = resource_id;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_protocol_version(ProtocolVersion version) {
protocol_version_ = version;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_window_end_offset(uint32_t window_end_offset) {
window_end_offset_ = window_end_offset;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_max_chunk_size_bytes(uint32_t max_chunk_size_bytes) {
max_chunk_size_bytes_ = max_chunk_size_bytes;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_min_delay_microseconds(uint32_t min_delay_microseconds) {
min_delay_microseconds_ = min_delay_microseconds;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_offset(uint32_t offset) {
offset_ = offset;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_payload(ConstByteSpan payload) {
payload_ = payload;
return *this;
constexpr Chunk& set_remaining_bytes(uint64_t remaining_bytes) {
remaining_bytes_ = remaining_bytes;
return *this;
// TODO(frolv): For some reason, the compiler complains if this setter is
// marked constexpr. Leaving it off for now, but this should be investigated
// and fixed.
Chunk& set_status(Status status) {
status_ = status;
return *this;
constexpr uint32_t session_id() const { return session_id_; }
constexpr std::optional<uint32_t> resource_id() const {
if (is_legacy()) {
// In the legacy protocol, resource_id and session_id are the same (i.e.
// transfer_id).
return session_id_;
return resource_id_;
constexpr uint32_t window_end_offset() const { return window_end_offset_; }
constexpr uint32_t offset() const { return offset_; }
constexpr std::optional<Status> status() const { return status_; }
constexpr bool has_payload() const { return !payload_.empty(); }
constexpr ConstByteSpan payload() const { return payload_; }
constexpr std::optional<uint32_t> max_chunk_size_bytes() const {
return max_chunk_size_bytes_;
constexpr std::optional<uint32_t> min_delay_microseconds() const {
return min_delay_microseconds_;
constexpr std::optional<uint64_t> remaining_bytes() const {
return remaining_bytes_;
constexpr ProtocolVersion protocol_version() const {
return protocol_version_;
constexpr bool is_legacy() const {
return protocol_version_ == ProtocolVersion::kLegacy;
constexpr Type type() const {
// Legacy protocol chunks may not have a type, but newer versions always
// will. Try to deduce the type of a legacy chunk without one set.
if (!is_legacy() || type_.has_value()) {
return type_.value();
// The type-less legacy transfer protocol doesn't support handshakes or
// continuation parameters. Therefore, there are only three possible chunk
// types: start, data, and retransmit.
if (IsInitialChunk()) {
return Type::kStart;
if (has_payload()) {
return Type::kData;
return Type::kParametersRetransmit;
// Returns true if this parameters chunk is requesting that the transmitter
// transmit from its set offset instead of simply ACKing.
constexpr bool RequestsTransmissionFromOffset() const {
if (is_legacy() && !type_.has_value()) {
return true;
return type_.value() == Type::kParametersRetransmit ||
type_.value() == Type::kStartAckConfirmation ||
type_.value() == Type::kStart;
constexpr bool IsInitialChunk() const {
if (protocol_version_ >= ProtocolVersion::kVersionTwo) {
return type_ == Type::kStart;
// In legacy versions of the transfer protocol, the chunk type is not always
// set. Infer that a chunk is initial if it has an offset of 0 and no data
// or status.
return type_ == Type::kStart ||
(offset_ == 0 && !has_payload() && !status_.has_value());
constexpr bool IsTerminatingChunk() const {
return type_ == Type::kCompletion || (is_legacy() && status_.has_value());
// The final chunk from the transmitter sets remaining_bytes to 0 in both Read
// and Write transfers.
constexpr bool IsFinalTransmitChunk() const { return remaining_bytes_ == 0u; }
// Returns true if this chunk is part of an initial transfer handshake.
constexpr bool IsInitialHandshakeChunk() const {
return type_ == Type::kStart || type_ == Type::kStartAck ||
type_ == Type::kStartAckConfirmation;
constexpr Chunk(ProtocolVersion version, std::optional<Type> type)
: session_id_(0),
protocol_version_(version) {}
constexpr Chunk() : Chunk(ProtocolVersion::kUnknown, std::nullopt) {}
// Returns true if this chunk should write legacy protocol fields to the
// serialized message.
// The first chunk of a transfer (type TRANSFER_START) is a special case: as
// we do not yet know what version of the protocol the other end is speaking,
// every legacy field must be encoded alongside newer ones to ensure that the
// chunk is processable. Following a response, the common protocol version
// will be determined and fields omitted as necessary.
constexpr bool ShouldEncodeLegacyFields() const {
return is_legacy() || type_ == Type::kStart;
uint32_t session_id_;
std::optional<uint32_t> resource_id_;
uint32_t window_end_offset_;
std::optional<uint32_t> max_chunk_size_bytes_;
std::optional<uint32_t> min_delay_microseconds_;
uint32_t offset_;
ConstByteSpan payload_;
std::optional<uint64_t> remaining_bytes_;
std::optional<Status> status_;
std::optional<Type> type_;
ProtocolVersion protocol_version_;
} // namespace pw::transfer::internal