blob: 4e46358600c3508c875962bba1b18d7ea155a3f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/call_context.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/lock.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/packet.h"
#include "pw_rpc/method_type.h"
#include "pw_rpc/pwpb/internal/common.h"
#include "pw_rpc/pwpb/server_reader_writer.h"
#include "pw_rpc/service.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::rpc::internal {
// Expected function signatures for user-implemented RPC functions.
template <typename Request, typename Response>
using PwpbSynchronousUnary = Status(const Request&, Response&);
template <typename Request, typename Response>
using PwpbAsynchronousUnary = void(const Request&,
template <typename Request, typename Response>
using PwpbServerStreaming = void(const Request&, PwpbServerWriter<Response>&);
template <typename Request, typename Response>
using PwpbClientStreaming = void(PwpbServerReader<Request, Response>&);
template <typename Request, typename Response>
using PwpbBidirectionalStreaming =
void(PwpbServerReaderWriter<Request, Response>&);
// The PwpbMethod class invokes user-defined service methods. When a
// pw::rpc::Server receives an RPC request packet, it looks up the matching
// PwpbMethod instance and calls its Invoke method, which eventually calls into
// the user-defined RPC function.
// A PwpbMethod instance is created for each user-defined RPC in the pw_rpc
// generated code. The PwpbMethod stores a pointer to the RPC function,
// a pointer to an "invoker" function that calls that function, and a
// reference to a serializer/deserializer initiiated with the message struct
// tables used to encode and decode request and response message structs.
class PwpbMethod : public Method {
template <auto kMethod, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
static constexpr bool matches() {
return std::conjunction_v<
std::is_same<MethodImplementation<kMethod>, PwpbMethod>,
std::is_same<RequestType, Request<kMethod>>,
std::is_same<ResponseType, Response<kMethod>>>;
// Creates a PwpbMethod for a synchronous unary RPC.
// TODO(b/234874001): Find a way to reduce the number of monomorphized copies
// of this method.
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr PwpbMethod SynchronousUnary(uint32_t id,
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request and response protobuf structs as byte spans, and calls the
// implementation with the correct type.
// This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr SynchronousUnaryFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, const void* request, void* response) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
*reinterpret_cast<const Request<kMethod>*>(request),
return PwpbMethod(
SynchronousUnaryInvoker<Request<kMethod>, Response<kMethod>>,
Function{.synchronous_unary = wrapper},
// Creates a PwpbMethod for an asynchronous unary RPC.
// TODO(b/234874001): Find a way to reduce the number of monomorphized copies
// of this method.
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr PwpbMethod AsynchronousUnary(uint32_t id,
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request struct as a byte span, the response as a server call, and calls
// the implementation with the correct types.
// This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr UnaryRequestFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service,
const void* request,
internal::PwpbServerCall& writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
*reinterpret_cast<const Request<kMethod>*>(request),
return PwpbMethod(id,
Function{.unary_request = wrapper},
// Creates a PwpbMethod for a server-streaming RPC.
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr PwpbMethod ServerStreaming(uint32_t id,
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request struct as a byte span, the response as a server call, and calls
// the implementation with the correct types.
// This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr UnaryRequestFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service,
const void* request,
internal::PwpbServerCall& writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
*reinterpret_cast<const Request<kMethod>*>(request),
return PwpbMethod(id,
Function{.unary_request = wrapper},
// Creates a PwpbMethod for a client-streaming RPC.
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr PwpbMethod ClientStreaming(uint32_t id,
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request as a server call, and calls the implementation with the correct
// types.
// This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr StreamRequestFunction wrapper = [](Service& service,
reader) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
static_cast<PwpbServerReader<Request<kMethod>, Response<kMethod>>&>(
return PwpbMethod(id,
Function{.stream_request = wrapper},
// Creates a PwpbMethod for a bidirectional-streaming RPC.
template <auto kMethod>
static constexpr PwpbMethod BidirectionalStreaming(
uint32_t id, const PwpbMethodSerde& serde) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request and response as a server call, and calls the implementation with
// the correct types.
// This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr StreamRequestFunction wrapper =
[](Service& service, internal::PwpbServerCall& reader_writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<kMethod>(
PwpbServerReaderWriter<Request<kMethod>, Response<kMethod>>&>(
return PwpbMethod(id,
Function{.stream_request = wrapper},
// Represents an invalid method. Used to reduce error message verbosity.
static constexpr PwpbMethod Invalid() {
return {0, InvalidInvoker, {}, PwpbMethodSerde(nullptr, nullptr)};
// Give access to the serializer/deserializer object for converting requests
// and responses between the wire format and pw_protobuf structs.
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde() const { return serde_; }
// Generic function signature for synchronous unary RPCs.
using SynchronousUnaryFunction = Status (*)(Service&,
const void* request,
void* response);
// Generic function signature for asynchronous unary and server streaming
// RPCs.
using UnaryRequestFunction = void (*)(Service&,
const void* request,
internal::PwpbServerCall& writer);
// Generic function signature for client and bidirectional streaming RPCs.
using StreamRequestFunction =
void (*)(Service&, internal::PwpbServerCall& reader_writer);
// The Function union stores a pointer to a generic version of the
// user-defined RPC function. Using a union instead of void* avoids
// reinterpret_cast, which keeps this class fully constexpr.
union Function {
SynchronousUnaryFunction synchronous_unary;
UnaryRequestFunction unary_request;
StreamRequestFunction stream_request;
constexpr PwpbMethod(uint32_t id,
Invoker invoker,
Function function,
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde)
: Method(id, invoker), function_(function), serde_(serde) {}
template <typename Request, typename Response>
void CallSynchronousUnary(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request,
Request& request_struct,
Response& response_struct) const
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
if (!DecodeRequest(context, request, request_struct).ok()) {
internal::PwpbServerCall responder(context.ClaimLocked(),
const Status status = function_.synchronous_unary(
context.service(), &request_struct, &response_struct);
responder.SendUnaryResponse(response_struct, status).IgnoreError();
template <typename Request>
void CallUnaryRequest(const CallContext& context,
MethodType method_type,
const Packet& request,
Request& request_struct) const
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
if (!DecodeRequest(context, request, request_struct).ok()) {
internal::PwpbServerCall server_writer(context.ClaimLocked(), method_type);
function_.unary_request(context.service(), &request_struct, server_writer);
// Decodes a request protobuf into the provided buffer. Sends an error packet
// if the request failed to decode.
template <typename Request>
Status DecodeRequest(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request,
Request& request_struct) const
const auto status = serde_.DecodeRequest(request.payload(), request_struct);
if (status.ok()) {
return status;
// The channel is known to exist. It was found when the request was
// processed and the lock has been held since, so GetInternalChannel cannot
// fail.
->Send(Packet::ServerError(request, Status::DataLoss()))
return status;
// Invoker function for synchronous unary RPCs.
template <typename Request, typename Response>
static void SynchronousUnaryInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
Request request_struct{};
Response response_struct{};
static_cast<const PwpbMethod&>(context.method())
context, request, request_struct, response_struct);
// Invoker function for asynchronous unary RPCs.
template <typename Request>
static void AsynchronousUnaryInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
Request request_struct{};
static_cast<const PwpbMethod&>(context.method())
.CallUnaryRequest(context, MethodType::kUnary, request, request_struct);
// Invoker function for server streaming RPCs.
template <typename Request>
static void ServerStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet& request)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
Request request_struct{};
static_cast<const PwpbMethod&>(context.method())
context, MethodType::kServerStreaming, request, request_struct);
// Invoker function for client streaming RPCs.
template <typename Request>
static void ClientStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context, const Packet&)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
internal::BasePwpbServerReader<Request> reader(
context.ClaimLocked(), MethodType::kClientStreaming);
static_cast<const PwpbMethod&>(context.method())
.function_.stream_request(context.service(), reader);
// Invoker function for bidirectional streaming RPCs.
template <typename Request>
static void BidirectionalStreamingInvoker(const CallContext& context,
const Packet&)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
internal::BasePwpbServerReader<Request> reader_writer(
context.ClaimLocked(), MethodType::kBidirectionalStreaming);
static_cast<const PwpbMethod&>(context.method())
.function_.stream_request(context.service(), reader_writer);
// Stores the user-defined RPC in a generic wrapper.
Function function_;
// Serde used to encode and decode pw_protobuf structs.
const PwpbMethodSerde& serde_;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static synchronous unary method.
// TODO(b/234874320): Further qualify this (and nanopb) definition so that they
// can co-exist in the same project.
template <typename Req, typename Res>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbSynchronousUnary<Req, Res>*> {
using Implementation = PwpbMethod;
using Request = Req;
using Response = Res;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kUnary;
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = true;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = false;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a synchronous raw unary method.
template <typename T, typename Req, typename Res>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbSynchronousUnary<Req, Res>(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<PwpbSynchronousUnary<Req, Res>*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static asynchronous unary method.
template <typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbAsynchronousUnary<Req, Resp>*>
: MethodTraits<PwpbSynchronousUnary<Req, Resp>*> {
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for an asynchronous unary method.
template <typename T, typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbAsynchronousUnary<Req, Resp>(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<PwpbSynchronousUnary<Req, Resp>(T::*)> {
static constexpr bool kSynchronous = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static server streaming method.
template <typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbServerStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Implementation = PwpbMethod;
using Request = Req;
using Response = Resp;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kServerStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = true;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a server streaming method.
template <typename T, typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbServerStreaming<Req, Resp>(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<PwpbServerStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static server streaming method.
template <typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbClientStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Implementation = PwpbMethod;
using Request = Req;
using Response = Resp;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kClientStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = false;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = true;
// MethodTraits specialization for a server streaming method.
template <typename T, typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbClientStreaming<Req, Resp>(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<PwpbClientStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static server streaming method.
template <typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbBidirectionalStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Implementation = PwpbMethod;
using Request = Req;
using Response = Resp;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kBidirectionalStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = true;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = true;
// MethodTraits specialization for a server streaming method.
template <typename T, typename Req, typename Resp>
struct MethodTraits<PwpbBidirectionalStreaming<Req, Resp>(T::*)>
: MethodTraits<PwpbBidirectionalStreaming<Req, Resp>*> {
using Service = T;
} // namespace pw::rpc::internal