blob: 6867d818e3073d8c69bf0371cda8e8dd4825326c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_class.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/macros.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uint128.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/constants.h"
#include <pw_bluetooth/hci_common.emb.h>
#include <pw_bluetooth/hci_events.emb.h>
// This file contains general opcode/number and static packet definitions for
// the Bluetooth Host-Controller Interface. Each packet payload structure
// contains parameter descriptions based on their respective documentation in
// the Bluetooth Core Specification version 5.0
// NOTE: Avoid casting raw buffer pointers to the packet payload structure types
// below; use as template parameter to PacketView::payload(),
// MutableBufferView::mutable_payload(), or CommandPacket::mutable_payload()
// instead. Take extra care when accessing flexible array members.
namespace bt::hci_spec {
using pw::bluetooth::emboss::ConnectionRole;
using pw::bluetooth::emboss::GenericEnableParam;
using pw::bluetooth::emboss::StatusCode;
// HCI opcode as used in command packets.
using OpCode = uint16_t;
// HCI event code as used in event packets.
using EventCode = uint8_t;
// Data Connection Handle used for ACL and SCO logical link connections.
using ConnectionHandle = uint16_t;
// Handle used to identify an advertising set used in the 5.0 Extended
// Advertising feature.
using AdvertisingHandle = uint8_t;
// Handle used to identify a periodic advertiser used in the 5.0 Periodic
// Advertising feature.
using PeriodicAdvertiserHandle = uint16_t;
// Returns the OGF (OpCode Group Field) which occupies the upper 6-bits of the
// opcode.
inline uint8_t GetOGF(const OpCode opcode) { return opcode >> 10; }
// Returns the OCF (OpCode Command Field) which occupies the lower 10-bits of
// the opcode.
inline uint16_t GetOCF(const OpCode opcode) { return opcode & 0x3FF; }
// Returns the opcode based on the given OGF and OCF fields.
constexpr OpCode DefineOpCode(const uint8_t ogf, const uint16_t ocf) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(((ogf & 0x3F) << 10) | (ocf & 0x03FF));
// ========================= HCI packet headers ==========================
// NOTE(armansito): The definitions below are incomplete since they get added as
// needed. This list will grow as we support more features.
struct CommandHeader {
uint16_t opcode;
uint8_t parameter_total_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct EventHeader {
uint8_t event_code;
uint8_t parameter_total_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ACLDataHeader {
// The first 16-bits contain the following fields, in order:
// - 12-bits: Connection Handle
// - 2-bits: Packet Boundary Flags
// - 2-bits: Broadcast Flags
uint16_t handle_and_flags;
// Length of data following the header.
uint16_t data_total_length;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SynchronousDataHeader {
// The first 16-bits contain the following fields, in order:
// - 12-bits: Connection Handle
// - 2-bits: Packet Status Flag
// - 2-bits: RFU
uint16_t handle_and_flags;
// Length of the data following the header.
uint8_t data_total_length;
} __attribute__((packed));
// Generic return parameter struct for commands that only return a status. This
// can also be used to check the status of HCI commands with more complex return
// parameters.
struct SimpleReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ============= HCI Command and Event (op)code and payloads =============
// No-Op
constexpr OpCode kNoOp = 0x0000;
// The following is a list of HCI command and event declarations sorted by OGF
// category. Within each category the commands are sorted by their OCF. Each
// declaration is preceded by the name of the command or event followed by the
// Bluetooth Core Specification version in which it was introduced. Commands
// that apply to a specific Bluetooth sub-technology
// (e.g. BR/EDR, LE, AMP) will also contain that definition.
// NOTE(armansito): This list is incomplete. Entries will be added as needed.
// ======= Link Control Commands =======
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.1
constexpr uint8_t kLinkControlOGF = 0x01;
constexpr OpCode LinkControlOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) {
return DefineOpCode(kLinkControlOGF, ocf);
// ===============================
// Inquiry Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kInquiry = LinkControlOpCode(0x0001);
// ======================================
// Inquiry Cancel Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kInquiryCancel = LinkControlOpCode(0x0002);
// Inquiry Cancel Command has no command parameters.
// =================================
// Create Connection (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kCreateConnection = LinkControlOpCode(0x0005);
// =======================================
// Disconnect Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr OpCode kDisconnect = LinkControlOpCode(0x0006);
// ========================================
// Create Connection Cancel (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kCreateConnectionCancel = LinkControlOpCode(0x0008);
struct CreateConnectionCancelReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// BD_ADDR of the Create Connection Command Request
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================
// Accept Connection Request (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kAcceptConnectionRequest = LinkControlOpCode(0x0009);
// =========================================
// Reject Connection Request (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kRejectConnectionRequest = LinkControlOpCode(0x000A);
// ==============================================
// Link Key Request Reply Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kLinkKeyRequestReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x000B);
constexpr size_t kBrEdrLinkKeySize = 16;
struct LinkKeyRequestReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// BD_ADDR of the device whose Link Key Request was fulfilled.
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =======================================================
// Link Key Request Negative Reply Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kLinkKeyRequestNegativeReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x000C);
struct LinkKeyRequestNegativeReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// BD_ADDR of the device whose Link Key Request was denied.
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// Authentication Requested Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kAuthenticationRequested = LinkControlOpCode(0x0011);
// =================================================
// Set Connection Encryption Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kSetConnectionEncryption = LinkControlOpCode(0x0013);
// ============================================================
// Remote Name Request Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kRemoteNameRequest = LinkControlOpCode(0x0019);
// ======================================================
// Read Remote Supported Features Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadRemoteSupportedFeatures = LinkControlOpCode(0x001B);
// =====================================================
// Read Remote Extended Features Command (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadRemoteExtendedFeatures = LinkControlOpCode(0x001C);
// ============================================================
// Read Remote Version Information Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr OpCode kReadRemoteVersionInfo = LinkControlOpCode(0x001D);
// =============================================
// Reject Synchronous Connection Command (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kRejectSynchronousConnectionRequest = LinkControlOpCode(0x002A);
// =========================================================
// IO Capability Request Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kIOCapabilityRequestReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x002B);
struct IOCapabilityRequestReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// BD_ADDR of the remote device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================================
// User Confirmation Request Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kUserConfirmationRequestReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x002C);
// ======================================================================
// User Confirmation Request Negative Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kUserConfirmationRequestNegativeReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x002D);
// ========================================================
// User Passkey Request Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kUserPasskeyRequestReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x002E);
// =================================================================
// User Passkey Request Negative Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kUserPasskeyRequestNegativeReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x002F);
// ==================================================================
// IO Capability Request Negative Reply Command (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kIOCapabilityRequestNegativeReply = LinkControlOpCode(0x0034);
struct IOCapabilityRequestNegativeReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// BD_ADDR of the remote device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================================
// Enhanced Setup Synchronous Connection Command (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kEnhancedSetupSynchronousConnection = LinkControlOpCode(0x003D);
// ===============================================================
// Enhanced Accept Synchronous Connection Request Command (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kEnhancedAcceptSynchronousConnectionRequest = LinkControlOpCode(0x003E);
// ======= Controller & Baseband Commands =======
// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3
constexpr uint8_t kControllerAndBasebandOGF = 0x03;
constexpr OpCode ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) {
return DefineOpCode(kControllerAndBasebandOGF, ocf);
// =============================
// Set Event Mask Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kSetEventMask = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0001);
// ====================
// Reset Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kReset = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0003);
// ========================================
// Write Local Name Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteLocalName = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0013);
// =======================================
// Read Local Name Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadLocalName = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0014);
struct ReadLocalNameReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// A UTF-8 encoded User Friendly Descriptive Name for the device.
// If the name contained in the parameter is shorter than 248 octets, the end
// of the name is indicated by a NULL octet (0x00), and the following octets
// (to fill up 248 octets, which is the length of the parameter) do not have
// valid values.
uint8_t local_name[kMaxNameLength];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==========================================
// Write Page Timeout Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWritePageTimeout = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0018);
struct WritePageTimeoutReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================
// Read Scan Enable Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadScanEnable = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0019);
struct ReadScanEnableReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Bit Mask of enabled scans. See enum class ScanEnableBit in hci_constants.h
// for how to interpret this bitfield.
ScanEnableType scan_enable;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================
// Write Scan Enable Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteScanEnable = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x001A);
// ===============================================
// Read Page Scan Activity Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadPageScanActivity = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x001B);
struct ReadPageScanActivityReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Page_Scan_Interval, in time slices (0.625ms)
// Range: kPageScanIntervalMin - kPageScanIntervalMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t page_scan_interval;
// Page_Scan_Window, in time slices
// Range: kPageScanWindowMin - kPageScanWindowMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t page_scan_window;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// Write Page Scan Activity Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWritePageScanActivity = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x001C);
// ===============================================
// Read Inquiry Scan Activity Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadInquiryScanActivity = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x001D);
struct ReadInquiryScanActivityReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Inquiry_Scan_Interval, in time slices (0.625ms)
// Range: kInquiryScanIntervalMin - kInquiryScanIntervalMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t inquiry_scan_interval;
// Inquiry_Scan_Window, in time slices
// Range: kInquiryScanWindowMin - kInquiryScanWindowMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t inquiry_scan_window;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// Write Inquiry Scan Activity Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteInquiryScanActivity = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x001E);
// ============================================
// Read Class of Device Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadClassOfDevice = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0023);
struct ReadClassOfDeviceReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
DeviceClass class_of_device;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================
// Write Class Of Device Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteClassOfDevice = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0024);
// =============================================
// Write Automatic Flush Timeout Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteAutomaticFlushTimeout = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0028);
// ===============================================================
// Read Transmit Transmit Power Level Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr OpCode kReadTransmitPowerLevel = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x002D);
struct ReadTransmitPowerLevelCommandParams {
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// The type of transmit power level to read.
ReadTransmitPowerType type;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ReadTransmitPowerLevelReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Transmit power level.
// Range: -30 ≤ N ≤ 20
// Units: dBm
int8_t tx_power_level;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================================================
// Write Synchonous Flow Control Enable Command (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteSynchronousFlowControlEnable = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x002F);
// ===================================
// Read Inquiry Scan Type (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadInquiryScanType = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0042);
struct ReadInquiryScanTypeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// See enum class InquiryScanType in hci_constants.h for possible values.
InquiryScanType inquiry_scan_type;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================
// Write Inquiry Scan Type (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteInquiryScanType = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0043);
// =================================
// Read Inquiry Mode (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadInquiryMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0044);
struct ReadInquiryModeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
pw::bluetooth::emboss::InquiryMode inquiry_mode;
// ==================================
// Write Inquiry Mode (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteInquiryMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0045);
// ===================================
// Read Page Scan Type (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadPageScanType = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0046);
struct ReadPageScanTypeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// See enum class PageScanType in hci_constants.h for possible values.
pw::bluetooth::emboss::PageScanType page_scan_type;
// ====================================
// Write Page Scan Type (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWritePageScanType = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0047);
// =================================
// Write Extended Inquiry Response (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteExtendedInquiryResponse = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0052);
// ==============================================
// Read Simple Pairing Mode (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadSimplePairingMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0055);
struct ReadSimplePairingModeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h
StatusCode status;
// Simple pairing Mode.
GenericEnableParam simple_pairing_mode;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================================
// Write Simple Pairing Mode (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteSimplePairingMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0056);
// =========================================
// Set Event Mask Page 2 Command (v3.0 + HS)
constexpr OpCode kSetEventMaskPage2 = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0063);
struct SetEventMaskPage2CommandParams {
// Bit mask used to control which HCI events are generated by the HCI for the
// Host. See enum class EventMaskPage2 in hci_constants.h
uint64_t event_mask;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================================
// Read Flow Control Mode Command (v3.0 + HS) (BR/EDR & AMP)
constexpr OpCode kReadFlowControlMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0066);
struct ReadFlowControlModeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// See enum class FlowControlMode in hci_constants.h for possible values.
FlowControlMode flow_control_mode;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==========================================================
// Write Flow Control Mode Command (v3.0 + HS) (BR/EDR & AMP)
constexpr OpCode kWriteFlowControlMode = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x0067);
struct WriteFlowControlModeCommandParams {
// See enum class FlowControlMode in hci_constants.h for possible values.
FlowControlMode flow_control_mode;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ============================================
// Read LE Host Support Command (v4.0) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadLEHostSupport = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x006C);
struct ReadLEHostSupportReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
GenericEnableParam le_supported_host;
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 6.35: This value is set to "disabled
// (0x00)" by default and "shall be ignored".
uint8_t simultaneous_le_host;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================
// Write LE Host Support Command (v4.0) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteLEHostSupport = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x006D);
// =============================================
// Write Secure Connections Host Support Command (v4.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kWriteSecureConnectionsHostSupport = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x007A);
// ===============================================================
// Read Authenticated Payload Timeout Command (v4.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr OpCode kReadAuthenticatedPayloadTimeout = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x007B);
struct ReadAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutCommandParams {
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ReadAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Default = 0x0BB8 (30 s)
// Range: 0x0001 to 0xFFFF
// Time = N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 10 ms to 655,350 ms
uint16_t authenticated_payload_timeout;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================================
// Write Authenticated Payload Timeout Command (v4.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr OpCode kWriteAuthenticatedPayloadTimeout = ControllerAndBasebandOpCode(0x007C);
struct WriteAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutCommandParams {
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Default = 0x0BB8 (30 s)
// Range: 0x0001 to 0xFFFF
// Time = N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 10 ms to 655,350 ms
uint16_t authenticated_payload_timeout;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct WriteAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======= Informational Parameters =======
// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.4
constexpr uint8_t kInformationalParamsOGF = 0x04;
constexpr OpCode InformationalParamsOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) {
return DefineOpCode(kInformationalParamsOGF, ocf);
// =============================================
// Read Local Version Information Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kReadLocalVersionInfo = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0001);
struct ReadLocalVersionInfoReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
pw::bluetooth::emboss::CoreSpecificationVersion hci_version;
uint16_t hci_revision;
uint8_t lmp_pal_version;
uint16_t manufacturer_name;
uint16_t lmp_pal_subversion;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ============================================
// Read Local Supported Commands Command (v1.2)
constexpr OpCode kReadLocalSupportedCommands = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0002);
struct ReadLocalSupportedCommandsReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// See enum class SupportedCommand in hci_constants.h for how to interpret
// this bitfield.
uint8_t supported_commands[64];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ============================================
// Read Local Supported Features Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kReadLocalSupportedFeatures = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0003);
struct ReadLocalSupportedFeaturesReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Bit Mask List of LMP features. See enum class LMPFeature in hci_constants.h
// for how to interpret this bitfield.
uint64_t lmp_features;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// Read Local Extended Features Command (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadLocalExtendedFeatures = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0004);
struct ReadLocalExtendedFeaturesReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint8_t page_number;
uint8_t maximum_page_number;
uint64_t extended_lmp_features;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================
// Read Buffer Size Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kReadBufferSize = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0005);
struct ReadBufferSizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint16_t hc_acl_data_packet_length;
uint8_t hc_synchronous_data_packet_length;
uint16_t hc_total_num_acl_data_packets;
uint16_t hc_total_num_synchronous_data_packets;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================
// Read BD_ADDR Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR, LE)
constexpr OpCode kReadBDADDR = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x0009);
struct ReadBDADDRReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =======================================================
// Read Data Block Size Command (v3.0 + HS) (BR/EDR & AMP)
constexpr OpCode kReadDataBlockSize = InformationalParamsOpCode(0x000A);
struct ReadDataBlockSizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint16_t max_acl_data_packet_length;
uint16_t data_block_length;
uint16_t total_num_data_blocks;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======= Events =======
// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.7
// Reserved for vendor-specific debug events
// (Vol 2, Part E, Section 5.4.4)
constexpr EventCode kVendorDebugEventCode = 0xFF;
// ======================================
// Inquiry Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kInquiryCompleteEventCode = 0x01;
// ====================================
// Inquiry Result Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kInquiryResultEventCode = 0x02;
// =========================================
// Connection Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kConnectionCompleteEventCode = 0x03;
// ========================================
// Connection Request Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kConnectionRequestEventCode = 0x04;
// =================================================
// Disconnection Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kDisconnectionCompleteEventCode = 0x05;
// =============================================
// Authentication Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kAuthenticationCompleteEventCode = 0x06;
// ==================================================
// Remote Name Request Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kRemoteNameRequestCompleteEventCode = 0x07;
// ============================================
// Encryption Change Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kEncryptionChangeEventCode = 0x08;
// =========================================================
// Change Connection Link Key Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kChangeConnectionLinkKeyCompleteEventCode = 0x09;
struct ChangeConnectionLinkKeyCompleteEventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================================
// Read Remote Supported Features Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesCompleteEventCode = 0x0B;
struct ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesCompleteEventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// A connection handle for an ACL connection.
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Bit Mask List of LMP features. See enum class LMPFeature in hci_constants.h
// for how to interpret this bitfield.
uint64_t lmp_features;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===================================================================
// Read Remote Version Information Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kReadRemoteVersionInfoCompleteEventCode = 0x0C;
// =============================
// Command Complete Event (v1.1)
constexpr EventCode kCommandCompleteEventCode = 0x0E;
struct CommandCompleteEventParams {
CommandCompleteEventParams() = delete;
// The Number of HCI command packets which are allowed to be sent to the
// Controller from the Host.
uint8_t num_hci_command_packets;
// OpCode of the command which caused this event.
uint16_t command_opcode;
// This is the return parameter(s) for the command specified in the
// |command_opcode| event parameter. Refer to the Bluetooth Core Specification
// v5.0, Vol 2, Part E for each command’s definition for the list of return
// parameters associated with that command.
uint8_t return_parameters[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================
// Command Status Event (v1.1)
constexpr EventCode kCommandStatusEventCode = 0x0F;
constexpr uint8_t kCommandStatusPending = 0x00;
struct CommandStatusEventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// The Number of HCI command packets which are allowed to be sent to the
// Controller from the Host.
uint8_t num_hci_command_packets;
// OpCode of the command which caused this event and is pending completion.
uint16_t command_opcode;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================
// Hardware Error Event (v1.1)
constexpr EventCode kHardwareErrorEventCode = 0x10;
struct HardwareErrorEventParams {
// These Hardware_Codes will be implementation-specific, and can be assigned
// to indicate various hardware problems.
uint8_t hardware_code;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================
// Role Change Event (BR/EDR) (v1.1)
constexpr EventCode kRoleChangeEventCode = 0x12;
// ========================================
// Number Of Completed Packets Event (v1.1)
constexpr EventCode kNumberOfCompletedPacketsEventCode = 0x13;
struct NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventData {
uint16_t connection_handle;
uint16_t hc_num_of_completed_packets;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventParams {
NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventParams() = delete;
uint8_t number_of_handles;
NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventData data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================
// Link Key Request Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kLinkKeyRequestEventCode = 0x17;
// ===========================================
// Link Key Notification Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kLinkKeyNotificationEventCode = 0x18;
// ===========================================
// Data Buffer Overflow Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kDataBufferOverflowEventCode = 0x1A;
// ==============================================
// Inquiry Result with RSSI Event (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kInquiryResultWithRSSIEventCode = 0x22;
// ============================================================
// Read Remote Extended Features Complete Event (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesCompleteEventCode = 0x23;
// ============================================================
// Synchronous Connection Complete Event (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kSynchronousConnectionCompleteEventCode = 0x2C;
// =============================================
// Extended Inquiry Result Event (v1.2) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kExtendedInquiryResultEventCode = 0x2F;
// ================================================================
// Encryption Key Refresh Complete Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEventCode = 0x30;
// =================================================
// IO Capability Request Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kIOCapabilityRequestEventCode = 0x31;
// ==================================================
// IO Capability Response Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kIOCapabilityResponseEventCode = 0x32;
// =====================================================
// User Confirmation Request Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kUserConfirmationRequestEventCode = 0x33;
struct UserConfirmationRequestEventParams {
// Address of the device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
// Numeric value to be displayed. Valid values are 0 - 999999.
uint32_t numeric_value;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// User Passkey Request Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kUserPasskeyRequestEventCode = 0x34;
struct UserPasskeyRequestEventParams {
// Address of the device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===================================================
// Simple Pairing Complete Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kSimplePairingCompleteEventCode = 0x36;
struct SimplePairingCompleteEventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Address of the device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =====================================================
// User Passkey Notification Event (v2.1 + EDR) (BR/EDR)
constexpr EventCode kUserPasskeyNotificationEventCode = 0x3B;
struct UserPasskeyNotificationEventParams {
// Address of the device involved in simple pairing process
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
// Numeric value (passkey) entered by user. Valid values are 0 - 999999.
uint32_t numeric_value;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================
// LE Meta Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEMetaEventCode = 0x3E;
struct LEMetaEventParams {
LEMetaEventParams() = delete;
// The event code for the LE subevent.
EventCode subevent_code;
// Beginning of parameters that are specific to the LE subevent.
uint8_t subevent_parameters[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Connection Complete Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEConnectionCompleteSubeventCode = 0x01;
// LE Advertising Report Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEAdvertisingReportSubeventCode = 0x02;
struct LEAdvertisingReportData {
LEAdvertisingReportData() = delete;
// The event type.
LEAdvertisingEventType event_type;
// Type of |address| for the advertising device.
LEAddressType address_type;
// Public Device Address, Random Device Address, Public Identity Address or
// Random (static) Identity Address of the advertising device.
DeviceAddressBytes address;
// Length of the advertising data payload.
uint8_t length_data;
// The beginning of |length_data| octets of advertising or scan response data
// formatted as defined in Core Spec v5.0, Vol 3, Part C, Section 11.
uint8_t data[];
// Immediately following |data| there is a single octet field containing the
// received signal strength for this advertising report. Since |data| has a
// variable length we do not declare it as a field within this struct.
// Range: -127 <= N <= +20
// Units: dBm
// If N == 127: RSSI is not available.
// int8_t rssi;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEAdvertisingReportSubeventParams {
LEAdvertisingReportSubeventParams() = delete;
// Number of LEAdvertisingReportData instances contained in the array
// |reports|.
uint8_t num_reports;
// Beginning of LEAdvertisingReportData array. Since each report data has a
// variable length, the contents of |reports| this is declared as an array of
// uint8_t.
uint8_t reports[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Connection Update Complete Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEConnectionUpdateCompleteSubeventCode = 0x03;
// LE Read Remote Features Complete Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEReadRemoteFeaturesCompleteSubeventCode = 0x04;
// LE Long Term Key Request Event (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLELongTermKeyRequestSubeventCode = 0x05;
struct LELongTermKeyRequestSubeventParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// 64-bit random number.
uint64_t random_number;
// 16-bit encrypted diversifier.
uint16_t encrypted_diversifier;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Event (v4.1) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequestSubeventCode = 0x06;
struct LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestSubeventParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Range: see kLEConnectionInterval[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t interval_min;
uint16_t interval_max;
// Range: 0x0000 to kLEConnectionLatencyMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t latency;
// Range: see kLEConnectionSupervisionTimeout[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
uint16_t timeout;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Data Length Change Event (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEDataLengthChangeSubeventCode = 0x07;
struct LEDataLengthChangeSubeventParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t max_tx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t max_tx_time;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t max_rx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t max_rx_time;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Read Local P-256 Public Key Complete Event (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEReadLocalP256PublicKeyCompleteSubeventCode = 0x08;
struct LEReadLOcalP256PublicKeyCompleteSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Local P-256 public key.
uint8_t local_p256_public_key[64];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Generate DHKey Complete Event (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEGenerateDHKeyCompleteSubeventCode = 0x09;
struct LEGenerateDHKeyCompleteSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Diffie Hellman Key.
uint8_t dh_key[32];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Enhanced Connection Complete Event (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEEnhancedConnectionCompleteSubeventCode = 0x0A;
struct LEEnhancedConnectionCompleteSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
ConnectionRole role;
LEAddressType peer_address_type;
// Public Device Address, or Random Device Address, Public Identity Address or
// Random (static) Identity Address of the device to be connected.
DeviceAddressBytes peer_address;
DeviceAddressBytes local_resolvable_private_address;
DeviceAddressBytes peer_resolvable_private_address;
// Range: see kLEConnectionInterval[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t conn_interval;
// Range: 0x0000 to kLEConnectionLatencyMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t conn_latency;
// Range: see kLEConnectionSupervisionTimeout[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
uint16_t supervision_timeout;
// The Central_Clock_Accuracy parameter is only valid for a peripheral. On a central, this
// parameter shall be set to 0x00.
pw::bluetooth::emboss::LEClockAccuracy central_clock_accuracy;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Directed Advertising Report Event (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEDirectedAdvertisingReportSubeventCode = 0x0B;
struct LEDirectedAdvertisingReportData {
// The event type. This is always equal to
// LEAdvertisingEventType::kAdvDirectInd.
LEAdvertisingEventType event_type;
// Type of |address| for the advertising device.
LEAddressType address_type;
// Public Device Address, Random Device Address, Public Identity Address or
// Random (static) Identity Address of the advertising device.
DeviceAddressBytes address;
// By default this is set to LEAddressType::kRandom and |direct_address| will
// contain a random device address.
LEAddressType direct_address_type;
DeviceAddressBytes direct_address;
// Range: -127 <= N <= +20
// Units: dBm
// If N == 127: RSSI is not available.
int8_t rssi;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEDirectedAdvertisingReportSubeventParams {
LEDirectedAdvertisingReportSubeventParams() = delete;
// Number of LEAdvertisingReportData instances contained in the array
// |reports|.
uint8_t num_reports;
// The report array parameters.
LEDirectedAdvertisingReportData reports[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE PHY Update Complete Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEPHYUpdateCompleteSubeventCode = 0x0C;
struct LEPHYUpdateCompleteSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// The transmitter PHY.
LEPHY tx_phy;
// The receiver PHY.
LEPHY rx_phy;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Extended Advertising Report Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEExtendedAdvertisingReportSubeventCode = 0x0D;
// LE Periodic Advertising Sync Established Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablishedSubeventCode = 0x0E;
struct LEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablishedSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Handle used to identify the periodic advertiser (only the lower 12 bits are
// meaningful).
PeriodicAdvertiserHandle sync_handle;
// Value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU.
uint8_t advertising_sid;
// Address type of the advertiser.
LEAddressType advertiser_address_type;
// Public Device Address, Random Device Address, Public Identity Address, or
// Random (static) Identity Address of the advertiser.
DeviceAddressBytes advertiser_address;
// Advertiser_PHY.
LEPHY advertiser_phy;
// Range: See kLEPeriodicAdvertisingInterval[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time = N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5ms to 81.91875 s
uint16_t periodic_adv_interval;
// Advertiser_Clock_Accuracy.
pw::bluetooth::emboss::LEClockAccuracy advertiser_clock_accuracy;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Periodic Advertising Report Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingReportSubeventCode = 0x0F;
struct LEPeriodicAdvertisingReportSubeventParams {
LEPeriodicAdvertisingReportSubeventParams() = delete;
// (only the lower 12 bits are meaningful).
PeriodicAdvertiserHandle sync_handle;
// Range: -127 <= N <= +126
// Units: dBm
int8_t tx_power;
// Range: -127 <= N <= +20
// Units: dBm
// If N == 127: RSSI is not available.
int8_t rssi;
// As of Core Spec v5.0 this parameter is intended to be used in a future
// feature.
uint8_t unused;
// Data status of the periodic advertisement. Indicates whether or not the
// controller has split the data into multiple reports.
LEAdvertisingDataStatus data_status;
// Length of the Data field.
uint8_t data_length;
// |data_length| octets of data received from a Periodic Advertising packet.
uint8_t data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Periodic Advertising Sync Lost Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLostSubeventCode = 0x10;
struct LEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLostSubeventParams {
// Used to identify the periodic advertiser (only the lower 12 bits are
// meaningful).
PeriodicAdvertiserHandle sync_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Scan Timeout Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEScanTimeoutSubeventCode = 0x11;
// LE Advertising Set Terminated Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEAdvertisingSetTerminatedSubeventCode = 0x012;
struct LEAdvertisingSetTerminatedSubeventParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Advertising Handle in which advertising has ended.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
// Connection Handle of the connection whose creation ended the advertising.
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Number of completed extended advertising events transmitted by the
// Controller.
uint8_t num_completed_extended_adv_events;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Scan Request Received Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEScanRequestReceivedSubeventCode = 0x13;
struct LEScanRequestReceivedSubeventParams {
// Used to identify an advertising set.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
// Address type of the scanner address.
LEAddressType scanner_address_type;
// Public Device Address, Random Device Address, Public Identity Address or
// Random (static) Identity Address of the scanning device.
DeviceAddressBytes scanner_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// LE Channel Selection Algorithm Event (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr EventCode kLEChannelSelectionAlgorithmSubeventCode = 0x014;
// ================================================================
// Number Of Completed Data Blocks Event (v3.0 + HS) (BR/EDR & AMP)
constexpr EventCode kNumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEventCode = 0x48;
struct NumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEventData {
// Handle (Connection Handle for a BR/EDR Controller or a Logical_Link Handle
// for an AMP Controller).
uint16_t handle;
uint16_t num_of_completed_packets;
uint16_t num_of_completed_blocks;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct NumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEventParams {
NumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEventParams() = delete;
uint16_t total_num_data_blocks;
uint8_t number_of_handles;
NumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEventData data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================================
// Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired Event (v4.1) (BR/EDR & LE)
constexpr EventCode kAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpiredEventCode = 0x57;
struct AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpiredEventParams {
// Connection_Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======= Status Parameters =======
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.5
constexpr uint8_t kStatusParamsOGF = 0x05;
constexpr OpCode StatusParamsOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) {
return DefineOpCode(kStatusParamsOGF, ocf);
// ========================
// Read RSSI Command (v1.1)
constexpr OpCode kReadRSSI = StatusParamsOpCode(0x0005);
struct ReadRSSICommandParams {
// The Handle for the connection for which the RSSI is to be read (only the
// lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ReadRSSIReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// The Handle for the connection for which the RSSI has been read (only the
// lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle handle;
// The Received Signal Strength Value.
// - BR/EDR:
// Range: -128 ≤ N ≤ 127 (signed integer)
// Units: dB
// - AMP:
// Range: AMP type specific (signed integer)
// Units: dBm
// - LE:
// Range: -127 to 20, 127 (signed integer)
// Units: dBm
int8_t rssi;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================
// Read Encryption Key Size (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
constexpr OpCode kReadEncryptionKeySize = StatusParamsOpCode(0x0008);
struct ReadEncryptionKeySizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Handle of the ACL connection whose encryption key size was read.
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Encryption key size. See v5.0 Vol 2 Part C, Section 5.2.
uint8_t key_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======= LE Controller Commands =======
// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8
constexpr uint8_t kLEControllerCommandsOGF = 0x08;
constexpr OpCode LEControllerCommandOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) {
return DefineOpCode(kLEControllerCommandsOGF, ocf);
// Returns true if the given |opcode| corresponds to a LE controller command.
inline bool IsLECommand(OpCode opcode) { return GetOGF(opcode) == kLEControllerCommandsOGF; }
// =====================================
// LE Set Event Mask Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetEventMask = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0001);
// =======================================
// LE Read Buffer Size Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadBufferSizeV1 = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0002);
struct LEReadBufferSizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint16_t hc_le_acl_data_packet_length;
uint8_t hc_total_num_le_acl_data_packets;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Read Local Supported Features Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadLocalSupportedFeatures = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0003);
struct LEReadLocalSupportedFeaturesReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Bit Mask List of supported LE features. See enum class LESupportedFeature
// in hci_constants.h.
uint64_t le_features;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================
// LE Set Random Address Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetRandomAddress = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0005);
struct LESetRandomAddressCommandParams {
DeviceAddressBytes random_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =================================================
// LE Set Advertising Parameters Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetAdvertisingParameters = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0006);
// ========================================================
// LE Read Advertising Channel Tx Power Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadAdvertisingChannelTxPower = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0007);
struct LEReadAdvertisingChannelTxPowerReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// The transmit power level used for LE advertising channel packets.
// Range: -20 <= N <= +10
// Units: dBm
// Accuracy: +/- 4 dB
int8_t tx_power;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================================
// LE Set Advertising Data Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetAdvertisingData = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0008);
// =============================================
// LE Set Scan Response Data Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetScanResponseData = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0009);
// =============================================
// LE Set Advertising Enable Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetAdvertisingEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000A);
// ==========================================
// LE Set Scan Parameters Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetScanParameters = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000B);
// ======================================
// LE Set Scan Enable Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetScanEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000C);
// ========================================
// LE Create Connection Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLECreateConnection = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000D);
// NOTE on ReturnParams: No Command Complete event is sent by the Controller to
// indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the LE Connection
// Complete or LE Enhanced Connection Complete event indicates that this command
// has been completed.
// ===============================================
// LE Create Connection Cancel Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLECreateConnectionCancel = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000E);
// ===========================================
// LE Read Filter Accept List Size Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadFilterAcceptListSize = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x000F);
struct LEReadFilterAcceptListSizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint8_t filter_accept_list_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =======================================
// LE Clear Filter Accept List Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEClearFilterAcceptList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0010);
// ===============================================
// LE Add Device To Filter Accept List Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEAddDeviceToFilterAcceptList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0011);
struct LEAddDeviceToFilterAcceptListCommandParams {
// The address type of the peer. The |address| parameter will be ignored if
// |address_type| is set to LEPeerAddressType::kAnonymous.
LEPeerAddressType address_type;
// Public Device Address or Random Device Address of the device to be added to
// the Filter Accept List
DeviceAddressBytes address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Remove Device From Filter Accept List Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoveDeviceFromFilterAcceptList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0012);
struct LERemoveDeviceFromFilterAcceptListCommandParams {
// The address type of the peer. The |address| parameter will be ignored if
// |address_type| is set to LEPeerAddressType::kAnonymous.
LEPeerAddressType address_type;
// Public Device Address or Random Device Address of the device to be removed
// from the Filter Accept List
DeviceAddressBytes address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================
// LE Connection Update Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEConnectionUpdate = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0013);
// NOTE on Return Params: A Command Complete event is not sent by the Controller
// to indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the LE Connection
// Update Complete event indicates that this command has been completed.
// ======================================================
// LE Set Host Channel Classification Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetHostChannelClassification = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0014);
struct LESetHostChannelClassificationCommandParams {
// This parameter contains 37 1-bit fields (only the lower 37-bits of the
// 5-octet value are meaningful).
// The nth such field (in the range 0 to 36) contains the value for the link
// layer channel index n.
// Channel n is bad = 0. Channel n is unknown = 1.
// The most significant bits are reserved and shall be set to 0 for future
// use.
// At least one channel shall be marked as unknown.
uint8_t channel_map[5];
} __attribute__((packed));
// =======================================
// LE Read Channel Map Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadChannelMap = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0015);
struct LEReadChannelMapCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEReadChannelMapReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// This parameter contains 37 1-bit fields (only the lower 37-bits of the
// 5-octet value are meaningful).
// The nth such field (in the range 0 to 36) contains the value for the link
// layer channel index n.
// Channel n is bad = 0. Channel n is unknown = 1.
// The most significant bits are reserved and shall be set to 0 for future
// use.
// At least one channel shall be marked as unknown.
uint8_t channel_map[5];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================================
// LE Read Remote Features Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadRemoteFeatures = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0016);
struct LEReadRemoteFeaturesCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// Note on ReturnParams: A Command Complete event is not sent by the Controller
// to indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the LE Read Remote
// Features Complete event indicates that this command has been completed.
// ==============================
// LE Encrypt Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEEncrypt = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0017);
struct LEEncryptCommandParams {
// 128 bit key for the encryption of the data given in the command.
UInt128 key;
// 128 bit data block that is requested to be encrypted.
uint8_t plaintext_data[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEEncryptReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// 128 bit encrypted data block.
uint8_t encrypted_data[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================
// LE Rand Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERand = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0018);
struct LERandReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Random Number
uint64_t random_number;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =======================================
// LE Start Encryption Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEStartEncryption = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0019);
// NOTE on Return Params: A Command Complete event is not sent by the Controller
// to indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the Encryption
// Change or Encryption Key Refresh Complete events indicate that this command
// has been completed.
// ==================================================
// LE Long Term Key Request Reply Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLELongTermKeyRequestReply = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001A);
struct LELongTermKeyRequestReplyCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// 128-bit long term key for the current connection.
UInt128 long_term_key;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LELongTermKeyRequestReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================================================
// LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReply = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001B);
struct LELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ============================================
// LE Read Supported States Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadSupportedStates = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001C);
struct LEReadSupportedStatesReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Bit-mask of supported state or state combinations. See Core Spec v4.2,
// Volume 2, Part E, Section 7.8.27 "LE Read Supported States Command".
uint64_t le_states;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================
// LE Receiver Test Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReceiverTest = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001D);
struct LEReceiverTestCommandParams {
// N = (F - 2402) / 2
// Range: 0x00 - 0x27. Frequency Range : 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz.
uint8_t rx_channel;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================
// LE Transmitter Test Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLETransmitterTest = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001E);
struct LETransmitterTestCommandParams {
// N = (F - 2402) / 2
// Range: 0x00 - 0x27. Frequency Range : 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz.
uint8_t tx_channel;
// Length in bytes of payload data in each packet
uint8_t length_of_test_data;
// The packet payload sequence. See Core Spec 5.0, Vol 2, Part E,
// Section 7.8.29 for a description of possible values.
uint8_t packet_payload;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================
// LE Test End Command (v4.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLETestEnd = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x001F);
struct LETestEndReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Number of packets received
uint16_t number_of_packets;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================================
// LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Reply Command (v4.1) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0020);
struct LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReplyCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Range: see kLEConnectionInterval[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t conn_interval_min;
uint16_t conn_interval_max;
// Range: 0x0000 to kLEConnectionLatencyMax in hci_constants.h
uint16_t conn_latency;
// Range: see kLEConnectionSupervisionTimeout[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time: N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
uint16_t supervision_timeout;
// Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF
// Time: N * 0x625 ms
uint16_t minimum_ce_length;
uint16_t maximum_ce_length;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================================================
// LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Negative Reply Command (v4.1) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReply =
struct LERemoteConnectionParamReqNegativeReplyCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Reason that the connection parameter request was rejected.
StatusCode reason;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LERemoteConnectionParamReqNegativeReplyReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================
// LE Set Data Length Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetDataLength = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0022);
struct LESetDataLengthCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t tx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t tx_time;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LESetDataLengthReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================================
// LE Read Suggested Default Data Length Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadSuggestedDefaultDataLength = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0023);
struct LEReadSuggestedDefaultDataLengthReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t suggested_max_tx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t suggested_max_tx_time;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==========================================================
// LE Write Suggested Default Data Length Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLength = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0024);
struct LEWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLengthCommandParams {
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t suggested_max_tx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t suggested_max_tx_time;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==================================================
// LE Read Local P-256 Public Key Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadLocalP256PublicKey = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0025);
// NOTE on ReturnParams: When the Controller receives the
// LE_Read_Local_P-256_Public_Key command, the Controller shall send the Command
// Status event to the Host. When the local P-256 public key generation
// finishes, an LE Read Local P-256 Public Key Complete event shall be
// generated.
// No Command Complete event is sent by the Controller to indicate that this
// command has been completed.
// ======================================
// LE Generate DH Key Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEGenerateDHKey = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0026);
struct LEGenerateDHKeyCommandParams {
// The remote P-256 public key:
// X, Y format
// Octets 31-0: X co-ordinate
// Octets 63-32: Y co-ordinate Little Endian Format
uint8_t remote_p256_public_key[64];
} __attribute__((packed));
// NOTE on ReturnParams: When the Controller receives the LE_Generate_DHKey
// command, the Controller shall send the Command Status event to the Host. When
// the DHKey generation finishes, an LE DHKey Generation Complete event shall be
// generated.
// No Command Complete event is sent by the Controller to indicate that this
// command has been completed.
// ===================================================
// LE Add Device To Resolving List Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEAddDeviceToResolvingList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0027);
struct LEAddDeviceToResolvingListCommandParams {
// The peer device's identity address type.
LEPeerAddressType peer_identity_address_type;
// Public or Random (static) Identity address of the peer device
DeviceAddressBytes peer_identity_address;
// IRK (Identity Resolving Key) of the peer device
UInt128 peer_irk;
// IRK (Identity Resolving Key) of the local device
UInt128 local_irk;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ========================================================
// LE Remove Device From Resolving List Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoveDeviceFromResolvingList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0028);
struct LERemoveDeviceFromResolvingListCommandParams {
// The peer device's identity address type.
LEPeerAddressType peer_identity_address_type;
// Public or Random (static) Identity address of the peer device
DeviceAddressBytes peer_identity_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===========================================
// LE Clear Resolving List Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEClearResolvingList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0029);
// ===============================================
// LE Read Resolving List Size Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadResolvingListSize = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002A);
struct LEReadResolvingListReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Number of address translation entries in the resolving list.
uint8_t resolving_list_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===================================================
// LE Read Peer Resolvable Address Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadPeerResolvableAddress = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002B);
struct LEReadPeerResolvableAddressCommandParams {
// The peer device's identity address type.
LEPeerAddressType peer_identity_address_type;
// Public or Random (static) Identity address of the peer device.
DeviceAddressBytes peer_identity_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEReadPeerResolvableAddressReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Resolvable Private Address being used by the peer device.
DeviceAddressBytes peer_resolvable_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Read Local Resolvable Address Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadLocalResolvableAddress = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002C);
struct LEReadLocalResolvableAddressCommandParams {
// The peer device's identity address type.
LEPeerAddressType peer_identity_address_type;
// Public or Random (static) Identity address of the peer device
DeviceAddressBytes peer_identity_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEReadLocalResolvableAddressReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Resolvable Private Address being used by the local device.
DeviceAddressBytes local_resolvable_address;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Set Address Resolution Enable Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetAddressResolutionEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002D);
struct LESetAddressResolutionEnableCommandParams {
GenericEnableParam address_resolution_enable;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================================
// LE Set Resolvable Private Address Timeout Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeout = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002E);
struct LESetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeoutCommandParams {
// Range: See kLERPATimeout[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Default: See kLERPATimeoutDefault in hci_constants.h
uint16_t rpa_timeout;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================================
// LE Read Maximum Data Length Command (v4.2) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadMaximumDataLength = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x002F);
struct LEReadMaximumDataLengthReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t supported_max_tx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t supported_max_tx_time;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxOctets[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t supported_max_rx_octets;
// Range: see kLEMaxTxTime[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
uint16_t supported_max_rx_time;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===============================
// LE Read PHY Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadPHY = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0030);
struct LEReadPHYCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LEReadPHYReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// The transmitter PHY.
LEPHY tx_phy;
// The receiver PHY.
LEPHY rx_phy;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================
// LE Set Default PHY Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetDefaultPHY = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0031);
struct LESetDefaultPHYCommandParams {
// See the kLEAllPHYSBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t all_phys;
// See the kLEPHYBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t tx_phys;
// See the kLEPHYBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t rx_phys;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==============================
// LE Set PHY Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetPHY = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0032);
struct LESetPHYCommandParams {
// Connection Handle (only the lower 12-bits are meaningful).
// Range: 0x0000 to kConnectionHandleMax in hci_constants.h
ConnectionHandle connection_handle;
// See the kLEAllPHYSBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t all_phys;
// See the kLEPHYBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t tx_phys;
// See the kLEPHYBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible bitfield
// values.
uint8_t rx_phys;
LEPHYOptions phy_options;
} __attribute__((packed));
// NOTE on ReturnParams: A Command Complete event is not sent by the Controller
// to indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the LE PHY Update
// Complete event indicates that this command has been completed. The LE PHY
// Update Complete event may also be issued autonomously by the Link Layer.
// =============================================
// LE Enhanced Receiver Test Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEEnhancedReceiverText = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0033);
struct LEEnhancedReceiverTestCommandParams {
// N = (F - 2402) / 2
// Range: 0x00 - 0x27. Frequency Range : 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz.
uint8_t rx_channel;
// Receiver PHY.
LEPHY phy;
// Transmitter modulation index that should be assumed.
LETestModulationIndex modulation_index;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// LE Enhanced Transmitter Test Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEEnhancedTransmitterTest = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0034);
struct LEEnhancedTransmitterTestCommandParams {
// N = (F - 2402) / 2
// Range: 0x00 - 0x27. Frequency Range : 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz.
uint8_t tx_channel;
// Length in bytes of payload data in each packet
uint8_t length_of_test_data;
// The packet payload sequence. See Core Spec 5.0, Vol 2, Part E,
// Section 7.8.51 for a description of possible values.
uint8_t packet_payload;
// Transmitter PHY.
LEPHY phy;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =========================================================
// LE Set Advertising Set Random Address Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetAdvertisingSetRandomAddress = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0035);
// ==========================================================
// LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedAdvertisingParameters = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0036);
struct LESetExtendedAdvertisingParametersReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
int8_t selected_tx_power;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Set Extended Advertising Data Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedAdvertisingData = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0037);
// ======================================================
// LE Set Extended Scan Response Data Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedScanResponseData = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0038);
// ======================================================
// LE Set Extended Advertising Enable Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedAdvertisingEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0039);
// ===========================================================
// LE Read Maximum Advertising Data Length Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadMaxAdvertisingDataLength = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003A);
struct LEReadMaxAdvertisingDataLengthReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint16_t max_adv_data_length;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================================
// LE Read Number of Supported Advertising Sets Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadNumSupportedAdvertisingSets = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003B);
struct LEReadNumSupportedAdvertisingSetsReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
uint8_t num_supported_adv_sets;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================
// LE Remove Advertising Set Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoveAdvertisingSet = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003C);
struct LERemoveAdvertisingSetCommandParams {
// Handle used to identify an advertising set.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =============================================
// LE Clear Advertising Sets Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEClearAdvertisingSets = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003D);
// ==========================================================
// LE Set Periodic Advertising Parameters Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingParameters = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003E);
struct LESetPeriodicAdvertisingParametersCommandParams {
// Identifies the advertising set whose periodic advertising parameters are
// being configured.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
// Range: See kLEPeriodicAdvertisingInterval[Min|Max] in hci_constants.h
// Time = N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5ms to 81.91875 s
uint16_t periodic_adv_interval_min;
uint16_t periodic_adv_interval_max;
// See the kLEPeriodicAdvPropBit* constants in hci_constants.h for possible
// bit values.
uint16_t periodic_adv_properties;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ====================================================
// LE Set Periodic Advertising Data Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingData = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x003F);
struct LESetPeriodicAdvertisingDataCommandParams {
LESetPeriodicAdvertisingDataCommandParams() = delete;
// Handle used to identify an advertising set.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
// See hci_constants.h for possible values.
// LESetExtendedAdvDataOp::kUnchangedData is excluded for this command.
LESetExtendedAdvDataOp operation;
// Length of the advertising data included in this command packet, up to
// kMaxLEExtendedAdvertisingDataLength bytes.
uint8_t adv_data_length;
// Variable length advertising data.
uint8_t adv_data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
// ======================================================
// LE Set Periodic Advertising Enable Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0040);
struct LESetPeriodicAdvertisingEnableCommandParams {
// Enable or Disable periodic advertising.
GenericEnableParam enable;
// Handle used to identify an advertising set.
AdvertisingHandle adv_handle;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ===================================================
// LE Set Extended Scan Parameters Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedScanParameters = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0041);
// ===============================================
// LE Set Extended Scan Enable Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetExtendedScanEnable = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0042);
// =================================================
// LE Extended Create Connection Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEExtendedCreateConnection = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0043);
// =======================================================
// LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingCreateSync = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0044);
// NOTE on ReturnParams: No Command Complete event is sent by the Controller to
// indicate that this command has been completed. Instead, the LE Periodic
// Advertising Sync Established event indicates that this command has been
// completed.
// ==============================================================
// LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync Cancel Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCancel = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0045);
// ==========================================================
// LE Periodic Advertising Terminate Sync Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEPeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSync = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0046);
// =============================================================
// LE Add Device To Periodic Advertiser List Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0047);
// ==================================================================
// LE Remove Device From Periodic Advertiser List Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLERemoveDeviceFromPeriodicAdvertiserList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0048);
// =====================================================
// LE Clear Periodic Advertiser List Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEClearPeriodicAdvertiserList = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x0049);
// =========================================================
// LE Read Periodic Advertiser List Size Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadPeriodicAdvertiserListSize = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x004A);
struct LEReadPeriodicAdvertiserListSizeReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Total number of Periodic Advertiser list entries that can be stored in the
// Controller.
uint8_t periodic_advertiser_list_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ==========================================
// LE Read Transmit Power Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadTransmitPower = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x004B);
struct LEReadTransmitPowerReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// Range: -127 <= N <= +126
// Units: dBm
int8_t min_tx_power;
int8_t max_tx_power;
} __attribute__((packed));
// ================================================
// LE Read RF Path Compensation Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEReadRFPathCompensation = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x004C);
struct LEReadRFPathCompensationReturnParams {
// See enum StatusCode in hci_constants.h.
StatusCode status;
// The RF Path Compensation Values parameters used in the Tx Power Level and
// RSSI calculation.
// Range: -128.0 dB (0xFB00) ≤ N ≤ 128.0 dB (0x0500)
// Units: 0.1 dB
int16_t rf_tx_path_comp_value;
int16_t rf_rx_path_comp_value;
} __attribute__((packed));
// =================================================
// LE Write RF Path Compensation Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLEWriteRFPathCompensation = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x004D);
// =======================================
// LE Set Privacy Mode Command (v5.0) (LE)
constexpr OpCode kLESetPrivacyMode = LEControllerCommandOpCode(0x004E);
// ======= Vendor Command =======
// The OGF of 0x3F is reserved for vendor-specific debug commands (see Core Spec
// v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 5.4.1).
constexpr uint8_t kVendorOGF = 0x3F;
constexpr OpCode VendorOpCode(const uint16_t ocf) { return DefineOpCode(kVendorOGF, ocf); }
} // namespace bt::hci_spec