blob: d33848e50efb9651c38bdb3310c55efbbe2f2d11 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_presubmit-format:
pw_presubmit: Code formatting
.. pigweed-module-subpage::
:name: pw_presubmit
.. admonition:: Note
:class: warning While the ``pw format`` command interface is
very stable, the ``pw_presubmit.format`` library is a work-in-progress
effort to detach the implementation of ``pw format`` from
the :ref:`module-pw_presubmit` module. Not all formatters are migrated, and
the library API is unstable. After some of the core pieces land, this
library will be moved to ``pw_code_format``.
.. _module-pw_presubmit-format-api:
API reference
.. automodule:: pw_presubmit.format.core
:special-members: DiffCallback
.. autoclass:: pw_presubmit.format.cpp.ClangFormatFormatter