blob: 1a28c3b5552984ff5d4ff6184fc3d62c1a13936d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_function/config.h"
#include "pw_preprocessor/compiler.h"
namespace pw::function_internal {
template <typename T, typename Comparison = bool>
struct NullEq {
static constexpr bool Test(const T&) { return false; }
// Partial specialization for values of T comparable to nullptr.
template <typename T>
struct NullEq<T, decltype(std::declval<T>() == nullptr)> {
// This is intended to be used for comparing function pointers to nullptr, but
// the specialization also matches Ts that implicitly convert to a function
// pointer, such as function types. The compiler may then complain that the
// comparison is false, as the address is known at compile time and cannot be
// nullptr. Silence this warning. (The compiler will optimize out the
// comparison.)
PW_MODIFY_DIAGNOSTIC(ignored, "-Waddress");
static constexpr bool Test(const T& v) { return v == nullptr; }
// Tests whether a value is considered to be null.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsNull(const T& v) {
return NullEq<T>::Test(v);
// FunctionTarget is an interface for storing a callable object and providing a
// way to invoke it.
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class FunctionTarget {
FunctionTarget() = default;
virtual ~FunctionTarget() = default;
FunctionTarget(const FunctionTarget&) = delete;
FunctionTarget(FunctionTarget&&) = delete;
FunctionTarget& operator=(const FunctionTarget&) = delete;
FunctionTarget& operator=(FunctionTarget&&) = delete;
virtual bool IsNull() const = 0;
// Invoke the callable stored by the function target.
virtual Return operator()(Args... args) const = 0;
// Move initialize the function target to a provided location.
virtual void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) = 0;
// A function target that does not store any callable. Attempting to invoke it
// results in a crash.
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class NullFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Return, Args...> {
NullFunctionTarget() = default;
~NullFunctionTarget() final = default;
NullFunctionTarget(const NullFunctionTarget&) = delete;
NullFunctionTarget(NullFunctionTarget&&) = delete;
NullFunctionTarget& operator=(const NullFunctionTarget&) = delete;
NullFunctionTarget& operator=(NullFunctionTarget&&) = delete;
bool IsNull() const final { return true; }
Return operator()(Args...) const final { PW_ASSERT(false); }
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final { new (ptr) NullFunctionTarget(); }
// Function target that stores a callable as a member within the class.
template <typename Callable, typename Return, typename... Args>
class InlineFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Return, Args...> {
explicit InlineFunctionTarget(Callable&& callable)
: callable_(std::move(callable)) {}
~InlineFunctionTarget() final = default;
InlineFunctionTarget(const InlineFunctionTarget&) = delete;
InlineFunctionTarget& operator=(const InlineFunctionTarget&) = delete;
InlineFunctionTarget(InlineFunctionTarget&& other)
: callable_(std::move(other.callable_)) {}
InlineFunctionTarget& operator=(InlineFunctionTarget&&) = default;
bool IsNull() const final { return false; }
Return operator()(Args... args) const final { return callable_(args...); }
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final {
new (ptr) InlineFunctionTarget(std::move(*this));
// This must be mutable to support custom objects that implement operator() in
// a non-const way.
mutable Callable callable_;
// Function target which stores a callable at a provided location in memory.
// The creating context must ensure that the region is properly sized and
// aligned for the callable.
template <typename Callable, typename Return, typename... Args>
class MemoryFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Return, Args...> {
MemoryFunctionTarget(void* address, Callable&& callable) : address_(address) {
new (address_) Callable(std::move(callable));
~MemoryFunctionTarget() final {
// Multiple MemoryFunctionTargets may have referred to the same callable
// (due to moves), but only one can have a valid pointer to it. The owner is
// responsible for destructing the callable.
if (address_ != nullptr) {
MemoryFunctionTarget(const MemoryFunctionTarget&) = delete;
MemoryFunctionTarget& operator=(const MemoryFunctionTarget&) = delete;
// Transfer the pointer to the initialized callable to this object without
// reinitializing the callable, clearing the address from the other.
MemoryFunctionTarget(MemoryFunctionTarget&& other)
: address_(other.address_) {
other.address_ = nullptr;
MemoryFunctionTarget& operator=(MemoryFunctionTarget&&) = default;
bool IsNull() const final { return false; }
Return operator()(Args... args) const final { return callable()(args...); }
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final {
new (ptr) MemoryFunctionTarget(std::move(*this));
Callable& callable() {
return *std::launder(reinterpret_cast<Callable*>(address_));
const Callable& callable() const {
return *std::launder(reinterpret_cast<const Callable*>(address_));
void* address_;
template <size_t kSizeBytes>
using FunctionStorage =
std::aligned_storage_t<kSizeBytes, alignof(std::max_align_t)>;
// A FunctionTargetHolder stores an instance of a FunctionTarget implementation.
// The concrete implementation is initialized in an internal buffer by calling
// one of the initialization functions. After initialization, all
// implementations are accessed through the virtual FunctionTarget base.
template <size_t kSizeBytes, typename Return, typename... Args>
class FunctionTargetHolder {
FunctionTargetHolder() = default;
FunctionTargetHolder(const FunctionTargetHolder&) = delete;
FunctionTargetHolder(FunctionTargetHolder&&) = delete;
FunctionTargetHolder& operator=(const FunctionTargetHolder&) = delete;
FunctionTargetHolder& operator=(FunctionTargetHolder&&) = delete;
constexpr void InitializeNullTarget() {
using NullFunctionTarget = NullFunctionTarget<Return, Args...>;
static_assert(sizeof(NullFunctionTarget) <= kSizeBytes,
"NullFunctionTarget must fit within FunctionTargetHolder");
new (&bits_) NullFunctionTarget;
// Initializes an InlineFunctionTarget with the callable, failing if it is too
// large.
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeInlineTarget(Callable callable) {
using InlineFunctionTarget =
InlineFunctionTarget<Callable, Return, Args...>;
static_assert(sizeof(InlineFunctionTarget) <= kSizeBytes,
"Inline callable must fit within FunctionTargetHolder");
new (&bits_) InlineFunctionTarget(std::move(callable));
// Initializes a MemoryTarget that stores the callable at the provided
// location.
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeMemoryTarget(Callable callable, void* storage) {
using MemoryFunctionTarget =
MemoryFunctionTarget<Callable, Return, Args...>;
static_assert(sizeof(MemoryFunctionTarget) <= kSizeBytes,
"MemoryFunctionTarget must fit within FunctionTargetHolder");
new (&bits_) MemoryFunctionTarget(storage, std::move(callable));
void DestructTarget() { target().~Target(); }
// Initializes the function target within this callable from another target
// holder's function target.
void MoveInitializeTargetFrom(FunctionTargetHolder& other) {;
// The stored implementation is accessed by punning to the virtual base class.
using Target = FunctionTarget<Return, Args...>;
Target& target() { return *std::launder(reinterpret_cast<Target*>(&bits_)); }
const Target& target() const {
return *std::launder(reinterpret_cast<const Target*>(&bits_));
// Storage for an implementation of the FunctionTarget interface.
FunctionStorage<kSizeBytes> bits_;
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class Function;
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class Function<Return(Args...)> {
constexpr Function() { holder_.InitializeNullTarget(); }
constexpr Function(std::nullptr_t) : Function() {}
template <typename Callable>
Function(Callable callable) {
if (IsNull(callable)) {
} else {
Function(Function&& other) {
Function& operator=(Function&& other) {
return *this;
Function& operator=(std::nullptr_t) {
return *this;
template <typename Callable>
Function& operator=(Callable callable) {
return *this;
~Function() { holder_.DestructTarget(); }
Return operator()(Args... args) const { return; };
explicit operator bool() const { return !; }
// TODO(frolv): This is temporarily private while the API is worked out.
template <typename Callable, size_t kSizeBytes>
Function(Callable&& callable, FunctionStorage<kSizeBytes>& storage)
: Function(callable, &storage) {
static_assert(sizeof(Callable) <= kSizeBytes,
"pw::Function callable does not fit into provided storage");
// Constructs a function that stores its callable at the provided location.
// Public constructors wrapping this must ensure that the memory region is
// capable of storing the callable in terms of both size and alignment.
template <typename Callable>
Function(Callable&& callable, void* storage) {
if (IsNull(callable)) {
} else {
holder_.InitializeMemoryTarget(std::move(callable), storage);
FunctionTargetHolder<config::kInlineCallableSize, Return, Args...> holder_;
} // namespace pw::function_internal