blob: a40e17ba09bdc8774b15697d519ae94f61fc9e88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_analog/analog_input.h"
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
namespace pw::analog {
// The common interface for obtaining voltage samples in microvolts. This
// interface represents a single voltage input or channel. Users will need to
// supply their own ADC driver implementation in order to configure and enable
// the ADC peripheral in order to provide the reference voltages and to
// configure and enable the ADC peripheral where needed. Users are responsible
// for managing multithreaded access to the ADC driver if the ADC services
// multiple channels.
class MicrovoltInput : public AnalogInput {
// Specifies the max and min microvolt range the analog input can measure.
// The reference voltage difference cannot be bigger than sizeof(int32_t)
// which should be just above 2000V.
// * These values do not change at run time.
// * Inversion of min/max is supported.
struct References {
int32_t max_voltage_uv; // Microvolts at AnalogInput::Limits::max
int32_t min_voltage_uv; // Microvolts at AnalogInput::Limits::min.
~MicrovoltInput() override = default;
// Blocks until the specified timeout duration has elapsed or the voltage
// sample has been returned, whichever comes first.
// This method is thread safe.
// Returns:
// Microvolts (uV).
// ResourceExhuasted: ADC peripheral in use.
// DeadlineExceedded: Timed out waiting for a sample.
// Other statuses left up to the implementer.
Result<int32_t> TryReadMicrovoltsFor(chrono::SystemClock::duration timeout) {
return TryReadMicrovoltsUntil(
// Blocks until the deadline time has been reached or the voltage sample has
// been returned, whichever comes first.
// This method is thread safe.
// Returns:
// Microvolts (uV).
// ResourceExhuasted: ADC peripheral in use.
// DeadlineExceedded: Timed out waiting for a sample.
// Other statuses left up to the implementer.
Result<int32_t> TryReadMicrovoltsUntil(
chrono::SystemClock::time_point deadline) {
PW_TRY_ASSIGN(const int32_t sample, TryReadUntil(deadline));
const References reference = GetReferences();
const AnalogInput::Limits limits = GetLimits();
constexpr int64_t kMaxReferenceDiffUv = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
if (std::abs(static_cast<int64_t>(reference.max_voltage_uv) -
static_cast<int64_t>(reference.min_voltage_uv)) >
kMaxReferenceDiffUv) {
return pw::Status::Internal();
return (((static_cast<int64_t>(sample) - static_cast<int64_t>(limits.min)) *
(reference.max_voltage_uv - reference.min_voltage_uv)) /
(limits.max - limits.min)) +
// Returns the reference voltage needed to calculate the voltage.
// These values do not change at run time.
virtual References GetReferences() const = 0;
} // namespace pw::analog