blob: 1239989ba6ae2a113c6f6f88f42624a4f91bdcea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// This file defines the ServerReaderWriter, ServerReader, and ServerWriter
// classes for the raw RPC interface. These classes are used for bidirectional,
// client, and server streaming RPCs.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_rpc/channel.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/client_call.h"
#include "pw_rpc/writer.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
// Sends requests and handles responses for a bidirectional streaming RPC.
// These classes use private inheritance to hide the internal::Call API while
// allow direct use of its public and protected functions.
class RawClientReaderWriter : private internal::StreamResponseClientCall {
constexpr RawClientReaderWriter() = default;
RawClientReaderWriter(RawClientReaderWriter&&) = default;
RawClientReaderWriter& operator=(RawClientReaderWriter&&) = default;
using internal::Call::active;
using internal::Call::channel_id;
using internal::ClientCall::id;
// Functions for setting the callbacks.
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_completed;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_error;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_next;
// Sends a stream request packet with the given raw payload.
using internal::Call::Write;
// Notifies the server that no further client stream messages will be sent.
using internal::Call::CloseClientStream;
// Cancels this RPC.
using internal::Call::Cancel;
// Allow use as a generic RPC Writer.
using internal::Call::operator Writer&;
using internal::Call::operator const Writer&;
friend class internal::StreamResponseClientCall;
RawClientReaderWriter(internal::LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id,
MethodType type = MethodType::kBidirectionalStreaming)
: StreamResponseClientCall(
client, channel_id, service_id, method_id, type) {}
// Handles responses for a server streaming RPC.
class RawClientReader : private internal::StreamResponseClientCall {
constexpr RawClientReader() = default;
RawClientReader(RawClientReader&&) = default;
RawClientReader& operator=(RawClientReader&&) = default;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::active;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::channel_id;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_completed;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_error;
using internal::StreamResponseClientCall::set_on_next;
using internal::Call::Cancel;
friend class internal::StreamResponseClientCall;
RawClientReader(internal::LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id)
: StreamResponseClientCall(client,
MethodType::kServerStreaming) {}
// Sends requests and handles the response for a client streaming RPC.
class RawClientWriter : private internal::UnaryResponseClientCall {
constexpr RawClientWriter() = default;
RawClientWriter(RawClientWriter&&) = default;
RawClientWriter& operator=(RawClientWriter&&) = default;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::active;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::channel_id;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::set_on_completed;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::set_on_error;
using internal::Call::Cancel;
using internal::Call::CloseClientStream;
using internal::Call::Write;
// Allow use as a generic RPC Writer.
using internal::Call::operator Writer&;
using internal::Call::operator const Writer&;
friend class internal::UnaryResponseClientCall;
RawClientWriter(internal::LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id)
: UnaryResponseClientCall(client,
MethodType::kClientStreaming) {}
// Handles the response for to unary RPC.
class RawUnaryReceiver : private internal::UnaryResponseClientCall {
constexpr RawUnaryReceiver() = default;
RawUnaryReceiver(RawUnaryReceiver&&) = default;
RawUnaryReceiver& operator=(RawUnaryReceiver&&) = default;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::active;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::channel_id;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::set_on_completed;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::set_on_error;
using internal::UnaryResponseClientCall::Cancel;
friend class internal::UnaryResponseClientCall;
RawUnaryReceiver(internal::LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id)
: UnaryResponseClientCall(
client, channel_id, service_id, method_id, MethodType::kUnary) {}
} // namespace pw::rpc