blob: ef567d7dc7bcdb4493823f74929ac3c2d4ddb012 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Facilities to verify an update bundle."""
import argparse
import inspect
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import Iterable
from pw_software_update import keys, metadata
from pw_software_update.tuf_pb2 import (RootMetadata, SignedRootMetadata,
SignedTargetsMetadata, TargetsMetadata)
from pw_software_update.update_bundle_pb2 import UpdateBundle
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__package__)
def log_progress(message: str,
indent_offset: int = -5,
indent_str: str = ' '):
"""Logs verification progress.
The default indent offset is chosen per actual output of 'python -m verify'.
indentation = 2 * (len(inspect.stack(0)) + indent_offset)'%s%s', indent_str * indentation, message)
class VerificationError(Exception):
"""Raised upon any verification error."""
def lint_root_metadata(root: RootMetadata) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Checks a RootMetadata for content or format errors.
A list of all errors found.
errors = []
# Check role type first-thing to deter chosen-ciphertext attacks.
log_progress('Checking role type')
if root.common_metadata.role != metadata.RoleType.ROOT.value:
errors.append('Role type is not "root"')
# Check keys database.
log_progress('Checking keys database')
for entry in root.keys:
if not entry.key_id:
errors.append('Missing key_id in keys list')
elif not entry.key.keyval:
errors.append(f'Key {entry.key_id.hex()} does not have a value')
elif not entry.key_id == keys.gen_key_id(entry.key):
errors.append(f'Key id "{entry.key_id.hex()}" cannot be derived'
f'from key content')
# Check root signature requirement.
log_progress('Checking root signature requirement')
root_sig_req = root.root_signature_requirement
if not root_sig_req.threshold:
errors.append('Root signature threshold not set')
if len(root_sig_req.key_ids) < root_sig_req.threshold:
f'Insufficient root keys: '
f'{len(root_sig_req.key_ids)} < {root_sig_req.threshold}')
for key_id in root_sig_req.key_ids:
if not key_id in [km.key_id for km in root.keys]:
errors.append(f'Unregistered root key: {key_id.hex()}')
# Check targets signature requirement.
log_progress('Checking targets signature requirement')
targets_sig_req = root.targets_signature_requirement
if not targets_sig_req.threshold:
errors.append('Targets signature threshold not set')
if len(targets_sig_req.key_ids) < targets_sig_req.threshold:
f'Insufficient Targets keys: '
f'{len(targets_sig_req.key_ids)} < {targets_sig_req.threshold}')
for key_id in targets_sig_req.key_ids:
if not key_id in [km.key_id for km in root.keys]:
errors.append(f'Unregistered targets key: {key_id.hex()}')
# Make sure no two roles share the same key.
log_progress('Checking for key sharing')
for key_id in targets_sig_req.key_ids:
if key_id in root_sig_req.key_ids:
errors.append(f'Targets shares the same key: "{key_id.hex()}"')
return errors
def verify_root_metadata_signatures(incoming: SignedRootMetadata,
trusted: RootMetadata) -> None:
"""Verifies the signatures of an incoming root metadata.
Verifies the signatures of an incoming root metadata against signature
requirements from the trusted root metadata.
VerificationError if `incoming` is incorrectly or insufficiently signed.
sig_requirement = trusted.root_signature_requirement
log_progress(f'Total={len(incoming.signatures)}, '
good_signature_count = 0
for sig in incoming.signatures:
if not sig.key_id in sig_requirement.key_ids:
key = None
for key_mapping in trusted.keys:
if key_mapping.key_id == sig.key_id:
key = key_mapping.key
if not key:
raise VerificationError(f'Invalid key_id: {sig.key_id.hex()}.')
if not keys.verify_ecdsa_signature(
sig.sig, incoming.serialized_root_metadata, key):
raise VerificationError('Invalid signature, key_id={sig.key_id}.')
good_signature_count += 1
log_progress(f'Verified: {good_signature_count}')
if good_signature_count < sig_requirement.threshold:
raise VerificationError('Not enough good signatures.')
def verify_root_metadata(incoming: SignedRootMetadata,
trusted: RootMetadata) -> bool:
"""Verifies an incoming root metadata against a trusted root metadata.
A boolean flag indicating if the targets metadata has been rotated.
VerificationError if the incoming root is incorrectly formatted,
insufficiently signed, or rolling back to an older version.
# Verify the incoming is signed with a threshold of keys specified in the
# trusted root metadata.
log_progress('Checking signatures against current root')
verify_root_metadata_signatures(incoming, trusted)
# Now that we've verified the signer of the incoming root, check its content
# before parsing it to guard against chosen-ciphertext attacks.
log_progress('Checking content')
lint_errors = lint_root_metadata(
if lint_errors:
log_progress(f'Lint errors: {lint_errors}')
raise VerificationError('Malformed root metadata.')
# Verify the target is signed with a threshold of keys specified in the
# target root metadata.
log_progress('Checking signatures against current root')
incoming, RootMetadata.FromString(incoming.serialized_root_metadata))
# Check rollback attack.
log_progress('Checking for version rollback')
incoming_meta = RootMetadata.FromString(incoming.serialized_root_metadata)
new_ver = incoming_meta.common_metadata.version
cur_ver = trusted.common_metadata.version
if new_ver < cur_ver:
raise VerificationError(
f'Root metadata version rollback ({cur_ver}->{new_ver}) detected!')
# Any signature requirement change indicates a targets key rotation.
new_sig_req = incoming_meta.targets_signature_requirement
cur_sig_req = trusted.targets_signature_requirement
targets_key_rotated = not (
set(new_sig_req.key_ids) == set(cur_sig_req.key_ids)
and new_sig_req.threshold == cur_sig_req.threshold)
log_progress(f'Targets key rotation: {targets_key_rotated}')
return targets_key_rotated
def lint_targets_metadata(meta: TargetsMetadata) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Checks a targets metadata for format errors.
A list of all errors found.
errors = []
# Always check the role type first to guard against chosen-ciphertext
# attacks.
log_progress("Checking role type")
if meta.common_metadata.role != metadata.RoleType.TARGETS.value:
f'Role type is not "targets" but "{meta.common_metadata.role}"')
for file in meta.target_files:
if not file.file_name:
errors.append('Target file missing a name')
if not file.hashes:
errors.append('Target file missing hashes')
return errors
def verify_targets_metadata(signed: SignedTargetsMetadata,
root: RootMetadata) -> None:
"""Verifies a targets metadata is sufficiently signed and well-formed.
VerificationError if the targets metadata is insufficiently signed or
sig_requirement = root.targets_signature_requirement
log_progress(f'Checking signatures: total={len(signed.signatures)}, '
good_signatures_count = 0
for sig in signed.signatures:
# Ignore extraneous signatures.
if not sig.key_id in sig_requirement.key_ids:
# Extract the public key associated with sig.key_id. There is one and
# only one way to derive a key_id from a key object, which has been
# previously verified as part of root metadata verification.
key = None
for key_mapping in root.keys:
if key_mapping.key_id == sig.key_id:
key = key_mapping.key
if not key:
raise VerificationError(
f'No such key_id in root: {sig.key_id.hex()}.')
if not keys.verify_ecdsa_signature(
sig=sig.sig, data=signed.serialized_targets_metadata, key=key):
raise VerificationError(
f'Invalid signature, key_id={sig.key_id.hex()}.')
good_signatures_count += 1
log_progress(f'Verified signatures: {good_signatures_count}')
if good_signatures_count < sig_requirement.threshold:
raise VerificationError(
f'Not enough good signatures: {good_signatures_count} < '
log_progress('Checking content')
lint_errors = lint_targets_metadata(
if lint_errors:
log_progress(f'Lint errors: {lint_errors}')
raise VerificationError('Malformed targets metadata.')
def verify_bundle(incoming: UpdateBundle, trusted: UpdateBundle) -> None:
"""Verifies an incoming TUF bundle against metadata in `trusted`.
Raises VerificationError upon the first verification failure.
# Root metadata in `trusted` is our trust anchor.
if not trusted.HasField('root_metadata'):
raise VerificationError('Trusted bundle missing root metadata')
trusted_root = RootMetadata.FromString(
# Check the contents of the trusted root metadata. This is optional
# in practice as we generally trust what is provisioned in the factory.
log_progress('Checking content of the trusted root metadata')
lint_errors = lint_root_metadata(trusted_root)
if lint_errors:
log_progress(f'Lint errors: {lint_errors}')
raise VerificationError('Malformed root metadata.')
# If the incoming bundle includes a root metadata, verify it using the
# current trusted root metadata and set the current trusted root to the
# new root upon successful verification.
# Record whether the new root metadata rotates the targets key. This
# information is used later to perform or skip targets metadata version
# rollback check.
targets_key_rotated = False
incoming_root = incoming.root_metadata
if incoming_root:
log_progress('Verifying incoming root metadata')
targets_key_rotated = verify_root_metadata(incoming=incoming_root,
log_progress('Upgrading trust to the incoming root metadata')
trusted_root = RootMetadata.FromString(
log_progress('Verifying targets metadata')
signed_targets_metadata = incoming.targets_metadata['targets']
verify_targets_metadata(signed_targets_metadata, trusted_root)
# Unless the targets signing key has been rotated, check for version
# rollback attack.
targets_metadata = TargetsMetadata.FromString(
if not targets_key_rotated:
log_progress('Checking targets metadata for version rollback')
new_ver = targets_metadata.common_metadata.version
cur_ver = TargetsMetadata.FromString(
if new_ver < cur_ver:
raise VerificationError(
f'Targets metadata rolling back: {cur_ver} '
f'-> {new_ver}.')
# Verify all files listed in the targets metadata exist along with the
# correct sizes and hashes.
for file in targets_metadata.target_files:
log_progress(f'Verifying target file: "{file.file_name}"')
payload = incoming.target_payloads[file.file_name]
if file.length != len(payload):
raise VerificationError(f'Wrong file size for {file.file_name}: '
f'expected: {file.length}, '
f'got: {len(payload)}.')
if not file.hashes:
raise VerificationError(f'Missing hashes for: {file.file_name}.')
calculated_hashes = metadata.gen_hashes(
payload, [h.function for h in file.hashes])
if list(calculated_hashes) != list(file.hashes):
raise VerificationError(
f'Mismatched hashes for: {file.file_name}.')
def parse_args():
"""Parse CLI arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help='Path to the TUF bundle to be verified')
help=('Path to the TUF bundle to be trusted; '
'defaults to the value of `--incoming` '
'if unspecified.'))
return parser.parse_args()
def main(incoming: Path, trusted: Path) -> int:
"""Verifies an incoming TUF bundle against metadata in `trusted`.
Verifies an incoming TUF bundle against metadata from a given trusted
bundle. If `trusted` is not specified, the target bundle itself will
be used as the trusted bundle.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
log_progress(f'Verifying: {incoming}')
incoming_bundle = UpdateBundle.FromString(incoming.read_bytes())
is_self_verification = (not trusted)
if is_self_verification:
trusted_bundle = incoming_bundle
trusted_bundle = UpdateBundle.FromString(trusted.read_bytes())
verify_bundle(incoming_bundle, trusted_bundle)
except VerificationError as error:
log_progress(f'Verification failed: {error}')
return 1
log_progress('Verification passed.')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
exit_code = main(**vars(parse_args()))