blob: 1a76afca53af11d2109b616aa3726e84ef38008e [file] [log] [blame]
.. _target-arduino:
This target supports building Pigweed on a few Arduino cores.
.. seealso::
There are a few caveats when running Pigweed on top of the Arduino API. See
:ref:`module-pw_arduino_build` for details.
Supported Boards
Currently only Teensy 4.x and 3.x boards are supported.
| Core | Board Name | Compiling | Flashing | Test Runner |
| `teensy <>`_ | `Teensy 4.1 <>`_ | | | |
| `teensy <>`_ | `Teensy 4.0 <>`_ | | | |
| `teensy <>`_ | `Teensy 3.6 <>`_ | | | |
| `teensy <>`_ | `Teensy 3.5 <>`_ | | | |
| `teensy <>`_ | `Teensy 3.2 <>`_ | | | |
| `arduino-samd <>`_ | `Arduino Zero <>`_ | | | |
| `arduino-sam <>`_ | `Arduino Due <>`_ | | | |
| `adafruit-samd <>`_ | `Adafruit Feather M0 <>`_ | | | |
| `adafruit-samd <>`_ | `Adafruit SAMD51 Boards <>`_ | | | |
| `stm32duino <>`_ | | | | |
You must first install an Arduino core or let Pigweed know where you have cores
installed using the ``dir_pw_third_party_arduino`` and ``arduino_package_path``
build arguments.
Installing Arduino Cores
The ``arduino_builder`` utility can install Arduino cores automatically. It's
recommended to install them to into ``third_party/arduino/cores/``.
.. code:: sh
# Setup pigweed environment.
$ source
# Install an arduino core
$ arduino_builder install-core --prefix ./third_party/arduino/cores/ --core-name teensy
To build for this Pigweed target, simply build the top-level "arduino" Ninja
target. You can set Arduino build options using ``gn args out`` or by running:
.. code:: sh
$ gn gen out --args='dir_pw_third_party_arduino="//third_party/arduino"
arduino_menu_options=["menu.usb.serial", "menu.keys.en-us"]'
Then build with:
.. code:: sh
$ ninja -C out arduino
To see supported boards and Arduino menu options for a given core:
.. code:: sh
$ arduino_builder --arduino-package-path ./third_party/arduino/cores/teensy \
--arduino-package-name teensy/avr \
# Board Name Description
# teensy41 Teensy 4.1
# teensy40 Teensy 4.0
# teensy36 Teensy 3.6
# teensy35 Teensy 3.5
# teensy31 Teensy 3.2 / 3.1
$ arduino_builder --arduino-package-path ./third_party/arduino/cores/teensy \
--arduino-package-name teensy/avr \
list-menu-options --board teensy40
# All Options
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# menu.usb.serial Serial
# menu.usb.serial2 Dual Serial
# menu.usb.serial3 Triple Serial
# menu.usb.keyboard Keyboard
# menu.usb.touch Keyboard + Touch Screen
# menu.usb.hidtouch Keyboard + Mouse + Touch Screen
# menu.usb.hid Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick
# menu.usb.serialhid Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick
# menu.usb.midi MIDI
# ...
# Default Options
# --------------------------------------
# menu.usb.serial Serial
# menu.speed.600 600 MHz
# menu.opt.o2std Faster
# menu.keys.en-us US English
When working in upstream Pigweed, building this target will build all Pigweed
modules' unit tests. These tests can be run on-device in a few different ways.
Run a unit test
If using ``out`` as a build directory, tests will be located in
``out/arduino_debug/obj/[module name]/[test_name].elf``.
Tests can be flashed and run using the `arduino_unit_test_runner` tool. Here is
a sample bash script to run all tests on a Linux machine.
.. code:: sh
gn gen out --export-compile-commands \
arduino_menu_options=["menu.usb.serial", "menu.keys.en-us"]' && \
ninja -C out arduino
for f in $(find out/arduino_debug/obj/ -iname "*.elf"); do
arduino_unit_test_runner --verbose \
--config-file ./out/arduino_debug/gen/arduino_builder_config.json \
--upload-tool teensyloader \
Using the test server
Tests may also be run using the `pw_arduino_use_test_server = true` GN arg.
The server must be run with an `arduino_builder` config file so it can locate
the correct Arduino core, compiler path, and Arduino board used.
.. code:: sh
$ arduino_test_server --verbose \
--config-file ./out/arduino_debug/gen/arduino_builder_config.json
.. TODO(tonymd): Flesh out this section similar to the stm32f429i target docs.
Flashing Known Issues
Teensy Boards
By default Teensyduino uses the `Teensy Loader Application
<>`_ which has a couple limitations:
- Requires a GUI (or X11 on Linux).
- Can only flash one board at a time.