blob: 33c503443acdc1979d9127b4046e5763a350f468 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "server.h"
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/assert.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/random.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap_defs.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/types.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sdp/data_element.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sdp/pdu.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sdp/sdp.h"
namespace bt::sdp {
using RegistrationHandle = Server::RegistrationHandle;
namespace {
constexpr const char* kInspectRegisteredPsmName = "registered_psms";
constexpr const char* kInspectPsmName = "psm";
constexpr const char* kInspectRecordName = "record";
bool IsQueuedPsm(const std::vector<std::pair<l2cap::Psm, ServiceHandle>>* queued_psms,
l2cap::Psm psm) {
auto is_queued = [target = psm](const auto& psm_pair) { return target == psm_pair.first; };
auto iter = std::find_if(queued_psms->begin(), queued_psms->end(), is_queued);
return iter != queued_psms->end();
// Returns true if the |psm| is considered valid.
bool IsValidPsm(l2cap::Psm psm) {
// The least significant bit of the most significant octet must be 0
// (Core 5.4, Vol 3, Part A, 4.2).
constexpr uint16_t MS_OCTET_MASK = 0x0100;
if (psm & MS_OCTET_MASK) {
return false;
// The least significant bit of all other octets must be 1
// (Core 5.4, Vol 3, Part A, 4.2).
constexpr uint16_t LOWER_OCTET_MASK = 0x0001;
return false;
return true;
// Updates the |protocol_list| with the provided dynamic |psm|.
// Returns true if the list was updated, false if the list couldn't be updated.
bool UpdateProtocolWithPsm(DataElement& protocol_list, l2cap::Psm psm) {
const auto* l2cap_protocol = protocol_list.At(0);
const auto* prot_uuid = l2cap_protocol->At(0);
if (!prot_uuid || prot_uuid->type() != DataElement::Type::kUuid ||
*prot_uuid->Get<UUID>() != protocol::kL2CAP) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ProtocolDescriptorList is not valid or not L2CAP");
return false;
std::vector<DataElement> result;
// Rebuild the L2CAP protocol by adding UUID & new PSM.
// Copy over the remaining protocol descriptors.
const DataElement* it;
for (size_t idx = 1; nullptr != (it = protocol_list.At(idx)); idx++) {
protocol_list = DataElement(std::move(result));
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Updated protocol list with dynamic PSM %s",
return true;
// Finds the PSM that is specified in a ProtocolDescriptorList
// Returns l2cap::kInvalidPsm if none is found or the list is invalid
l2cap::Psm FindProtocolListPsm(const DataElement& protocol_list) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Trying to find PSM from %s", protocol_list.ToString().c_str());
const auto* l2cap_protocol = protocol_list.At(0);
const auto* prot_uuid = l2cap_protocol->At(0);
if (!prot_uuid || prot_uuid->type() != DataElement::Type::kUuid ||
*prot_uuid->Get<UUID>() != protocol::kL2CAP) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ProtocolDescriptorList is not valid or not L2CAP");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
const auto* psm_elem = l2cap_protocol->At(1);
if (psm_elem && psm_elem->Get<uint16_t>()) {
return *psm_elem->Get<uint16_t>();
if (psm_elem) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ProtocolDescriptorList invalid L2CAP parameter type");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
// The PSM is missing, determined by the next protocol.
const auto* next_protocol = protocol_list.At(1);
if (!next_protocol) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "L2CAP has no PSM and no additional protocol");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
const auto* next_protocol_uuid = next_protocol->At(0);
if (!next_protocol_uuid || next_protocol_uuid->type() != DataElement::Type::kUuid) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "L2CAP has no PSM and additional protocol invalid");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
UUID protocol_uuid = *next_protocol_uuid->Get<UUID>();
// When it's RFCOMM, the L2CAP protocol descriptor omits the PSM parameter
// See example in the SPP Spec, v1.2
if (protocol_uuid == protocol::kRFCOMM) {
return l2cap::kRFCOMM;
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Can't determine L2CAP PSM from protocol");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
l2cap::Psm PsmFromProtocolList(const DataElement* protocol_list) {
const auto* primary_protocol = protocol_list->At(0);
if (!primary_protocol) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ProtocolDescriptorList is not a sequence");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
const auto* prot_uuid = primary_protocol->At(0);
if (!prot_uuid || prot_uuid->type() != DataElement::Type::kUuid) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ProtocolDescriptorList is not valid");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
// We do nothing for primary protocols that are not L2CAP
if (*prot_uuid->Get<UUID>() != protocol::kL2CAP) {
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
l2cap::Psm psm = FindProtocolListPsm(*protocol_list);
if (psm == l2cap::kInvalidPsm) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Couldn't find PSM from ProtocolDescriptorList");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
return psm;
// Sets the browse group list of the record to be the top-level group.
void SetBrowseGroupList(ServiceRecord* record) {
std::vector<DataElement> browse_list;
record->SetAttribute(kBrowseGroupList, DataElement(std::move(browse_list)));
} // namespace
// The VersionNumberList value. (5.0, Vol 3, Part B, 5.2.3)
constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 0x0100; // Version 1.0
// The initial ServiceDatabaseState
constexpr uint32_t kInitialDbState = 0;
// Populates the ServiceDiscoveryService record.
ServiceRecord Server::MakeServiceDiscoveryService() {
ServiceRecord sdp;
// ServiceClassIDList attribute should have the
// ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID
// See v5.0, Vol 3, Part B, Sec 5.2.2
// The VersionNumberList attribute. See v5.0, Vol 3, Part B, Sec 5.2.3
// Version 1.0
std::vector<DataElement> version_attribute;
sdp.SetAttribute(kSDP_VersionNumberList, DataElement(std::move(version_attribute)));
// ServiceDatabaseState attribute. Changes when a service gets added or
// removed.
sdp.SetAttribute(kSDP_ServiceDatabaseState, DataElement(kInitialDbState));
return sdp;
Server::Server(l2cap::ChannelManager* l2cap)
: l2cap_(l2cap), next_handle_(kFirstUnreservedHandle), db_state_(0), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
records_.emplace(kSDPHandle, Server::MakeServiceDiscoveryService());
// Register SDP
l2cap::ChannelParameters sdp_chan_params;
sdp_chan_params.mode = l2cap::RetransmissionAndFlowControlMode::kBasic;
l2cap_->RegisterService(l2cap::kSDP, sdp_chan_params,
[self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](auto channel) {
if (self.is_alive())
// SDP is used by SDP server.
psm_to_service_.emplace(l2cap::kSDP, std::unordered_set<ServiceHandle>({kSDPHandle}));
service_to_psms_.emplace(kSDPHandle, std::unordered_set<l2cap::Psm>({l2cap::kSDP}));
// Update the inspect properties after Server initialization.
Server::~Server() { l2cap_->UnregisterService(l2cap::kSDP); }
void Server::AttachInspect(inspect::Node& parent, std::string name) {
inspect_properties_.sdp_server_node = parent.CreateChild(name);
bool Server::AddConnection(l2cap::Channel::WeakPtr channel) {
hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle = channel->link_handle();
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "add connection handle %#.4x", handle);
l2cap::Channel::UniqueId chan_id = channel->unique_id();
auto iter = channels_.find(chan_id);
if (iter != channels_.end()) {
bt_log(WARN, "sdp", "l2cap channel to %#.4x already connected", handle);
return false;
auto self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
bool activated = channel->Activate(
[self, chan_id, max_tx_sdu_size = channel->max_tx_sdu_size()](ByteBufferPtr sdu) {
if (self.is_alive()) {
auto packet = self->HandleRequest(std::move(sdu), max_tx_sdu_size);
if (packet) {
self->Send(chan_id, std::move(packet.value()));
[self, chan_id] {
if (self.is_alive()) {
if (!activated) {
bt_log(WARN, "sdp", "failed to activate channel (handle %#.4x)", handle);
return false;
self->channels_.emplace(chan_id, std::move(channel));
return true;
bool Server::AddPsmToProtocol(ProtocolQueue* protocols_to_register, l2cap::Psm psm,
ServiceHandle handle) const {
if (psm == l2cap::kInvalidPsm) {
return false;
if (IsAllocated(psm)) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "L2CAP PSM %#.4x is already allocated", psm);
return false;
auto data = std::make_pair(psm, handle);
return true;
l2cap::Psm Server::GetDynamicPsm(const ProtocolQueue* queued_psms) const {
// Generate a random PSM in the valid range of PSMs.
// RNG(Range(MIN, MAX)) = MIN + RNG(MAX-MIN) where MIN = kMinDynamicPSM = 0x1001. MAX = 0xffff.
uint16_t offset = 0;
constexpr uint16_t MAX_MINUS_MIN = 0xeffe;
random_generator()->GetInt(offset, MAX_MINUS_MIN);
uint16_t psm = l2cap::kMinDynamicPsm + offset;
// LSB of upper octet must be 0. LSB of lower octet must be 1.
constexpr uint16_t UPPER_OCTET_MASK = 0xFEFF;
constexpr uint16_t LOWER_OCTET_MASK = 0x0001;
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "Trying random dynamic PSM %#.4x", psm);
// Check if the PSM is valid (e.g. valid construction, not allocated, & not queued).
if ((IsValidPsm(psm)) && (!IsAllocated(psm)) && (!IsQueuedPsm(queued_psms, psm))) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Generated random dynamic PSM %#.4x", psm);
return psm;
// Otherwise, fall back to sequentially finding the next available PSM.
bool search_wrapped = false;
for (uint16_t next_psm = psm + 2; next_psm <= UINT16_MAX; next_psm += 2) {
if ((IsValidPsm(next_psm)) && (!IsAllocated(next_psm)) &&
(!IsQueuedPsm(queued_psms, next_psm))) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Generated sequential dynamic PSM %#.4x", next_psm);
return next_psm;
// If we reach the max valid PSM, wrap around to the minimum valid dynamic PSM. Only try this
// once.
if (next_psm == 0xFEFF) {
next_psm = l2cap::kMinDynamicPsm;
if (search_wrapped) {
search_wrapped = true;
bt_log(WARN, "sdp", "Couldn't find an available dynamic PSM");
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
bool Server::QueueService(ServiceRecord* record, ProtocolQueue* protocols_to_register) {
// ProtocolDescriptorList handling:
if (record->HasAttribute(kProtocolDescriptorList)) {
const auto& primary_protocol = record->GetAttribute(kProtocolDescriptorList);
auto psm = PsmFromProtocolList(&primary_protocol);
if (psm == kDynamicPsm) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Primary protocol contains dynamic PSM");
auto primary_protocol_copy = primary_protocol.Clone();
psm = GetDynamicPsm(protocols_to_register);
if (!UpdateProtocolWithPsm(primary_protocol_copy, psm)) {
return false;
record->SetAttribute(kProtocolDescriptorList, std::move(primary_protocol_copy));
if (!AddPsmToProtocol(protocols_to_register, psm, record->handle())) {
return false;
// AdditionalProtocolDescriptorList handling:
if (record->HasAttribute(kAdditionalProtocolDescriptorList)) {
// |additional_list| is a list of ProtocolDescriptorLists.
const auto& additional_list = record->GetAttribute(kAdditionalProtocolDescriptorList);
size_t attribute_id = 0;
const auto* additional = additional_list.At(attribute_id);
// If `kAdditionalProtocolDescriptorList` exists, there should be at least one
// protocol provided.
if (!additional) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "AdditionalProtocolDescriptorList provided but empty");
return false;
// Add valid additional PSMs to the register queue. Because some additional protocols may need
// dynamic PSM assignment, modify the relevant protocols and rebuild the list.
std::vector<DataElement> additional_protocols;
while (additional) {
auto psm = PsmFromProtocolList(additional);
auto additional_protocol_copy = additional->Clone();
if (psm == kDynamicPsm) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Additional protocol contains dynamic PSM");
psm = GetDynamicPsm(protocols_to_register);
if (!UpdateProtocolWithPsm(additional_protocol_copy, psm)) {
return l2cap::kInvalidPsm;
if (!AddPsmToProtocol(protocols_to_register, psm, record->handle())) {
return false;
additional = additional_list.At(attribute_id);
// For some services that depend on OBEX, the L2CAP PSM is specified in the GoepL2capPsm
// attribute.
bool has_obex = record->FindUUID(std::unordered_set<UUID>({protocol::kOBEX}));
if (has_obex && record->HasAttribute(kGoepL2capPsm)) {
const auto& attribute = record->GetAttribute(kGoepL2capPsm);
if (attribute.Get<uint16_t>()) {
auto psm = *attribute.Get<uint16_t>();
// If a dynamic PSM was requested, attempt to allocate the next available PSM.
if (psm == kDynamicPsm) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "GoepL2capAttribute contains dynamic PSM");
psm = GetDynamicPsm(protocols_to_register);
record->SetAttribute(kGoepL2capPsm, DataElement(uint16_t{psm}));
if (!AddPsmToProtocol(protocols_to_register, psm, record->handle())) {
return false;
return true;
RegistrationHandle Server::RegisterService(std::vector<ServiceRecord> records,
l2cap::ChannelParameters chan_params,
ConnectCallback conn_cb) {
if (records.empty()) {
return 0;
// The PSMs and their ServiceHandles to register.
ProtocolQueue protocols_to_register;
// The ServiceHandles that are assigned to each ServiceRecord.
// There should be one ServiceHandle per ServiceRecord in |records|.
std::set<ServiceHandle> assigned_handles;
for (auto& record : records) {
ServiceHandle next = GetNextHandle();
if (!next) {
return 0;
// Assign a new handle for the service record.
if (!record.IsProtocolOnly()) {
// Place record in a browse group.
// Validate the |ServiceRecord|.
if (!record.IsRegisterable()) {
return 0;
// Attempt to queue the |record| for registration.
// Note: Since the validation & queueing operations for ALL the records
// occur before registration, multiple ServiceRecords can share the same PSM.
// If any |record| is not parsable, exit the registration process early.
if (!QueueService(&record, &protocols_to_register)) {
return 0;
// For every ServiceRecord, there will be one ServiceHandle assigned.
BT_ASSERT(assigned_handles.size() == records.size());
// The RegistrationHandle is the smallest ServiceHandle that was assigned.
RegistrationHandle reg_handle = *assigned_handles.begin();
// Multiple ServiceRecords in |records| can request the same PSM. However,
// |l2cap_| expects a single target for each PSM to go to. Consequently,
// only the first occurrence of a PSM needs to be registered with the |l2cap_|.
std::unordered_set<l2cap::Psm> psms_to_register;
// All PSMs have assigned handles and will be registered.
for (auto& [psm, handle] : protocols_to_register) {
// Add unique PSMs to the data domain registration queue.
for (const auto& psm : psms_to_register) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Allocating PSM %#.4x for new service", psm);
psm, chan_params,
[psm = psm, conn_cb = conn_cb.share()](l2cap::Channel::WeakPtr channel) mutable {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "Channel connected to %#.4x", psm);
// Build the L2CAP descriptor
std::vector<DataElement> protocol_l2cap;
std::vector<DataElement> protocol;
conn_cb(std::move(channel), DataElement(std::move(protocol)));
// Store the complete records.
for (auto& record : records) {
auto [it, success] = records_.emplace(record.handle(), std::move(record));
const ServiceRecord& placed_record = it->second;
if (placed_record.IsProtocolOnly()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "registered protocol-only service %#.8x, Protocol: %s",
placed_record.handle(), bt_str(placed_record.GetAttribute(kProtocolDescriptorList)));
} else {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "registered service %#.8x, classes: %s", placed_record.handle(),
// Store the RegistrationHandle that represents the set of services that were registered.
reg_to_service_[reg_handle] = std::move(assigned_handles);
// Update the inspect properties.
return reg_handle;
bool Server::UnregisterService(RegistrationHandle handle) {
if (handle == kNotRegistered) {
return false;
auto handles_it = reg_to_service_.extract(handle);
if (!handles_it) {
return false;
for (const auto& svc_h : handles_it.mapped()) {
BT_ASSERT(svc_h != kSDPHandle);
BT_ASSERT(records_.find(svc_h) != records_.end());
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "unregistering service (handle: %#.8x)", svc_h);
// Unregister any service callbacks from L2CAP
auto psms_it = service_to_psms_.extract(svc_h);
if (psms_it) {
for (const auto& psm : psms_it.mapped()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "removing registration for psm %#.4x", psm);
// Update the inspect properties as the registered PSMs may have changed.
return true;
ServiceHandle Server::GetNextHandle() {
ServiceHandle initial_next_handle = next_handle_;
// We expect most of these to be free.
// Safeguard against possibly having to wrap-around and reuse handles.
while (records_.count(next_handle_)) {
if (next_handle_ == kLastHandle) {
bt_log(WARN, "sdp", "service handle wrapped to start");
next_handle_ = kFirstUnreservedHandle;
} else {
if (next_handle_ == initial_next_handle) {
return 0;
return next_handle_++;
ServiceSearchResponse Server::SearchServices(const std::unordered_set<UUID>& pattern) const {
ServiceSearchResponse resp;
std::vector<ServiceHandle> matched;
for (const auto& it : records_) {
if (it.second.FindUUID(pattern) && !it.second.IsProtocolOnly()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceSearch matched %zu records", matched.size());
return resp;
ServiceAttributeResponse Server::GetServiceAttributes(
ServiceHandle handle, const std::list<AttributeRange>& ranges) const {
ServiceAttributeResponse resp;
const auto& record =;
for (const auto& range : ranges) {
auto attrs = record.GetAttributesInRange(range.start, range.end);
for (const auto& attr : attrs) {
resp.set_attribute(attr, record.GetAttribute(attr).Clone());
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceAttribute %zu attributes", resp.attributes().size());
return resp;
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse Server::SearchAllServiceAttributes(
const std::unordered_set<UUID>& search_pattern,
const std::list<AttributeRange>& attribute_ranges) const {
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse resp;
for (const auto& it : records_) {
const auto& rec = it.second;
if (rec.IsProtocolOnly()) {
if (rec.FindUUID(search_pattern)) {
for (const auto& range : attribute_ranges) {
auto attrs = rec.GetAttributesInRange(range.start, range.end);
for (const auto& attr : attrs) {
resp.SetAttribute(it.first, attr, rec.GetAttribute(attr).Clone());
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceSearchAttribute %zu records", resp.num_attribute_lists());
return resp;
void Server::OnChannelClosed(l2cap::Channel::UniqueId channel_id) { channels_.erase(channel_id); }
std::optional<ByteBufferPtr> Server::HandleRequest(ByteBufferPtr sdu, uint16_t max_tx_sdu_size) {
TRACE_DURATION("bluetooth", "sdp::Server::HandleRequest");
if (sdu->size() < sizeof(Header)) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "PDU too short; dropping");
return std::nullopt;
PacketView<Header> packet(sdu.get());
TransactionId tid = betoh16(packet.header().tid);
uint16_t param_length = betoh16(packet.header().param_length);
auto error_response_builder = [tid, max_tx_sdu_size](ErrorCode code) -> ByteBufferPtr {
return ErrorResponse(code).GetPDU(0 /* ignored */, tid, max_tx_sdu_size, BufferView());
if (param_length != (sdu->size() - sizeof(Header))) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "request isn't the correct size (%hu != %zu)", param_length,
sdu->size() - sizeof(Header));
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidSize);
switch (packet.header().pdu_id) {
case kServiceSearchRequest: {
ServiceSearchRequest request(packet.payload_data());
if (!request.valid()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "sdp", "ServiceSearchRequest not valid");
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRequestSyntax);
auto resp = SearchServices(request.service_search_pattern());
auto bytes = resp.GetPDU(request.max_service_record_count(), tid, max_tx_sdu_size,
if (!bytes) {
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidContinuationState);
return std::move(bytes);
case kServiceAttributeRequest: {
ServiceAttributeRequest request(packet.payload_data());
if (!request.valid()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceAttributeRequest not valid");
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRequestSyntax);
auto handle = request.service_record_handle();
auto record_it = records_.find(handle);
if (record_it == records_.end() || record_it->second.IsProtocolOnly()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceAttributeRequest can't find handle %#.8x", handle);
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRecordHandle);
auto resp = GetServiceAttributes(handle, request.attribute_ranges());
auto bytes = resp.GetPDU(request.max_attribute_byte_count(), tid, max_tx_sdu_size,
if (!bytes) {
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidContinuationState);
return std::move(bytes);
case kServiceSearchAttributeRequest: {
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest request(packet.payload_data());
if (!request.valid()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ServiceSearchAttributeRequest not valid");
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRequestSyntax);
auto resp =
SearchAllServiceAttributes(request.service_search_pattern(), request.attribute_ranges());
auto bytes = resp.GetPDU(request.max_attribute_byte_count(), tid, max_tx_sdu_size,
if (!bytes) {
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidContinuationState);
return std::move(bytes);
case kErrorResponse: {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "ErrorResponse isn't allowed as a request");
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRequestSyntax);
default: {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "unhandled request, returning InvalidRequest");
return error_response_builder(ErrorCode::kInvalidRequestSyntax);
void Server::Send(l2cap::Channel::UniqueId channel_id, ByteBufferPtr bytes) {
auto it = channels_.find(channel_id);
if (it == channels_.end()) {
bt_log(ERROR, "sdp", "can't find peer to respond to; dropping");
l2cap::Channel::WeakPtr chan = it->second.get();
void Server::UpdateInspectProperties() {
// Skip update if node has not been attached.
if (!inspect_properties_.sdp_server_node) {
// Clear the previous inspect data.
for (const auto& svc_record : records_) {
auto record_string = svc_record.second.ToString();
auto psms_it = service_to_psms_.find(svc_record.first);
std::unordered_set<l2cap::Psm> psm_set;
if (psms_it != service_to_psms_.end()) {
psm_set = psms_it->second;
InspectProperties::InspectServiceRecordProperties svc_rec_props(std::move(record_string),
auto& parent = inspect_properties_.sdp_server_node;
svc_rec_props.AttachInspect(parent, parent.UniqueName(kInspectRecordName));
std::set<l2cap::Psm> Server::AllocatedPsmsForTest() const {
std::set<l2cap::Psm> allocated;
for (auto it = psm_to_service_.begin(); it != psm_to_service_.end(); ++it) {
return allocated;
std::string record, std::unordered_set<l2cap::Psm> psms)
: record(std::move(record)), psms(std::move(psms)) {}
void Server::InspectProperties::InspectServiceRecordProperties::AttachInspect(inspect::Node& parent,
std::string name) {
node = parent.CreateChild(name);
record_property = node.CreateString(kInspectRecordName, record);
psms_node = node.CreateChild(kInspectRegisteredPsmName);
for (const auto& psm : psms) {
auto psm_node = psms_node.CreateChild(psms_node.UniqueName(kInspectPsmName));
auto psm_string = psm_node.CreateString(kInspectPsmName, l2cap::PsmToString(psm));
psm_nodes.emplace_back(std::move(psm_node), std::move(psm_string));
} // namespace bt::sdp