pw_build: Python API

- Improvements to the BuildCommand and BuildRecipe APIs
- Allow --build-system-commands for pw watch and pw build commands
  to be chained.
- Added logfile related options:
  --logfile FILE to log build output
  --separate-logfiles option to break out build output to a separate
    log file per out directory.
- run_builds() function to execute a collection of BuildRecipes
- run_watch() function to pw-watch a collection of BuildRecipes
- Improvements to the print_build_summary output. Pending builds are
  now shown with slug '...'.
- Hookup -j, --keep-going, and --colors options for bazel

Change-Id: I9b856d4324b3851b8e0071626992de8c2f71e2bd
Pigweed-Auto-Submit: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
Commit-Queue: Auto-Submit <>
Reviewed-by: Chad Norvell <>
diff --git a/pw_build/py/ b/pw_build/py/
index 4b5e7a5..6361da5 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/
+++ b/pw_build/py/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 """Tests for pw_watch.build_recipe"""
 from pathlib import Path
+import shlex
 import unittest
 from parameterized import parameterized  # type: ignore
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
                 'cmake shell command',
-                    command_string='cmake -G Ninja -S ./ -B outcmake',
+                    command=shlex.split('cmake -G Ninja -S ./ -B outcmake'),
                 # result
                 ['cmake', '-G', 'Ninja', '-S', './', '-B', 'outcmake'],
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
                 'gn shell command',
-                    command_string='gn gen out --export-compile-commands',
+                    command=shlex.split('gn gen out --export-compile-commands'),
                 # result
                 ['gn', 'gen', 'out', '--export-compile-commands'],
@@ -81,11 +82,22 @@
                 'python shell command',
-                    command_string='python pw_build/py/',
+                    command=shlex.split(
+                        'python pw_build/py/'
+                    ),
                 # result
                 ['python', 'pw_build/py/'],
+            (
+                'gn shell command with a list',
+                BuildCommand(
+                    build_dir=Path('out'),
+                    command=['gn', 'gen', 'out', '--export-compile-commands'],
+                ),
+                # result
+                ['gn', 'gen', 'out', '--export-compile-commands'],
+            ),
     def test_build_command_get_args(
diff --git a/pw_build/py/ b/pw_build/py/
index 1944ad4..9ede88f 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/
+++ b/pw_build/py/
@@ -85,7 +85,10 @@
         changed_args = {
             'jobs': 8,
             'colors': False,
-            'build_system_commands': [['default', 'bazel']],
+            'build_system_commands': [
+                ['out', 'bazel build'],
+                ['out', 'bazel test'],
+            ],
@@ -94,7 +97,13 @@
         # apply_command_line_args modifies build_system_commands to match the
         # prefs dict format.
         changed_args['build_system_commands'] = {
-            'default': {'command': 'bazel'}
+            'default': {'commands': [{'command': 'ninja', 'extra_args': []}]},
+            'out': {
+                'commands': [
+                    {'command': 'bazel', 'extra_args': ['build']},
+                    {'command': 'bazel', 'extra_args': ['test']},
+                ],
+            },
         # Check that only args changed from their defaults are applied.
diff --git a/pw_build/py/pw_build/ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
index 6ed1af7..3387afb 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/pw_build/
+++ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 """Watch build config dataclasses."""
 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+import logging
 from pathlib import Path
 import shlex
-from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Callable, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
     from pw_build.project_builder_prefs import ProjectBuilderPrefs
@@ -27,28 +28,91 @@
     """Exception for requesting unsupported build systems."""
+class UnknownBuildDir(Exception):
+    """Exception for an unknown build dir before command running."""
 class BuildCommand:
-    """Store details of a single build step."""
+    """Store details of a single build step.
-    build_dir: Path
+    Example usage:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        from pw_build.build_recipe import BuildCommand, BuildRecipe
+        def should_gen_gn(out: Path):
+            return not (out / '').is_file()
+        cmd1 = BuildCommand(build_dir='out',
+                            command=['gn', 'gen', '{build_dir}'],
+                            run_if=should_gen_gn)
+        cmd2 = BuildCommand(build_dir='out',
+                            build_system_command='ninja',
+                            build_system_extra_args=['-k', '0'],
+                            targets=['default']),
+    Args:
+        build_dir: Output directory for this build command. This can be omitted
+            if the BuildCommand is included in the steps of a BuildRecipe.
+        build_system_command: This command should end with ``ninja``, ``make``,
+            or ``bazel``.
+        build_system_extra_args: A list of extra arguments passed to the
+            build_system_command. If running ``bazel test`` include ``test`` as
+            an extra arg here.
+        targets: Optional list of targets to build in the build_dir.
+        command: List of strings to run as a command. These are passed to
+   Any instances of the ``'{build_dir}'`` string
+            literal will be replaced at run time with the out directory.
+        run_if: A callable function to run before executing this
+            BuildCommand. The callable takes one Path arg for the build_dir. If
+            the callable returns true this command is executed. All
+            BuildCommands are run by default.
+    """
+    build_dir: Optional[Path] = None
     build_system_command: Optional[str] = None
     build_system_extra_args: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
     targets: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
-    command_string: str = ''
+    command: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+    run_if: Callable[[Path], bool] = lambda _build_dir: True
     def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-        self._expanded_args: List[str] = shlex.split(self.command_string)
+        # Copy self._expanded_args from the command list.
+        self._expanded_args: List[str] = []
+        if self.command:
+            self._expanded_args = self.command
+    def should_run(self) -> bool:
+        """Return True if this build command should be run."""
+        if self.build_dir:
+            return self.run_if(self.build_dir)
+        return True
+    def _get_starting_build_system_args(self) -> List[str]:
+        """Return flags that appear immediately after the build command."""
+        assert self.build_system_command
+        assert self.build_dir
+        if self.build_system_command.endswith('bazel'):
+            return ['--output_base', str(self.build_dir)]
+        return []
     def _get_build_system_args(self) -> List[str]:
         assert self.build_system_command
+        assert self.build_dir
+        # Both make and ninja use -C for a build directory.
         if self.build_system_command.endswith(
         ) or self.build_system_command.endswith('ninja'):
             return ['-C', str(self.build_dir), *self.targets]
+        # Bazel relies on --output_base which is handled by the
+        # _get_starting_build_system_args() function.
         if self.build_system_command.endswith('bazel'):
-            return ['--output_base', str(self.build_dir), *self.targets]
+            return [*self.targets]
         raise UnknownBuildSystem(
             f'\n\nUnknown build system command "{self.build_system_command}" '
@@ -56,34 +120,174 @@
             'Supported commands: ninja, bazel, make'
+    def _resolve_expanded_args(self) -> List[str]:
+        """Replace instances of '{build_dir}' with the self.build_dir."""
+        resolved_args = []
+        for arg in self._expanded_args:
+            if arg == "{build_dir}":
+                if not self.build_dir:
+                    raise UnknownBuildDir(
+                        '\n\nUnknown "{build_dir}" value for command:\n'
+                        f'  {self._expanded_args}\n'
+                        f'In BuildCommand: {repr(self)}\n\n'
+                        'Check build_dir is set for the above BuildCommand'
+                        'or included as a step to a BuildRecipe.'
+                    )
+                resolved_args.append(str(self.build_dir.resolve()))
+            else:
+                resolved_args.append(arg)
+        return resolved_args
+    def ninja_command(self) -> bool:
+        if self.build_system_command and self.build_system_command.endswith(
+            'ninja'
+        ):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def bazel_command(self) -> bool:
+        if self.build_system_command and self.build_system_command.endswith(
+            'bazel'
+        ):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def bazel_build_command(self) -> bool:
+        if self.bazel_command() and 'build' in self.build_system_extra_args:
+            return True
+        return False
     def get_args(
-        additional_build_args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        additional_ninja_args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        additional_bazel_args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        additional_bazel_build_args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
     ) -> List[str]:
-        if self.build_system_command:
-            extra_args = []
-            extra_args.extend(self.build_system_extra_args)
-            if additional_build_args:
-                extra_args.extend(additional_build_args)
-            command = [
-                self.build_system_command,
-                *extra_args,
-                *self._get_build_system_args(),
-            ]
-            return command
-        return self._expanded_args
+        # If this is a plain command step, return self._expanded_args as-is.
+        if not self.build_system_command:
+            return self._resolve_expanded_args()
+        # Assmemble user-defined extra args.
+        extra_args = []
+        extra_args.extend(self.build_system_extra_args)
+        if additional_ninja_args and self.ninja_command():
+            extra_args.extend(additional_ninja_args)
+        if additional_bazel_build_args and self.bazel_build_command():
+            extra_args.extend(additional_bazel_build_args)
+        if additional_bazel_args and self.bazel_command():
+            extra_args.extend(additional_bazel_args)
+        # Construct the build system command args.
+        command = [
+            self.build_system_command,
+            *self._get_starting_build_system_args(),
+            *extra_args,
+            *self._get_build_system_args(),
+        ]
+        return command
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return ' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in self.get_args())
+class BuildRecipeStatus:
+    current_step: str = ''
+    percent: float = 0.0
+    error_count: int = 0
+    return_code: Optional[int] = None
+    def pending(self) -> bool:
+        return self.return_code is None
+    def failed(self) -> bool:
+        if self.return_code is not None:
+            return self.return_code != 0
+        return False
+    def passed(self) -> bool:
+        if self.return_code is not None:
+            return self.return_code == 0
+        return False
 class BuildRecipe:
+    """Dataclass to store a list of BuildCommands.
+    Example usage:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        from pw_build.build_recipe import BuildCommand, BuildRecipe
+        def should_gen_gn(out: Path) -> bool:
+            return not (out / '').is_file()
+        recipe = BuildRecipe(
+            build_dir='out',
+            title='Vanilla Ninja Build',
+            steps=[
+                BuildCommand(command=['gn', 'gen', '{build_dir}'],
+                             run_if=should_gen_gn),
+                BuildCommand(build_system_command='ninja',
+                             build_system_extra_args=['-k', '0'],
+                             targets=['default']),
+            ],
+        )
+    Args:
+        build_dir: Output directory for this BuildRecipe. On init this out dir
+            is set for all included steps.
+        steps: List of BuildCommands to run.
+        title: Custom title. The build_dir is used if this is ommited.
+    """
     build_dir: Path
-    steps: List[BuildCommand]
-    build_system_command: Optional[str] = None
+    steps: List[BuildCommand] = field(default_factory=list)
     title: Optional[str] = None
+    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
+        # Update all included steps to use this recipe's build_dir.
+        for step in self.steps:
+            if self.build_dir:
+                step.build_dir = self.build_dir
+        # Set logging variables
+        self._logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None
+        self._logfile: Optional[Path] = None
+        self._status: BuildRecipeStatus = BuildRecipeStatus()
+    def set_targets(self, new_targets: List[str]) -> None:
+        """Reset all build step targets."""
+        for step in self.steps:
+            step.targets = new_targets
+    def set_logger(self, logger: logging.Logger) -> None:
+        self._logger = logger
+    def set_logfile(self, log_file: Path) -> None:
+        self._logfile = log_file
+    def reset_status(self) -> None:
+        self._status = BuildRecipeStatus()
+    @property
+    def status(self) -> BuildRecipeStatus:
+        return self._status
+    @property
+    def log(self) -> logging.Logger:
+        if self._logger:
+            return self._logger
+        return logging.getLogger()
+    @property
+    def logfile(self) -> Optional[Path]:
+        return self._logfile
     def display_name(self) -> str:
         if self.title:
@@ -96,10 +300,11 @@
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        message = f"{self.display_name}"
+        message = self.display_name
         targets = self.targets()
         if targets:
-            message = '{}  ({})'.format(message, ' '.join(self.targets()))
+            target_list = ' '.join(self.targets())
+            message = f'{message} -- {target_list}'
         return message
@@ -112,9 +317,7 @@
-                    steps=[
-                        BuildCommand(Path.cwd(), command_string=command_str)
-                    ],
+                    steps=[BuildCommand(command=shlex.split(command_str))],
@@ -122,27 +325,25 @@
     for build_dir, targets in prefs.build_directories.items():
         steps: List[BuildCommand] = []
         build_path = Path(build_dir)
-        (
-            build_system_command,
-            build_system_extra_args,
-        ) = prefs.build_system_commands(build_dir)
         if not targets:
             targets = []
-        steps.append(
-            BuildCommand(
-                build_dir=build_path,
-                build_system_command=build_system_command,
-                build_system_extra_args=build_system_extra_args,
-                targets=targets,
+        for (
+            build_system_command,
+            build_system_extra_args,
+        ) in prefs.build_system_commands(build_dir):
+            steps.append(
+                BuildCommand(
+                    build_system_command=build_system_command,
+                    build_system_extra_args=build_system_extra_args,
+                    targets=targets,
+                )
-        )
-                build_system_command=build_system_command,
diff --git a/pw_build/py/pw_build/ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
index 0068321..6b91756 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/pw_build/
+++ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
@@ -13,21 +13,36 @@
 # the License.
 """Build a Pigweed Project.
+Run arbitrary commands or invoke build systems (Ninja, Bazel and make) on one or
+more build directories.
 Usage examples:
+  # Build the default target in out/ using ninja.
+  python -m pw_build.project_builder -C out
   # Build pw_run_tests.modules in the out/cmake directory
-  pw build -C out/cmake pw_run_tests.modules
+  python -m pw_build.project_builder -C out/cmake pw_run_tests.modules
   # Build the default target in out/ and pw_apps in out/cmake
-  pw build -C out -C out/cmake pw_apps
+  python -m pw_build.project_builder -C out -C out/cmake pw_apps
-  # Find a directory and build python.tests, and build pw_apps in out/cmake
-  pw build python.tests -C out/cmake pw_apps
+  # Build python.tests in out/ and pw_apps in out/cmake/
+  python -m pw_build.project_builder python.tests -C out/cmake pw_apps
+  # Run 'bazel build' and 'bazel test' on the target '//...' in outbazel/
+  python -m pw_build.project_builder --run-command 'mkdir -p outbazel'
+  -C outbazel '//...'
+  --build-system-command outbazel 'bazel build'
+  --build-system-command outbazel 'bazel test'
 import argparse
+import concurrent.futures
 import os
 import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
 import shlex
 import sys
 import subprocess
@@ -42,11 +57,11 @@
 import pw_cli.log
 import pw_cli.env
 from pw_build.build_recipe import BuildRecipe, create_build_recipes
 from pw_build.project_builder_prefs import ProjectBuilderPrefs
 from pw_build.project_builder_argparse import add_project_builder_arguments
 _COLOR = pw_cli.color.colors()
@@ -79,10 +94,15 @@
 class ProjectBuilderCharset(NamedTuple):
     slug_ok: str
     slug_fail: str
+    slug_building: str
-ASCII_CHARSET = ProjectBuilderCharset('OK  '),'FAIL'))
-EMOJI_CHARSET = ProjectBuilderCharset('✔️ ', '💥')
+ASCII_CHARSET = ProjectBuilderCharset(
+'OK  '),
+    _COLOR.yellow('... '),
+EMOJI_CHARSET = ProjectBuilderCharset('✔️ ', '❌', '⏱️ ')
 def _exit(*args) -> NoReturn:
@@ -98,37 +118,262 @@
-def _execute_command(command: list, env: dict) -> bool:
+_NINJA_BUILD_STEP = re.compile(
+    r'^\[(?P<step>[0-9]+)/(?P<total_steps>[0-9]+)\] (?P<action>.*)$'
+def execute_command_no_logging(
+    command: List,
+    env: Dict,
+    recipe: BuildRecipe,
+    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
+    line_processed_callback: Optional[Callable[[BuildRecipe], None]] = None,
+    # pylint: enable=unused-argument
+) -> bool:
     current_build =, env=env, errors='replace')
+    recipe.status.return_code = current_build.returncode
     return current_build.returncode == 0
-class ProjectBuilder:
+def execute_command_with_logging(
+    command: List,
+    env: Dict,
+    recipe: BuildRecipe,
+    logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
+    line_processed_callback: Optional[Callable[[BuildRecipe], None]] = None,
+) -> bool:
+    """Run a command in a subprocess and log all output."""
+    current_stdout = ''
+    returncode = None
+    with subprocess.Popen(
+        command,
+        env=env,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        errors='replace',
+    ) as proc:
+        # Empty line at the start.
+        while returncode is None:
+            output = ''
+            error_output = ''
+            if proc.stdout:
+                output += proc.stdout.readline()
+                current_stdout += output
+            if proc.stderr:
+                error_output += proc.stderr.readline()
+                current_stdout += error_output
+            if not output and not error_output:
+                returncode = proc.poll()
+                continue
+            line_match_result = _NINJA_BUILD_STEP.match(output)
+            if line_match_result:
+                matches = line_match_result.groupdict()
+                recipe.status.current_step =
+                recipe.status.percent = float(
+                    int(matches.get('step', 0))
+                    / int(matches.get('total_steps', 1))
+                )
+            if output.startswith(_NINJA_FAILURE_TEXT):
+                logger.error(output.strip())
+                recipe.status.error_count += 1
+            else:
+                # Mypy output mixes character encoding in its colored output
+                # due to it's use of the curses module retrieving the 'sgr0'
+                # (or exit_attribute_mode) capability from the host
+                # machine's terminfo database.
+                #
+                # This can result in this sequence ending up in STDOUT as
+                # b'\x1b(B\x1b[m'. (B tells terminals to interpret text as
+                # USASCII encoding but will appear in prompt_toolkit as a B
+                # character.
+                #
+                # The following replace calls will strip out those
+                # instances.
+                    output.replace('\x1b(B\x1b[m', '')
+                    .replace('\x1b[1m', '')
+                    .strip()
+                )
+            if line_processed_callback:
+                line_processed_callback(recipe)
+        recipe.status.return_code = returncode
+        # Empty line at the end.
+    return returncode == 0
+def log_build_recipe_start(
+    index_message: str,
+    project_builder: 'ProjectBuilder',
+    cfg: BuildRecipe,
+    logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
+) -> None:
+    if project_builder.separate_build_file_logging:
+        cfg.log.propagate = False
+    build_start_msg = ' '.join(
+        [index_message, _COLOR.cyan('Starting ==>'), str(cfg)]
+    )
+    if cfg.logfile:
+            '%s %s: %s',
+            index_message,
+            _COLOR.yellow('Logging to'),
+            cfg.logfile.resolve(),
+        )
+def log_build_recipe_finish(
+    index_message: str,
+    project_builder: 'ProjectBuilder',  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    cfg: BuildRecipe,
+    logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
+) -> None:
+    if cfg.status.failed():
+        level = logging.ERROR
+        tag ='(FAIL)')
+    else:
+        level = logging.INFO
+        tag ='(OK)')
+    build_finish_msg = [
+        level,
+        '%s %s %s %s',
+        index_message,
+        _COLOR.cyan('Finished ==>'),
+        cfg,
+        tag,
+    ]
+    logger.log(*build_finish_msg)
+    if cfg.logfile:
+        cfg.log.log(*build_finish_msg)
+class MissingGlobalLogfile(Exception):
+    """Exception raised if a global logfile is not specifed."""
+class ProjectBuilder:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
     """Pigweed Project Builder"""
     def __init__(
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
         build_recipes: Sequence[BuildRecipe],
         jobs: Optional[int] = None,
         banners: bool = True,
         keep_going: bool = False,
         abort_callback: Callable = _exit,
-        execute_command: Callable[[List, Dict], bool] = _execute_command,
+        execute_command: Callable[
+            [List, Dict, BuildRecipe, logging.Logger, Optional[Callable]], bool
+        ] = execute_command_no_logging,
         charset: ProjectBuilderCharset = ASCII_CHARSET,
         colors: bool = True,
+        separate_build_file_logging: bool = False,
+        root_logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
+        root_logfile: Optional[Path] = None,
+        log_level: int = logging.INFO,
-        self.colors = colors
         self.charset: ProjectBuilderCharset = charset
         self.abort_callback = abort_callback
         self.execute_command = execute_command
         self.banners = banners
         self.build_recipes = build_recipes
-        self.extra_ninja_args = [] if jobs is None else ['-j', f'{jobs}']
+        self.max_name_width = max(
+            [len(str(step.display_name)) for step in self.build_recipes]
+        )
+        self.extra_ninja_args: List[str] = []
+        self.extra_bazel_args: List[str] = []
+        self.extra_bazel_build_args: List[str] = []
+        if jobs:
+            job_args = ['-j', f'{jobs}']
+            self.extra_ninja_args.extend(job_args)
+            self.extra_bazel_build_args.extend(job_args)
         if keep_going:
             self.extra_ninja_args.extend(['-k', '0'])
+            self.extra_bazel_build_args.extend(['-k'])
+        self.colors = colors
+        if colors:
+            self.extra_bazel_args.append('--color=yes')
+        else:
+            self.extra_bazel_args.append('--color=no')
+        if separate_build_file_logging and not root_logfile:
+            raise MissingGlobalLogfile(
+                '\n\nA logfile must be specified if using separate logs per '
+                'build directory.'
+            )
+        self.separate_build_file_logging = separate_build_file_logging
+        self.default_log_level = log_level
+        self.default_logfile = root_logfile
+        if root_logfile:
+            timestamp_fmt = _COLOR.black_on_white('%(asctime)s') + ' '
+            formatter = logging.Formatter(
+                timestamp_fmt + '%(levelname)s %(message)s', '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S'
+            )
+            self.execute_command = execute_command_with_logging
+            build_log_filehandler = logging.FileHandler(
+                root_logfile, encoding='utf-8'
+            )
+            build_log_filehandler.setLevel(log_level)
+            build_log_filehandler.setFormatter(formatter)
+            root_logger.addHandler(build_log_filehandler)
+            if not separate_build_file_logging:
+                for recipe in self.build_recipes:
+                    recipe.set_logger(root_logger)
+            else:
+                for recipe in self.build_recipes:
+                    new_logger = logging.getLogger(
+                        f'{}.{recipe.display_name}'
+                    )
+                    new_logger.setLevel(log_level)
+                    new_logger.propagate = False
+                    new_logfile = root_logfile.parent / (
+                        root_logfile.stem
+                        + '_'
+                        + recipe.display_name.replace(' ', '_')
+                        + root_logfile.suffix
+                    )
+                    new_log_filehandler = logging.FileHandler(
+                        new_logfile, encoding='utf-8'
+                    )
+                    new_log_filehandler.setLevel(log_level)
+                    new_log_filehandler.setFormatter(formatter)
+                    new_logger.addHandler(new_log_filehandler)
+                    recipe.set_logger(new_logger)
+                    recipe.set_logfile(new_logfile)
     def __len__(self) -> int:
         return len(self.build_recipes)
@@ -140,7 +385,10 @@
         return (build_recipe for build_recipe in self.build_recipes)
     def run_build(
-        self, cfg: BuildRecipe, env: Dict, index_message: Optional[str] = ''
+        self,
+        cfg: BuildRecipe,
+        env: Dict,
+        index_message: Optional[str] = '',
     ) -> bool:
         """Run a single build config."""
         if self.colors:
@@ -150,26 +398,45 @@
             env['CLICOLOR_FORCE'] = '1'
         build_succeded = False
+        cfg.reset_status()
         for command_step in cfg.steps:
             command_args = command_step.get_args(
-                additional_build_args=self.extra_ninja_args
-            )
-                '%s Running ==> %s',
-                index_message,
-                ' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in command_args),
+                additional_ninja_args=self.extra_ninja_args,
+                additional_bazel_args=self.extra_bazel_args,
+                additional_bazel_build_args=self.extra_bazel_build_args,
             # Verify that the build output directories exist.
-            if command_step.build_system_command is not None and (
-                not cfg.build_dir.is_dir()
+            if (
+                command_step.build_system_command is not None
+                and cfg.build_dir
+                and (not cfg.build_dir.is_dir())
                     'Build directory does not exist: %s', cfg.build_dir
-            build_succeded = self.execute_command(command_args, env)
+            quoted_command_args = ' '.join(
+                shlex.quote(arg) for arg in command_args
+            )
+            build_succeded = True
+            if command_step.should_run():
+                    '%s %s %s',
+                    index_message,
+          'Run ==>'),
+                    quoted_command_args,
+                )
+                build_succeded = self.execute_command(
+                    command_args, env, cfg, cfg.log, None
+                )
+            else:
+                    '%s %s %s',
+                    index_message,
+                    _COLOR.yellow('Skipped ==>'),
+                    quoted_command_args,
+                )
             # Don't run further steps if a command fails.
             if not build_succeded:
@@ -177,41 +444,106 @@
         return build_succeded
     def print_build_summary(
-        self, builds_succeeded: List[bool], cancelled: bool = False
+        self,
+        cancelled: bool = False,
+        logger: logging.Logger = _LOG,
     ) -> None:
-        """Print build results summary table."""
+        """Print build status summary table."""
+        build_descriptions = []
+        build_status = []
+        for cfg in self:
+            description = [str(cfg.display_name).ljust(self.max_name_width)]
+            description.append(' '.join(cfg.targets()))
+            build_descriptions.append('  '.join(description))
+            if cfg.status.passed():
+                build_status.append(self.charset.slug_ok)
+            elif cfg.status.failed():
+                build_status.append(self.charset.slug_fail)
+            else:
+                build_status.append(self.charset.slug_building)
         if not cancelled:
-  '')
-  ' .------------------------------------')
-  ' |')
-            for (succeeded, cmd) in zip(
-                builds_succeeded, [str(cfg) for cfg in self]
-            ):
-                slug = (
-                    self.charset.slug_ok
-                    if succeeded
-                    else self.charset.slug_fail
-                )
-      ' |   %s  %s', slug, cmd)
-  ' |')
-  " '------------------------------------")
+  ' ╔════════════════════════════════════')
+  ' ║')
+            for (slug, cmd) in zip(build_status, build_descriptions):
+      ' ║   %s  %s', slug, cmd)
+  ' ║')
+  " ╚════════════════════════════════════")
             # Build was interrupted.
-  '')
-  ' .------------------------------------')
-  ' |')
-  ' |  %s- interrupted', self.charset.slug_fail)
-  ' |')
-  " '------------------------------------")
+  '')
+  ' ╔════════════════════════════════════')
+  ' ║')
+  ' ║  %s- interrupted', self.charset.slug_fail)
+  ' ║')
+  " ╚════════════════════════════════════")
         # Show a large color banner for the overall result.
-        if self.banners:
-            if all(builds_succeeded) and not cancelled:
+        if self.banners and not any(recipe.status.pending() for recipe in self):
+            if all(recipe.status.passed() for recipe in self) and not cancelled:
                 for line in PASS_MESSAGE.splitlines():
                 for line in FAIL_MESSAGE.splitlines():
+def run_recipe(
+    index: int, project_builder: ProjectBuilder, cfg: BuildRecipe, env
+) -> None:
+    num_builds = len(project_builder)
+    index_message = f'[{index}/{num_builds}]'
+    log_build_recipe_start(index_message, project_builder, cfg)
+    try:
+        project_builder.run_build(cfg, env, index_message=index_message)
+    # Ctrl-C on Unix generates KeyboardInterrupt
+    # Ctrl-Z on Windows generates EOFError
+    except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+        _exit_due_to_interrupt()
+    log_build_recipe_finish(index_message, project_builder, cfg)
+def run_builds(project_builder: ProjectBuilder, workers: int = 1) -> None:
+    """Execute build steps in the ProjectBuilder and print a summary."""
+    num_builds = len(project_builder)
+'Starting build with %d directories', num_builds)
+    if project_builder.default_logfile:
+            '%s: %s',
+            _COLOR.yellow('Logging to'),
+            project_builder.default_logfile.resolve(),
+        )
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    # Print status before starting
+    project_builder.print_build_summary()
+    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
+        future_to_index = {}
+        for i, cfg in enumerate(project_builder, 1):
+            future_to_index[
+                executor.submit(run_recipe, i, project_builder, cfg, env)
+            ] = i
+        try:
+            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_index):
+                future.result()
+        # Ctrl-C on Unix generates KeyboardInterrupt
+        # Ctrl-Z on Windows generates EOFError
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+            _exit_due_to_interrupt()
+    # Print status when finished
+    project_builder.print_build_summary()
 def main() -> None:
@@ -235,50 +567,28 @@
     build_recipes = create_build_recipes(prefs)
+    log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug_logging else logging.INFO
+    pw_cli.log.install(
+        level=log_level,
+        use_color=args.colors,
+        hide_timestamp=False,
+    )
     project_builder = ProjectBuilder(
+        colors=args.colors,
+        separate_build_file_logging=args.separate_logfiles,
+        root_logfile=args.logfile,
+        root_logger=_LOG,
+        log_level=log_level,
-    pw_cli.log.install(
-        level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug_logging else logging.INFO,
-        use_color=args.colors,
-        hide_timestamp=False,
-    )
-    builds_succeeded = []
-    num_builds = len(project_builder)
-'Starting build with %d directories', num_builds)
-    env = os.environ.copy()
-    for i, cfg in enumerate(project_builder, 1):
-        index = f'[{i}/{num_builds}]'
-        build_start_msg = '{} Starting {}'.format(index, cfg)
-        try:
-            builds_succeeded.append(
-                project_builder.run_build(cfg, env, index_message=index)
-            )
-        # Ctrl-C on Unix generates KeyboardInterrupt
-        # Ctrl-Z on Windows generates EOFError
-        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
-            _exit_due_to_interrupt()
-        if builds_succeeded[-1]:
-            level = logging.INFO
-            tag = '(OK)'
-        else:
-            level = logging.ERROR
-            tag = '(FAIL)'
-        _LOG.log(level, '%s Finished %s %s', index, cfg, tag)
-    project_builder.print_build_summary(builds_succeeded)
+    run_builds(project_builder)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/pw_build/py/pw_build/ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
index 3c00dc9..603d114 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/pw_build/
+++ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 """Pigweed Project Builder Common argparse."""
 import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
 def add_project_builder_arguments(
@@ -21,16 +22,6 @@
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
     """Add ProjectBuilder.main specific arguments."""
-        '-k',
-        '--keep-going',
-        action='store_true',
-        help=(
-            'Keep building past the first failure. This is '
-            'equivalent to passing "-k 0" to ninja.'
-        ),
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
@@ -59,26 +50,58 @@
-    parser.add_argument(
+    build_options_group = parser.add_argument_group(
+        title='Build system control options'
+    )
+    build_options_group.add_argument(
-        help="Number of cores to use; defaults to Ninja's default",
+        help="Specify the number of cores to use for each build system.",
+    )
+    build_options_group.add_argument(
+        '-k',
+        '--keep-going',
+        action='store_true',
+        help=(
+            'Keep building past the first failure. This is equivalent to '
+            'running "ninja -k 0" or "bazel build -k".'
+        ),
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--debug-logging', action='store_true', help='Enable debug logging.'
+    logfile_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Log file options')
+    logfile_group.add_argument(
+        '--logfile',
+        type=Path,
+        help='Global build output log file.',
+    logfile_group.add_argument(
+        '--separate-logfiles',
+        action='store_true',
+        help=(
+            'Create separate log files per build directory. Requires setting '
+            'the --logfile option.'
+        ),
+    )
+    logfile_group.add_argument(
+        '--debug-logging',
+        action='store_true',
+        help='Enable Python build execution tool debug logging.',
+    )
+    output_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Display output options')
     # TODO(b/248257406) Use argparse.BooleanOptionalAction when Python 3.8 is
     # no longer supported.
-    parser.add_argument(
+    output_group.add_argument(
         help='Show pass/fail banners.',
-    parser.add_argument(
+    output_group.add_argument(
@@ -87,13 +110,13 @@
     # TODO(b/248257406) Use argparse.BooleanOptionalAction when Python 3.8 is
     # no longer supported.
-    parser.add_argument(
+    output_group.add_argument(
         help='Force color output from ninja.',
-    parser.add_argument(
+    output_group.add_argument(
@@ -107,7 +130,7 @@
         metavar=('directory', 'command'),
-        help='Build system command.',
+        help='Build system command for . Default: ninja',
@@ -115,7 +138,7 @@
-            'Additional build commands to run. These are run before any -C '
+            'Additional commands to run. These are run before any -C '
             'arguments and may be repeated. For example: '
             "--run-command 'bazel build //pw_cli/...'"
             "--run-command 'bazel test //pw_cli/...'"
diff --git a/pw_build/py/pw_build/ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
index 53db42a..a6c3515 100644
--- a/pw_build/py/pw_build/
+++ b/pw_build/py/pw_build/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 import argparse
 import copy
+import shlex
 from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
 from pw_cli.toml_config_loader_mixin import TomlConfigLoaderMixin
@@ -23,8 +24,12 @@
     # Config settings not available as a command line options go here.
     'build_system_commands': {
         'default': {
-            'command': 'ninja',
-            'extra_args': [],
+            'commands': [
+                {
+                    'command': 'ninja',
+                    'extra_args': [],
+                },
+            ],
@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@
-            environment_var='PW_BUILD_RECIPE_FILE',
+            environment_var='PW_BUILD_CONFIG_FILE',
     def reset_config(self) -> None:
@@ -78,9 +83,21 @@
     ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
         result = copy.copy(_DEFAULT_CONFIG['build_system_commands'])
         for out_dir, command in argparse_input:
-            new_dir = result.get('out_dir', {})
-            new_dir['command'] = command
-            result[out_dir] = new_dir
+            new_dir_spec = result.get(out_dir, {})
+            # Get existing commands list
+            new_commands = new_dir_spec.get('commands', [])
+            # Convert 'ninja -k 1' to 'ninja' and ['-k', '1']
+            extra_args = []
+            command_tokens = shlex.split(command)
+            if len(command_tokens) > 1:
+                extra_args = command_tokens[1:]
+                command = command_tokens[0]
+            # Append the command step
+            new_commands.append({'command': command, 'extra_args': extra_args})
+            new_dir_spec['commands'] = new_commands
+            result[out_dir] = new_dir_spec
         return result
     def apply_command_line_args(self, new_args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
@@ -150,12 +167,17 @@
         return build_system_commands
-    def build_system_commands(self, build_dir: str) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
+    def build_system_commands(
+        self, build_dir: str
+    ) -> List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]:
         build_system_commands = self._get_build_system_commands_for(build_dir)
-        command: str = build_system_commands.get('command', 'ninja')
-        extra_args: List[str] = build_system_commands.get('extra_args', [])
-        if not extra_args:
-            extra_args = []
-        assert isinstance(command, str)
-        assert isinstance(extra_args, list)
-        return command, extra_args
+        command_steps: List[Tuple[str, List[str]]] = []
+        commands: List[Dict[str, Any]] = build_system_commands.get(
+            'commands', []
+        )
+        for command_step in commands:
+            command_steps.append(
+                (command_step['command'], command_step['extra_args'])
+            )
+        return command_steps
diff --git a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
index 4a2671f..30ec790 100644
--- a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
+++ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@
     parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
     """Sets up an argument parser for pw watch."""
-    parser.add_argument(
+    parser = add_project_builder_arguments(parser)
+    watch_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Watch options')
+    watch_group.add_argument(
             WATCH_PATTERN_DELIMITER + '-delimited list of globs to '
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
-    parser.add_argument(
+    watch_group.add_argument(
@@ -71,7 +75,7 @@
-    parser.add_argument(
+    watch_group.add_argument(
@@ -79,15 +83,13 @@
-    parser.add_argument(
+    watch_group.add_argument(
         help='do not restart ongoing builds if files change',
-    parser = add_project_builder_arguments(parser)
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@
-        default="docs/gen/docs",
+        default='docs/gen/docs',
         help='Set the path for the docs to serve. Default to docs/gen/docs'
         ' in the build directory.',
diff --git a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
index 644be7e..dca6758 100644
--- a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
+++ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import threading
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_watch')
+_LOG = logging.getLogger('')
 class DebouncedFunction(ABC):
diff --git a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
index 2a1e506..610bb5f 100755
--- a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
+++ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
 # the License.
 """Watch files for changes and rebuild.
-pw watch runs Ninja in a build directory when source files change. It works with
-any Ninja project (GN or CMake).
+Run arbitrary commands or invoke build systems (Ninja, Bazel and make) on one or
+more build directories whenever source files change.
 Usage examples:
-  # Find a build directory and build the default target
-  pw watch
+  # Build the default target in out/ using ninja.
+  pw watch -C out
-  # Find a build directory and build the stm32f429i target
+  # Build python.lint and stm32f429i targets in out/ using ninja.
   pw watch python.lint stm32f429i
   # Build pw_run_tests.modules in the out/cmake directory
@@ -31,14 +31,19 @@
   # Build the default target in out/ and pw_apps in out/cmake
   pw watch -C out -C out/cmake pw_apps
-  # Find a directory and build python.tests, and build pw_apps in out/cmake
+  # Build python.tests in out/ and pw_apps in out/cmake/
   pw watch python.tests -C out/cmake pw_apps
+  # Run 'bazel build' and 'bazel test' on the target '//...' in outbazel/
+  pw watch --run-command 'mkdir -p outbazel'
+  -C outbazel '//...'
+  --build-system-command outbazel 'bazel build'
+  --build-system-command outbazel 'bazel test'
 import argparse
 import errno
 import http.server
-from itertools import zip_longest
 import logging
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -73,6 +78,9 @@
 from pw_build.build_recipe import BuildRecipe, create_build_recipes
 from pw_build.project_builder import (
+    execute_command_with_logging,
+    log_build_recipe_start,
+    log_build_recipe_finish,
@@ -83,13 +91,16 @@
 import pw_cli.plugins
 import pw_console.python_logging
-from pw_watch.argparser import WATCH_PATTERN_DELIMITER, add_parser_arguments
+from pw_watch.argparser import (
+    add_parser_arguments,
 from pw_watch.debounce import DebouncedFunction, Debouncer
 from pw_watch.watch_app import WatchAppPrefs, WatchApp
 _COLOR = pw_cli.color.colors()
-_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_watch')
-_NINJA_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_watch_ninja_output')
+_LOG = logging.getLogger('')
 # Suppress events under 'fsevents', generated by watchdog on every file
@@ -146,13 +157,14 @@
         restart: bool = True,
         fullscreen: bool = False,
         banners: bool = True,
+        use_logfile: bool = False,
+        separate_logfiles: bool = False,
         self.banners = banners
         self.status_message: Optional[OneStyleAndTextTuple] = None
         self.result_message: Optional[StyleAndTextTuples] = None
-        self.current_stdout = ''
         self.current_build_step = ''
         self.current_build_percent = 0.0
         self.current_build_errors = 0
@@ -164,6 +176,9 @@
         self.fullscreen_enabled = fullscreen
         self.watch_app: Optional[WatchApp] = None
+        self.use_logfile = use_logfile
+        self.separate_logfiles = separate_logfiles
         # Initialize self._current_build to an empty subprocess.
         self._current_build = subprocess.Popen('', shell=True, errors='replace')
@@ -172,7 +187,6 @@
         # Track state of a build. These need to be members instead of locals
         # due to the split between dispatch(), run(), and on_complete().
         self.matching_path: Optional[Path] = None
-        self.builds_succeeded: List[bool] = []
         if not self.fullscreen_enabled:
             self.wait_for_keypress_thread = threading.Thread(
@@ -271,58 +285,88 @@
                     '  Watching for changes. Ctrl-C to exit; enter to rebuild'
-'Change detected: %s', self.matching_path)
+        if self.matching_path:
+  '')
+  'Change detected: %s', self.matching_path)
-        self.builds_succeeded = []
         num_builds = len(self.project_builder)'Starting build with %d directories', num_builds)
+        if self.project_builder.default_logfile:
+                '%s: %s',
+                _COLOR.yellow('Logging to'),
+                self.project_builder.default_logfile.resolve(),
+            )
         env = os.environ.copy()
         # Force colors in Pigweed subcommands run through the watcher.
         env['PW_USE_COLOR'] = '1'
         # Force Ninja to output ANSI colors
         env['CLICOLOR_FORCE'] = '1'
+        # Reset status messages
+        for cfg in self.project_builder:
+            cfg.reset_status()
+        self.create_result_message()
         for i, cfg in enumerate(self.project_builder, 1):
-            index = f'[{i}/{num_builds}]'
-            build_start_msg = '{} Starting {}'.format(index, cfg)
+            self.run_recipe(i, cfg, env)
-            self.builds_succeeded.append(
-                self.project_builder.run_build(cfg, env, index_message=index)
-            )
-            if self.builds_succeeded[-1]:
-                level = logging.INFO
-                tag = '(OK)'
-            else:
-                level = logging.ERROR
-                tag = '(FAIL)'
+    def run_recipe(self, index: int, cfg: BuildRecipe, env) -> None:
+        num_builds = len(self.project_builder)
+        index_message = f'[{index}/{num_builds}]'
-            _LOG.log(level, '%s Finished %s %s', index, cfg, tag)
-            self.create_result_message()
+        log_build_recipe_start(
+            index_message, self.project_builder, cfg, logger=_LOG
+        )
+        self.project_builder.run_build(
+            cfg,
+            env,
+            index_message=index_message,
+        )
+        log_build_recipe_finish(
+            index_message,
+            self.project_builder,
+            cfg,
+            logger=_LOG,
+        )
+        self.create_result_message()
     def create_result_message(self):
-        """TODO(tonymd) Add docstring."""
+        """Update the prompt_toolkit formatted build result message."""
         if not self.fullscreen_enabled:
         self.result_message = []
         first_building_target_found = False
-        for (succeeded, command) in zip_longest(
-            self.builds_succeeded,
-            [cfg.build_dir for cfg in self.project_builder],
-        ):
-            if succeeded:
+        for cfg in self.project_builder:
+            # Add the status
+            if cfg.status.passed():
-            elif succeeded is None and not first_building_target_found:
+            elif cfg.status.failed():
+                self.result_message.append(
+                    (
+                        'class:theme-fg-red',
+                        'Failed'.rjust(_FULLSCREEN_STATUS_COLUMN_WIDTH),
+                    )
+                )
+            # NOTE: This condition assumes each build dir is run in serial
+            elif first_building_target_found:
+                self.result_message.append(
+                    ('', ''.rjust(_FULLSCREEN_STATUS_COLUMN_WIDTH))
+                )
+            else:
                 first_building_target_found = True
@@ -330,98 +374,78 @@
-            elif first_building_target_found:
-                self.result_message.append(
-                    ('', ''.rjust(_FULLSCREEN_STATUS_COLUMN_WIDTH))
-                )
-            else:
-                self.result_message.append(
-                    (
-                        'class:theme-fg-red',
-                        'Failed'.rjust(_FULLSCREEN_STATUS_COLUMN_WIDTH),
-                    )
-                )
-            self.result_message.append(('', f'  {command}\n'))
-    def execute_command(self, command: list, env: dict) -> bool:
+            # Add the build directory
+            self.result_message.append(('', f'  {cfg.display_name}\n'))
+    def execute_command(
+        self,
+        command: list,
+        env: dict,
+        recipe: BuildRecipe,
+        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        *args,
+        **kwargs,
+        # pylint: enable=unused-argument
+    ) -> bool:
         """Runs a command with a blank before/after for visual separation."""
-        self.current_build_errors = 0
         self.status_message = (
         if self.fullscreen_enabled:
-            return self._execute_command_watch_app(command, env)
+            return self._execute_command_watch_app(command, env, recipe)
+        if self.separate_logfiles:
+            return execute_command_with_logging(
+                command, env, recipe, logger=recipe.log
+            )
+        if self.use_logfile:
+            return execute_command_with_logging(
+                command, env, recipe, logger=_LOG
+            )
         self._current_build = subprocess.Popen(
             command, env=env, errors='replace'
         returncode = self._current_build.wait()
+        recipe.status.return_code = returncode
         return returncode == 0
-    def _execute_command_watch_app(self, command: list, env: dict) -> bool:
+    def _execute_command_watch_app(
+        self,
+        command: list,
+        env: dict,
+        recipe: BuildRecipe,
+    ) -> bool:
         """Runs a command with and outputs the logs."""
         if not self.watch_app:
             return False
-        self.current_stdout = ''
-        returncode = None
-        with subprocess.Popen(
-            command,
-            env=env,
-            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
-            errors='replace',
-        ) as proc:
-            self._current_build = proc
-            # Empty line at the start.
-  '')
-            while returncode is None:
-                if not proc.stdout:
-                    continue
+        def new_line_callback(recipe: BuildRecipe) -> None:
+            self.current_build_step = recipe.status.current_step
+            self.current_build_percent = recipe.status.percent
+            self.current_build_errors = recipe.status.error_count
-                output = proc.stdout.readline()
-                self.current_stdout += output
-                line_match_result = self.NINJA_BUILD_STEP.match(output)
-                if line_match_result:
-                    matches = line_match_result.groupdict()
-                    self.current_build_step =
-                    self.current_build_percent = float(
-                        int(matches.get('step', 0))
-                        / int(matches.get('total_steps', 1))
-                    )
-                elif output.startswith(WatchApp.NINJA_FAILURE_TEXT):
-                    _NINJA_LOG.critical(output.strip())
-                    self.current_build_errors += 1
-                else:
-                    # Mypy output mixes character encoding in its colored output
-                    # due to it's use of the curses module retrieving the 'sgr0'
-                    # (or exit_attribute_mode) capability from the host
-                    # machine's terminfo database.
-                    #
-                    # This can result in this sequence ending up in STDOUT as
-                    # b'\x1b(B\x1b[m'. (B tells terminals to interpret text as
-                    # USASCII encoding but will appear in prompt_toolkit as a B
-                    # character.
-                    #
-                    # The following replace calls will strip out those
-                    # instances.
-                        output.replace('\x1b(B\x1b[m', '')
-                        .replace('\x1b[1m', '')
-                        .strip()
-                    )
+            if self.watch_app:
-                returncode = proc.poll()
-            # Empty line at the end.
-  '')
+        desired_logger = _LOG
+        if self.separate_logfiles:
+            desired_logger = recipe.log
-        return returncode == 0
+        result = execute_command_with_logging(
+            command,
+            env,
+            recipe,
+            logger=desired_logger,
+            line_processed_callback=new_line_callback,
+        )
+        return result
     # Implementation of DebouncedFunction.cancel()
     def cancel(self) -> bool:
@@ -442,7 +466,7 @@
             _LOG.error('Finished; build was interrupted')
-        elif all(self.builds_succeeded):
+        elif all(recipe.status.passed() for recipe in self.project_builder):
             self.status_message = (
@@ -462,7 +486,7 @@
             # Show a more distinct colored banner.
-                self.builds_succeeded, cancelled=cancelled
+                cancelled=cancelled, logger=_LOG
         if self.watch_app:
@@ -704,28 +728,62 @@
     threading.Thread(None, server_thread, 'pw_docs_server').start()
+def watch_logging_init(log_level: int, fullscreen: bool) -> None:
+    # Logging setup
+    if not fullscreen:
+        pw_cli.log.install(
+            level=log_level,
+            use_color=True,
+            hide_timestamp=False,
+        )
+        return
+    watch_logfile = pw_console.python_logging.create_temp_log_file(
+        prefix=__package__
+    )
+    pw_cli.log.install(
+        level=logging.DEBUG,
+        use_color=True,
+        hide_timestamp=False,
+        log_file=watch_logfile,
+    )
+    pw_console.python_logging.setup_python_logging(
+        last_resort_filename=watch_logfile
+    )
 def watch_setup(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-    build_recipes: List[BuildRecipe],
-    default_build_targets: List[str],  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    build_directories: List[str],  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    build_system_commands: List[str],  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    run_command: List[str],  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    patterns: str,
-    ignore_patterns_string: str,
-    exclude_list: List[Path],
-    restart: bool,
-    jobs: Optional[int],
-    serve_docs: bool,
-    serve_docs_port: int,
-    serve_docs_path: Path,
-    fullscreen: bool,
-    banners: bool,
-    keep_going: bool,
-    debug_logging: bool,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    colors: bool,
+    project_builder: ProjectBuilder,
+    # NOTE: The following args should have defaults matching argparse. This
+    # allows use of watch_setup by other project build scripts.
+    ignore_patterns_string: str = '',
+    exclude_list: Optional[List[Path]] = None,
+    restart: bool = True,
+    serve_docs: bool = False,
+    serve_docs_port: int = 8000,
+    serve_docs_path: Path = Path('docs/gen/docs'),
+    fullscreen: bool = False,
+    banners: bool = True,
+    logfile: Optional[Path] = None,
+    separate_logfiles: bool = False,
+    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    build_directories: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    build_system_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    run_command: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    jobs: Optional[int] = None,
+    keep_going: bool = False,
+    colors: bool = True,
+    debug_logging: bool = False,
+    # pylint: enable=unused-argument
     # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-) -> Tuple[str, PigweedBuildWatcher, List[Path]]:
+) -> Tuple[PigweedBuildWatcher, List[Path]]:
     """Watches files and runs Ninja commands when they change."""
+    watch_logging_init(
+        log_level=project_builder.default_log_level, fullscreen=fullscreen
+    )
+'Starting Pigweed build watcher')
     # Get pigweed directory information from environment variable PW_ROOT.
@@ -735,7 +793,11 @@
     if Path.cwd().resolve() not in [pw_root, *pw_root.parents]:
+    build_recipes = project_builder.build_recipes
     # Preset exclude list for pigweed directory.
+    if not exclude_list:
+        exclude_list = []
     exclude_list += get_common_excludes()
     # Add build directories to the exclude list.
@@ -754,11 +816,6 @@
             build_recipes[0].build_dir, serve_docs_path, port=serve_docs_port
-    # Try to make a short display path for the watched directory that has
-    # "$HOME" instead of the full home directory. This is nice for users
-    # who have deeply nested home directories.
-    path_to_log = str(Path().resolve()).replace(str(Path.home()), '$HOME')
     # Ignore the user-specified patterns.
     ignore_patterns = (
@@ -766,21 +823,6 @@
         else []
-    env = pw_cli.env.pigweed_environment()
-    if env.PW_EMOJI:
-        charset = EMOJI_CHARSET
-    else:
-        charset = ASCII_CHARSET
-    project_builder = ProjectBuilder(
-        build_recipes=build_recipes,
-        jobs=jobs,
-        banners=banners,
-        keep_going=keep_going,
-        charset=charset,
-        colors=colors,
-    )
     event_handler = PigweedBuildWatcher(
@@ -788,19 +830,25 @@
+        use_logfile=bool(logfile),
+        separate_logfiles=bool(separate_logfiles),
     project_builder.execute_command = event_handler.execute_command
-    return path_to_log, event_handler, exclude_list
+    return event_handler, exclude_list
 def watch(
-    path_to_log: Path,
     event_handler: PigweedBuildWatcher,
     exclude_list: List[Path],
     """Watches files and runs Ninja commands when they change."""
+    # Try to make a short display path for the watched directory that has
+    # "$HOME" instead of the full home directory. This is nice for users
+    # who have deeply nested home directories.
+    path_to_log = str(Path().resolve()).replace(str(Path.home()), '$HOME')
         # It can take awhile to configure the filesystem watcher, so have the
         # message reflect that with the "...". Run inside the try: to
@@ -839,6 +887,35 @@
         raise err
+def run_watch(
+    event_handler: PigweedBuildWatcher,
+    exclude_list: List[Path],
+    prefs: Optional[WatchAppPrefs] = None,
+    fullscreen: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+    """Start pw_watch."""
+    if not prefs:
+        prefs = WatchAppPrefs(load_argparse_arguments=add_parser_arguments)
+    if fullscreen:
+        watch_thread = Thread(
+            target=watch,
+            args=(event_handler, exclude_list),
+            daemon=True,
+        )
+        watch_thread.start()
+        watch_app = WatchApp(
+            event_handler=event_handler,
+            prefs=prefs,
+        )
+        event_handler.watch_app = watch_app
+    else:
+        watch(event_handler, exclude_list)
 def main() -> None:
     """Watch files for changes and rebuild."""
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -852,46 +929,33 @@
     build_recipes = create_build_recipes(prefs)
-    path_to_log, event_handler, exclude_list = watch_setup(
-        build_recipes=build_recipes, **vars(args)
+    env = pw_cli.env.pigweed_environment()
+    if env.PW_EMOJI:
+        charset = EMOJI_CHARSET
+    else:
+        charset = ASCII_CHARSET
+    project_builder = ProjectBuilder(
+        build_recipes=build_recipes,
+        banners=args.banners,
+        keep_going=args.keep_going,
+        colors=args.colors,
+        charset=charset,
+        separate_build_file_logging=args.separate_logfiles,
+        root_logfile=args.logfile,
+        root_logger=_LOG,
+        log_level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug_logging else logging.INFO,
-    if args.fullscreen:
-        watch_logfile = pw_console.python_logging.create_temp_log_file(
-            prefix=__package__
-        )
-        pw_cli.log.install(
-            level=logging.DEBUG,
-            use_color=True,
-            hide_timestamp=False,
-            log_file=watch_logfile,
-        )
-        pw_console.python_logging.setup_python_logging(
-            last_resort_filename=watch_logfile
-        )
+    event_handler, exclude_list = watch_setup(project_builder, **vars(args))
-        watch_thread = Thread(
-            target=watch,
-            args=(path_to_log, event_handler, exclude_list),
-            daemon=True,
-        )
-        watch_thread.start()
-        watch_app = WatchApp(
-            event_handler=event_handler,
-            prefs=prefs,
-            debug_logging=args.debug_logging,
-            log_file_name=watch_logfile,
-        )
-        event_handler.watch_app = watch_app
-    else:
-        pw_cli.log.install(
-            level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug_logging else logging.INFO,
-            use_color=True,
-            hide_timestamp=False,
-        )
-        watch(Path(path_to_log), event_handler, exclude_list)
+    run_watch(
+        event_handler,
+        exclude_list,
+        prefs=prefs,
+        fullscreen=args.fullscreen,
+    )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
index 58669ed..3886f80 100644
--- a/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
+++ b/pw_watch/py/pw_watch/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import re
 import sys
 import time
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NoReturn, Optional
 from prompt_toolkit.application import Application
 from prompt_toolkit.clipboard.pyperclip import PyperclipClipboard
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@
         return self._config.get('show_python_logger', False)
-_NINJA_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_watch_ninja_output')
-_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_watch')
+_LOG = logging.getLogger('')
 class WatchWindowManager(WindowManager):
@@ -184,7 +183,6 @@
         prefs: WatchAppPrefs,
-        debug_logging: bool = False,
         log_file_name: Optional[str] = None,
@@ -215,49 +213,25 @@
         self.log_ui_update_frequency = 0.1  # 10 FPS
         self._last_ui_update_time = time.time()
-        self.ninja_log_pane = LogPane(
-            application=self, pane_title='Pigweed Watch'
+        debug_logging = (
+            event_handler.project_builder.default_log_level == logging.DEBUG
-        self.ninja_log_pane.add_log_handler(_NINJA_LOG, level_name='INFO')
-        self.ninja_log_pane.add_log_handler(
-            _LOG, level_name=('DEBUG' if debug_logging else 'INFO')
-        )
-        # Set python log format to just the message itself.
-        self.ninja_log_pane.log_view.log_store.formatter = logging.Formatter(
-            '%(message)s'
-        )
-        self.ninja_log_pane.table_view = False
-        # Disable line wrapping for improved error visibility.
-        if self.ninja_log_pane.wrap_lines:
-            self.ninja_log_pane.toggle_wrap_lines()
-        # Blank right side toolbar text
-        self.ninja_log_pane._pane_subtitle = ' '
-        self.ninja_log_view = self.ninja_log_pane.log_view
+        level_name = 'DEBUG' if debug_logging else 'INFO'
+        if event_handler.separate_logfiles:
+            for recipe in reversed(event_handler.project_builder.build_recipes):
+                self.add_build_log_pane(
+                    recipe.display_name,
+                    recipe.log,
+                    level_name=level_name,
+                )
-        # Make tab and shift-tab search for next and previous error
-        next_error_bindings = KeyBindings()
-        @next_error_bindings.add('s-tab')
-        def _previous_error(_event):
-            self.jump_to_error(backwards=True)
-        @next_error_bindings.add('tab')
-        def _next_error(_event):
-            self.jump_to_error()
-        existing_log_bindings: Optional[
-            KeyBindingsBase
-        ] = self.ninja_log_pane.log_content_control.key_bindings
-        key_binding_list: List[KeyBindingsBase] = []
-        if existing_log_bindings:
-            key_binding_list.append(existing_log_bindings)
-        key_binding_list.append(next_error_bindings)
-        self.ninja_log_pane.log_content_control.key_bindings = (
-            merge_key_bindings(key_binding_list)
+        self.add_build_log_pane(
+            'Pigweed Watch',
+            _LOG,
+            level_name=level_name,
-        self.window_manager.add_pane(self.ninja_log_pane)
+        self.ninja_log_pane = list(self.all_log_panes())[0]
         self.time_waster = Twenty48Pane(include_resize_handle=True)
         self.time_waster.application = self
@@ -358,7 +332,8 @@
         self.layout = Layout(
-            self.root_container, focused_element=self.ninja_log_pane
+            self.root_container,
+            focused_element=self.ninja_log_pane,
         self.application: Application = Application(
@@ -384,6 +359,52 @@
+    def add_build_log_pane(
+        self, title: str, logger: logging.Logger, level_name: str
+    ) -> None:
+        """Setup a new build log pane."""
+        new_log_pane = LogPane(application=self, pane_title=title)
+        new_log_pane.add_log_handler(logger, level_name=level_name)
+        # Set python log format to just the message itself.
+        new_log_pane.log_view.log_store.formatter = logging.Formatter(
+            '%(message)s'
+        )
+        new_log_pane.table_view = False
+        # Disable line wrapping for improved error visibility.
+        if new_log_pane.wrap_lines:
+            new_log_pane.toggle_wrap_lines()
+        # Blank right side toolbar text
+        new_log_pane._pane_subtitle = ' '  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        # Make tab and shift-tab search for next and previous error
+        next_error_bindings = KeyBindings()
+        @next_error_bindings.add('s-tab')
+        def _previous_error(_event):
+            self.jump_to_error(backwards=True)
+        @next_error_bindings.add('tab')
+        def _next_error(_event):
+            self.jump_to_error()
+        existing_log_bindings: Optional[
+            KeyBindingsBase
+        ] = new_log_pane.log_content_control.key_bindings
+        key_binding_list: List[KeyBindingsBase] = []
+        if existing_log_bindings:
+            key_binding_list.append(existing_log_bindings)
+        key_binding_list.append(next_error_bindings)
+        new_log_pane.log_content_control.key_bindings = merge_key_bindings(
+            key_binding_list
+        )
+        self.window_manager.add_pane(new_log_pane)
     def logs_redraw(self):
         emit_time = time.time()
         # Has enough time passed since last UI redraw due to new logs?
@@ -445,13 +466,19 @@
         # pylint: disable=no-self-use
         return False
+    def all_log_panes(self) -> Iterable[LogPane]:
+        for pane in self.window_manager.active_panes():
+            if isinstance(pane, LogPane):
+                yield pane
     def clear_ninja_log(self) -> None:
-        self.ninja_log_view.log_store.clear_logs()
-        self.ninja_log_view._restart_filtering()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
-        self.ninja_log_view.view_mode_changed()
-        # Re-enable follow if needed
-        if not self.ninja_log_view.follow:
-            self.ninja_log_view.toggle_follow()
+        for pane in self.all_log_panes():
+            pane.log_view.log_store.clear_logs()
+            pane.log_view._restart_filtering()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+            pane.log_view.view_mode_changed()
+            # Re-enable follow if needed
+            if not pane.log_view.follow:
+                pane.log_view.toggle_follow()
     def run_build(self):
         """Manually trigger a rebuild."""
@@ -459,8 +486,9 @@
     def rebuild_on_filechange(self):
-        self.ninja_log_view.log_store.clear_logs()
-        self.ninja_log_view.view_mode_changed()
+        for pane in self.all_log_panes():
+            pane.log_view.log_store.clear_logs()
+            pane.log_view.view_mode_changed()
     def get_statusbar_text(self):
         status = self.event_handler.status_message