blob: 89e50d06c261f25667273b84fc3760fe1809f449 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Utilities for creating an interactive console."""
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
from itertools import chain
import inspect
import textwrap
import types
from typing import (
import pw_status
from pw_protobuf_compiler import python_protos
import pw_rpc
from pw_rpc.descriptors import Method
from pw_rpc.console_tools import functions
_INDENT = ' '
class CommandHelper:
"""Used to implement a help command in an RPC console."""
def from_methods(cls,
methods: Iterable[Method],
variables: Mapping[str, object],
header: str,
footer: str = '') -> 'CommandHelper':
return cls({m.full_name: m
for m in methods}, variables, header, footer)
def __init__(self,
methods: Mapping[str, object],
variables: Mapping[str, object],
header: str,
footer: str = ''):
self._methods = methods
self._variables = variables
self.header = header
self.footer = footer
def help(self, item: object = None) -> str:
"""Returns a help string with a command or all commands listed."""
if item is None:
all_vars = '\n'.join(sorted(self._variables_without_methods()))
all_rpcs = '\n'.join(self._methods)
return (f'{self.header}\n\n'
f'All variables:\n\n{textwrap.indent(all_vars, _INDENT)}'
f'All commands:\n\n{textwrap.indent(all_rpcs, _INDENT)}'
# If item is a string, find commands matching that.
if isinstance(item, str):
matches = {n: m for n, m in self._methods.items() if item in n}
if not matches:
return f'No matches found for {item!r}'
if len(matches) == 1:
name, method = next(iter(matches.items()))
return f'{name}\n\n{inspect.getdoc(method)}'
return f'Multiple matches for {item!r}:\n\n' + textwrap.indent(
'\n'.join(matches), _INDENT)
return inspect.getdoc(item) or f'No documentation for {item!r}.'
def _variables_without_methods(self) -> Mapping[str, object]:
packages = frozenset(
n.split('.', 1)[0] for n in self._methods if '.' in n)
return {
name: var
for name, var in self._variables.items() if name not in packages
def __call__(self, item: object = None) -> None:
"""Prints the help string."""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns the help, so foo and foo() are equivalent in a console."""
class ClientInfo(NamedTuple):
"""Information about an RPC client as it appears in the console."""
# The name to use in the console to refer to this client.
name: str
# An object to use in the console for the client. May be a pw_rpc.Client.
client: object
# The pw_rpc.Client; may be the same object as client.
rpc_client: pw_rpc.Client
def flattened_rpc_completions(
client_info_list: Collection[ClientInfo], ) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Create a flattened list of rpc commands for repl auto-completion.
This gathers all rpc commands from a set of ClientInfo variables and
produces a flattened list of valid rpc commands to run in an RPC
console. This is useful for passing into
client_info_list: List of ClientInfo variables
Dict of flattened rpc commands as keys, and 'RPC' as values.
For example: ::
'': 'RPC,
'': 'RPC',
rpc_list = list(
'{}.rpcs.{}'.format(, a.full_name)
for a in c.rpc_client.methods()
] for c in client_info_list))
# Dict should contain completion text as keys and descriptions as values.
custom_word_completions = {
flattened_rpc_name: 'RPC'
for flattened_rpc_name in rpc_list
return custom_word_completions
class Context:
"""The Context class is used to set up an interactive RPC console.
The Context manages a set of variables that make it easy to access RPCs and
protobufs in a REPL.
As an example, this class can be used to set up a console with IPython:
.. code-block:: python
context = console_tools.Context(
clients, default_client, protos, help_header=WELCOME_MESSAGE)
def __init__(self,
client_info: Collection[ClientInfo],
default_client: Any,
protos: python_protos.Library,
help_header: str = '') -> None:
"""Creates an RPC console context.
Protos and RPC services are accessible by their proto package and name.
The target for these can be set with the set_target function.
client_info: ClientInfo objects that represent the clients this
console uses to communicate with other devices
default_client: default client object; must be one of the clients
protos: protobufs to use for RPCs for all clients
help_header: Message to display for the help command
assert client_info, 'At least one client must be provided!'
self.client_info = client_info
self.current_client = default_client
self.protos = protos
# Store objects with references to RPC services, sorted by package.
self._services: Dict[str, types.SimpleNamespace] = defaultdict(
self._variables: Dict[str, object] = dict(
# The original built-in help function is available as 'python_help'.
# Make the RPC clients and protos available in the console.
self._variables.update((, c.client) for c in self.client_info)
# Make the proto package hierarchy directly available in the console.
for package in self.protos.packages:
self._variables[package._package] = package # pylint: disable=protected-access
# Monkey patch the message types to use an improved repr function.
for message_type in self.protos.messages():
message_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
# Set up the 'help' command.
all_methods = chain.from_iterable(c.rpc_client.methods()
for c in self.client_info)
self._helper = CommandHelper.from_methods(
all_methods, self._variables, help_header,
'Type a command and hit Enter to see detailed help information.')
self._variables['help'] = self._helper
# Call set_target to set up for the default target.
def flattened_rpc_completions(self):
"""Create a flattened list of rpc commands for repl auto-completion."""
return flattened_rpc_completions(self.client_info)
def variables(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a mapping of names to variables for use in an RPC console."""
return self._variables
def set_target(self,
selected_client: object,
channel_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
"""Sets the default target for commands."""
# Make sure the variable is one of the client variables.
name = ''
rpc_client: Any = None
for name, client, rpc_client in self.client_info:
if selected_client is client:
print('CURRENT RPC TARGET:', name)
raise ValueError('Supported targets :' +
', '.join( for c in self.client_info))
# Update the RPC services to use the newly selected target.
for service_client in
# Patch all method protos to use the improved __repr__ function too.
for method in (m.method for m in service_client):
method.request_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
method.response_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
service = service_client._service # pylint: disable=protected-access
# Add the RPC methods to their proto packages.
for package_name, rpcs in self._services.items():
self.protos.packages[package_name]._add_item(rpcs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.current_client = selected_client
def _create_command_alias(command: Any, name: str, message: str) -> object:
"""Wraps __call__, __getattr__, and __repr__ to print a message."""
def print_message_and_call(_, *args, **kwargs):
return command(*args, **kwargs)
def getattr_and_print_message(_, name: str) -> Any:
attr = getattr(command, name)
return attr
return type(
name, (),
__repr__=lambda _: message))()
def _access_in_dict_or_namespace(item, name: str, create_if_missing: bool):
"""Gets name as either a key or attribute on item."""
return item[name]
except KeyError:
if create_if_missing:
item[name] = types.SimpleNamespace()
return item[name]
except TypeError:
except TypeError:
if create_if_missing and not hasattr(item, name):
setattr(item, name, types.SimpleNamespace())
return getattr(item, name)
def _access_names(item, names: Iterable[str], create_if_missing: bool):
for name in names:
item = _access_in_dict_or_namespace(item, name, create_if_missing)
return item
def alias_deprecated_command(variables: Any, old_name: str,
new_name: str) -> None:
"""Adds an alias for an old command that redirects to the new command.
The deprecated command prints a message then invokes the new command.
# Get the new command.
item = _access_names(variables,
# Create a wrapper to the new comamnd with the old name.
wrapper = _create_command_alias(
item, old_name,
f'WARNING: {old_name} is DEPRECATED; use {new_name} instead')
# Add the wrapper to the variables with the old command's name.
name_parts = old_name.split('.')
item = _access_names(variables, name_parts[:-1], create_if_missing=True)
setattr(item, name_parts[-1], wrapper)