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.. _module-pw_sync:
The ``pw_sync`` module contains utilities for synchronizing between threads
and/or interrupts through signaling primitives and critical section lock
.. contents::
:depth: 2
.. Warning::
This module is still under construction, the API is not yet stable.
.. Note::
The objects in this module do not have an Init() style public API which is
common in many RTOS C APIs. Instead, they rely on being able to invoke the
native initialization APIs for synchronization primitives during C++
In order to support global statically constructed synchronization without
constexpr constructors, the user and/or backend **MUST** ensure that any
initialization required in your environment is done prior to the creation
and/or initialization of the native synchronization primitives
(e.g. kernel initialization).
Critical Section Lock Primitives
The critical section lock primitives provided by this module comply with
`BasicLockable <>`_,
`Lockable <>`_, and where
`TimedLockable <>`_ C++
named requirements. This means that they are compatible with existing helpers in
the STL's ``<mutex>`` thread support library. For example `std::lock_guard <>`_
and `std::unique_lock <>`_ can be directly used.
The Mutex is a synchronization primitive that can be used to protect shared data
from being simultaneously accessed by multiple threads. It offers exclusive,
non-recursive ownership semantics where priority inheritance is used to solve
the classic priority-inversion problem.
The Mutex's API is C++11 STL
`std::timed_mutex <>`_ like,
meaning it is a
`BasicLockable <>`_,
`Lockable <>`_, and
`TimedLockable <>`_.
.. cpp:class:: pw::sync::Mutex
.. cpp:function:: void lock()
Locks the mutex, blocking indefinitely. Failures are fatal.
**Precondition:** The lock isn't already held by this thread. Recursive
locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: bool try_lock()
Attempts to lock the mutex in a non-blocking manner.
Returns true if the mutex was successfully acquired.
**Precondition:** The lock isn't already held by this thread. Recursive
locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: bool try_lock_for(chrono::SystemClock::duration for_at_least)
Attempts to lock the mutex where, if needed, blocking for at least the
specified duration.
Returns true if the mutex was successfully acquired.
**Precondition:** The lock isn't already held by this thread. Recursive
locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: bool try_lock_until(chrono::SystemClock::time_point until_at_least)
Attempts to lock the mutex where, if needed, blocking until at least the
specified time_point.
Returns true if the mutex was successfully acquired.
**Precondition:** The lock isn't already held by this thread. Recursive
locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: void unlock()
Unlocks the mutex. Failures are fatal.
**Precondition:** The mutex is held by this thread.
| *Safe to use in context* | *Thread* | *Interrupt* | *NMI* |
| ``Mutex::Mutex`` | ✔ | | |
| ``Mutex::~Mutex`` | ✔ | | |
| ``void Mutex::lock`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool Mutex::try_lock`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool Mutex::try_lock_for`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool Mutex::try_lock_until`` | ✔ | | |
| ``void Mutex::unlock`` | ✔ | | |
Examples in C++
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
pw::sync::Mutex mutex;
void ThreadSafeCriticalSection() {
bool ThreadSafeCriticalSectionWithTimeout(
const SystemClock::duration timeout) {
if (!mutex.try_lock_for(timeout)) {
return false;
return true;
Alternatively you can use C++'s RAII helpers to ensure you always unlock.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include <mutex>
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
pw::sync::Mutex mutex;
void ThreadSafeCriticalSection() {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
bool ThreadSafeCriticalSectionWithTimeout(
const SystemClock::duration timeout) {
std::unique_lock lock(mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (!lock.try_lock_for(timeout)) {
return false;
return true;
The Mutex must be created in C++, however it can be passed into C using the
``pw_sync_Mutex`` opaque struct alias.
.. cpp:function:: void pw_sync_Mutex_Lock(pw_sync_Mutex* mutex)
Invokes the ``Mutex::lock`` member function on the given ``mutex``.
.. cpp:function:: bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLock(pw_sync_Mutex* mutex)
Invokes the ``Mutex::try_lock`` member function on the given ``mutex``.
.. cpp:function:: bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLockFor(pw_sync_Mutex* mutex, pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration for_at_least)
Invokes the ``Mutex::try_lock_for`` member function on the given ``mutex``.
.. cpp:function:: bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLockUntil(pw_sync_Mutex* mutex, pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint until_at_least)
Invokes the ``Mutex::try_lock_until`` member function on the given ``mutex``.
.. cpp:function:: void pw_sync_Mutex_Unlock(pw_sync_Mutex* mutex)
Invokes the ``Mutex::unlock`` member function on the given ``mutex``.
| *Safe to use in context* | *Thread* | *Interrupt* | *NMI* |
| ``void pw_sync_Mutex_Lock`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLock`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLockFor`` | ✔ | | |
| ``bool pw_sync_Mutex_TryLockUntil`` | ✔ | | |
| ``void pw_sync_Mutex_Unlock`` | ✔ | | |
Example in C
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
pw::sync::Mutex mutex;
extern pw_sync_Mutex mutex; // This can only be created in C++.
void ThreadSafeCriticalSection(void) {
bool ThreadSafeCriticalSectionWithTimeout(
const pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration timeout) {
if (!pw_sync_Mutex_TryLockFor(&mutex, timeout)) {
return false;
return true;
The InterruptSpinLock is a synchronization primitive that can be used to protect
shared data from being simultaneously accessed by multiple threads and/or
interrupts as a targeted global lock, with the exception of Non-Maskable
Interrupts (NMIs). It offers exclusive, non-recursive ownership semantics where
IRQs up to a backend defined level of "NMIs" will be masked to solve
This InterruptSpinLock relies on built-in local interrupt masking to make it
interrupt safe without requiring the caller to separately mask and unmask
interrupts when using this primitive.
Unlike global interrupt locks, this also works safely and efficiently on SMP
systems. On systems which are not SMP, spinning is not required but some state
may still be used to detect recursion.
The InterruptSpinLock is a
`BasicLockable <>`_
`Lockable <>`_.
.. cpp:class:: pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock
.. cpp:function:: void lock()
Locks the spinlock, blocking indefinitely. Failures are fatal.
**Precondition:** Recursive locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: bool try_lock()
Attempts to lock the spinlock in a non-blocking manner.
Returns true if the spinlock was successfully acquired.
**Precondition:** Recursive locking is undefined behavior.
.. cpp:function:: void unlock()
Unlocks the mutex. Failures are fatal.
**Precondition:** The spinlock is held by the caller.
| *Safe to use in context* | *Thread* | *Interrupt* | *NMI* |
| ``InterruptSpinLock::InterruptSpinLock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``InterruptSpinLock::~InterruptSpinLock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``void InterruptSpinLock::lock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``bool InterruptSpinLock::try_lock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``void InterruptSpinLock::unlock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
Examples in C++
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_sync/interrupt_spin_lock.h"
pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock interrupt_spin_lock;
void InterruptSafeCriticalSection() {
Alternatively you can use C++'s RAII helpers to ensure you always unlock.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include <mutex>
#include "pw_sync/interrupt_spin_lock.h"
pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock interrupt_spin_lock;
void InterruptSafeCriticalSection() {
std::lock_guard lock(interrupt_spin_lock);
The InterruptSpinLock must be created in C++, however it can be passed into C using the
``pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock`` opaque struct alias.
.. cpp:function:: void pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_Lock(pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock* interrupt_spin_lock)
Invokes the ``InterruptSpinLock::lock`` member function on the given ``interrupt_spin_lock``.
.. cpp:function:: bool pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_TryLock(pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock* interrupt_spin_lock)
Invokes the ``InterruptSpinLock::try_lock`` member function on the given ``interrupt_spin_lock``.
.. cpp:function:: void pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_Unlock(pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock* interrupt_spin_lock)
Invokes the ``InterruptSpinLock::unlock`` member function on the given ``interrupt_spin_lock``.
| *Safe to use in context* | *Thread* | *Interrupt* | *NMI* |
| ``void pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_Lock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``bool pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_TryLock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
| ``void pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock_Unlock`` | ✔ | ✔ | |
Example in C
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_sync/interrupt_spin_lock.h"
pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock interrupt_spin_lock;
extern pw_sync_InterruptSpinLock interrupt_spin_lock; // This can only be created in C++.
void InterruptSafeCriticalSection(void) {
Signaling Primitives
The CountingSemaphore is a synchronization primitive that can be used for
counting events and/or resource management where receiver(s) can block on
acquire until notifier(s) signal by invoking release.
Note that unlike Mutexes, priority inheritance is not used by semaphores meaning
semaphores are subject to unbounded priority inversions. Due to this, Pigweed
does not recommend semaphores for mutual exclusion.
The CountingSemaphore is initialized to being empty or having no tokens.
The entire API is thread safe, but only a subset is interrupt safe. None of it
is NMI safe.
.. Warning::
Releasing multiple tokens is often not natively supported, meaning you may
end up invoking the native kernel API many times, i.e. once per token you
are releasing!
BinarySemaphore is a specialization of CountingSemaphore with an arbitrary token
limit of 1. Note that that ``max()`` is >= 1, meaning it may be released up to
``max()`` times but only acquired once for those N releases.
Implementations of BinarySemaphore are typically more efficient than the
default implementation of CountingSemaphore.
The BinarySemaphore is initialized to being empty or having no tokens.
The entire API is thread safe, but only a subset is interrupt safe. None of it
is NMI safe.