| // Copyright 2019 The Pigweed Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not |
| // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of |
| // the License at |
| // |
| // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| // the License. |
| |
| #include <cinttypes> |
| |
| #include "pw_boot_armv7m/boot.h" |
| #include "pw_preprocessor/compiler.h" |
| #include "pw_sys_io/sys_io.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Default core clock. This is technically not a constant, but since this app |
| // doesn't change the system clock a constant will suffice. |
| constexpr uint32_t kSystemCoreClock = 16000000; |
| |
| // Base address for everything peripheral-related on the STM32F4xx. |
| constexpr uint32_t kPeripheralBaseAddr = 0x40000000u; |
| // Base address for everything AHB1-related on the STM32F4xx. |
| constexpr uint32_t kAhb1PeripheralBase = kPeripheralBaseAddr + 0x00020000U; |
| // Base address for everything APB2-related on the STM32F4xx. |
| constexpr uint32_t kApb2PeripheralBase = kPeripheralBaseAddr + 0x00010000U; |
| |
| // Reset/clock configuration block (RCC). |
| // `reserved` fields are unimplemented features, and are present to ensure |
| // proper alignment of registers that are in use. |
| PW_PACKED(struct) RccBlock { |
| uint32_t reserved1[12]; |
| uint32_t ahb1_config; |
| uint32_t reserved2[4]; |
| uint32_t apb2_config; |
| }; |
| |
| // Mask for ahb1_config (AHB1ENR) to enable the "A" GPIO pins. |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioAEnable = 0x1u; |
| |
| // Mask for apb2_config (APB2ENR) to enable USART1. |
| constexpr uint32_t kUsart1Enable = 0x1u << 4; |
| |
| // GPIO register block definition. |
| PW_PACKED(struct) GpioBlock { |
| uint32_t modes; |
| uint32_t out_type; |
| uint32_t out_speed; |
| uint32_t pull_up_down; |
| uint32_t input_data; |
| uint32_t output_data; |
| uint32_t gpio_bit_set; |
| uint32_t port_config_lock; |
| uint32_t alt_low; |
| uint32_t alt_high; |
| }; |
| |
| // Constants related to GPIO mode register masks. |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioPortModeMask = 0x3u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio9PortModePos = 18; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio10PortModePos = 20; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioPortModeAlternate = 2; |
| |
| // Constants related to GPIO port speed register masks. |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioPortSpeedMask = 0x3u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio9PortSpeedPos = 18; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio10PortSpeedPos = 20; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioSpeedVeryHigh = 3; |
| |
| // Constants related to GPIO pull up/down resistor type masks. |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioPullTypeMask = 0x3u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio9PullTypePos = 18; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio10PullTypePos = 20; |
| constexpr uint32_t kPullTypePullUp = 1; |
| |
| // Constants related to GPIO port speed register masks. |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpioAltModeMask = 0x3u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio9AltModeHighPos = 4; |
| constexpr uint32_t kGpio10AltModeHighPos = 8; |
| |
| // Alternate function for pins A9 and A10 that enable USART1. |
| constexpr uint8_t kGpioAlternateFunctionUsart1 = 0x07u; |
| |
| // USART status flags. |
| constexpr uint32_t kTxRegisterEmpty = 0x1u << 7; |
| |
| // USART configuration flags for config1 register. |
| // Note: a large number of configuration flags have been omitted as they default |
| // to sane values and we don't need to change them. |
| constexpr uint32_t kReceiveEnable = 0x1 << 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kTransmitEnable = 0x1 << 3; |
| constexpr uint32_t kReadDataReady = 0x1u << 5; |
| constexpr uint32_t kEnableUsart = 0x1 << 13; |
| |
| // Layout of memory mapped registers for USART blocks. |
| PW_PACKED(struct) UsartBlock { |
| uint32_t status; |
| // Only the lower 8 bits are valid. Read for RX data, write to TX data. |
| uint32_t data_register; |
| uint32_t baud_rate; |
| uint32_t config1; |
| uint32_t config2; |
| uint32_t config3; |
| uint32_t config4; |
| }; |
| |
| // Sets the UART baud register using the peripheral clock and target baud rate. |
| // These calculations are specific to the default oversample by 16 mode. |
| // TODO(amontanez): Document magic calculations in full UART implementation. |
| uint32_t CalcBaudRegister(uint32_t clock, uint32_t target_baud) { |
| uint32_t div_fac = (clock * 25) / (4 * target_baud); |
| uint32_t mantissa = div_fac / 100; |
| uint32_t fraction = ((div_fac - mantissa * 100) * 16 + 50) / 100; |
| |
| return (mantissa << 4) + (fraction & 0xFFu); |
| } |
| |
| // Declare a reference to the memory mapped RCC block. |
| volatile RccBlock& platform_rcc = |
| *reinterpret_cast<volatile RccBlock*>(kAhb1PeripheralBase + 0x3800U); |
| |
| // Declare a reference to the 'A' GPIO memory mapped block. |
| volatile GpioBlock& gpio_a = |
| *reinterpret_cast<volatile GpioBlock*>(kAhb1PeripheralBase + 0x0000U); |
| |
| // Declare a reference to the memory mapped block for USART1. |
| volatile UsartBlock& usart1 = |
| *reinterpret_cast<volatile UsartBlock*>(kApb2PeripheralBase + 0x1000U); |
| |
| // Default handler to insert into the ARMv7-M vector table (below). |
| // This function exists for convenience. If a device isn't doing what you |
| // expect, it might have hit a fault and ended up here. |
| void DefaultFaultHandler(void) { |
| while (true) { |
| // Wait for debugger to attach. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // This is the device's interrupt vector table. It's not referenced in any |
| // code because the platform (STM32F4xx) expects this table to be present at the |
| // beginning of flash. The exact address is specified in the pw_boot_armv7m |
| // configuration as part of the target config. |
| // |
| // For more information, see ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual DDI 0403E.b |
| // section B1.5.3. |
| |
| // This typedef is for convenience when building the vector table. With the |
| // exception of SP_main (0th entry in the vector table), all the entries of the |
| // vector table are function pointers. |
| typedef void (*InterruptHandler)(); |
| |
| PW_KEEP_IN_SECTION(".vector_table") |
| const InterruptHandler vector_table[] = { |
| // The starting location of the stack pointer. |
| // This address is NOT an interrupt handler/function pointer, it is simply |
| // the address that the main stack pointer should be initialized to. The |
| // value is reinterpret casted because it needs to be in the vector table. |
| [0] = reinterpret_cast<InterruptHandler>(&pw_stack_high_addr), |
| |
| // Reset handler, dictates how to handle reset interrupt. This is the |
| // address that the Program Counter (PC) is initialized to at boot. |
| [1] = pw_BootEntry, |
| |
| // NMI handler. |
| [2] = DefaultFaultHandler, |
| // HardFault handler. |
| [3] = DefaultFaultHandler, |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| extern "C" void pw_PreMainInit() { |
| // Enable 'A' GIPO clocks. |
| platform_rcc.ahb1_config |= kGpioAEnable; |
| |
| // Enable Uart TX pin. |
| // Output type defaults to push-pull (rather than open/drain). |
| gpio_a.modes |= kGpioPortModeAlternate << kGpio9PortModePos; |
| gpio_a.out_speed |= kGpioSpeedVeryHigh << kGpio9PortSpeedPos; |
| gpio_a.pull_up_down |= kPullTypePullUp << kGpio9PullTypePos; |
| gpio_a.alt_high |= kGpioAlternateFunctionUsart1 << kGpio9AltModeHighPos; |
| |
| // Enable Uart RX pin. |
| // Output type defaults to push-pull (rather than open/drain). |
| gpio_a.modes |= kGpioPortModeAlternate << kGpio10PortModePos; |
| gpio_a.out_speed |= kGpioSpeedVeryHigh << kGpio10PortSpeedPos; |
| gpio_a.pull_up_down |= kPullTypePullUp << kGpio10PullTypePos; |
| gpio_a.alt_high |= kGpioAlternateFunctionUsart1 << kGpio10AltModeHighPos; |
| |
| // Initialize USART1. Initialized to 8N1 at the specified baud rate. |
| platform_rcc.apb2_config |= kUsart1Enable; |
| |
| // Warning: Normally the baud rate register calculation is based off |
| // peripheral 2 clock. For this code, the peripheral clock defaults to |
| // the system core clock so it can be used directly. |
| usart1.baud_rate = CalcBaudRegister(kSystemCoreClock, /*target_baud=*/115200); |
| |
| usart1.config1 = kEnableUsart | kReceiveEnable | kTransmitEnable; |
| } |
| |
| namespace pw::sys_io { |
| |
| // Wait for a byte to read on USART1. This blocks until a byte is read. This is |
| // extremely inefficient as it requires the target to burn CPU cycles polling to |
| // see if a byte is ready yet. |
| Status ReadByte(std::byte* dest) { |
| while (true) { |
| if (usart1.status & kReadDataReady) { |
| *dest = static_cast<std::byte>(usart1.data_register); |
| } |
| } |
| return Status::OK; |
| } |
| |
| // Send a byte over USART1. Since this blocks on every byte, it's rather |
| // inefficient. At the default baud rate of 115200, one byte blocks the CPU for |
| // ~87 micro seconds. This means it takes only 10 bytes to block the CPU for |
| // 1ms! |
| Status WriteByte(std::byte b) { |
| // Wait for TX buffer to be empty. When the buffer is empty, we can write |
| // a value to be dumped out of UART. |
| while (!(usart1.status & kTxRegisterEmpty)) { |
| } |
| usart1.data_register = static_cast<uint32_t>(b); |
| return Status::OK; |
| } |
| |
| // Writes a string using pw::sys_io, and add newline characters at the end. |
| StatusWithSize WriteLine(const std::string_view& s) { |
| size_t chars_written = 0; |
| StatusWithSize result = WriteBytes(std::as_bytes(std::span(s))); |
| if (!result.ok()) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| chars_written += result.size(); |
| |
| // Write trailing newline ("\n\r"). |
| result = WriteBytes(std::as_bytes(std::span("\n\r", 2))); |
| chars_written += result.size(); |
| |
| return StatusWithSize(result.status(), chars_written); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace pw::sys_io |