blob: dab5d0ae681349ee49ca059dc591c6420b7cc627 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_kvs/alignment.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <string_view>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::kvs {
namespace {
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
using std::byte;
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 10;
constexpr std::string_view kData =
"123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_" // 50
"123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_"; // 100
const span<const byte> kBytes = as_bytes(span(kData));
// The output function checks that the data is properly aligned and matches
// the expected value (should always be 123456789_...).
OutputToFunction check_against_data([](span<const byte> data) {
EXPECT_EQ(data.size() % kAlignment, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(kData.substr(0, data.size()),
std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
return StatusWithSize(data.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, Write_VaryingLengths) {
AlignedWriterBuffer<32> writer(kAlignment, check_against_data);
// Write values smaller than the alignment.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(0, 1)).status());
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(1, 9)).status());
// Write values larger than the alignment but smaller than the buffer.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(10, 11)).status());
// Exactly fill the remainder of the buffer.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(21, 11)).status());
// Fill the buffer more than once.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(32, 66)).status());
// Write nothing.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(98, 0)).status());
// Write the remaining data.
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(kBytes.subspan(98, 2)).status());
auto result = writer.Flush();
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(kData.size(), result.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, DestructorFlushes) {
static size_t called_with_bytes;
called_with_bytes = 0;
OutputToFunction output([](span<const byte> data) {
called_with_bytes += data.size();
return StatusWithSize(data.size());
AlignedWriterBuffer<64> writer(3, output);
writer.Write(as_bytes(span("What is this?"))).status());
EXPECT_EQ(called_with_bytes, 0u); // Buffer not full; no output yet.
EXPECT_EQ(called_with_bytes, AlignUp(sizeof("What is this?"), 3));
// Output class that can be programmed to fail for testing purposes.
// TODO(hepler): If we create a general pw_io / pw_stream module, this and
// InputWithErrorInjection should be made into generic test utility classes,
// similar to FakeFlashMemory.
struct OutputWithErrorInjection final : public Output {
enum { kKeepGoing, kBreakOnNext, kBroken } state = kKeepGoing;
StatusWithSize DoWrite(span<const byte> data) override {
switch (state) {
case kKeepGoing:
return StatusWithSize(data.size());
case kBreakOnNext:
state = kBroken;
case kBroken:
return StatusWithSize::Unknown(data.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, Write_NoFurtherWritesOnFailure) {
OutputWithErrorInjection output;
AlignedWriterBuffer<4> writer(3, output);
writer.Write(as_bytes(span("Everything is fine."))).status());
output.state = OutputWithErrorInjection::kBreakOnNext;
writer.Write(as_bytes(span("No more writes, okay?"))).status());
TEST(AlignedWriter, Write_ReturnsTotalBytesWritten) {
static Status return_status;
return_status = OkStatus();
OutputToFunction output([](span<const byte> data) {
return StatusWithSize(return_status, data.size());
AlignedWriterBuffer<22> writer(10, output);
StatusWithSize result = writer.Write(as_bytes(span("12345678901"sv)));
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.size()); // No writes; haven't filled buffer.
result = writer.Write(as_bytes(span("2345678901"sv)));
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(20u, result.size());
return_status = Status::PermissionDenied();
result = writer.Write(as_bytes(span("2345678901234567890"sv)));
EXPECT_EQ(Status::PermissionDenied(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(40u, result.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, Flush_Ok_ReturnsTotalBytesWritten) {
OutputToFunction output(
[](span<const byte> data) { return StatusWithSize(data.size()); });
AlignedWriterBuffer<4> writer(2, output);
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(as_bytes(span("12345678901"sv))).status());
StatusWithSize result = writer.Flush();
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(12u, result.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, Flush_Error_ReturnsTotalBytesWritten) {
OutputToFunction output([](span<const byte> data) {
return StatusWithSize::Aborted(data.size());
AlignedWriterBuffer<20> writer(10, output);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, writer.Write(as_bytes(span("12345678901"sv))).size());
StatusWithSize result = writer.Flush();
EXPECT_EQ(Status::Aborted(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(20u, result.size());
// Input class that can be programmed to fail for testing purposes.
class InputWithErrorInjection final : public Input {
void BreakOnIndex(size_t index) { break_on_index_ = index; }
StatusWithSize DoRead(span<byte> data) override {
EXPECT_LE(index_ + data.size(), kBytes.size());
if (index_ + data.size() > kBytes.size()) {
return StatusWithSize::Internal();
// Check if reading from the index that was programmed to cause an error.
if (index_ <= break_on_index_ && break_on_index_ <= index_ + data.size()) {
return StatusWithSize::Aborted();
std::memcpy(,, data.size());
index_ += data.size();
return StatusWithSize(data.size());
size_t index_ = 0;
size_t break_on_index_ = size_t(-1);
TEST(AlignedWriter, WriteFromInput_Successful) {
AlignedWriterBuffer<32> writer(kAlignment, check_against_data);
InputWithErrorInjection input;
StatusWithSize result = writer.Write(input, kData.size());
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_LE(result.size(), kData.size()); // May not have written it all yet.
result = writer.Flush();
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(kData.size(), result.size());
TEST(AlignedWriter, WriteFromInput_InputError) {
AlignedWriterBuffer<kAlignment> writer(kAlignment, check_against_data);
InputWithErrorInjection input;
input.BreakOnIndex(kAlignment + 2);
StatusWithSize result = writer.Write(input, kData.size());
EXPECT_EQ(Status::Aborted(), result.status());
EXPECT_LE(result.size(), kAlignment); // Wrote the first chunk, nothing more.
TEST(AlignedWriter, WriteFromInput_OutputError) {
InputWithErrorInjection input;
OutputWithErrorInjection output;
AlignedWriterBuffer<4> writer(3, output);
output.state = OutputWithErrorInjection::kBreakOnNext;
StatusWithSize result = writer.Write(input, kData.size());
EXPECT_EQ(Status::Unknown(), result.status());
EXPECT_EQ(3u, result.size()); // Attempted to write 3 bytes.
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::kvs