blob: 7026b229f2ccbfa1f013ef6b4f8268eb5b05f1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Manages the list of Pigweed modules.
Used by modules.gni to generate:
- a build arg for each module,
- a list of module paths (pw_modules),
- a list of module tests (pw_module_tests), and
- a list of module docs (pw_module_docs).
import argparse
import difflib
import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import subprocess
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.'''
_WARNING = '\033[31m\033[1mWARNING:\033[0m ' # Red WARNING: prefix
_ERROR = '\033[41m\033[37m\033[1mERROR:\033[0m ' # Red background ERROR: prefix
The PIGWEED_MODULES list is missing the following modules:
If the listed modules are Pigweed modules, add them to PIGWEED_MODULES.
If the listed modules are not actual Pigweed modules, remove any stray pw_*
directories in the Pigweed repository (git clean -fd).
The generated Pigweed modules list .gni file is out of date!
Regenerate the modules lists and commit it to fix this:
ninja -C {out_dir} update_modules
git add {file}
Failed to generate a valid .gni from PIGWEED_MODULES!
This may be a Pigweed bug; please report this to the Pigweed team.
def _module_list_warnings(root: Path, modules: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
missing = _missing_modules(root, modules)
if missing:
yield _MISSING_MODULES_WARNING.format(modules=''.join(
f'\n - {module}' for module in missing))
if any(modules[i] > modules[i + 1] for i in range(len(modules) - 1)):
yield _WARNING + 'The PIGWEED_MODULES list is not sorted!'
yield ''
yield 'Apply the following diff to fix the order:'
yield ''
yield from difflib.unified_diff(modules,
yield ''
# TODO(hepler): Add tests and docs targets to all modules.
def _find_tests_and_docs(
root: Path, modules: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
"""Lists "tests" and "docs" targets for modules that declare them."""
tests = []
docs = []
for module in modules:
build_gn_contents = root.joinpath(module, '').read_bytes()
if b'group("tests")' in build_gn_contents:
if b'group("docs")' in build_gn_contents:
return tests, docs
def _generate_modules_gni(root: Path, prefix: Path,
modules: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Generates a .gni file with variables and lists for Pigweed modules."""
script = Path(__file__).resolve().relative_to(root.resolve()).as_posix()
yield ''
yield '# Build args and lists for all modules in Pigweed.'
yield '#'
yield f'# DO NOT EDIT! Generated by {script}.'
yield '#'
yield '# To add modules here, list them in PIGWEED_MODULES and build the'
yield '# update_modules target and commit the updated version of this file:'
yield '#'
yield '# ninja -C out update_modules'
yield '#'
yield '#'
yield '# Import it through //build_overrides/pigweed.gni instead.'
yield ''
yield '# Declare a build arg for each module.'
yield 'declare_args() {'
for module in modules:
module_path = prefix.joinpath(module).as_posix()
yield f'dir_{module} = get_path_info("{module_path}", "abspath")'
yield '}'
yield ''
yield '# Declare these as GN args in case this is imported in args.gni.'
yield '# Use a separate block so variables in the prior block can be used.'
yield 'declare_args() {'
yield f'# A list with paths to all Pigweed module. {_DO_NOT_SET}'
yield 'pw_modules = ['
for module in modules:
yield f'dir_{module},'
yield ']'
yield ''
tests, docs = _find_tests_and_docs(root, modules)
yield f'# A list with all Pigweed module test groups. {_DO_NOT_SET}'
yield 'pw_module_tests = ['
yield from tests
yield ']'
yield ''
yield f'# A list with all Pigweed modules docs groups. {_DO_NOT_SET}'
yield 'pw_module_docs = ['
yield from docs
yield ']'
yield ''
yield '}'
def _missing_modules(root: Path, modules: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]:
return sorted(
for p in root.glob('pw_*') if p.is_dir()) - frozenset(modules))
def _parse_args() -> dict:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('root', type=Path, help='Root build dir')
parser.add_argument('modules_list', type=Path, help='Input modules list')
parser.add_argument('modules_gni_file', type=Path, help='Output .gni file')
help='Only check PIGWEED_MODULES; takes a path to a stamp file to use')
return vars(parser.parse_args())
def _main(root: Path, modules_list: Path, modules_gni_file: Path,
warn_only: Optional[Path]) -> int:
prefix = Path(os.path.relpath(root, modules_gni_file.parent))
modules = modules_list.read_text().splitlines()
# Detect any problems with the modules list.
warnings = list(_module_list_warnings(root, modules))
errors = []
modules.sort() # Sort in case the modules list in case it wasn't sorted.
# Check if the contents of the .gni file are out of date.
if warn_only:
text = io.StringIO()
for line in _generate_modules_gni(root, prefix, modules):
print(line, file=text)
process =['gn', 'format', '--stdin'],
if process.returncode != 0:
elif modules_gni_file.read_bytes() != process.stdout:
out_dir=os.path.relpath(os.curdir, root),
file=os.path.relpath(modules_gni_file, root)))
elif not warnings: # Update the modules .gni file.
with'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
for line in _generate_modules_gni(root, prefix, modules):
print(line, file=file)
process =['gn', 'format', modules_gni_file],
if process.returncode != 0:
# If there are errors, display them and abort.
if warnings or errors:
for line in warnings + errors:
print(line, file=sys.stderr)
# Delete the stamp so this always reruns. Deleting is necessary since
# some of the checks do not depend on input files.
if warn_only and warn_only.exists():
# Warnings are non-fatal if warn_only is True.
return 1 if errors or not warn_only else 0
if warn_only:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':