blob: 692f49198a1d712f52ac4be249f1d09fac4c1d06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bluetooth/att.emb.h"
#include "pw_bluetooth_proxy/acl_data_channel.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw::bluetooth::proxy {
/// `ProxyHost` acts as the main coordinator for proxy functionality. After
/// creation, the container then passes packets through the proxy.
class ProxyHost {
/// Creates an `ProxyHost` that will process HCI packets.
/// @param[in] send_to_host_fn Callback that will be called when proxy wants
/// to send HCI packet towards the host.
/// @param[in] send_to_controller_fn - Callback that will be called when
/// proxy wants to send HCI packet towards the controller.
ProxyHost(pw::Function<void(H4PacketWithHci&& packet)>&& send_to_host_fn,
pw::Function<void(H4PacketWithH4&& packet)>&& send_to_controller_fn,
uint16_t le_acl_credits_to_reserve);
ProxyHost() = delete;
virtual ~ProxyHost() = default;
ProxyHost(const ProxyHost&) = delete;
ProxyHost& operator=(const ProxyHost&) = delete;
ProxyHost(ProxyHost&&) = delete;
ProxyHost& operator=(ProxyHost&&) = delete;
// ##### Container APIs
/// Called by container to ask proxy to handle a H4 HCI packet sent from the
/// host side towards the controller side. Proxy will in turn call the
/// `send_to_controller_fn` provided during construction to pass the packet
/// on to the controller. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.
void HandleH4HciFromHost(H4PacketWithH4&& h4_packet);
/// Called by container to ask proxy to handle a H4 packet sent from the
/// controller side towards the host side. Proxy will in turn call the
/// `send_to_host_fn` provided during construction to pass the packet on to
/// the host. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.
void HandleH4HciFromController(H4PacketWithHci&& h4_packet);
// ##### Client APIs
/// Send a GATT Notify to the indicated connection.
/// @param[in] connection_handle The connection handle of the peer to notify
/// @param[in] attribute_handle The attribute handle the notify should be
/// sent on.
/// @param[in] attribute_value The data to be sent. Data will be copied
/// before function completes.
/// @returns @rst
/// .. pw-status-codes::
/// OK: If notify was successfully queued for send.
/// UNAVAILABLE: If CHRE doesn't have resources to queue the send
/// at this time (transient error).
/// UNIMPLEMENTED: If send is not supported by the current implementation.
/// INVALID_ARGUMENT: If arguments are invalid.
/// @endrst
pw::Status sendGattNotify(uint16_t connection_handle,
uint16_t attribute_handle,
const pw::span<uint8_t> attribute_value);
/// Indicates whether the proxy has the capability of sending ACL packets.
/// Note that this indicates intention, so it can be true even if the proxy
/// has not yet or has been unable to reserve credits from the host.
bool HasSendAclCapability() const;
/// Returns the number of available LE ACL send credits for the proxy.
/// Can be zero if the controller has not yet been initialized by the host.
uint16_t GetNumFreeLeAclPackets() const;
// Process/update the packet.
void ProcessH4HciFromController(pw::span<uint8_t> hci_buffer);
// Populate the fields of the provided ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF packet view.
void BuildAttNotify(emboss::AttNotifyOverAclWriter att_notify,
uint16_t connection_handle,
uint16_t attribute_handle,
const pw::span<uint8_t> attribute_value)
// Process a Command_Complete event.
void ProcessCommandCompleteEvent(pw::span<uint8_t> hci_buffer);
// For sending non-ACL data to the host and controller. ACL traffic shall be
// sent through the `acl_data_channel_`.
HciTransport hci_transport_;
// Owns management of the LE ACL data channel.
AclDataChannel acl_data_channel_;
// Max size of `h4_buff_`.
// TODO: - Make size configurable.
static constexpr uint16_t kH4BuffSize = 14;
// Sending & releasing ACL packets happen on different threads. As such, we
// need a mutex to guard around all operations in the ACL-send pipeline,
// including building packets, credit allocation, and releasing packets.
sync::Mutex acl_send_mutex_;
// Static buffer to hold one H4 packet containing an ACL PDU.
std::array<uint8_t, kH4BuffSize> h4_buff_ PW_GUARDED_BY(acl_send_mutex_);
// Set when an H4 packet is sent through the `acl_data_channel_` and cleared
// in that H4 packet's release function to indicate that `h4_buff_` is safe to
// overwrite.
bool acl_send_pending_ PW_GUARDED_BY(acl_send_mutex_);
} // namespace pw::bluetooth::proxy