| .. _module-pw_env_setup: |
| |
| ------------ |
| pw_env_setup |
| ------------ |
| A classic problem in the embedded space is reducing the time from git clone |
| to having a binary executing on a device. The issue is that an entire suite |
| of tools is needed for non-trivial production embedded projects. For example: |
| |
| - A C++ compiler for your target device, and also for your host |
| - A build system or three; for example, GN, Ninja, CMake, Bazel |
| - A code formatting program like clang-format |
| - A debugger like OpenOCD to flash and debug your embedded device |
| - A known Python version with known modules installed for scripting |
| - A Go compiler for the Go-based command line tools |
| |
| ...and so on |
| |
| In the server space, container solutions like Docker or Podman solve this; |
| however, in our experience container solutions are a mixed bag for embedded |
| systems development where one frequently needs access to native system |
| resources like USB devices, or must operate on Windows. |
| |
| ``pw_env_setup`` is our compromise solution for this problem that works on Mac, |
| Windows, and Linux. It leverages the Chrome packaging system `CIPD`_ to |
| bootstrap a Python installation, which in turn inflates a virtual |
| environment. The tooling is installed into your workspace, and makes no |
| changes to your system. This tooling is designed to be reused by any |
| project. |
| |
| .. _CIPD: https://github.com/luci/luci-go/tree/master/cipd |
| |
| Users interact with ``pw_env_setup`` with two commands: ``. bootstrap.sh`` and |
| ``. activate.sh``. The bootstrap command always pulls down the current versions |
| of CIPD packages and sets up the Python virtual environment. The activate |
| command reinitializes a previously configured environment, and if none is found, |
| runs bootstrap. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| On Windows the scripts used to set up the environment are ``bootstrap.bat`` |
| and ``activate.bat``. For simplicity they will be referred to with the ``.sh`` |
| endings unless the distinction is relevant. |
| |
| By default packages will be installed in a ``.environment`` folder within the |
| checkout root, and CIPD will cache files in ``$HOME/.cipd-cache-dir``. These |
| paths can be overridden by setting ``PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT`` and |
| ``CIPD_CACHE_DIR``, respectively. |
| |
| .. warning:: |
| At this time ``pw_env_setup`` works for us, but isn’t well tested. We don’t |
| suggest relying on it just yet. However, we are interested in experience |
| reports; if you give it a try, please `send us a note`_ about your |
| experience. |
| |
| .. _send us a note: pigweed@googlegroups.com |
| |
| ================================== |
| Using pw_env_setup in your project |
| ================================== |
| |
| Downstream Projects Using Pigweed's Packages |
| ******************************************** |
| |
| Projects using Pigweed can leverage ``pw_env_setup`` to install Pigweed's |
| dependencies or their own dependencies. Projects that only want to use Pigweed's |
| dependencies without modifying them can just source Pigweed's ``bootstrap.sh`` |
| and ``activate.sh`` scripts. |
| |
| An example of what your project's `bootstrap.sh` could look like is below. This |
| assumes `bootstrap.sh` is at the top level of your repository. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| # Do not include a "#!" line, this must be sourced and not executed. |
| |
| # This assumes the user is sourcing this file from it's parent directory. See |
| # below for a more flexible way to handle this. |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(pwd)/bootstrap.sh" |
| |
| export PW_PROJECT_ROOT="$(_python_abspath "$(dirname "$PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH")")" |
| |
| # You may wish to check if the user is attempting to execute this script |
| # instead of sourcing it. See below for an example of how to handle that |
| # situation. |
| |
| # Source Pigweed's bootstrap utility script. |
| # Using '.' instead of 'source' for POSIX compatibility. Since users don't use |
| # dash directly, using 'source' in most documentation so users don't get |
| # confused and try to `./bootstrap.sh`. |
| . "$PW_PROJECT_ROOT/third_party/pigweed/pw_env_setup/util.sh" |
| |
| pw_check_root "$PW_ROOT" |
| _PW_ACTUAL_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT="$(pw_get_env_root)" |
| pw_bootstrap --args... # See below for details about args. |
| pw_finalize bootstrap "$SETUP_SH" |
| |
| User-Friendliness |
| ----------------- |
| |
| You may wish to allow sourcing `bootstrap.sh` from a different directory. In |
| that case you'll need the following at the top of `bootstrap.sh`. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| _python_abspath () { |
| python -c "import os.path; print(os.path.abspath('$@'))" |
| } |
| |
| # Use this code from Pigweed's bootstrap to find the path to this script when |
| # sourced. This should work with common shells. PW_CHECKOUT_ROOT is only used in |
| # presubmit tests with strange setups, and can be omitted if you're not using |
| # Pigweed's automated testing infrastructure. |
| if test -n "$PW_CHECKOUT_ROOT"; then |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(_python_abspath "$PW_CHECKOUT_ROOT/bootstrap.sh")" |
| # Shell: bash. |
| elif test -n "$BASH"; then |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(_python_abspath "$BASH_SOURCE")" |
| # Shell: zsh. |
| elif test -n "$ZSH_NAME"; then |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(_python_abspath "${(%):-%N}")" |
| # Shell: dash. |
| elif test ${0##*/} = dash; then |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(_python_abspath \ |
| "$(lsof -p $$ -Fn0 | tail -1 | sed 's#^[^/]*##;')")" |
| # If everything else fails, try $0. It could work. |
| else |
| PROJ_SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(_python_abspath "$0")" |
| fi |
| |
| You may also wish to check if the user is attempting to execute `bootstrap.sh` |
| instead of sourcing it. Executing `bootstrap.sh` would download everything |
| required for the environment, but cannot modify the environment of the parent |
| process. To check for this add the following. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| # Check if this file is being executed or sourced. |
| _pw_sourced=0 |
| # If not running in Pigweed's automated testing infrastructure the |
| # SWARMING_BOT_ID check is unnecessary. |
| if [ -n "$SWARMING_BOT_ID" ]; then |
| # If set we're running on swarming and don't need this check. |
| _pw_sourced=1 |
| elif [ -n "$ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT" ]; then |
| case $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT in *:file) _pw_sourced=1;; esac |
| elif [ -n "$KSH_VERSION" ]; then |
| [ "$(cd $(dirname -- $0) && pwd -P)/$(basename -- $0)" != \ |
| "$(cd $(dirname -- ${.sh.file}) && pwd -P)/$(basename -- ${.sh.file})" ] \ |
| && _pw_sourced=1 |
| elif [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then |
| (return 0 2>/dev/null) && _pw_sourced=1 |
| else # All other shells: examine $0 for known shell binary filenames |
| # Detects `sh` and `dash`; add additional shell filenames as needed. |
| case ${0##*/} in sh|dash) _pw_sourced=1;; esac |
| fi |
| |
| _pw_eval_sourced "$_pw_sourced" |
| |
| Downstream Projects Using Different Packages |
| ******************************************** |
| |
| Projects depending on Pigweed but using additional or different packages should |
| copy the Pigweed `sample project`'s ``bootstrap.sh`` and update the call to |
| ``pw_bootstrap``. Search for "downstream" for other places that may require |
| changes, like setting the ``PW_ROOT`` and ``PW_PROJECT_ROOT`` environment |
| variables. Relevant arguments to ``pw_bootstrap`` are listed here. |
| |
| .. _sample project: https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/sample_project/+/master |
| |
| ``--use-pigweed-defaults`` |
| Use Pigweed default values in addition to the other switches. |
| |
| ``--cipd-package-file path/to/packages.json`` |
| CIPD package file. JSON file consisting of a list of dictionaries with "path" |
| and "tags" keys, where "tags" is a list of strings. |
| |
| ``--virtualenv-requierements path/to/requirements.txt`` |
| Pip requirements file. Compiled with pip-compile. |
| |
| ``--virtualenv-gn-target path/to/directory#package-install-target`` |
| Target for installing Python packages, and the directory from which it must be |
| run. Example for Pigweed: ``third_party/pigweed#:python.install`` (assuming |
| Pigweed is included in the project at ``third_party/pigweed``). Downstream |
| projects will need to create targets to install their packages and either |
| choose a subset of Pigweed packages or use |
| ``third_party/pigweed#:python.install`` to install all Pigweed packages. |
| |
| ``--cargo-package-file path/to/packages.txt`` |
| Rust cargo packages to install. Lines with package name and version separated |
| by a space. Has no effect without ``--enable-cargo``. |
| |
| ``--enable-cargo`` |
| Enable cargo package installation. |
| |
| An example of the changed env_setup.py line is below. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| pw_bootstrap \ |
| --shell-file "$SETUP_SH" \ |
| --install-dir "$_PW_ACTUAL_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT" \ |
| --use-pigweed-defaults \ |
| --cipd-package-file "$PW_PROJECT_ROOT/path/to/cipd.json" \ |
| --virtualenv-gn-target "$PW_PROJECT_ROOT#:python.install" |
| |
| Projects wanting some of the Pigweed environment packages but not all of them |
| should not use ``--use-pigweed-defaults`` and must manually add the references |
| to Pigweed default packages through the other arguments. The arguments below |
| are identical to using ``--use-pigweed-defaults``. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| --cipd-package-file |
| "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json" |
| --cipd-package-file |
| "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/luci.json" |
| --virtualenv-requirements |
| "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/virtualenv_setup/requirements.txt" |
| --virtualenv-gn-target |
| "$PW_ROOT#:python.install" |
| --cargo-package-file |
| "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cargo_setup/packages.txt" |
| |
| Automated Tools |
| *************** |
| Automated tools should set ``PW_ACTIVATE_SKIP_CHECKS=1`` before running |
| ``activate.sh`` or ``activate.bat``. This will skip the checks on the |
| environment and should complete almost instantaneously. Users should not set |
| this variable. |
| |
| Implementation |
| ************** |
| |
| The environment is set up by installing CIPD and Python packages in |
| ``PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT`` or ``<checkout>/.environment``, and saving modifications |
| to environment variables in setup scripts in those directories. To support |
| multiple operating systems this is done in an operating system-agnostic manner |
| and then written into operating system-specific files to be sourced now and in |
| the future when running ``activate.sh`` instead of ``bootstrap.sh``. In the |
| future these could be extended to C shell and PowerShell. A logical mapping of |
| high-level commands to system-specific initialization files is shown below. |
| |
| .. image:: doc_resources/pw_env_setup_output.png |
| :alt: Mapping of high-level commands to system-specific commands. |
| :align: left |