blob: 8895c65521f212977ab2b513edfe5cd3854f3013 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h"
#include "pw_bluetooth/types.h"
namespace pw::bluetooth::low_energy {
// Actual connection parameters returned by the controller.
struct ConnectionParameters {
// The connection interval indicates the frequency of link layer connection
// events over which data channel PDUs can be transmitted. See Core Spec v5.3,
// Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more information on the link layer
// connection events.
// Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t interval;
// The maximum allowed peripheral connection latency in number of connection
// events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
// Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
uint16_t latency;
// This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
// before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
// B, Section 4.5.2.
// Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
// Time: N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
uint16_t supervision_timeout;
// Connection parameters that either the local device or a peer device are
// requesting.
struct RequestedConnectionParameters {
// Minimum value for the connection interval. This shall be less than or equal
// to `max_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency of link
// layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be transmitted.
// See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more information on
// the link layer connection events.
// Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t min_interval;
// Maximum value for the connection interval. This shall be greater than or
// equal to `min_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency
// of link layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be
// transmitted. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more
// information on the link layer connection events.
// Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
// Time: N * 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
uint16_t max_interval;
// Maximum peripheral latency for the connection in number of connection
// events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
// Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
uint16_t max_latency;
// This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
// before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
// B, Section 4.5.2.
// Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
// Time: N * 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
uint16_t supervision_timeout;
// Represents parameters that are set on a per-connection basis.
struct ConnectionOptions {
// When true, the connection operates in bondable mode. This means pairing
// will form a bond, or persist across disconnections, if the peer is also
// in bondable mode. When false, the connection operates in non-bondable
// mode, which means the local device only allows pairing that does not form
// a bond.
bool bondable_mode = true;
// When present, service discovery performed following the connection is
// restricted to primary services that match this field. Otherwise, by
// default all available services are discovered.
std::optional<Uuid> service_filter;
// When present, specifies the initial connection parameters. Otherwise, the
// connection parameters will be selected by the implementation.
std::optional<RequestedConnectionParameters> parameters;
/// Class that represents a connection to a peer. This can be used to interact
/// with GATT services and establish LE L2CAP channels.
/// This lifetime of this object is tied to that of the LE connection it
/// represents. Destroying the object results in a disconnection.
class Connection {
// Possible errors when updating the connection parameters.
enum class ConnectionParameterUpdateError : uint8_t {
// Possible reasons a connection was disconnected.
enum class DisconnectReason : uint8_t {
// This usually indicates that the link supervision timeout expired.
// If a disconnection has not occurred, destroying this object will result in
// disconnection.
virtual ~Connection() = default;
// Sets a callback that will be called when the peer disconnects or there is a
// connection error that causes a disconnection. This should be configured by
// the client immediately after establishing the connection. `callback` will
// not be called for disconnections iniated by the client (e.g. by destroying
// `Connection`). It is OK to destroy this object from within `callback`.
virtual void SetDisconnectCallback(
Function<void(DisconnectReason)>&& callback) = 0;
// Returns a GATT client to the connected peer that is valid for the lifetime
// of this connection. The client is valid for the lifetime of this
// connection.
virtual gatt::Client* GattClient() = 0;
// Returns the current ATT Maximum Transmission Unit. By subtracting ATT
// headers from the MTU, the maximum payload size of messages can be
// calculated.
virtual uint16_t AttMtu() = 0;
// Sets a callback that will be called with the new ATT MTU whenever it is
// updated.
virtual void SetAttMtuChangeCallback(Function<void(uint16_t)> callback) = 0;
// Returns the current connection parameters.
virtual ConnectionParameters Parameters() = 0;
// Requests an update to the connection parameters. `callback` will be called
// with the result of the request.
virtual void RequestConnectionParameterUpdate(
RequestedConnectionParameters parameters,
Function<void(Result<ConnectionParameterUpdateError>)>&& callback) = 0;
} // namespace pw::bluetooth::low_energy