blob: 5e81c599b1cd0f498d617a9ca73b30198e288a1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <variant>
#include "pw_allocator/allocator.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
#include "pw_random/random.h"
namespace pw::allocator::test {
/// Represents a request to allocate some memory.
struct AllocationRequest {
size_t size = 0;
size_t alignment = 1;
/// Represents a request to free some allocated memory.
struct DeallocationRequest {
size_t index = 0;
/// Represents a request to reallocate allocated memory with a new size.
struct ReallocationRequest {
size_t index = 0;
size_t new_size = 0;
using AllocatorRequest =
std::variant<AllocationRequest, DeallocationRequest, ReallocationRequest>;
/// Helper function to produce a valid alignment for a given `size` from an
/// arbitrary left shift amount.
size_t AlignmentFromLShift(size_t lshift, size_t size);
/// Associates an `Allocator` with a vector to store allocated pointers.
/// This class facilitates performing allocations from generated
/// `AllocatorRequest`s, enabling the creation of performance, stress, and fuzz
/// tests for various allocators.
/// This class lacks a public constructor, and so cannot be used directly.
/// Instead callers should use `WithAllocations`, which is templated on the
/// size of the vector used to store allocated pointers.
class AllocatorTestHarnessGeneric {
/// Since this object has references passed to it that are typically owned by
/// an object of a derived type, the destructor MUST NOT touch those
/// references. Instead, it is the callers and/or the derived classes
/// responsibility to call `Reset` before the object is destroyed, if desired.
virtual ~AllocatorTestHarnessGeneric() = default;
/// Generates and handles a sequence of allocation requests.
/// This method will use the given PRNG to generate `num_requests` allocation
/// requests and pass each in turn to `HandleRequest`. It will call `Reset`
/// before returning.
void GenerateRequests(random::RandomGenerator& prng,
size_t max_size,
size_t num_requests);
/// Generate and handle an allocation requests.
/// This method will use the given PRNG to generate an allocation request
/// and pass it to `HandleRequest`. Callers *MUST* call `Reset` when no more
/// requests remain to be generated.
void GenerateRequest(random::RandomGenerator& prng, size_t max_size);
/// Handles a sequence of allocation requests.
/// This method is useful for processing externally generated requests, e.g.
/// from FuzzTest. It will call `Reset` before returning.
void HandleRequests(const Vector<AllocatorRequest>& requests);
/// Handles an allocator request.
/// This method is stateful, and modifies the vector of allocated pointers.
/// It will call `Init` if it has not yet been called.
/// If the request is an allocation request:
/// * If the vector of previous allocations is full, ignores the request.
/// * Otherwise, allocates memory and stores the pointer in the vector.
/// If the request is a deallocation request:
/// * If the vector of previous allocations is empty, ignores the request.
/// * Otherwise, removes a pointer from the vector and deallocates it.
/// If the request is a reallocation request:
/// * If the vector of previous allocations is empty, reallocates a `nullptr`.
/// * Otherwise, removes a pointer from the vector and reallocates it.
void HandleRequest(const AllocatorRequest& request);
/// Deallocates any pointers stored in the vector of allocated pointers.
void Reset();
/// Associates a pointer to memory with the `Layout` used to allocate it.
struct Allocation {
void* ptr;
Layout layout;
constexpr AllocatorTestHarnessGeneric(Vector<Allocation>& allocations)
: allocations_(allocations) {}
virtual Allocator* Init() = 0;
/// Adds a pointer to the vector of allocated pointers.
/// The `ptr` must not be null, and the vector of allocated pointers must not
/// be full. To aid in detecting memory corruptions and in debugging, the
/// pointed-at memory will be filled with as much of the following sequence as
/// will fit:
/// * The request number.
/// * The request size.
/// * The byte "0x5a", repeating.
void AddAllocation(void* ptr, Layout layout);
/// Removes and returns a previously allocated pointer.
/// The vector of allocated pointers must not be empty.
Allocation RemoveAllocation(size_t index);
/// An allocator used to manage memory.
Allocator* allocator_ = nullptr;
/// A vector of allocated pointers.
Vector<Allocation>& allocations_;
/// The number of requests this object has handled.
size_t num_requests_ = 0;
/// Associates an `Allocator` with a vector to store allocated pointers.
/// This class differes from its base class only in that it uses its template
/// parameter to explicitly size the vector used to store allocated pointers.
/// This class does NOT implement `WithAllocationsGeneric::Init`. It must be
/// extended further with a method that provides an initialized allocator.
/// For example, one create a fuzzer for `MyAllocator` that verifies it never
/// crashes by adding the following class, function, and macro:
/// @code{.cpp}
/// constexpr size_t kMaxRequests = 256;
/// constexpr size_t kMaxAllocations = 128;
/// constexpr size_t kMaxSize = 2048;
/// class MyAllocatorFuzzer : public AllocatorTestHarness<kMaxAllocations> {
/// private:
/// Allocator* Init() override { return &allocator_; }
/// MyAllocator allocator_;
/// };
/// void MyAllocatorNeverCrashes(const Vector<AllocatorRequest>& requests) {
/// static MyAllocatorFuzzer fuzzer;
/// fuzzer.HandleRequests(requests);
/// }
/// FUZZ_TEST(MyAllocator, MyAllocatorNeverCrashes)
/// .WithDomains(ArbitraryAllocatorRequests<kMaxRequests, kMaxSize>());
/// @endcode
template <size_t kMaxConcurrentAllocations>
class AllocatorTestHarness : public AllocatorTestHarnessGeneric {
constexpr AllocatorTestHarness()
: AllocatorTestHarnessGeneric(allocations_) {}
Vector<Allocation, kMaxConcurrentAllocations> allocations_;
} // namespace pw::allocator::test