blob: 24b8545f1329f3d0b96c68e998c434aff6389b79 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Evaluates target expressions within a GN build context."""
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass
import enum
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def abspath(path: Path) -> Path:
"""Turns a path into an absolute path, not resolving symlinks."""
return Path(os.path.abspath(path))
class GnPaths(NamedTuple):
"""The set of paths needed to resolve GN paths to filesystem paths."""
root: Path
build: Path
cwd: Path
# Toolchain label or '' if using the default toolchain
toolchain: str
def resolve(self, gn_path: str) -> Path:
"""Resolves a GN path to a filesystem path."""
if gn_path.startswith('//'):
return abspath(self.root.joinpath(gn_path.lstrip('/')))
return abspath(self.cwd.joinpath(gn_path))
def resolve_paths(self, gn_paths: str, sep: str = ';') -> str:
"""Resolves GN paths to filesystem paths in a delimited string."""
return sep.join(str(self.resolve(path)) for path in gn_paths.split(sep))
class Label:
"""Represents a GN label."""
name: str
dir: Path
relative_dir: Path
toolchain: Label | None
out_dir: Path
gen_dir: Path
def __init__(self, paths: GnPaths, label: str):
# Use this lambda to set attributes on this frozen dataclass.
set_attr = lambda attr, val: object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
# Handle explicitly-specified toolchains
if label.endswith(')'):
label, toolchain = label[:-1].rsplit('(', 1)
# Prevent infinite recursion for toolchains
toolchain = paths.toolchain if paths.toolchain != label else ''
set_attr('toolchain', Label(paths, toolchain) if toolchain else None)
# Split off the :target, if provided, or use the last part of the path.
directory, name = label.rsplit(':', 1)
except ValueError:
directory, name = label, label.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
set_attr('name', name)
# Resolve the directory to an absolute path
set_attr('dir', paths.resolve(directory))
set_attr('relative_dir', self.dir.relative_to(abspath(paths.root)))
'out_dir', / self.toolchain_name() / 'obj' / self.relative_dir,
'gen_dir', / self.toolchain_name() / 'gen' / self.relative_dir,
def gn_label(self) -> str:
label = f'//{self.relative_dir.as_posix()}:{}'
return f'{label}({self.toolchain!r})' if self.toolchain else label
def toolchain_name(self) -> str:
return if self.toolchain else ''
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.gn_label()
class _Artifact(NamedTuple):
path: Path
variables: dict[str, str]
# Matches a non-phony build statement.
_GN_NINJA_BUILD_STATEMENT = re.compile(r'^build (.+):[ \n](?!phony\b)')
# Extensions used for compilation artifacts.
_MAIN_ARTIFACTS = '', '.elf', '.a', '.so', '.dylib', '.exe', '.lib', '.dll'
def _get_artifact(entries: list[str]) -> _Artifact:
"""Attempts to resolve which artifact to use if there are multiple.
Selects artifacts based on extension. This will not work if a toolchain
creates multiple compilation artifacts from one command (e.g. .a and .elf).
assert entries, "There should be at least one entry here!"
if len(entries) == 1:
return _Artifact(Path(entries[0]), {})
filtered = [p for p in entries if Path(p).suffix in _MAIN_ARTIFACTS]
if len(filtered) == 1:
return _Artifact(Path(filtered[0]), {})
raise ExpressionError(
f'Expected 1, but found {len(filtered)} artifacts, after filtering for '
f'extensions {", ".join(repr(e) for e in _MAIN_ARTIFACTS)}: {entries}'
def _parse_build_artifacts(fd) -> Iterator[_Artifact]:
"""Partially parses the build statements in a Ninja file."""
lines = iter(fd)
def next_line():
return next(lines)
except StopIteration:
return None
# Serves as the parse state (only two states)
artifact: _Artifact | None = None
line = next_line()
while line is not None:
if artifact:
if line.startswith(' '): # build variable statements are indented
key, value = (a.strip() for a in line.split('=', 1))
artifact.variables[key] = value
line = next_line()
yield artifact
artifact = None
match = _GN_NINJA_BUILD_STATEMENT.match(line)
if match:
artifact = _get_artifact(
line = next_line()
if artifact:
yield artifact
def _search_target_ninja(
ninja_file: Path, target: Label
) -> tuple[Path | None, list[Path]]:
"""Parses the main output file and object files from <target>.ninja."""
artifact: Path | None = None
objects: list[Path] = []
_LOG.debug('Parsing target Ninja file %s for %s', ninja_file, target)
with as fd:
for path, _ in _parse_build_artifacts(fd):
# Older GN used .stamp files when there is no build artifact.
if path.suffix == '.stamp':
if str(path).endswith(_OBJECTS_EXTENSIONS):
assert not artifact, f'Multiple artifacts for {target}!'
artifact = Path(path)
return artifact, objects
def _search_toolchain_ninja(
ninja_file: Path, paths: GnPaths, target: Label
) -> Path | None:
"""Searches the file for outputs from the provided target.
Files created by an action appear in instead of in their own
<target>.ninja. If the specified target has a single output file in, this function returns its path.
_LOG.debug('Searching toolchain Ninja file %s for %s', ninja_file, target)
# Older versions of GN used a .stamp file to signal completion of a target.
stamp_dir = target.out_dir.relative_to(
stamp_tool = 'stamp'
if target.toolchain_name() != '':
stamp_tool = f'{target.toolchain_name()}_stamp'
stamp_statement = f'build {stamp_dir}/{}.stamp: {stamp_tool} '
# Newer GN uses a phony Ninja target to signal completion of a target.
phony_dir = Path(
target.toolchain_name(), 'phony', target.relative_dir
phony_statement = f'build {phony_dir}/{}: phony '
with as fd:
for line in fd:
for statement in (phony_statement, stamp_statement):
if line.startswith(statement):
output_files = line[len(statement) :].strip().split()
if len(output_files) == 1:
return Path(output_files[0])
return None
def _search_ninja_files(
paths: GnPaths, target: Label
) -> tuple[bool, Path | None, list[Path]]:
ninja_file = target.out_dir / f'{}.ninja'
if ninja_file.exists():
return (True, *_search_target_ninja(ninja_file, target))
ninja_file = / target.toolchain_name() / ''
if ninja_file.exists():
return True, _search_toolchain_ninja(ninja_file, paths, target), []
return False, None, []
class TargetInfo:
"""Provides information about a target parsed from a .ninja file."""
label: Label
generated: bool # True if the Ninja files for this target were generated.
artifact: Path | None
object_files: tuple[Path]
def __init__(self, paths: GnPaths, target: str):
object.__setattr__(self, 'label', Label(paths, target))
generated, artifact, objects = _search_ninja_files(paths, self.label)
object.__setattr__(self, 'generated', generated)
object.__setattr__(self, 'artifact', artifact)
object.__setattr__(self, 'object_files', tuple(objects))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return repr(self.label)
class ExpressionError(Exception):
"""An error occurred while parsing an expression."""
class _ArgAction(enum.Enum):
OMIT = 1
class _Expression:
def __init__(self, match: re.Match, ending: int):
self._match = match
self._ending = ending
def string(self):
return self._match.string
def end(self) -> int:
return self._ending + len(_ENDING)
def contents(self) -> str:
return self.string[self._match.end() : self._ending]
def expression(self) -> str:
return self.string[self._match.start() : self.end]
_Actions = Iterator[tuple[_ArgAction, str]]
def _target_file(paths: GnPaths, expr: _Expression) -> _Actions:
target = TargetInfo(paths, expr.contents())
if not target.generated:
raise ExpressionError(f'Target {target} has not been generated by GN!')
if target.artifact is None:
raise ExpressionError(f'Target {target} has no output file!')
yield _ArgAction.APPEND, str(target.artifact)
def _target_file_if_exists(paths: GnPaths, expr: _Expression) -> _Actions:
target = TargetInfo(paths, expr.contents())
if target.generated:
if target.artifact is None:
raise ExpressionError(f'Target {target} has no output file!')
yield _ArgAction.APPEND, str(target.artifact)
yield _ArgAction.OMIT, ''
def _target_objects(paths: GnPaths, expr: _Expression) -> _Actions:
if expr.expression() != expr.string:
raise ExpressionError(
f'The expression "{expr.expression()}" in "{expr.string}" may '
'expand to multiple arguments, so it cannot be used alongside '
'other text or expressions'
target = TargetInfo(paths, expr.contents())
if not target.generated:
raise ExpressionError(f'Target {target} has not been generated by GN!')
for obj in target.object_files:
yield _ArgAction.EMIT_NEW, str(obj)
# TODO: b/234886742 - Replace expressions with native GN features when possible.
_FUNCTIONS: dict[str, Callable[[GnPaths, _Expression], _Actions]] = {
'TARGET_FILE': _target_file,
'TARGET_FILE_IF_EXISTS': _target_file_if_exists,
'TARGET_OBJECTS': _target_objects,
_START_EXPRESSION = re.compile(fr'<({"|".join(_FUNCTIONS)})\(')
_ENDING = ')>'
def _expand_arguments(paths: GnPaths, string: str) -> _Actions:
pos = 0
for match in _START_EXPRESSION.finditer(string):
if pos != match.start():
yield _ArgAction.APPEND, string[pos : match.start()]
ending = string.find(_ENDING, match.end())
if ending == -1:
raise ExpressionError(
f'Parse error: no terminating "{_ENDING}" '
f'was found for "{string[match.start():]}"'
expression = _Expression(match, ending)
yield from _FUNCTIONS[](paths, expression)
pos = expression.end
if pos < len(string):
yield _ArgAction.APPEND, string[pos:]
def expand_expressions(paths: GnPaths, arg: str) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Expands <FUNCTION(...)> expressions; yields zero or more arguments."""
if arg == '':
return ['']
expanded_args: list[list[str]] = [[]]
for action, piece in _expand_arguments(paths, arg):
if action is _ArgAction.OMIT:
return []
if action is _ArgAction.EMIT_NEW:
return (''.join(arg) for arg in expanded_args if arg)
def _parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
file_pair = lambda s: tuple(Path(p) for p in s.split(':'))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
'Path to the root of the GN tree; '
'value of rebase_path("//", root_build_dir)'
help='Value of rebase_path(".", root_build_dir)',
'--default-toolchain', required=True, help='Value of default_toolchain'
'--current-toolchain', required=True, help='Value of current_toolchain'
help='Pairs of src:dest files to scan for expressions to evaluate',
return parser.parse_args()
def _resolve_expressions_in_file(src: Path, dst: Path, paths: GnPaths):
dst.write_text(''.join(expand_expressions(paths, src.read_text())))
def main(
gn_root: Path,
current_path: Path,
default_toolchain: str,
current_toolchain: str,
files: Iterable[tuple[Path, Path]],
) -> int:
"""Evaluates GN target expressions within a list of files.
Modifies the files in-place with their resolved contents.
tool = current_toolchain if current_toolchain != default_toolchain else ''
paths = GnPaths(
for src, dst in files:
_resolve_expressions_in_file(src, dst, paths)
except ExpressionError as err:
_LOG.error('Error evaluating expressions in %s:', src)
_LOG.error(' %s', err)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':