blob: f10261568bfefb3283b594b20e930133320a57d6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Utilities for manipulating GN labels and paths."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from pathlib import PurePosixPath
class MalformedGnError(Exception):
"""Raised when creating a GN object fails."""
class GnPath:
"""Represents a GN source path to a file in the source tree."""
def __init__(
base: str | PurePosixPath | GnPath,
bazel: str | None = None,
gn: str | None = None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
) -> None:
"""Creates a GN source path.
base: A base GN source path. Other parameters are used to define
this object relative to the base.
bazel: A Bazel path relative to `base`.
gn: A GN source path relative to `base`.
self._path: PurePosixPath
base_path = _as_path(base)
if bazel:
self._from_bazel(base_path, bazel)
elif gn:
self._from_gn(base_path, gn)
self._path = base_path
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self._path)
def _from_bazel(self, base_path: PurePosixPath, label: str) -> None:
"""Populates this object using a Bazel file label.
A Bazel label looks like:
"//foo" => "$base/foo"
"//:bar/baz.txt" => "$base/bar/baz.txt"
"//foo:bar/baz.txt" => "$base/foo/bar/baz.txt"
match = re.match(r'//([^():]*)(?::([^():]+))?', label)
if not match:
raise MalformedGnError(f'invalid path: {label}')
groups = filter(None, match.groups())
self._path = base_path.joinpath(*groups)
def _from_gn(self, base_path: PurePosixPath, path: str) -> None:
"""Populates this object using a GN label.
Source-relative paths interpreted relative to `base`. Source-absolute
paths are used directly.
if path.startswith('//'):
self._path = PurePosixPath(path)
self._path = base_path.joinpath(path)
def path(self) -> str:
"""Returns the object's path."""
return str(self._path)
def file(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_path_info(..., "file")`."""
def name(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_path_info(..., "name")`."""
return self._path.stem
def extension(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_path_info(..., "extension")`."""
suffix = self._path.suffix
return suffix[1:] if suffix.startswith('.') else suffix
def dir(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_path_info(..., "dir")`."""
return str(self._path.parent)
class GnLabel:
"""Represents a GN dependency.
def __init__(
base: str | PurePosixPath | GnLabel,
public: bool = False,
bazel: str | None = None,
gn: str | None = None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
) -> None:
"""Creates a GN label.
base: A base GN label. Other parameters are used to define this
object relative to the base.
public: When this label is used to refer to a GN `dep`, this flag
indicates if it should be a `public_dep`.
bazel: A Bazel label relative to `base`.
gn: A GN label relative to `base`.
self._name: str
self._path: PurePosixPath
self._toolchain: str | None = None
self._public: bool = public
self._repo: str | None = None
base_path = _as_path(base)
if bazel:
self._from_bazel(base_path, bazel)
elif gn:
self._from_gn(base_path, gn)
elif ':' in str(base_path):
parts = str(base_path).split(':')
self._path = PurePosixPath(':'.join(parts[:-1]))
self._name = parts[-1]
elif isinstance(base, GnLabel):
self._path = base._path
self._name = base._name
self._path = base_path
self._name =
def __str__(self):
return self.with_toolchain() if self._toolchain else self.no_toolchain()
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def _from_bazel(self, base: PurePosixPath, label: str):
"""Populates this object using a Bazel label."""
match = re.match(r'(?:@([^():/]*))?//(.+)', label)
if not match:
raise MalformedGnError(f'invalid label: {label}')
self._repo = match[1]
if self._repo:
self._from_gn(PurePosixPath('$repo'), match[2])
self._from_gn(base, match[2])
def _from_gn(self, base: PurePosixPath, label: str):
"""Populates this object using a GN label."""
if label.startswith('//') or label.startswith('$'):
path = label
path = str(base.joinpath(label))
if ':' in path:
parts = path.split(':')
self._path = PurePosixPath(':'.join(parts[:-1]))
self._name = parts[-1]
self._path = PurePosixPath(path)
self._name =
parts = []
for part in
if part == '..' and parts and parts[-1] != '..':
self._path = PurePosixPath(*parts)
def name(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_label_info(..., "name"`)."""
return self._name
def dir(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_label_info(..., "dir"`)."""
return str(self._path)
def no_toolchain(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_label_info(..., "label_no_toolchain"`)."""
if self._path == PurePosixPath():
return f':{self._name}'
name = f':{self._name}' if self._name != else ''
return f'{self._path}{name}'
def with_toolchain(self) -> str:
"""Like GN's `get_label_info(..., "label_with_toolchain"`)."""
toolchain = self._toolchain if self._toolchain else 'default_toolchain'
if self._path == PurePosixPath():
return f':{self._name}({toolchain})'
name = f':{self._name}' if self._name != else ''
return f'{self._path}{name}({toolchain})'
def public(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether this is a public dep."""
return self._public
def repo(self) -> str:
"""Returns the label's repo, if any."""
return self._repo or ''
def resolve_repo(self, repo: str) -> None:
"""Replaces the repo placeholder with the given value."""
if self._path and[0] == '$repo':
self._path = PurePosixPath(
'$dir_pw_third_party', repo, *[1:]
def relative_to(self, start: str | PurePosixPath | GnLabel) -> str:
"""Returns a label string relative to the given starting label."""
start_path = _as_path(start)
if not start:
return self.no_toolchain()
if self._path == start_path:
return f':{self._name}'
path = _relative_to(self._path, start_path)
name = f':{self._name}' if self._name != else ''
return f'{path}{name}'
def joinlabel(self, relative: str) -> GnLabel:
"""Creates a new label by extending the current label."""
return GnLabel(self._path.joinpath(relative))
class GnVisibility:
"""Represents a GN visibility scope."""
def __init__(
base: str | PurePosixPath | GnLabel,
label: str | PurePosixPath | GnLabel,
bazel: str | None = None,
gn: str | None = None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
) -> None:
"""Creates a GN visibility scope.
base: A base GN label. Other parameters are used to define this
object relative to the base.
label: The label of the directory in which this scope is being
bazel: An absolute Bazel visibility label.
gn: A GN visibility label.
self._scope: GnLabel
label_path = _as_path(label)
if bazel:
self._from_bazel(_as_path(base), label_path, bazel)
elif gn:
self._from_gn(label_path, gn)
self._scope = GnLabel(label)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._scope)
def _from_bazel(
self, base: PurePosixPath, label: PurePosixPath, scope: str
"""Populates this object using a Bazel visibility label."""
if scope == '//visibility:public':
self._scope = GnLabel('//*')
elif scope == '//visibility:private':
self._scope = GnLabel(label, gn=':*')
elif not (match := re.match(r'//([^():]*):([^():]+)', scope)):
raise MalformedGnError(f'invalid visibility scope: {scope}')
elif match[2] == '__subpackages__':
self._scope = GnLabel(base, gn=f'{match[1]}/*')
elif match[2] == '__pkg__':
self._scope = GnLabel(base, gn=f'{match[1]}:*')
raise MalformedGnError(f'unsupported visibility scope: {scope}')
def _from_gn(self, label: PurePosixPath, scope: str):
"""Populates this object using a GN visibility scope."""
self._scope = GnLabel(label, gn=scope)
def relative_to(self, start: str | PurePosixPath | GnLabel) -> str:
"""Returns a label string relative to the given starting label."""
return self._scope.relative_to(start)
def within(self, other: GnVisibility) -> bool:
"""Returns whether this scope is a subset of another."""
as_label = GnLabel(str(other))
if == '*':
_path = self._scope.dir()
other_path = as_label.dir()
if other_path == '//*':
return True
if other_path.endswith('*'):
parent = PurePosixPath(other_path).parent
return PurePosixPath(_path).is_relative_to(parent)
return _path == other_path
return str(self) == str(other)
def _as_path(item: str | GnPath | GnLabel | PurePosixPath) -> PurePosixPath:
"""Converts an argument to be a PurePosixPath.
label: A string, path, or label to be converted to a PurePosixPath.
if isinstance(item, str):
return PurePosixPath(item)
if isinstance(item, GnPath):
return PurePosixPath(item.path())
if isinstance(item, GnLabel):
return PurePosixPath(item.dir())
return item
def _relative_to(
path: str | PurePosixPath, start: str | PurePosixPath
) -> PurePosixPath:
"""Like `PosixPath._relative_to`, but can ascend directories as well."""
if not start:
return PurePosixPath(path)
_path = PurePosixPath(path)
_start = PurePosixPath(start)
if[0] !=[0]:
return _path
ascend = PurePosixPath()
while not _path.is_relative_to(_start):
if _start.parent == PurePosixPath():
_start = _start.parent
ascend = ascend.joinpath('..')
return ascend.joinpath(_path.relative_to(_start))