blob: 7e15c7e6f871ee1d24de844933986827a2b918d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_multibuf/chunk.h"
#include <mutex>
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
namespace pw::multibuf {
namespace {
std::byte* CheckedAdd(std::byte* ptr, size_t offset) {
uintptr_t ptr_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
if (std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max() - ptr_int < offset) {
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(ptr_int + offset);
std::byte* CheckedSub(std::byte* ptr, size_t offset) {
uintptr_t ptr_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
if (ptr_int < offset) {
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(ptr_int - offset);
std::byte* BeginPtr(ByteSpan span) { return; }
std::byte* EndPtr(ByteSpan span) { return + span.size(); }
} // namespace
bool Chunk::CanMerge(const Chunk& next_chunk) const {
return region_tracker_ == next_chunk.region_tracker_ &&
EndPtr(span_) == BeginPtr(next_chunk.span_);
bool Chunk::Merge(OwnedChunk& next_chunk_owned) {
if (!CanMerge(*next_chunk_owned)) {
return false;
Chunk* next_chunk = std::move(next_chunk_owned).Take();
// Note: Both chunks have the same ``region_tracker_``.
// We lock the one from `next_chunk` to satisfy the automatic
// checker that ``RemoveFromRegionList`` is safe to call.
std::lock_guard lock(next_chunk->region_tracker_->lock_);
PW_DCHECK(next_in_region_ == next_chunk);
span_ = ByteSpan(data(), size() + next_chunk->size());
return true;
void Chunk::InsertAfterInRegionList(Chunk* new_chunk)
PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(region_tracker_->lock_) {
new_chunk->next_in_region_ = next_in_region_;
new_chunk->prev_in_region_ = this;
if (next_in_region_ != nullptr) {
next_in_region_->prev_in_region_ = new_chunk;
next_in_region_ = new_chunk;
void Chunk::InsertBeforeInRegionList(Chunk* new_chunk)
PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(region_tracker_->lock_) {
new_chunk->next_in_region_ = this;
new_chunk->prev_in_region_ = prev_in_region_;
if (prev_in_region_ != nullptr) {
prev_in_region_->next_in_region_ = new_chunk;
prev_in_region_ = new_chunk;
void Chunk::RemoveFromRegionList()
PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(region_tracker_->lock_) {
if (prev_in_region_ != nullptr) {
prev_in_region_->next_in_region_ = next_in_region_;
if (next_in_region_ != nullptr) {
next_in_region_->prev_in_region_ = prev_in_region_;
prev_in_region_ = nullptr;
next_in_region_ = nullptr;
std::optional<OwnedChunk> ChunkRegionTracker::CreateFirstChunk() {
void* memory = AllocateChunkClass();
if (memory == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
// Note: `Region()` is `const`, so no lock is required.
Chunk* chunk = new (memory) Chunk(this, Region());
return OwnedChunk(chunk);
void Chunk::Free() {
span_ = ByteSpan();
bool region_empty;
// Record `region_track` so that it is available for use even after
// `this` is free'd by the call to `DeallocateChunkClass`.
ChunkRegionTracker* region_tracker = region_tracker_;
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
region_empty = prev_in_region_ == nullptr && next_in_region_ == nullptr;
// NOTE: do *not* attempt to access any fields of `this` after this point.
// The lock must be held while deallocating this, otherwise another
// ``Chunk::Release`` in the same region could race and call
// ``ChunkRegionTracker::Destroy``, making this call no longer valid.
if (region_empty) {
void OwnedChunk::Release() {
if (inner_ == nullptr) {
inner_ = nullptr;
bool Chunk::ClaimPrefix(size_t bytes_to_claim) {
if (bytes_to_claim == 0) {
return true;
// In order to roll back `bytes_to_claim`, the current chunk must start at
// least `bytes_to_claim` after the beginning of the current region.
std::byte* new_start = CheckedSub(data(), bytes_to_claim);
// Note: `Region()` is `const`, so no lock is required.
if (new_start == nullptr || new_start < BeginPtr(region_tracker_->Region())) {
return false;
// `lock` is acquired in order to traverse the linked list and mutate `span_`.
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
// If there are any chunks before this one, they must not end after
// `new_start`.
Chunk* prev = prev_in_region_;
if (prev != nullptr && EndPtr(*prev) > new_start) {
return false;
size_t old_size = span_.size();
span_ = ByteSpan(new_start, old_size + bytes_to_claim);
return true;
bool Chunk::ClaimSuffix(size_t bytes_to_claim) {
if (bytes_to_claim == 0) {
return true;
// In order to expand forward `bytes_to_claim`, the current chunk must start
// at least `subytes` before the end of the current region.
std::byte* new_end = CheckedAdd(EndPtr(*this), bytes_to_claim);
// Note: `Region()` is `const`, so no lock is required.
if (new_end == nullptr || new_end > EndPtr(region_tracker_->Region())) {
return false;
// `lock` is acquired in order to traverse the linked list and mutate `span_`.
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
// If there are any chunks after this one, they must not start before
// `new_end`.
Chunk* next = next_in_region_;
if (next != nullptr && BeginPtr(next->span_) < new_end) {
return false;
size_t old_size = span_.size();
span_ = ByteSpan(data(), old_size + bytes_to_claim);
return true;
void Chunk::DiscardPrefix(size_t bytes_to_discard) {
Slice(bytes_to_discard, size());
void Chunk::Slice(size_t begin, size_t end) {
PW_DCHECK(begin <= size());
PW_DCHECK(end <= size());
PW_DCHECK(end >= begin);
ByteSpan new_span(data() + begin, end - begin);
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
span_ = new_span;
void Chunk::Truncate(size_t len) { Slice(0, len); }
std::optional<OwnedChunk> Chunk::TakePrefix(size_t bytes_to_take) {
void* new_chunk_memory = region_tracker_->AllocateChunkClass();
if (new_chunk_memory == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
PW_DCHECK(bytes_to_take <= size());
ByteSpan first_span = ByteSpan(data(), bytes_to_take);
ByteSpan second_span =
ByteSpan(data() + bytes_to_take, size() - bytes_to_take);
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
span_ = second_span;
Chunk* new_chunk = new (new_chunk_memory) Chunk(region_tracker_, first_span);
return OwnedChunk(new_chunk);
std::optional<OwnedChunk> Chunk::TakeSuffix(size_t bytes_to_take) {
void* new_chunk_memory = region_tracker_->AllocateChunkClass();
if (new_chunk_memory == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
PW_DCHECK(bytes_to_take <= size());
ByteSpan first_span = ByteSpan(data(), size() - bytes_to_take);
ByteSpan second_span = ByteSpan(EndPtr(*this) - bytes_to_take, bytes_to_take);
std::lock_guard lock(region_tracker_->lock_);
span_ = first_span;
Chunk* new_chunk = new (new_chunk_memory) Chunk(region_tracker_, second_span);
return OwnedChunk(new_chunk);
} // namespace pw::multibuf