blob: 2614148a366d320b7d80ced89d1aa5562ab2c853 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <tuple>
#include "pw_multibuf/chunk.h"
#include "pw_preprocessor/compiler.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::multibuf {
/// A buffer optimized for zero-copy data transfer.
/// A ``MultiBuf`` consists of multiple ``Chunk`` s of data.
class MultiBuf {
class iterator;
class const_iterator;
class ChunkIterator;
class ConstChunkIterator;
class ChunkIterable;
constexpr MultiBuf() : first_(nullptr) {}
static MultiBuf FromChunk(OwnedChunk&& chunk) {
MultiBuf buf;
buf.first_ = std::move(chunk).Take();
return buf;
MultiBuf(const MultiBuf&) = delete;
MultiBuf& operator=(const MultiBuf&) = delete;
// Disable maybe-uninitialized: this check fails erroniously on Windows GCC.
PW_MODIFY_DIAGNOSTIC_GCC(ignored, "-Wmaybe-uninitialized");
constexpr MultiBuf(MultiBuf&& other) noexcept : first_(other.first_) {
other.first_ = nullptr;
MultiBuf& operator=(MultiBuf&& other) noexcept {
first_ = other.first_;
other.first_ = nullptr;
return *this;
/// Decrements the reference count on the underlying chunks of data and
/// empties this ``MultiBuf`` so that ``size() == 0``.
/// Does not modify the underlying data, but may cause it to be deallocated
/// This method is equivalent to ``{ MultiBuf _unused = std::move(multibuf);
/// }``
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
void Release() noexcept;
/// This destructor will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
~MultiBuf() { Release(); }
/// Returns the number of bytes in this container.
/// This method's complexity is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const;
/// Returns whether the container is empty (`size() == 0`).
/// This method's complexity is ``O(Chunks().size())``, but will be more
/// efficient than `size() == 0` in most cases.
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const;
/// Returns if the `MultiBuf` is contiguous. A `MultiBuf` is contiguous if it
/// is comprised of either:
/// - one non-empty chunk,
/// - only empty chunks, or
/// - no chunks at all.
[[nodiscard]] bool IsContiguous() const {
return ContiguousSpan().has_value();
/// If the `MultiBuf` is contiguous, returns it as a span. The span will be
/// empty if the `MultiBuf` is empty.
/// A `MultiBuf` is contiguous if it is comprised of either:
/// - one non-empty chunk,
/// - only empty chunks, or
/// - no chunks at all.
std::optional<ByteSpan> ContiguousSpan() {
auto result = std::as_const(*this).ContiguousSpan();
if (result.has_value()) {
return span(const_cast<std::byte*>(result->data()), result->size());
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<ConstByteSpan> ContiguousSpan() const;
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the first byte of this ``MultiBuf`.
iterator begin() { return iterator(first_); }
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the first byte of this ``MultiBuf`.
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(first_); }
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the first byte of this ``MultiBuf`.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(first_); }
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the end of this ``MultiBuf``.
iterator end() { return iterator::end(); }
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the end of this ``MultiBuf``.
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator::end(); }
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the end of this ``MultiBuf``.
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator::end(); }
/// Attempts to add ``bytes_to_claim`` to the front of this buffer by
/// advancing its range backwards in memory. Returns ``true`` if the operation
/// succeeded.
/// This will only succeed if the first ``Chunk`` in this buffer points to a
/// section of a region that has unreferenced bytes preceeding it. See also
/// ``Chunk::ClaimPrefix``.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClaimPrefix(size_t bytes_to_claim);
/// Attempts to add ``bytes_to_claim`` to the front of this buffer by
/// advancing its range forwards in memory. Returns ``true`` if the operation
/// succeeded.
/// This will only succeed if the last ``Chunk`` in this buffer points to a
/// section of a region that has unreferenced bytes following it. See also
/// ``Chunk::ClaimSuffix``.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClaimSuffix(size_t bytes_to_claim);
/// Shrinks this handle to refer to the data beginning at offset
/// ``bytes_to_discard``.
/// Does not modify the underlying data. The discarded memory continues
/// to be held by the underlying region as long as any ``Chunk``s exist within
/// it. This allows the memory to be later reclaimed using ``ClaimPrefix``.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
void DiscardPrefix(size_t bytes_to_discard);
/// Shrinks this handle to refer to data in the range ``begin..<end``.
/// Does not modify the underlying data. The discarded memory continues
/// to be held by the underlying region as long as any ``Chunk``s exist within
/// it. This allows the memory to be later reclaimed using ``ClaimPrefix``
/// or ``ClaimSuffix``.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
void Slice(size_t begin, size_t end);
/// Shrinks this handle to refer to only the first ``len`` bytes.
/// Does not modify the underlying data. The discarded memory continues
/// to be held by the underlying region as long as any ``Chunk``s exist within
/// it. This allows the memory to be later reclaimed using ``ClaimSuffix``.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
void Truncate(size_t len);
/// Truncates the `MultiBuf` after the current iterator. All bytes following
/// the iterator are removed.
/// Does not modify the underlying data.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
void TruncateAfter(iterator pos);
/// Attempts to shrink this handle to refer to the data beginning at
/// offset ``bytes_to_take``, returning the first ``bytes_to_take`` bytes as
/// a new ``MultiBuf``.
/// If the inner call to ``AllocateChunkClass`` fails, this function
/// will return ``std::nullopt` and this handle's span will not change.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
std::optional<MultiBuf> TakePrefix(size_t bytes_to_take);
/// Attempts to shrink this handle to refer only the first
/// ``len - bytes_to_take`` bytes, returning the last ``bytes_to_take``
/// bytes as a new ``MultiBuf``.
/// If the inner call to ``AllocateChunkClass`` fails, this function
/// will return ``std::nullopt`` and this handle's span will not change.
/// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
std::optional<MultiBuf> TakeSuffix(size_t bytes_to_take);
/// Pushes ``front`` onto the front of this ``MultiBuf``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(front.Chunks().size())``.
void PushPrefix(MultiBuf&& front);
/// Pushes ``tail`` onto the end of this ``MultiBuf``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
void PushSuffix(MultiBuf&& tail);
/// Copies bytes from the multibuf into the provided buffer.
/// @param[out] dest Destination into which to copy data from the `MultiBuf`.
/// @param[in] position Offset in the `MultiBuf` from which to start.
/// @returns @rst
/// .. pw-status-codes::
/// OK: All bytes were copied into the desstination. The
/// :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize` includes the number of bytes copied,
/// which is the size of the ``MultiBuf``.
/// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Some bytes were copied, but the ``MultiBuf`` was
/// larger than the destination buffer. The :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize`
/// includes the number of bytes copied.
/// @endrst
StatusWithSize CopyTo(ByteSpan dest, size_t position = 0) const;
/// Copies bytes from the provided buffer into the multibuf.
/// @param[in] source Data to copy into the `MultiBuf`.
/// @param[in] position Offset in the `MultiBuf` from which to start.
/// @returns @rst
/// .. pw-status-codes::
/// OK: All bytes were copied. The :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize` includes
/// the number of bytes copied, which is the size of the ``MultiBuf``.
/// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Some bytes were copied, but the source was larger
/// than the destination. The :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize` includes the
/// number of bytes copied.
/// @endrst
StatusWithSize CopyFrom(ConstByteSpan source, size_t position = 0) {
return CopyFromAndOptionallyTruncate(source, position, /*truncate=*/false);
/// Copies bytes from the provided buffer into this `MultiBuf` and truncates
/// it to the end of the copied data. This is a more efficient version of:
/// @code{.cpp}
/// if (multibuf.CopyFrom(destination).ok()) {
/// multibuf.Truncate(destination.size());
/// }
/// @endcode
/// @param[in] source Data to copy into the `MultiBuf`.
/// @param[in] position Offset in the `MultiBuf` from which to start.
/// @returns @rst
/// .. pw-status-codes::
/// OK: All bytes were copied and the `MultiBuf` was truncated. The
/// :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize` includes the new `MultiBuf` size.
/// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Some bytes were copied, but the source buffer was
/// larger than the ``MultiBuf``. The returned
/// :cpp:class:`pw::StatusWithSize` includes the number of bytes copied,
/// which is the size of the ``MultiBuf``.
/// @endrst
StatusWithSize CopyFromAndTruncate(ConstByteSpan source,
size_t position = 0) {
return CopyFromAndOptionallyTruncate(source, position, /*truncate=*/true);
//--------------------- Chunk manipulation ----------------------//
/// Pushes ``Chunk`` onto the front of the ``MultiBuf``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(1)``.
void PushFrontChunk(OwnedChunk&& chunk);
/// Pushes ``Chunk`` onto the end of the ``MultiBuf``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
void PushBackChunk(OwnedChunk&& chunk);
/// Removes the first ``Chunk``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(1)``.
OwnedChunk TakeFrontChunk();
/// Inserts ``chunk`` into the specified position in the ``MultiBuf``.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the newly-inserted ``Chunk``.
// Implementation note: ``Chunks().size()`` should be remain relatively
// small, but this could be made ``O(1)`` in the future by adding a ``prev``
// pointer to the ``ChunkIterator``.
ChunkIterator InsertChunk(ChunkIterator position, OwnedChunk&& chunk);
/// Removes a ``Chunk`` from the specified position.
/// This operation does not move any data and is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the ``Chunk`` after the removed
/// ``Chunk``, or ``Chunks().end()`` if this was the last ``Chunk`` in the
/// ``MultiBuf``.
// Implementation note: ``Chunks().size()`` should be remain relatively
// small, but this could be made ``O(1)`` in the future by adding a ``prev``
// pointer to the ``ChunkIterator``.
std::tuple<ChunkIterator, OwnedChunk> TakeChunk(ChunkIterator position);
/// Returns an iterable container which yields the ``Chunk``s in this
/// ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr ChunkIterable Chunks() { return ChunkIterable(first_); }
/// Returns an iterable container which yields the ``const Chunk``s in
/// this ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr const ChunkIterable Chunks() const { return ChunkIterable(first_); }
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the first ``Chunk`` in this ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr ChunkIterator ChunkBegin() { return ChunkIterator(first_); }
/// Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the ``Chunk``s in this
/// ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr ChunkIterator ChunkEnd() { return ChunkIterator::end(); }
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the first ``Chunk`` in this
/// ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr ConstChunkIterator ConstChunkBegin() {
return ConstChunkIterator(first_);
/// Returns a const iterator pointing to the end of the ``Chunk``s in this
/// ``MultiBuf``.
constexpr ConstChunkIterator ConstChunkEnd() {
return ConstChunkIterator::end();
//--------------------- Iterator details ------------------------//
using element_type = std::byte;
using value_type = std::byte;
using pointer = std::byte*;
using const_pointer = const std::byte*;
using reference = std::byte&;
using const_reference = const std::byte&;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using size_type = std::size_t;
/// A const ``std::forward_iterator`` over the bytes of a ``MultiBuf``.
class const_iterator {
using value_type = std::byte;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = const std::byte&;
using pointer = const std::byte*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
constexpr const_iterator() : chunk_(nullptr), byte_index_(0) {}
reference operator*() const { return (*chunk_)[byte_index_]; }
pointer operator->() const { return &(*chunk_)[byte_index_]; }
const_iterator& operator++();
const_iterator operator++(int) {
const_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
const_iterator operator+(size_t rhs) const {
const_iterator tmp = *this;
tmp += rhs;
return tmp;
const_iterator& operator+=(size_t advance);
constexpr bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const {
return chunk_ == other.chunk_ && byte_index_ == other.byte_index_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
/// Returns the current ``Chunk`` pointed to by this `iterator`.
constexpr const Chunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
/// Returns the index of the byte pointed to by this `iterator` within the
/// current ``Chunk``.
constexpr size_t byte_index() const { return byte_index_; }
friend class MultiBuf;
explicit constexpr const_iterator(const Chunk* chunk, size_t byte_index = 0)
: chunk_(chunk), byte_index_(byte_index) {
static const_iterator end() { return const_iterator(nullptr); }
constexpr void AdvanceToData() {
while (chunk_ != nullptr && chunk_->empty()) {
chunk_ = chunk_->next_in_buf_;
const Chunk* chunk_;
size_t byte_index_;
/// An ``std::forward_iterator`` over the bytes of a ``MultiBuf``.
class iterator {
using value_type = std::byte;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = std::byte&;
using pointer = std::byte*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
constexpr iterator() = default;
reference operator*() const { return const_cast<std::byte&>(*const_iter_); }
pointer operator->() const { return const_cast<std::byte*>(&*const_iter_); }
iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
iterator operator+(size_t rhs) const {
iterator tmp = *this;
tmp += rhs;
return tmp;
iterator& operator+=(size_t rhs) {
const_iter_ += rhs;
return *this;
constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
return const_iter_ == other.const_iter_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
return const_iter_ != other.const_iter_;
/// Returns the current ``Chunk`` pointed to by this `iterator`.
constexpr Chunk* chunk() const {
return const_cast<Chunk*>(const_iter_.chunk());
/// Returns the index of the byte pointed to by this `iterator` within the
/// current ``Chunk``.
constexpr size_t byte_index() const { return const_iter_.byte_index(); }
friend class MultiBuf;
explicit constexpr iterator(Chunk* chunk, size_t byte_index = 0)
: const_iter_(chunk, byte_index) {}
static iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); }
const_iterator const_iter_;
/// An iterable containing the ``Chunk`` s of a ``MultiBuf``.
class ChunkIterable {
using element_type = Chunk;
using value_type = Chunk;
using pointer = Chunk*;
using reference = Chunk&;
using const_pointer = const Chunk*;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using const_reference = const Chunk&;
using size_type = std::size_t;
/// Returns a reference to the first chunk.
/// The behavior of this method is undefined when ``size() == 0``.
Chunk& front() { return *first_; }
const Chunk& front() const { return *first_; }
/// Returns a reference to the final chunk.
/// The behavior of this method is undefined when ``size() == 0``.
/// NOTE: this method is ``O(size())``.
Chunk& back();
const Chunk& back() const;
constexpr ChunkIterator begin() { return ChunkIterator(first_); }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator cbegin() const {
return ConstChunkIterator(first_);
constexpr ChunkIterator end() { return ChunkIterator::end(); }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator end() const { return cend(); }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator cend() const {
return ConstChunkIterator::end();
/// Returns the number of ``Chunk``s in this iterable.
size_t size() const;
Chunk* first_ = nullptr;
constexpr ChunkIterable(Chunk* chunk) : first_(chunk) {}
friend class MultiBuf;
/// A ``std::forward_iterator`` over the ``Chunk``s of a ``MultiBuf``.
class ChunkIterator {
using value_type = Chunk;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = Chunk&;
using pointer = Chunk*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
constexpr ChunkIterator() = default;
constexpr reference operator*() const { return *chunk_; }
constexpr pointer operator->() const { return chunk_; }
constexpr ChunkIterator& operator++() {
chunk_ = chunk_->next_in_buf_;
return *this;
constexpr ChunkIterator operator++(int) {
ChunkIterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr bool operator==(const ChunkIterator& other) const {
return chunk_ == other.chunk_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const ChunkIterator& other) const {
return chunk_ != other.chunk_;
constexpr Chunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
constexpr operator ConstChunkIterator() const {
return ConstChunkIterator(chunk_);
constexpr ChunkIterator(Chunk* chunk) : chunk_(chunk) {}
static constexpr ChunkIterator end() { return ChunkIterator(nullptr); }
Chunk* chunk_ = nullptr;
friend class MultiBuf;
friend class ChunkIterable;
/// A const ``std::forward_iterator`` over the ``Chunk``s of a ``MultiBuf``.
class ConstChunkIterator {
using value_type = const Chunk;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = const Chunk&;
using pointer = const Chunk*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
constexpr ConstChunkIterator() = default;
constexpr reference operator*() const { return *chunk_; }
constexpr pointer operator->() const { return chunk_; }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator& operator++() {
chunk_ = chunk_->next_in_buf_;
return *this;
constexpr ConstChunkIterator operator++(int) {
ConstChunkIterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr bool operator==(const ConstChunkIterator& other) const {
return chunk_ == other.chunk_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const ConstChunkIterator& other) const {
return chunk_ != other.chunk_;
constexpr const Chunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
constexpr ConstChunkIterator(const Chunk* chunk) : chunk_(chunk) {}
static constexpr ConstChunkIterator end() {
return ConstChunkIterator(nullptr);
const Chunk* chunk_ = nullptr;
friend class MultiBuf;
friend class ChunkIterable;
friend class ChunkIterator;
/// Returns the ``Chunk`` preceding ``chunk`` in this ``MultiBuf``.
/// Requires that this ``MultiBuf`` is not empty, and that ``chunk``
/// is either in ``MultiBuf`` or is ``nullptr``, in which case the last
/// ``Chunk`` in ``MultiBuf`` will be returned.
/// This operation is ``O(Chunks().size())``.
Chunk* Previous(Chunk* chunk) const;
StatusWithSize CopyFromAndOptionallyTruncate(ConstByteSpan source,
size_t position,
bool truncate);
Chunk* first_;
} // namespace pw::multibuf