blob: b815743049fb0de568a5c10ae53aa5d46a399b66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_spi_mcuxpresso/responder.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
// Vendor terminology requires this to be disabled.
// inclusive-language: disable
namespace pw::spi {
namespace {
uint8_t* SpanData(ByteSpan& span) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<uint8_t, unsigned char>);
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(;
uint8_t* SpanDataDiscardConst(ConstByteSpan& span) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<uint8_t, unsigned char>);
return const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
Status ToPwStatus(status_t status) {
switch (status) {
// Intentional fall-through
case kStatus_Success:
case kStatus_SPI_Idle:
return OkStatus();
case kStatus_ReadOnly:
return Status::PermissionDenied();
case kStatus_OutOfRange:
return Status::OutOfRange();
case kStatus_InvalidArgument:
return Status::InvalidArgument();
case kStatus_Timeout:
return Status::DeadlineExceeded();
case kStatus_NoTransferInProgress:
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
// Intentional fall-through
case kStatus_Fail:
PW_LOG_ERROR("Mcuxpresso SPI unknown error code: %d",
return Status::Unknown();
Status SetSdkConfig(const McuxpressoResponder::Config& config,
spi_slave_config_t& sdk_config) {
switch (config.polarity) {
case ClockPolarity::kActiveLow:
sdk_config.polarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow;
case ClockPolarity::kActiveHigh:
sdk_config.polarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh;
return Status::InvalidArgument();
switch (config.phase) {
case ClockPhase::kRisingEdge:
sdk_config.phase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge;
case ClockPhase::kFallingEdge:
sdk_config.phase = kSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge;
return Status::InvalidArgument();
switch (config.bit_order) {
case BitOrder::kMsbFirst:
sdk_config.direction = kSPI_MsbFirst;
case BitOrder::kLsbFirst:
sdk_config.direction = kSPI_LsbFirst;
return Status::InvalidArgument();
switch (config.bits_per_word()) {
case 4:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data4Bits;
case 5:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data5Bits;
case 6:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data6Bits;
case 7:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data7Bits;
case 8:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data8Bits;
case 9:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data9Bits;
case 10:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data10Bits;
case 11:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data11Bits;
case 12:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data12Bits;
case 13:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data13Bits;
case 14:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data14Bits;
case 15:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data15Bits;
case 16:
sdk_config.dataWidth = kSPI_Data16Bits;
return Status::InvalidArgument();
return OkStatus();
// Helpful things missing from the SDK
const IRQn_Type spi_irq_map[] = SPI_IRQS;
// Enable interrupt on CS asserted / de-asserted.
void SPI_EnableSSInterrupt(SPI_Type* base) {
base->STAT = SPI_STAT_SSA_MASK | SPI_STAT_SSD_MASK; // Clear first
// Disable interrupt on CS asserted / de-asserted.
void SPI_DisableSSInterrupt(SPI_Type* base) {
// Empty the TX and RX FIFOs.
void SPI_EmptyFifos(SPI_Type* base) {
bool SPI_RxFifoIsEmpty(SPI_Type* base) {
// RXNOTEMPTY: Receive FIFO is Not Empty
// 0 - The receive FIFO is empty.
// 1 - The receive FIFO is not empty, so data can be read.
// Non-FIFO interrupt sources
enum _spi_interrupt_sources {
// Gets a bitmap of active (pending + enabled) interrupts.
// Test against _spi_interrupt_sources constants.
uint32_t SPI_GetActiveInterrupts(SPI_Type* base) {
// Verify that the bits in INTSTAT and INTENSET are the same.
return base->INTSTAT & base->INTENSET;
// Clears a bitmap of active interrupts.
// This acknowledges the interrupt; it does not disable it.
// @irqs is either kSPI_SlaveSelAssertIrq or kSPI_SlaveSelDeassertIrq.
void SPI_ClearActiveInterrupts(SPI_Type* base, uint32_t irqs) {
// Verify that the bits in STAT match the enum.
static_assert(SPI_STAT_SSA_MASK == kSPI_SlaveSelAssertIrq);
static_assert(SPI_STAT_SSD_MASK == kSPI_SlaveSelDeassertIrq);
PW_CHECK((irqs & ~(kSPI_SlaveSelAssertIrq | kSPI_SlaveSelDeassertIrq)) == 0);
base->STAT = irqs; // write to clear
} // namespace
Status McuxpressoResponder::Initialize() {
status_t sdk_status;
spi_slave_config_t sdk_config;
spi_dma_callback_t callback;
PW_TRY(SetSdkConfig(config_, sdk_config));
// Hard coded for now, till added to Config
sdk_config.sselPol = kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow;
sdk_status = SPI_SlaveInit(base_, &sdk_config);
if (sdk_status != kStatus_Success) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("SPI_SlaveInit failed: %ld", sdk_status);
return ToPwStatus(sdk_status);
if (config_.handle_cs) {
// Set up the FLEXCOMM IRQ to get CS assertion/deassertion.
// See SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle().
// Note that the 'handle' argument can actually be anything.
FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(base_, FlexcommSpiIrqHandler, this);
// Enable SPI interrupt in NVIC
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base_);
// We only use the CS deassertion interrupt to complete transfers.
// Don't provide any callback to the SPI driver (to be invoked by DMA IRQ).
callback = nullptr;
// Disable the DMA channel interrupts.
// If we leave them enabled, then the SPI driver could complete a full
// transfer, move the state to kSPI_Idle, and prevent
// SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA() from working.
} else {
// Without CS deassertion, we use the SPI driver callback (invoked by DMA
// IRQ) to complete transfers.
callback = McuxpressoResponder::SdkCallback;
// Enable the DMA channel interrupts.
// These are enabled by default by DMA_CreateHandle(), but re-enable them
// anyway in case they were disabled for some reason.
sdk_status = SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA(
base_, &handle_, callback, this, tx_dma_.handle(), rx_dma_.handle());
if (sdk_status != kStatus_Success) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA failed: %ld", sdk_status);
return ToPwStatus(sdk_status);
return OkStatus();
void McuxpressoResponder::TransferComplete(Status status,
size_t bytes_transferred) {
if (config_.handle_cs) {
// Abort the DMA transfer (if active).
SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA(base_, &handle_);
// Check for TX underflow / RX overflow
// TODO(jrreinhart): Unfortunately we can't do this. We want to check for
// FIFO under/overflow *while* the transfer is running, but if the initiator
// sent more bytes than the DMA was set up to receive, both of these errors
// will happen (after the DMA is complete). We would need to find a way to
// capture this status immediate when the DMA is complete, or otherwise
// monitor it during the transfer.
#if 0
if (status.ok()) {
if (SPI_RxError(base_)) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("RX FIFO overflow detected!");
status = Status::DataLoss();
if (SPI_TxError(base_)) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("TX FIFO underflow detected!");
status = Status::DataLoss();
// TODO(jrreinhart) Remove these safety checks.
if (rx_dma_.IsBusy()) {
PW_LOG_WARN("After completion, rx_dma still busy!");
if (rx_dma_.IsActive()) {
PW_LOG_WARN("After completion, rx_dma still active!");
// Empty the FIFOs.
// If the initiator sent more bytes than the DMA was set up to receive, the
// RXFIFO will have the residue. This isn't strictly necessary since they'll
// be cleared on the next call to SPI_SlaveTransferDMA(), but we do it anyway
// for cleanliness.
// Clear the FIFO DMA request signals.
// From IMXRT500RM DMA operation:
// "A DMA request is provided for each SPI direction, and can be used instead
// of interrupts for transferring data... The DMA controller provides an
// acknowledgement signal that clears the related request when it (the DMA
// controller) completes handling that request."
// If the initiator sent more bytes than the DMA was set up to receive, this
// request signal will remain latched on, even after the FIFO is emptied.
// This would cause a subsequent transfer to receive one stale residual byte
// from this prior transfer.
// We force if off here by disabling the DMA request signal.
// It will be re-enabled on the next transfer.
SPI_EnableRxDMA(base_, false);
SPI_EnableTxDMA(base_, false);
// Invoke the callback
auto received = current_transaction_.rx_data.subspan(0, bytes_transferred);
current_transaction_ = {};
completion_callback_(received, status);
void McuxpressoResponder::SdkCallback(SPI_Type* base,
spi_dma_handle_t* handle,
status_t sdk_status,
void* userData) {
// WARNING: This is called in IRQ context.
auto* responder = static_cast<McuxpressoResponder*>(userData);
PW_CHECK_PTR_EQ(base, responder->base_);
PW_CHECK_PTR_EQ(handle, &responder->handle_);
return responder->DmaComplete(sdk_status);
void McuxpressoResponder::DmaComplete(status_t sdk_status) {
// WARNING: This is called in IRQ context.
"DmaComplete should never be called when handle_cs=true!");
// Move to idle state.
if (State prev; !TryChangeState(State::kBusy, State::kIdle, &prev)) {
// Spurious callback? Or race condition in DoWriteReadAsync()?
PW_LOG_WARN("DmaComplete not in busy state, but %u",
static_cast<unsigned int>(prev));
// Transfer complete.
auto status = ToPwStatus(sdk_status);
size_t bytes_transferred =
status.ok() ? current_transaction_.rx_data.size() : 0;
TransferComplete(status, bytes_transferred);
void McuxpressoResponder::FlexcommSpiIrqHandler(void* base, void* arg) {
// WARNING: This is called in IRQ context.
SPI_Type* spi = static_cast<SPI_Type*>(base);
auto* responder = static_cast<McuxpressoResponder*>(arg);
PW_CHECK_PTR_EQ(spi, responder->base_);
// NOTE: It's possible that CS could deassert and INTSTAT.SSD could latch
// shortly after the IRQ handler is entered (due to INTSTAT.SSA), re-setting
// the IRQ as pending in the NVIC. In this case, we could handle both SSA and
// SSD in the same interrupt. When that happens, the IRQ remains pended in
// the NVIC, and the handler will file again. We simply ignore the second
// interrupt.
// It would wrong to try and handle only one of SSA or SSD per invocation
// because if the interrupt was handled late enough, it might only fire once.
const auto active_irqs = SPI_GetActiveInterrupts(spi);
// CS asserted?
if (active_irqs & kSPI_SlaveSelAssertIrq) {
SPI_ClearActiveInterrupts(spi, kSPI_SlaveSelAssertIrq);
// CS de-asserted?
if (active_irqs & kSPI_SlaveSelDeassertIrq) {
SPI_ClearActiveInterrupts(spi, kSPI_SlaveSelDeassertIrq);
void McuxpressoResponder::CsAsserted() {
// WARNING: This is called in IRQ context.
Status McuxpressoResponder::WaitForQuiescenceAfterCsDeassertion() {
// When CS is deasserted, the master is indicating that it has finished
// clocking out data into our FIFO. That could be more, less, or the same
// number of bytes requested by the user (in DoWriteReadAsync).
// Definitions:
// S: The DMA transfer size (as requested by the user).
// M: The number of bytes sent by the master.
// Case | Condition | DMA will complete? | FIFO will empty?
// -----|-----------|--------------------|-------------------
// 1 | M < S | No | Yes
// 2 | M = S | Yes | Yes
// 3 | M > S | Yes | No
// At this point, the RX FIFO might still have data that the DMA has not yet
// read.
// We wait for either the DMA channel to become inactive (case 2 or 3) or for
// the RX FIFO to become empty (case 1 or 2). When the FIFO empties, we also
// need to wait for the DMA channel to be non-busy, indicating that it has
// finished moving the data to SRAM.
// It is expected that by the time this function is called, the hardware will
// have already quiesced, and we won't actually wait at all. A warning log
// will indicate if that assumption does not hold true.
constexpr unsigned int kMaxWaitCount = 10000; // Arbitrary
unsigned int wait_count;
for (wait_count = 0; wait_count < kMaxWaitCount; ++wait_count) {
if (!rx_dma_.IsActive()) {
// The DMA has consumed as many bytes from the FIFO as it ever will.
if (SPI_RxFifoIsEmpty(base_) && !rx_dma_.IsBusy()) {
// The FIFO is empty, and the DMA channel has moved all data to SRAM.
// DMA is still active and FIFO is not empty. We need to wait.
if (wait_count == kMaxWaitCount) {
"After CS de-assertion, timed out waiting for DMA done or FIFO empty.");
return Status::DeadlineExceeded();
if (wait_count != 0) {
"After CS de-assertion, waited %u times for DMA done or FIFO empty.",
return OkStatus();
void McuxpressoResponder::CsDeasserted() {
// WARNING: This is called in IRQ context.
"CsDeasserted should only be called when handle_cs=true!");
// Move to idle state.
if (State prev; !TryChangeState(State::kBusy, State::kIdle, &prev)) {
PW_LOG_WARN("CsDeasserted not in busy state, but %u",
static_cast<unsigned int>(prev));
Status wait_status = WaitForQuiescenceAfterCsDeassertion();
// Get the number of bytes actually transferred.
// NOTE: SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA() fails if _handle.state != kSPI_Busy.
// Thus, it must be called before SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA() which changes
// the state to kSPI_Idle. Also, the DMA channel interrupts are disabled when
// CS is respected, because SPI_RxDMACallback() and SPI_TxDMACallback() also
// change the state to kSPI_Idle.
size_t bytes_transferred = 0;
status_t sdk_status =
SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA(base_, &handle_, &bytes_transferred);
// Transfer complete.
Status xfer_status = OkStatus();
if (!wait_status.ok()) {
bytes_transferred = 0;
xfer_status = wait_status;
} else if (sdk_status != kStatus_Success) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA() returned %" PRId32,
bytes_transferred = 0;
xfer_status = ToPwStatus(sdk_status);
TransferComplete(xfer_status, bytes_transferred);
Status McuxpressoResponder::DoWriteReadAsync(ConstByteSpan tx_data,
ByteSpan rx_data) {
if (!TryChangeState(State::kIdle, State::kBusy)) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Transaction already started");
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
// TODO(jrreinhart): There is a race here. If DoCancel() is called, it will
// move to kIdle, and invoke the callback with CANCELLED. But then we will
// still go on to perform the transfer anyway. When the transfer completes,
// SdkCallback will see kIdle and skip the callback. We avoid this problem
// by saying that DoWriteReadAsync() and DoCancel() should not be called from
// different threads, thus we only have to worry about DoCancel() racing the
// hardware / IRQ.
spi_transfer_t transfer = {};
if (!tx_data.empty() && !rx_data.empty()) {
// spi_transfer_t has only a single dataSize member, so tx_data and
// rx_data must be the same size. Separate rx/tx data sizes could
// theoretically be handled, but the SDK doesn't support it.
// TODO(jrreinhart) Support separate rx/tx data sizes.
// For non-DMA, it's a pretty simple patch.
// It should be doable for DMA also, but I haven't looked into it.
if (tx_data.size() != rx_data.size()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument();
transfer.txData = SpanDataDiscardConst(tx_data);
transfer.rxData = SpanData(rx_data);
transfer.dataSize = rx_data.size();
} else if (!tx_data.empty()) {
transfer.txData = SpanDataDiscardConst(tx_data);
transfer.dataSize = tx_data.size();
} else if (!rx_data.empty()) {
transfer.rxData = SpanData(rx_data);
transfer.dataSize = rx_data.size();
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument();
current_transaction_ = {
.rx_data = rx_data,
if (config_.handle_cs) {
// Complete the transfer when CS is deasserted.
status_t sdk_status = SPI_SlaveTransferDMA(base_, &handle_, &transfer);
if (sdk_status != kStatus_Success) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("SPI_SlaveTransferDMA failed: %ld", sdk_status);
return ToPwStatus(sdk_status);
return OkStatus();
void McuxpressoResponder::DoCancel() {
if (!TryChangeState(State::kBusy, State::kIdle)) {
TransferComplete(Status::Cancelled(), 0);
} // namespace pw::spi